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I Believe my world had cranberries.


Do you have to let them linger?


Do you have to?


Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?


I believe that's in your head.


In your head In your head Zombie, zombie


You know I’m such a fool for you


Does anyone care?


Raspberry chiming in! My pawn was once gifted a blueberry before I even knew different worlds had different fruit. That blueberry will remain in my ~~inventory~~ stash forever fresh!


They should start growing in your world now


They do? I got Strawberrys gifted in my last playthrough with a blueberry world, but never noticed them growing anywhere


My world was a blueberry world. About 3 quarters of the way through I all of a sudden noticed strawberries growing in my world. It was because a hired pawn had brought them into my world. So I now have blueberry and strawberry bushes.


I have some berries from other worlds and they dont grow


Maybe you need to drop them from your inventory somewhere 🤯


This explains my raspberry bush I found on volcanic Island way late in the game. I had gotten a raspberry gift for my pawn sometime before. My world is cranberry.


Raspberries in my world too!


Until you go to unmoored world and then they’ll rot with everything else


Does stashing items actually keep them fresh? I feel like I put a lot of food in my stash, but always find rotten food there later.


They stay fresh until you go to the true endgame. Then they spoil overnight. Because overnight was actually thirty days and apparently they're susceptible to time during that specific event.


So I should turn the 80 aged beast steaks in my stash into dried meat before the end?


Yeah and then to mighty/miracle roborants if you have enough saurian tails. I don't use curatives much but they sell for a good amount. Useful if you're not crazy rich yet. Or just hate stuff going to waste like I do lol.


And you can buy bulk saurian tails from a npc in bakbattahl.




Emerich. He's part of a secret quest to get the researchers robes and apprentices breeches. You load up on saurian tails and punch him to get his outfit....well after doing a bunch of other things. It all starts out when Sven gives you an unfinished letter.


Happen to know the name of the quest?


i dont remember the name. just google "unfinished letter dd2". the quest for it should be linked to the item somewhere on the wiki. once you start investigating, there are 2 paths that i know of. 1: you ask the dude you broke out of jail. he'll tell you its a love letter. after that i was screwing around and talked to an oracle. and was recommened to go to the research lab. 2 different cutscenes play. 1 where a couple dudes are sitting down and talking. and another where 2 people are talking in a room and then they leave a letter behind from phaesus. grab that letter. and head out. go to higgs tavern with a beastren mask if youre not already. grab some bags on the ground. and youll get sent inside the tavern. buy the 3 newt liquors. this is required. then fast forward to night time. the dude in the outfit will be in the dye area either walking around or behind the small cliff where all the dye is. talk to him. buy the saurian tails. i bought 99 of them. and then i punched him. and the dialogues leads you to demanding his outfit.


I have cranberries but someone gifted me a strawberry once and I was so shocked bc I've never seen strawberries in my world before I didn't even know they existed 😂


This reminds me of trading local fruit in Animal Crossing! Somebody needs to make a Tom Nook beastren pawn and just trade berries with everyone 😁


Omg that's a good idea! They could probably set their pawn quests to acquire a berry they don't have (for example strawberries) and set the quest reward to the local berry they do have (ex: blueberries) so they can get all the different berries to gift other players ![gif](giphy|2NwySHVCPYrINXCpeB|downsized)


the only thing is i don’t think you can request an item you don’t have/already seen, so i don’t know if it’d be possible to find out which ones you need


Darn that's true. I guess you could try to name the pawn something like "BerryPls" or "BerryPlease" (unsure what the character cap is for names) and hope that people will gift you the berries bc of the pawn's name 😂


i’m realizing now there’s only 4 types of berries so it wouldn’t be quite as difficult as i was thinking


I know you also have a chance to get different berries each ng+ I have raspberries now while last run I had cranberries. I've even had blueberries at one point.


...... Y'all have berries?


Yeah everyone has them scattered around their world. I know there should be a lot of berries in the Vermund area mainly.


I only have dingle…


I have strawberries currently. Had cranberries too in a previous world. If you mix 2 different types of ripe berries you get nomads dried fruit which can be used to make Fine Fruit Robarant. Give me your pawn code and I’ll be happy to trade, if you haven’t had strawberries before I can gift you one so you can set up a pawn quest. Would do it myself, but I’m level 110 so my pawn might be expensive to hire (depending on your level)


https://preview.redd.it/no0b0syw1tyc1.png?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865375659782cc47ad98582f8fda3397a4140a6a Only level 86. Yeah I've only ever seen blueberries. Thanks.


