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I love single player games because no matter how weird/angry/toxic the fanbase is you can just not interact with them at all šŸ˜„


Beautifully said. There's a weird amount of discourse for a game 99% of us haven't played yet. I'm ecstatic that after over a decade of waiting we're getting a sequel.


And it's a sequel that looks *damned good*. Like FPS can irritate you, bugs can irritate you, but this is a massive, *massive* follow-up to what was already a spectacular game. A game with hundreds of hours of enjoyment. I'm stoked!


KatBar, I love your attitude. 30 fps in big cities, for now, really isn't that big an issue. For what's bound to be a great game people need to focus on all the good instead of what appears to be minimal issues. Powerful rigs/consoles have spoiled us.


The way I see it, even if I were in the devs' shoes, since they likely saw that coming while adding more and more NPCs, would I rather cut on the number and complexity of NPCs, or keep things as they were knowing hardware would eventually catch up? And as a player as well I'd rather have a complex game hard to run at launch than an emptier one that would stay like this forever. So I'm not too worried.


Agreed! I have over 1000 hours in DD1 across all platforms and I'm just so hyped I don't give a shit what anyone says.


Spot on, it is why I play pretty much exclusively single player games. Very much looking forward to DD2!


Yeah I'm leaving this sub. People are crying over nothing and pretending the game is bad because their 7 year old PC can't run it. Reminds me of the discourse with Rise of the Ronin too, some of the same people getting upset because it sacrificed graphics for a good framerate.Ā 


ā€œDead game?ā€ Yes. Itā€™s just me playing, and itā€™s glorious.


Oh dont worry youā€™ll get pawned ![gif](giphy|uDtc7OAhusWd2ug6z3)


This is why I hate mk1 lack of solo mode content. Playing online is just pure annoying


The whole reason I fell out of love with fighting games is the whole online component. Itā€™s one thing to fight against your bros on game night, but going up against some sweatlord with 9000 hours playing Siegfried in SCV who sends you DMs for weeks after he smokes you is unfavorable and not uncommon.


I can feel you bro, these sweatlords ruined the competitive experience. And we can see how different was the competition 5 years ago with now.


Agreed. And you can enjoy the game at your leisure


Beautifully said. This is why I do not play any MMO's wirh the rare exception of some games with family.


trueeeeeee xD


Just wait til you run into the pawn named ThirtyFPS


This may be my favorite comment of all time




Does it really matter when everyone's clamoring to the internet to state their opinions to others??? Ya know, that virtual world full of toxic fanbases, and overall dark human nature.


Idk man I played Dark souls on 360, blighttown was literally 10 fps šŸ˜­


Same. Beat that area a bunch of times too. I'll be having hella fun tomorrow night


I still play bloodborne at 30fps. Itā€™s to get ready for the eventual remake šŸ¤”


Was just playing through bloodborne again on my OG PS4. Don't mind some sub-30 drops šŸ˜… I think this'll still be a fun one for me even without a hot fix


Same lol. Choppy as shit. But once you get use it you barely notice it. Demon souls remake was my first taste in 60 fps and it can be tough going back to 30.


This is EXACTLY what I've been referencing in my head!! " I don't know man... Did you ever play Dark Souls on PS3? Blight Town ran horribly! Single digit frame rate during tense, incredibly difficult combat, but the games still a masterpiece!"


Hell even Dragon's Dogma on 360, they basically had to put permanent black bars on the screen just so it could run at a reasonable framerate.


The denuvo legit sucks The performance issues legit sucks If those are enough to make the game unplayable for you, that's 100% justifiable.


let's see how much it will improve this time when they remove it


It takes them 4 years before they remove it.


I thought Capcom removes Denuvo after a year, usually.


Whats a denuvo?


DRM software tends to make games chug because it's constantly checking if you own the game.


Yeah if you can enjoy a game running at 30 fps that's fine. But when a game releases at 70 bucks and even the best setup currently available doesn't get you consistently over 60 fps, that's a problem. Have some standards


And then came a point where the consumers called each other "entitled" to shame each other for wanting the best bang out of their buck.


