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Yeah, from experience if you don't keep the drake that sometimes spawn near Harve on the ground. He books it once the tables turn for him.


Drake be like: A Magic Archer!? ![gif](giphy|ZFzMPBMDQttSoK4hDP)


Shit, that Kendrick ?




Lmao, even Drake fears the magic archer


I’ve had it happen three times now. Once near Harve, once when I woke up and a drake had landed in vermund city, and a random griffin encounter also decided to fuggin’ dip. It’s the most frustrating thing.


Yeah I think you have to be leveled up enough to kill them before they get the chance to dip out. I think you can fly on the Griffen to its nest... supposedly there is pretty good treasure there. Of course when I try it carries me up to a height that will kill me if I fall off and then it kicks me off lol. It's happened 3 or 4 times. I'm quickly starting to hate this game. But just because if this but several things drive me crazy. I feel like I spend 90% of my time just running around the map because fast travel is basically non existent. They could have at least given us a freaking horse.


Yea. They are bullies. If the fight is not going their way they flee. You can quickly quit to main menu and try again. Don't save.


Damn I have to try this! Im always too late for it. I read somewhere that damaging the wings disables the flying away. I think this worked a few times but ever since I have a 2h hammer it just doesnt cut it ( pun intended )


I wasted full evenings because I wanted this stupid motherfucker to die.


Drakes and Griffins both some pussies Nothing will piss you off more than wasting half your heals just for the mf to fly off at the very end


i don’t understand why it’s even a mechanic in the game, especially since shredding their wings doesn’t even prevent it


At least for griffins, you can prevent their fleeing with fire. Once they catch fire there's a long period where they can't quit the field.


I mean, if you're getting fucked up in a fight, retreat is always an option. I don't see why the enemy wouldn't do the same to stay alive. I remember something somewhere said if you don't kill it, and it flies off or something, and you encounter it again, it will bear old scars from your last battle with the same beast.


my issue is more that it seems you can’t prevent it. if i shred their wings then they shouldn’t be able to fly off


capcom likes their big monsters running away lol


At least you can ride a griffin to its nest to find good loot.


Burning a griffin's wings will help keep them down. The only thing I found with Drake's is just keep nailing their head while the heart isn't exposed but when it is go for the heart.


Those damn drakes with the "point of interest" icon on the minimap (seen at the very beginning of this clip) tend to run away if you don't immediately melt their health bar. Thankfully, the others aren't as cowardly.


Yes and it sucks.


They fly away when they're getting their ass kicked like a bunch of wieners When fighting dragons on the field, start by tearing up their wings so they're more likely to stay grounded


How do you tear the wing?


You just gotta hit them enough times Torrent arrow and skull splitter are some of the more efficient moves for this


What if I am playing with Warrior?


Gale slash be working pretty well if you can get the timing. Same with the normal swing. Those would be your best bets as a warrior


That depends on the Drakes. There's a few Drakes that are coded to fly away once they are losing, which you can preemptively know from their minimap icon when you approach them. It shows as a yellow diamond. Unless you can really kill them fast or knock them off the sky when they try to escape, you can safely ignore them to avoid disappointment. Here's the ones I know that will always try to fly away: - Drake who occasionally appears outside Harve Village - Drake who is usually north-west of Battahl, near the [waterfalls.](https://mapgenie.io/dragons-dogma-2/maps/world?locationIds=332299) - Drake that can vibe-check you in Vermund's random monster attacks. All other cases of Drakes, like the Guerco Cavern outskirt Drake, or the unique Drake in Ancient Battleground (who doesn't respawn), will never back down from the fight.


Sucks he doesn't respawn


The one in the waterfall got brined twice in a row now for me.. just bad luck


His planet needed him.


First time? All jokes aside drakes have been doing that since dd1


They did? I don't remember them ever fleeing in DD1


The one at Bellaire grotto and conquerors sanctuary both will.


He is bored


Nocuous Shot with the regular archer will drop him out of the sky every time.


Someone recently pointed out that the drakes that have quest markers tied to them on the minimap are prone to flying away, so I would assume the quest in question is to drive off the drake, which is really frustrating.


It’s annoying that we get nothing from the fight.


I've had it happen with a couple when I was early game, I just assumed I wasn't doing enough damage in a quick enough time.


I think there must be a set time to kill. Had a few fly away even with little life left. Guessing you have to be quick.


Surprised you didn't just martyr bolted it's sorry ass.


Cause it is not equipped. Lol.


Ahhh yeah XD




Drakes hate that mf's, just says a bunch of fancy thous e thys and fly when the clap is coming.


He got tired of your bs


This can be mitigated by jumping on the drake anytime it starts its fly animation. At worst you just sit there and attack them, at best you follow them to where they land.


My last one flew away with a sliver of health left.... If I could've hit it one more fn time.


The real reason is you missed the damage requirement. If you don't deal enough damage in time, they bugger off. Which is BS.


Half the drakes I've gone up against have just flown off like little bitch asses.


Can you ride them like a fleeing griffin if they bail?


I dunno if it's because they've moved too far from their allowed "area" or if you just don't do enough damage in a certain amount of time they just fly off.


He's like "fuck this shit. I'm out of here!"