Right, realised I had a couple of raspberries and cranberries I had been given as quest rewards, so I sent those over to you too. I also completed the Medusa quest you had (if you cancel quests you have to forfeit the rewards you put up) so you should be able to start requesting fruit now. I can only send you strawberries from my world (I think they also sell for more money in shops if they’re not native to the world?). Also sent you the spoils of the Medusa battle (make sure you keep it in storage to prevent decay).


Wow thanks man. Will check after work. Some say if in storage they start growing in your world. So excited to test this. Appreciate it.


Doesn’t seem to be the case in mine, might be a PC player with a mod? Either that or just a rumour that is being repeated enough that it’s starting to get accepted as fact. 😰


Copied from the Wiki... Says nothing about them growing... Berries are a common fruit that can be foraged from the environment. When you start your game, one of four types of berries will be randomly chosen to be your native type of berry. The other 3 types of berry will be considered a rare fruit in your game world.  The types are Cranberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, and Raspberry. Your native berry is not worth much and is primarily used as an ingredient to make Salubrious Draught or Dried Fruit. However, berries that are rare in your world are worth 10 times as much and can be used to make Nomad's Dried Fruit and eventually Fine Fruit Roborant. However, since it is relatively easy to make other curatives that are just as effective, it would likely be most worthwhile to sell the exotic berries after ripening them to increase their value.


Shame really, another missed opportunity. Just been playing with my quests, seems like you can’t request fruit from another world as an item, though you can reward a quest with fruit from your own world. So you’d need to request something like 1 fruit robarant and reward the taker with xx berries (just seeing how many is max) and hope that they recognise the value of the trade. Nothing in this game is simple. 😅


So that’s how you get Nomads Fruit.


You can pick up a Nomad’s fruit in the Nameless Village cool kids underground hideout too


Yeah, I had to Google it to find out the recipe because it was driving me insane that I couldn’t work out how to make it. Then I had to wonder why they didn’t design the game to have different berries in Battahl to those in Vernworth, like the fruit trees?


Oh wow I didn't know that :O I need to make a quest for berries


~~No need to mix 2 different berries. You can mix 2 of the same berries as long as they are ripened.~~


Tried that and though the wiki says it should work it just results in dried fruit. It has to be 2 different ripe berries to get Nomads dried fruit.


Aaaaaaand the wiki is wrong again, why do i even use it? Sry for the misinformation.


No problem, I just had to fire up my game to check whether I had missed something stupidly obvious, but yeah, it looks like someone has already tried to point out their mistake and it hasn’t been corrected on the wiki. I wish it was something that you could just make with items available in game, like grapes or figs? Or bring back the nuts from the first game and have it as some kind of trail mix.


I have like 90 cranberries in my storage. My intend was to craft nomads dried fruit when i have the patience. 😭 Yeah grapes and figs should definitely work, i mean they are fruits too. Funny, my world has cranberries. But my pawn brought back a strawberry pretty early on my playthrough. So i knew there are more berries, and i thought they will spawn in later areas. So i could not wait to farm strawberries later on (I really like strawberries). Makes me sad. BUT, i actually found a few strawberry bushes in my game (forgot where tho). I have like 30 of them in my storage now. I wonder if this is a bug?


I‘ve found random off world berries in houses before and been gifted them as rewards for monster culling (from NPC’s). I can’t say I have found any growing wild, but my pawn doesn’t have the foraging skill (as I prefer being able to understand elves). Off world berries sell for 420g each when ripe, compared to 42g for in world berries, so potentially could be a good source of income for lower level players if given out as a quest reward instead of 10k gold (25 berries would exceed this if sold when ripe in a world where they don’t grow).


The foraging skill shows only material you are missing to upgrade your weapon and armor, doesn't show berries. Was not very useful for me so i changed my pawn back to also understand elvish. Oh, nice information. Could be useful on my next run, i did not know that they are worth so much. So, now i need to find someone with the other 2 berries, because i want them all 😅


Out of curiosity, how did you manage to set up a pawn quest for them? I have one of each of a few, but for some reason they don't show up as a possible reward. Do you have to have them in your inventory? I would totally offer 10 for 10 trades if it worked


So for me it doesn’t show up in the “request for other player” box. So I had to set it to 1 fruit roborant. It then allowed me to put a reward of 30 strawberries in the reward box. So a direct trade isn’t possible. So my current pawn quest offers a reward of potentially 12,600 gold for 1 fruit roborant. That assumes that; 1. Strawberries don’t grow in your world. 2. You sell them when they are ripe (all merchants will give you the same price). Otherwise you can gift them as leaving gifts 1 at a time. My pawn code is 5T707KQCY8KY if you want to check it out, but my pawn is lvl 110 so might cost a lot to hire, depending on your level.