This is always so confusing to me. Like, if there are legit flaws with the product why are some people so upset over the fact that some people are upset becuase of the flaws? Like, imagine if a new car model is launched and the top speed and acceleration is half of what is advertised and instead of being awd it's fwd. And then people calling out the company about that are called toxic and entitled. "The previous model was even slower and I enjoyed driving it. Stop whining crybaby!" "I've never even needed awd on my cars, what's the big problem??? People are just so toxic!"


Yea exactly. People are paying their hard earned money for something they expect to run properly on their system. If it's a poor system then understandable but if the game is not running properly even in a perfect system people are entitled to complain.


2 sides of the same coin friend. People mad about whatever it is that's irked them about the game is fine, but so are people that like the game and want to play it in spite of those flaws. It's when either side thinks the others opinion is "wrong" that things get out of hand.


"Have some standards" Bro, you probably preordered any of the recent big games that shat the bed HARD on launch, a la Cyberpunk. Gamers have no standards. That's why the industry is so fucking awful to us. Because we keep financially telling them we like to be treated as worse than trash.


Games are shit because they aimed for un-informed, un-critical, whales who have too much time and money on their hands. Those people just don't every stop.


So Capitalism, really.


I know the game is gonna be great but damn, people get so salty when others tell them there's flaws and glaring issues with the game.


Always the cult members who wonā€™t hear anything about the game not being perfect. Makes no sense.


I know, and one of the top comments is "I pLaYeD DkS1 BliGhtToWn" Like what? So it's okay to have shitty performance because they were present in a game 12years ago? Aight, guess we don't want progress


ā€œItsunoā€™s visionā€ crowd lol People seem to forgot how much players back then meme on blightown.


Yeah it's baffling to me that it was upvoted. Like yeah, I have fond memories (in retrospect, not at the time) of Blighttown, but that was from over a decade ago, playing on a PS3 when I was a kid. We should not have to go back to that standard lmao


I mean, even back then it was below standard. I still loved the game. No one will deny that DS1 was one of the best games to come out last decade, well, almost no one. Doesn't mean it didn't have some big flaws. For example, the frame rate, camera, and Bed of Chaos, just to name a few.


Agree. Itā€™s possible to both be hyped and intending to play the game while also acknowledge the faults and issues of the game.


So many people get so attached to a game that any criticism towards it, they take it as personal attacks. It's wild.


I mean it has flaws but for me the good outweighs the bad. Low frame rate sucks but thats the only downside to an otherwise amazing game. But thats my take for now from what i have seen. We will know more tomorrow


I feel like there's a nice spot in between angrily screeching that nobody should enjoy the game, and 100% undying loyalty to to a multi billion dollar company with anti consumer practices. It's fine if you're going to play and enjoy the game in spite of its issues. I probably am as well. But this whole "Yes I think it's fine to release an unfinished game that barely runs while keeping reviewers from talking about the awful performance until hours before release GIGACHAD." Caring that a game in 2024 runs worse than almost every single major release from the past decade doesn't actually make you a crying soy wojack, and happily lapping up slop and criticizing anyone who thinks that game companies should fix their games before releasing them and not after, does not make you a chad.


>Caring that a game in 2024 runs worse than almost every single major release from the past decade doesn't actually make you a crying soy wojack, and happily lapping up slop and criticizing anyone who thinks that game companies should fix their games before releasing them and not after, does not make you a chad. People in this thread are straight up doing this to Capcom: ![gif](giphy|R8KvX5skT5PAQ)


Yes I have extreme brand loyalty and will insult anyone who suggests that the multi billion dollar company should fix their massive issues before releasing the game instead of after everyone buys it [GIGACHAD](https://imgur.com/N3RBVN1) how did you know. Slogging through the terrible performance issues makes me a true gamer.


I think most people are gonna boot it up and see how it actually runs first hand before making any decisions, myself included. There is no excuse to release a game that is poorly optimized or doesn't have the option to run in a performance mode, customers should be demanding these things from devs.


Yeah these communities always seem to run on extremes. Thereā€™s never some middle ground where people can praise a game on the things it does well but also hold companies accountable for missteps or bad decisions Nobody is saying Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 is a bad game. The reviews on the game are all praises. That doesnā€™t absolve a company of making a mess on what IS an important part of playing games, which is the consistency of performance The gaming community has set a benchmark that 1080p60 is the bare minimum a FINISHED game should be able to perform. Those are not very high standards in a day where a lot of people splurge on 1440p and 2160p displays and $1000+ cards. Thatā€™s like saying expecting a 720p30 bare minimum 10 years ago was asking too much. The fact that either consoles do not have that option, or PCs that should be able to blow past those requirements are struggling should be something the company should be held accountable for fixing. People should not be ridiculed for having basic standards when they are paying for a product.