Just save when you see a dragon and reload if you are unable to kill it


I noticed early game if you don't just blast their health bars they leave. Probably some sort of damage check on their health. If you can stagger them fsirly consistently then you're fine. Early game that would piss me off, once I got to about level 60ish. Most drakes take about a minute to kill.


It means you arnt doing enough damage there bored


Yes if you don't ruin their wings they will fly off.


Shit it's so much worse when you fight griffins and you don't deal much damage they tend to fly away but that dragon near harve beware most of the time a griffin can and will think it's Apex Legends and third party that dragon against you. But that dragon near harve flies if not much damage is done.


It’s a homage to the DD drakes


Yes. The one near Helve always runs away. I’ve killed four so far in different locations and none of them ran away.


Yep, attack its wings to knock it down and that helps. Sorcerers and Magic Archers can really help with that.


Yea if you don’t do enough damage fast enough, they kinda pussy out and run away. They prefer a quick death to a drawn out beating


Ya dragons are cowards


Normal yes, you gotta shred the wings to stop them flying away.


I always think this, but just the other day the one outside Harve (or maybe one that invaded Vernworth?) casually flew off with both its wings shredded. Shredding a wing while it's in the air should stun it and bring it back down even if it's fleeing, but that's a pretty narrow window. Conversely, setting a griffin on fire at any point in a fight *seems* to ground it permanently, but those are faster kills.


Yes. I recognize the location and speak from experience. This particular Drake is a pussy-ass bitch. Fucker runs away if you hit him too hard. You either need to climb him to prevent it or deal enough damage to make him fall out of the sky.


Yes the drakes and griffins are coded to run at certain hp threshold, but not everything. You can just go elsewhere and lucky enough you may find the drake returns to the same spot with the same hp that was left off.


one thing all drake that fly away in common is that they call for your challenge. only stayed for 2-3 health bar. you need to use 1-shot abilities. like Meteorites, or Magic Archer's health draw arrows.


There are two kinds of Drake spawns - 'event' types (yellow diamond on the minimap) and fixed spawns (does not appear on minimap). Event type spawns will fly away if you do not finish them off quickly enough. Here's a map I made to mark their spawns out. https://preview.redd.it/3ckg6qix6c0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9d770040efac66c2ddb6ae4be7e593d4639f5d




Yeah they're pussies.


Yeah they do that


When you gotta go, you gotta go


I've only had the random Drake spawns in Vernworth do this. Cowards


Yeah happened to me half the time with them or griffin ( but I like to grab the griffin and travel with them ( except you go where that griffin want to go but I still like some travel like fly betweens canyons in Bathal on the back of a griffin, nice ride ).


But in the first hours of the game I was happy they leave the battle especially the one close to Harve Village. X3


Only had 1 do this, back when I was high level but had weak weapons so couldnt really put much of a dent in his health. I regularly slaughter them now, literally hunting for their essence. I have close to 500 of it and want more!


Yup. Pretty sure there's a time limit for Drake battles.


Just spam the frosthunter bolt on them Drake/dragons That’ll keep em grounded


The one that attacks Vernworth always flies away like that. Even when I was around level 60 and owning him, I got him down to around 2 health bars and he fled. as far as the ones in the wild though I've never had them fly away.


get 2 thief pawn to kill bosses faster


It's the consequence of not being a thief with Draw and Quarter


As a magic archer soporific bolt knocks dragons out of the sky. Also works well for griffins.


Why is nobody asking the question 'where does this drake fly off to?' I mean, it must go somewhere. I know the lesser dragon flys off that tower and griffons fly off to their nest


If this is the one by Luz; it doesn’t fly off to a new place like the others. I circled back after several in game days and he was there again


Now we can drag the drake down with theif skills and must be above level 70.


Yes, I’m not sure if it’s this one but one of them (near luz) is engineered to run away if you don’t do enough damage fast enough, the harve dragon will also fly away but he doesn’t go far, the dragon or drake at the bridge of theodacus will fly toward the beach nearby and nose dive into the brine; you’ve now been warned, Arisen


Yep. But once you get to higher levels this won't be an issue. :)


"Gonna beat up this fellow silent kin of mine. Will post later" "What the Seneschal, he shot me with magic arrows. I'm not posting that"


Reminds me of Death in DA! Some of the Dragons there would also book after so much damage.


Yeah you have a time limit on these fights so if you dont do enough damage it will fly off! However found a griffin again 2 hours after it flew off from the first fight with it and it still had the same damage i inflicted on it before


Yes dragons can fly


If I remember correctly you have to deal a certain amount of damage or down him or he flies away


I found they would fly away if I was taking too long to do damage to them or was letting my pawns do too much of the heavy lifting. As soon as I started maintaining pressure on them myself I found they stopped fleeing.


Yes, you got like target Wings so he doesn’t fly away you can make holes and do his wings to prevent him from doing that


he'll still fly off. When I was going through my first playthrough I made a point of shredding both his wings first thing after seeing it work on another drake that I'd killed a bit earlier. Imagine my surprise to watch him peace out with two useless wings.


I’m glad my tip was helpful taking out the Wings first


Yep, and then you’ll get attacked by these weird lizards like 15 times before you can get to any destination … IMO DD2 is the most disappointing game to come out on PS5. Did myself a favor and finally stopped playing it.