I was going to ask this a poll- please setup a poll OP, I’m curious how evenly distributed the berries are!


That’s a really good idea, I’d be curious too.


Wtf there are different berries! I've been picking up Strawberries in mine.


I got dingleberries.


Lemme taste mate


Strawberry gang here


I have blueberries but I had raspberries in my previous game.


Wild. I don't even know what my berry is. Didn't even know this was a thing.


Across 3 playthroughs I've had grapes, blueberries, and cranberries. I've been given strawberries and raspberries, but I've never seen those in my world yet. My current, 4th playthrough has grapes again. Wish I could have strawberries. There's not a huge point to it, but I just like strawberries, lol. On PC, so I cannot trade to Xbox, sadly.


There's always grapes and apples, it's the berry bushes that change.


I'll have to keep looking around then. I haven't seen any berry bushes just yet.


My world has Strawberries. Blackberries, cranberries.


Oh dang, I didn't know that! I got raspberries, incidentally my favourite fruit! 😆


Do you crunch the seeds when you eat them? I recently realized that I don't have to bite so hard and I like them a lot more now


Strawberries and grapes here. Had raspberries in my inventory at one point, but I know I've never picked them.


Cranberries in my first run, strawberries in second


Huh. Will the type of berry still remain the same in NG+? I'm assuming it's still the same world, just a different cycle. Anyway, I think I have blueberries?


From what I got from the Wiki they are randomly generated or chosen upon every game start. But the ones not in your world growing can appear in chests. And I'm not sure exactly because of how it was worded... I quoted it above in another comment ...but I think they can generate new ones when you start a NG+. So possibly after enough NG+s you could have them all in your world. Idk...


Interesting, I'll need to check up in my storage and check the.


Oh what??? I thought everyone had strawberries


Awww, man. This gives me the idea of gifting berries specifically. Strawberries here. Did not know others have different berries in their worlds.


Doesn’t everyone have every berry? I’m confused about this post 😯


What, like different users will have different fruit? I have raspberries, apples, grapes and quinces. Sometimes I loot figs


Raspberries in ng, cranberries in ng+


Did it switch them out or just add cranberries?


Switched completely.


I got blue balls as well


My world was Raspberries, but in my NG+ run I started seeing Strawbeeries and Blueberries in the wild, had no idea it was because pawns I rented or gifts given to my pawn, how curious.


You know what, that may be it. Because I am on NG+ as well, a few cycles in, and I can occasionally get a variety. I think when you start NG+ it keeps the berries from your world and has a chance to add new ones in the new world.


Interesting. I didn't know this. I am a cranberry world.


WHAT I had no idea. I have grapes in my world, but I swear I've picked up other berries too. Maybe blue? What a neat function.


My world has Tonberries! Taste-wise, they’re a real killer!


Those Tonberries are SHARP!


I have blue berries, strawberries, And raspberries, but no blackberries.


Cranberries currently but in my first play through I had grapes


Strawberries and blueberries. My native berries are blueberries so a hired pawn has brought the strawberries into my world and now I get them too.






I only have blueberries


I always get strawberries and only strawberries


Xbox player - cranberries Going to try setting up a pawn quest if it will let me asking for other kinds of berries and rewarding them with cranberries.


I had blueberries in my first run and cranberries in NG+


My world has strawberries


I got raspberries this time but I did get blueberries my first world I didn’t know this!!!


I have raspberries, I had no clue berries are different depending on your save. I want blackberries, then! They're my favourite berry of all time


I could be mistaken but my world have every berry in it except strawberries


Does this apply to other items? I didn't know the game had eggs untill i found a pawn offering them as reward.




Same here


I have strawberries, grapes, apples, quinces, etc. I think it's just berries though. I've only ever heard of blueberries & cranberries in other worlds. So far, st least. I imagine they all have the same effect/concoction but possibly might have different selling priced? Idk




I have raspberries! If anyone wants to trade berries I’m on PS5 pawn ID PCDNFZCJXPO1




I have strawberries, I like giving them but I don’t think they do anything


Raspberries so far in mine


Im :O


My first world had blueberries but after a restart, I have strawberries now.


Had cranberries, in NG+ I have raspberries. Biggest disappointment is getting the same type of berries when you start a new play through.