I find it funny that 30fps was unacceptable when Gotham Knights and Starfield came out but now all of sudden it's fine and you shouldn't complain about it


People are sheep, and I don't say this to be insulting but very few people stick to their principles anymore and that's why gaming companies get away with these things. Companies know that if they can weather the initial storm the vast majority of players will get over it because it's now "normal".


Ya it's why I hate both sides of the discourse on this because no one seems to have a balanced take.


Do you know how fast you can get to the cities? They seem to cause most of the trouble. Like can you check the city performance in time for a refund?


> There is no excuse to release a game that is poorly optimized or doesn't have the option to run in a performance mode It's probably not (primarily) an optimization problem. The slowdowns are probably because of the amount of simulations the game runs in crowded areas. There might be some optimization that is possible, but not much. My concern is how well the game takes advantage of multiple cores to run those simulations in parallel. Can it only use performance cores or can it also take advantage of efficiency ones? Is it capped at using 8 cores, or can it take advantage of all the ones you have? If the slow downs are indeed a result of the number of NPCs and monsters in an area a performance mode isn't likely to help that much. The limiting factor won't be the GPU. It will be the CPUs ability to power the NPCs AI. A performance mode for a game like this, heavy on NPC AI processes, would probably involve limiting the maximum number of NPCs in a given area. If you look at Stellaris, some of the population growth mechanics are specifically designed to cap it's growth at a level your PC can handle. It's why a mod like Gigastructural Engineering can give you performance boosts in the late game. It allows you to replace your population based production with Dyson Spheres and the like. Days Gone also runs into this if you try and mod in bigger hordes. I tried 1000 freaker strong hoards for a while. The game can't handle that many at once, so it spawns them in waves. I think the Sawmill Hoard in the base game also gets spawned in in waves iirc. I started gaming on a Commodore 64 (released in 1982). I would not expect it to run the original Doom (released in 93). That's not an optimization problem. Today I'm upgrading from my i7 8700k. It was released in 2017. That's 7 years that that CPU served me. I still remember the Pentium/Athlon days when I needed to upgrade every 18-36 months. And even then this is the first game, outside of space sims that are simulating entire galactic civilizations, that has asked for a better CPU. Some new games just push the limits and require more resources to do it.


If the best cpu money can buy is not capable of running the game logic at 60fps, then its not a well optimized. It's not hard to make a simulation that run at 1 FPS, part of the developers job is to scale the game around the hardware that exists. Framerate is a part of gameplay. And it's not like the game trailers have shown some "never before seen" kind of simulation. The game looks to have some cool physics and world events. But NPC's also fade in and out right in front of the player in cities.


I'll wait for the game to come out an devaluate it's performance. My caveat with your statement is whether it's _worth_ pushing the limits. Is the NPCs' resource intensity justified? What value does it provide? I'll have no clue until I play, but pushing limits for innovation is only valid when it's actual innovation. We don't expect games to simulate every individual dust particle just to "push limits" if it makes the game perform awfully. It becomes an optimization problem regardless, just in a different perspective.


The people calling the game trash are way out of touch and need to chill. However the people literally just saying "Imao, who cares? I've been playing garbage frame rates my whole life" don't really make sense to me. Like...wouldn't you want this game to be actually finished and made well enough after such a long wait? Feels weird to celebrate a game that won't be finished on release.


"Imao, who cares? I've been playing garbage frame rates my whole life" These people are fucking idiots. By applying that logic to another technological aspect like resolution, for example, we shouldn't even bother with anything above 480p because that's how I played on earlier consoles and enjoyed it so who cares, right?


I'm gonna be honest here, I've played in both 60 fps and 30 fps. And while 60 fps definitely looks smoother, it has never been a selling point to me, and 30 has never looked like trash As long as the actual game, from a design pov is finished, imma enjoy it


This is the most pathetic glaze post iā€™ve ever seen šŸ’€


Don't criticize. Just consume product.


And get excited for next product?


