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My first end game romance was the potion shopkeep from checkpoint rest town ๐Ÿ˜” fournival was better


Mine changed from the bandit lady to Selene. I prefer Selene's ending scene it was fine.


I had Eini (mage meister)... some granny was cheating on her husband for my arisen or something. Agreed; fournival was better.


What if i systematically kill all the other npc beforehand so i can finally have my one true love https://preview.redd.it/cxse2gck1nwc1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d7cda6854fb8ac79677f84f41ab8eab13d81067


He was mine. I just did a escourt quest for him last.


Asmongold ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™


I carry Glyndwr try to drop him off the cliff he survive comeback as latest affinity interacted and beat Ulrika to first rank.


I don't remember who was being held hy the dragon in my initial playthrough but i do remember it wasn't Brant. Then my ending cutscene was well Brant. I was not happy lmao.


I got Brant both times. Janky ass system. I had Wilhelmina and Ulrika both maxed out in affinity, and I never did anything for Brant that wasn't main story based. The hell, Capcom?


You did something because it chooses the NPC you've most recently maxed.


I saw a loading screen tip that increasing someoneโ€™s affinity increases the affinity of people associated with them as well, so conceivably you could accidentally max his affinity by interacting with people he knows.


Mine was the queens guard cat lady, and then the tome vendor from sacred arbor. Like. Why? I never even bought anything from him.


How nice of Grigori to keep up with your love life!


Keep up? Grigori is long dead by the time you get your second beloved cutscene.


You caught me, I haven't actually played DD2 yet so I just assumed Grigori was relevant to both of them for some reason


Fair enough, i wish grigori was relevant in dd2. This fake ass grigori we got in 2 ain't got nothing on the og.


The dragon Chad only has like five minutes of screen time. ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)


good ole greg


How do we know it isn't Grigori? Maybe our arisen from DD1 took the easy way out and sacrificed his beloved.


This aint greg man.


I spent so much time with Ulrika and menella, then grigori just had the elf girl in his hands and I went Oh ok I guess, all of this for captain Brandt to show up on the final cutscene because of a escort mission ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


There's a cap, you maxed them all out and then it probably looks at recent activity to pick one


Oooh that makes sense yes, thank you I'll keep it in mind for the next one


It's usually the last one you talked to. Had to waste a couple Ferrystones before Moonglint Tower to gift the Eternal Bond to Ulrika, then gave her flowers not a minute before activating the final beacon in the temple.


Man, they REALLY did the same romance system from DD1, line by line it seems. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


What actually determines who shows up in the final Unmoored cutscene? For me it was also Lamond on the cliff. Which was really weird, becaus seconds later when it lists your top 3 friends it said Ulrika > Lamond > Lennart. What gives?


Most recent maxed affinity, I'm pretty sure.


Yeah, I got the Elf guy in Grigori's fist. Not what I was expecting but sure, my dude can be gay. Then when the cutscenes rolled around fucking Sven was there, I guess because I didn't let his Mum die and then took him on an escort quest (I know, real romantic) I have headcannoned that he is my adopted son. I'm hoping that's the intent. But I guess it works based on most recent affinity boosted character same as DD1 because I completed Beren's quest chain and he seemed pretty chummy with me at one point, but that was before my Elven escapades.


I took him on that escort quest too, I got really confused because the quest made it like I had to guide him and his people to the shrine. I was like "Why tf am I taking their king out in the middle of nowhere???" big oopsie daisy on my part.


Ulrika was the Grigori encounter but ended up being Sven in the post credit. He had been my highest beloved most of the game til I did Ulrika's last quests by accident so I'm glad there's two beloved scenes and it ended the way I wanted!


I went from Ulrika to fucking Menella from Bakabattahl. I was so confused I didn't realise it was supposed to be the last scene with my beloved and thought she was just hanging out on a cliff for some reason. I did not spend much time with Menella


I was surprised when the dragon was holding Hugo in my game. And even more surprised when it became Sara in the ending cutscene. I thought it was gonna be Ulrika because I know I escorted her a bunch of times. Apparently not


I cannot find Ulrika in UW even though her dad or whatever says I should talk to her.


My beloved was Sara the dwarven blacksmith. Which ain't bad tbh, I like her. Originally I aimed for Wilhelmina but she ghosted me after her quest, and doing Sara's quest maxed her affinity plus I dwarven forge all my armor for the poise bonus so I knew it was gonna be her. I dumped a random cat guy off a cliff cuz he wouldn't stop blushing and I had to smack around the vocation guy in Bakbattahl with my fists cuz he started leaving gifts at my house - just from the amount of times I talked to him to swap skills/vocations lmao. I'm about to finish the Unmoored World so we'll see if it's still her but most likely I bet.


The is was also true in DD1 so not a huge surprise, but good to know in case I somehow fuck it up by the time I get there lol


I got Nadine main game Then postgame I gave the ring to dory And dory was the special scene in the postgame.ending


I had Ulrika the first scene, then Cliodhna the second. Didnโ€™t know I was a homewrecker. แ••(แ›)แ•—


Grigori was holding the innkeeper (the one who doesn't charge 10k), who I then threw off a cliff in the unmoored world to see if it would affect anything. Lo and behold, Lamond was somehow my beloved afterwards (innkeeper was still second).


The Vermund innkeeper was mine at first so I immediately reloaded, went back to the inn, intimidated him until he fled, then talked to Ulrika to reset.


Had this happen with Doireann and Menella. It pissed me off so much.


I had Wilhelmina in the grip, but at the end I had a random NPC the musician lady next to the 30k house that I've used for the brawl in the arisen's dwelling achievement.


Grigori had the Elven Archer you help out in his hand for me. I spent forever giving him gifts and helping him thinking he was supposed to give me the Archer Meister skill. Found out I was wrong and it was all for naught lol


my NG+ playthrough was hilarious because of the Alure augment + Eternal Bond ring both boosting affinity, I honestly thought I was gonna get Sara or Brokka since they were both following me around blushing (even got the acheivement becase of sara slapping brokka at my house lol) but instead I got Menella for dragon and freakin Sven at ending I didnt even give Sven anything,


So, how do we prevent this from happening? Ulrika was in the dragon's grip for me. I should give her flowers right before ending my stay in the unmoored world to keep her as the beloved?


Yes, that's exactly what I did and it worked.


I see. I'm going to do that and hope it works for me too.


What if my beloved is Grigori? I W A N T that bad dragon.


It also looks like some NPCs can't show up in the end scene as well, Beren was my the one that got 1st in the category but appeared the Battalh queens guard instead that was second.


I was rushing to ng++ because I messed up the sphinx, and he was holding no one lol


Yeah I got Ulrika at the tower, then doirean (daughter of elf leader) at the credits.ย ย  I mean, she was certainly on the list of people I was thinking about romancing.ย  So i guess I got lucky compared to others


i had ulrika kidnapped by grigori but then she didnt even show up in the top 3 list in the credits. I even gave her the eternal bond to ensure she would be the beloved


Sara at Moonglint Tower to Raghnall at credits. I didn't get Sara as my top three at credits. The other two were Isaac and Menella.


Apparently my beloved in my first playthrough was the warriors maister. Even though I did a shit ton of escort quests and gave a ton of flowers to the elf princess lol. I did one escort quest with the warrior maister and boom we were in love I guess lmao. But the credits showed the elf princess as my beloved so I was confused lol


Same like the first game


Beren fucking NTRed me from Wilhelimina, so I used post game to my advantage to ensure Wilhelmina stays as my beloved Refused to do escort mission since (and if I ever do, I make sure to give flowers to Ulrika, my current goal for my NG+)