People always playing defense for these companies is baffling to me. You should demand better. You should want better. Apparently the Horizon Forbidden West port is a well done solid port. Another open world game that looks pretty great. That is what you should be defending and clamoring for and I don't even like that series really.


I demand publishers give their developers enough time for optimizing their games


Itā€™s not always playing defense for a company. Fuck these companies. Sometimes it really is just that someone doesnā€™t care about framerate


I also played DD1 on the Xbox 360. Still not thrilled about the performance.


It's fair to want to play and even like the game and still criticise it for obvious issues. Fuck me, this is why social media sucks. There's no sense of nuance, it's all just one extreme or the other. Either you're a corporate bootlicker or Neitzche's fucktoy, no inbetween whatsoever. Steam's refund policy is such that it's quite easy to buy it, see how well it runs, and then refund it if it doesn't go well. Remembering that the automatic refund doesn't prohibit you from getting a refund past the set requirements, the requirements are simply for the *automatic* part. Valve has a history of authenticating refunds well past the window if the games performance is shockingly poor in some way.


Im on PC and the performance spec for a 1080p is insane, ill be holding off until it gets fixed. Sucks because it was supposed to be the highlight of my weekend.




30 fps (max) on a war machine of a PC is a sign of terrible optimization.


Right? 3000$ PCs should be able to run this above 30 fps. It's wild that people are getting ridiculed for this demand.


This is the most reasonably worded explanation of this concern. I donā€™t agree with all the complaints, but when you put it that way, yes.


Red Dead Redemption 2, one of the most beautiful, largest, most physically interactive games, runs way fucking better. How's that wording?


I donā€™t mind/care about games having locked 30fps, but my issue is with unstable fps and the game dipping/stuttering regularly, no matter what the gameā€™s intended fps are. Game should obviously be criticized for lack of performance.


Lol there this sub goes with the strawmen posts acting like people are unreasonable for expecting a 70$ product they PAY FOR to be optimized properly. Literal sheep.


What a retarded meme. Just because fps were generally all over the place in the ps3 360 era doesn't mean you can't complain about bad framerate nowadays. Apparently just another community cow-towing to the devs, infected by toxic positivity.


I saw red flags the moment I saw people defending the lack of multiple characters slots with no actual reasons other than ā€œitā€™s Itsunoā€™s visionā€ lol That crowd is probably worse than the Fromsoftā€™s fandom.


The vision comments about character slots were crazy like why are you defending _that_ of all things


And they gave some of the worst excuses Iā€™ve ever seen. Literally nothing changes by giving you more slots. Other games have it and it doesnā€™t change anything. What does limiting you to one slot contribute anything to the experience? This is even worst than the Valheim crowd with ā€œdevā€™s visionā€ ngl


i mean their complaints are legit. its 2024 and games are coming up like this


To be fair that's fine. But that has nothing to do with criticism of its flaws and oddness If you avoid talking about it's issues then yes others are right to not be totally calm then


I'm less worried about the optimization since that can be patched, and more worried about things like the quality of sidequests, NPC interactivity and dialogue, enemy variety, and whether or not the rewards for exploring the open world will be worthwhile or interesting. That, and how you control your Pawn's inclinations. If I can't play with friends, I at least hope that the way you influence Pawn Inclination (and the effectiveness of those Inclinations) isn't a giant pain in the ass to manage like it was in the original.


The point about the open world is something I'm really curious about that I wish there had been more coverage of. In the original game, I quickly learned that most points of interest were tied to specific quests and there was really no benefit to just wandering around and finding stuff before you had a quest that took you to that specific place. I really love just coming across dungeons on a world map and being able to pop in and clear them out on a whim, so I'm hoping for that in this entrg.


I think what people are saying here is that why does Capcom keep uncapped 30fps as their baseline? The game is no doubt good, but 30 fps uncapped in 2024? Like why though? On top of that, no performance mode? What's with that decision? The game is one of the best, but its 30fps uncapped no matter how you spin it.


Watching this sub descend into madness from the cozy lil subreddit it was two years ago when I first played DDDA has been fucking awful.


I also haven't been here for years and it's surprising and saddening how awful it's become.


Why do you care what other people be doing


I'm still gonna play, but I understand why people are upset. It shouldn't be common for devs to release games so unoptimized in 2024.


That's great? Some people aren't as excited as you are and have their problems with it but ig we can't have an opinion or standards anymore


Bad take. Nigma kernel DRM is actually a big problem if you at all have any self respect for your own privacy or personal space so to speak with your devices or computer I should say specifically. Weā€™re seemingly getting dual layer DRM (triple if you count steam). But itā€™s not even being properly disclosed (we will have to wait for full release confirmation though).Ā  Also the performance is refund worthy if youā€™re on PC given what weā€™ve been seeing. On console, Xbox series X looks slightly worse for no rational reason (slightly better hardware than PS5 on paper yet identical architecture, so wtf are they doing?). But whatever on console, people will eat 30fps all day, so I doubt theyā€™ll die if their game throws 20 fps at them periodically since the standards are so low among console players anyway (itā€™s not a jab against console players, I own both, and a PC, just saying what the general truth is, and also the fact that console players are actually more sensible given the massive money waste required to get sloppy seconds on PC with nothing but frame rate and resolution benefits at best).Ā 


30fps is bad especially for newer consoles but we have played 30fps before. No one is going to die because of this, but still sucks that it is. But having fun is what matters


30 Fps don't bother me Honestly, im not upset about 30 Fps, im upset about the game not being able to have steady 30 fps on console plus the Uncapped framerate mess.


That. That is mostly the issue I ah e when it comes with performance.


Yep. 4k means nothing with this kind of optimization it's a headache enducer, input lag feeling shitshow.


Bloodborne never bothered me anyway


Iā€™ve played console my home life I donā€™t even notice frame drops most times.


Ignorance is bliss.


4k 30fps with constant cpu lag is not gonna look or feel good. 1080 with min 45 fps would look and feel way better imo


Honestly as long as it doesnt stutters and cause motion sickness im fine with 30fps


IGN reviewer says he got motion sickness on PS5 and had to switch to PC to finish the review. It sucks, but I'm going to wait a bit before picking it up.


Yeah I'll be having fun with other games until Capcom fixes this.


30fps sucks but I'm not going to tell what people should and shouldn't buy


I also played DD1 on the Xbox 360. Stupid argument It's 2024. Denuvo is legit terrible. And most of us have beefy PCs. Game optimization isn't subjective, it's objective. FPS, frametimes, all of that. Being too dumb to understand doesn't invalidate this.


Just don't preorder to begin with. How many times do we need to learn this lesson?




Developers keep releasing games that are both lower-performing and buggy because of these people accept this. I don't hate or want to trash the game. It's just sad.


Counter point: I played older games on the PS2, at 60fps.


70 $ on unfinished game lol . This will go down bad as cyber punk 2077. FPS drop to 18-21 is insane. Bad performance on all platforms too . Happy launch fucking day guys . This is unacceptable!


Cyberpunk had far more than performance issues though - it was a bug riddled mess. From reviews DD2 seems to be a great game with performance issues mainly.


Is anyone even saying that? If you can enjoy it as is go for it! I'm disappointed by the performance issues myself but won't be refunding, I pre-ordered specifically because I want Dragon's Dogma to be a household name, so I want it to sell well. But yeah I also want them to fix their shit. A 4090+5800x shouldn't have that level of performance issues. And if we're having those issues on *that high spec* of a machine you can only imagine they will be exacerbated on weaker machines. That's a genuine problem when we're talking about machines that run $1500 minimum and people with literally the newest parts on the market are not able to run the game at a standard performance.


So youā€™re saying that a console released near 20 years ago is the bar for a game made today and played on todayā€™s hardwsre? Weird take. Idc how much you love an IP or a company, it makes no sense to accept the cut corners. Itā€™s not good for anyone. You can still appreciate what a company does without blindingly accepting anything they produce itā€™s lacking in basic function. All it does is pave the way for companies to up the prices while releasing poorly optimized products.


I refunded. I will wait for patches and/or mods. I have so many games to play anyway.


Bruh I played 200 hours on switch, every time Iā€™d hit my great cannon Iā€™d go down to 10 FPS, I think Iā€™ll be good šŸ˜‚


Under 60 FPS with a 5800X3D / 7800XT is just shit. Iā€™ll wait this out and see where it ends up down the line.


Only about 16 hours to launch here in Finland. Then rise up Arisens and to the adventures of breaking pixels!


I've played better games with worse performance, and worse games with better performance. I'm not scared.


30fps isn't the end of the world and you can still have fun but it's also 2024 and we should expect better optimization from developers. These two statements aren't mutually exclusive to one another.


But whyā€¦ Hereā€™s some hope for you: Itā€™s pretty bad for a 2024 games on a PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, you're pretty much stuck at around 28ā€“34 FPS at all times.. at least on pc u can tweak the settings to make it playable. Where as: "On an RTX 3070 with 32GB DDR4, with NVIDIA DLSS set to balanced, we were able to get around 50 FPS without compromising too heavily on visual quality at 1440p ultrawide with ray tracing on top. However, at max settings, that frame rate dropped to around 20 FPS. Depending on your setup, you will be able to tailor the experience heavily on PC, compromising on some visual quality for frames or opting for NVIDIA DLSS to offset some of the downsides. " https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/dragons-dogma-2-review


This is likely one I'll keep even if the launch is worse than we expected. It'll get patched when people bitch. I already remade my battle tomboy. *I'd just buy it again later when it's fixed anyway.*


This is more or less my sentiment. I decided I was getting this game the second they announced it, even if I got a refund right now, Iā€™d just buy it again later down the line.


Refunding it now does send a message to Capcom, though. Money is the language of business. If you want them to know you find the current state of the game unacceptable, refund it and wait until they actually fix the issues you care about to repurchase.


This is the correct play I think, make capcom scared of losing loads of money.


That's what I did with RE4 Remake, I was about to pre-purchse, but then decided to just wait for a sale, they are single player games after all.


Honestly granting "content creators" the privilege to get in first is sickening enough. The game hasn't been released yet and theres already game reviews based on hundreds of hours of play time everywhere.


Idk if itā€™s sickening thatā€™s just how many studios market their games these days? Good business decision that also helps people decide whether they want a game or not


Man i want to play it too, but i own an rx 570, and i did play it in xbox 360 too... but what is more; i played THE DEMO in the xbox 360. How that is better? Because i played at least 100+hours in the time of 3- 4 years maybe. And when i had enough money to buy a pc and my dream was realized one of the first games i played was Dragon's dogma 1. Heck, maybe i can consider it the first one depending of the criteria i use... I even get a bit emotional when i think about it. But as is understandable, i don't have a lot of money and my pc is mid reach. I'm so fucked up with bad optimization. Elden ring was bad optimized and i'm actually playing it with mostly 50 fps, sometimes 60 indoors. I want something playable like this. I don't care either if its 30 fps in the cities, i could take 20 fps even. BUT if outdoors is like unstable 30-25 then i'm fucked up by now. The game is expensive, and i have to make it worth or save it for a new pc. I even have a range of my possible outcomes. 25-30 unstable fps outdoors with lowest settings: i'm out, maybe sometime after they remove denuvo or i adquire a new pc that is even far away in time. 30-40 outdoors: Maybe i will think about it, but i think i'm temporally out here too and will wait for them to remove that denuvo frame eater. 40-50 fps outdoors: I have to see a benchmark, but very probably i'm in from day 1 more or less. 50-60 outdoors: I'm fucking in. And this case is not so improbably as Elden ring literally had at launch 50-60 fps performance with most gpus in different resolutions and settings. This is because the costs and those guys first do the console version and then optimize poorly.


I remember the first time I figured out the winning combo of a Mystic Knight. Had just got the wyrm king's ring, and articulacy. I was casting faster than ever before, and found out I could get two ruinous sigils down and two magic cannons, and that if an enemy stepped into it... It would freeze my 360 for a solid ten seconds. The trap was more for me than my enemies lmao


Maybe a slightly not popular opinion, But im excited for this game. Im not Pre-ordering it, and am gonna wait to see what happens with it post launch. Fixes, etc. ​ But i would be lying if i said im not excited to play DD anything new, in all honesty. But im not paying them for a unoptimized game. I will wait for the fixes, then buy it.


even the first game end up resorted to blackbar to reduce the resolution to gain more performance and yet still got sub 30 fps on PS360 even since first game, the game is demanding on console.


Im not a fan of the online only thing, wish there was a better way to do it.


Take your time in this game guys, so much cave and rivers to explores. I don't care if they tell me to go to a mission I will wondered off on my own if I have to and die a true wanderer. hehe


Iā€™ll take things that have not happened for $100 please


I have it downloaded but gotta wait 23 more hours or so to play it ripĀ 


OP backing down is more tragic than the performance of this Ā£50 game. Remember to update your graphics drivers guys, because that's what you will be getting from support.


i7 9700k rtx 2070, do i just refund and get on ps5?


Same reason as OP, it was one of the first games that I really bonded with with my stepfather as we played it tougheter and I really loved it wenn I was 9 or 10. I don't give a shit about it being 30 or 60 fps or that there are "only" 10 vocations, which are enough in my opinion. I just want a good time and if you don't like it then don't buy it. Don't get me wrong I can understand that some don't like it and critise it but from what I saw the last couple day its just crying for the sake of it.


I get the anger, especially around Denuvo! But I'm buying and playing anyways because I'm a mere console pleb and such concerns are clearly above my station ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I think we should collectively not care about what other people say on the internet, be free guys


Imma enjoy the living hell outta this game even if it was 30fps and no redditor can stop me from doing so


Facts can't we just enjoy a game for once


Bro I just texted my dad to say I was gonna buy it today and while I wrote my text the notification of your post pops up with GET A REFUND NOW. I was like ā€¦broā€¦ really ahahaha. But Iā€™ll still buy it cause even yesterday I was playing the first one and itā€™s still a great game. Idc about the fps. If itā€™s like the first but with great graphics and good additions itā€™s worth getting


true chads dont care if it runs at 15 fps


I've played on consoles my whole life so 30 FPS doesn't bother me.


Iā€™ve played games in the worst conditions when my rig was cheap and I couldnā€™t afford any better and I wanted to play them at any cost. Of course itā€™s different when the issue comes from optimization and not the hardware you possess. Still as of now I believe we need some sort of line separating whatā€™s a sane, honest critique from people spending a lot of money, and what is becoming just the scandal of the moment and everyoneā€™s willing to jump on and ride it. In all honesty I understand the ā€œspending your hard earned money for a poor productā€ issue, but personally I believe the positive aspects of this game outshine the fps and optimization problems. As plain as it sounds. I see people are taking it personal, and YouTubers and content creators and reviewers are riding the wave, feeding each others in a cyclical spiral of disappointment, and viceversa. Thatā€™s something I donā€™t understand.


I will not be moved. I played Bayonetta on PS3.


The complaints are valid and the news does disappoint me, but Iā€™m in the same boat. I played hundreds of hours of the first between 360 and XONE, so I gotta see what they cooked up after all these years


I agree with you. I don't even understand why people care about single player games sales. It's not like they're going to remake the game or do any great refurbishing after the launch just because the game flopped.


It's kinda crazy you think that's a defense. Like just because things used to be bad doesn't mean they still should be? That's like saying "war is bad" "no it isnt because I was in a war once and I survived ergo it's fine" Like no you shouldn't stand for shit that isnt optimised and runs like shit.


If this game literally ran at 2fps I'd still play it.


Playing on window mode 720 rn. Who cares if its 20fps in town in my 1050ti i7-770 laptop x). Im coming home ulrika


Im praying i can get at least 60fps without dips at 1080p on my 7800 xt


They refuse to get DD2 on PC due to Denuvo and the CPU tax, i refuse to get DD2 for PC because I'm broke and my PC is still kicking with a 1080. We are not the same. Now the PS5 on the other hand


Like I've said before, people gave From Software and Larian free passes for bugs and massive performance issues so it's hilariously hypocritical to see them get all riled up over DD2.Ā  I was told as long as the game is fun, performance issues don't matter!


No criticism of wholesome Capcom is allowed šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


We must protect our Saint Itsuno!


Nah id win.


Yes lets reward these publishers for releasing unoptimized games!! We did it Reddit!


Oh good. Another one of these fucking posts. Hope you get the karma you're fishing for šŸ 


The cope here is real lol


I feel like it's going to take a minute to readjust after acclimating to higher frame rates. But it's not going to spoil the experience for me. Just another excuse to RP walk everywhere ha ha


I highly imagine people of today would freak out if Bloodborne (as it currently is) came out. Saying "omg it's an action game and it runs like crap it's unplayable". Like, babes, 60 FPS is nice and I'll always take it if I got the option but Bloodborne runs like a potato but it's still playable and amazing.


It's playable, but when I want to replay it, I boot up demon's souls instead, coz the 30 fps gives me a headache. Would be great if dragons dogma had a 2 hour trial before I spend 70 on it


I mean it's playable and amazing in spite of the awful FPS, and it would be just blatantly better if it ran at the same level as the overwhelming majority of games.


I just played through it the first time last year and yeah, itā€™s most definitely playable and a great game but noticeably choppy a lot of the time. Iā€™m no FPS snob but it really makes the game less fun to play overall. Thatā€™s partly why so many people are clamoring for it to be added to PC or be remade entirely. The game was made almost a decade ago, I think itā€™s totally fair that expectations have shifted a bit for people..


I miss how smooth games were on CRT.


Honestly if my 4080 and i7-13700k can pull a smooth 60 thatā€™s all I need.


I can't hear you I'm doing some parkour on the grand soren rooftops while being .01kg away from being over encumbered


Lol pc bros. We always win. https://preview.redd.it/gorpcirutlpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb378d644eccf64b4f92418207b74184f2365f9


This is one of the only games I've seen that has so many issues that I'm still just all "Oh no! Anyways" about. I've only played DD1 for 25 hours but already it's one of my favorite combat systems, and the pawn system is also sick. Grappling, jank, skills, vocations, travelling in foot, everything is right up my alley and we're getting all that and more (camping/cooking, my beloved) in a pretty as hell package. Frame rates are scuffed but I haven't played a recent triple A title on any platform recently that hasn't had performance issues so I'm used to it at this point. Haven't been this hyped for a game in a while.


I'm just worried as a steam deck user


Uhhh yeah I think youā€™re in for a very bad time


Just wanna remind people. Majority of games are excellent, when you dont have a bitch in your ear telling you otherwise. Enjoy what ya wanna enjoy for what it is.




Miserable people love it when youā€™re as miserable as them. Energy vampires.


So we defending the use of Denuvo now? Ok cool.


Itā€™s almost likeā€¦.technology is suppose to advance and get better as time goes onā€¦.what a weird concept.


It's almost like consumers keep begging for higher fidelity and lighting effects hindering performance... What a weird concept.


Itā€™s almost likeā€¦people spend thousands of dollars on this newest technology that has been proven to be able to handle that type of burden and has been proven too in other similar gamesā€¦weird. I wonderā€¦where does that mean the issue lies? I guess the world will never know.




How hard is this game? Iā€™m excited but nervous about the difficulty




99% day one for me but I am waiting for actual reviews and game play I can see. Also to hear from a cousin who's also getting it.


Ok, done


Better constant 30fps as frane drops or at all bad looks I mean this game no one had on mind befor this year So be gratefull that it exist's


I didn't preoder. Will wait for a performance patch. Every review is complaining about it.


Which negativity? I have only read good things so far, also only great reviews. Wtf are you even talking about?


"Since I was a child..." Oh, Gods, I'm old!


Yea i know a thing or two about bad humor myself. You either hit or miss.....but when we don't get the traction we're looking for then hear comes the projection: "Oh, you guys or so mean cuz you don't get what I'm saying"


Iā€™m worried about stuttering to the point where Iā€™m going to watch some gameplay before I buy. If it looks fine, then Iā€™m all in


I thought it was all hyped up. Didn't know it had negativity around it until now


I always hate subbing to any specific game because of the tireless outrage/unconditional anti-outrage that inevitably comes How the fuck are any DD "fans" throwing such a shit fit over this? Mfs are so spoonfed. Appreciate that the popular posts are level headed


Honestly my hype is pretty much on its final stages. Optimization is the least of my worries. Recycled story, old romance system, no pawn romance, less vocations, lack of enemy variety and worse music all brought my expectations down. 12 years just to make the world map feel more alive yet fill it with meaningless interactions and copy pasting the first game on top?


Who else has a planned nap and took a few days off from work to play and had game downloaded and preordered āœ‹


Been playing video games long enough that a game that releases a non playable demo is one that I get when it's on sale. I am also sorry that you all are hurt because people do not want choppy frames in 2024 and are vocalizing it. I have played Dragon's Dogma on PS3, PS4, PS5, and desktop. I am just as entitled to my opinion as anyone else.Ā