Strawberries for me.


I wouldn't say it makes then rare or valuable, they all do the same thing and you get a different kind each NG+




I must vomit, Arisen!


I've had cranberries both times so far. I was hoping for new berries in my NG+


Animal Crossing ass game mechanic


I have strawberries that grow on small trees.


I have both raspberries and cranberries


I’ve had cran berries, raspberry, and strawberries no blue berries


My first world had raspberries, and my current world has cranberries


Strawberries are not berries. Does anyone have bananas?


Raspberries. I think


I have strawberries and this is a good reminder that I should reward strawberries to pawns incase their world doesn't have strawberries.


I have twig and berries. Also, strawberry, cranberry and occasional raspberry (i think). Never seen black or blue berries


I have grapes, raspberry, cranberry & blueberry. I asume they actually mean the same with all fruit, if not found in that area the price for it in shops goes up for selling.


Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet, but berries that aren’t native to your world can be sold for 10x the gold value of native berries.


I actually tested this in my circle of friends after we talked about how we each have different berries. Combining the berries that other people have result in getting a Nomad's Dried Fruit which is basically the same as an Exquisite Dried Fruit


Oh, neat! I never realized that was a thing. Thanks for sharing. Raspberries are my favorite IRL!


Pretty sure my world only has strawberries, at least those are the only ones my pawns pick


My entire first game i only found raspberries, but in new game+ I have both raspberries and strawberries. I was confused when I started finding strawberries because I didn't remember seeing them in my first game. I thought I just wasn't really paying attention to the berry names. That the berries are randomized makes so much more sense.


No wonder I only got strawberries as gifts! I’ve been searching for them forever!


I had no idea! My world has grapes and cranberries




I have Blueberries. I got a Raspberry as a Pawn gift. I haven't left Vermund yet, though, so I haven't found everything.


I have cranberries! Anyone got a UTI?


wait WHAT, new pawn gifts unlocked


I was so mad going into post game first time and seeing all my food rotted. I had strawberries and blueberries saved as gifts from other worlds.


....wait! No way I should've been fruit as a reward this whole time! I got boat loads of strawberries


I have strawberries in my world.


I got raspberries on my end!


I have raspberries, their delicious, so i'm happy ;)


On my first playthrough I had strawberries 🍓, NG+ it's raspberries 🍇 (There are emojis for strawberries, blueberries cherries, mangos, kiwi fruits, melon, grapes... But not raspberry???)


I have blueberries


Blueberry 🫐 in mine


I have grapes. The only berries I've gotten have been as rewards


Blueberries the first run through. On NG+ I’ve got strawberries.


… say WHAT?!? I had no idea!! I stopped playing when Eiyuden Chronicles dropped.


Snozzberries here!


I think it's a bugged feature. Or it's seasonal and they never revised it. Because on my current character, I have about 20-30 blueberries, 5-10 raspberries, and about 50-60 strawberries. I have just over 320 hours on my save. I will usually find the same ones for about 100 hours and then different ones.


MY berries are MY information


Wait really? I didnt know that, gonna gift berries to all pawns i find now. I have strawberries. I didnt think there were anything else


I get a shit ton of blue berries, a few rapsberries, and a few cranberries, but ive never seen a strawberry.


I have raspberries. I didn’t know they were special, I think my storage is full of them.


Oooooh I thought it was so strange that I was suddenly finding blueberries everywhere instead of cranberries in my Ng+


Strawberries, grapes, I think I might have seen blueberries on my main acct.


Strawberry world here, but I did notice that the inn at the excavation site had raspberries sitting on the table


I had cranberries and now blue berries in NG+. Think I was gifted strawberries and raspberries as I have 1-2 of those randomly.


I have strawberries.


You have to nice barries.


I have strawberries myself didn't know they were different


Wait… there are more than just strawberries?! Lord… this is news to me.


I played 120 hours my first playthrough and I had NO IDEA about this




I have cranberries but I think I saw another type lying around.


Really? I have had strawberry, blueberry and raspberry bushes?


There are berries besides raspberries?? I now kind of wish I had been keeping some.


I got raspberries! And quinces!


At the moment, I've only got blueberries. And it's funny someone finally mentioned it: I noticed that in each new playthrough, the no one would send any and soon my berries started disappearing! Below is a list of how they appeared in my world. 1st: none. 2nd: blueberries. 3rd: raspberries. 4th: cranberries. 5th: strawberries. In my 6th playthrough, all of my strawberries disappeared. Currently in the middle of my 7th and my cranberries AND raspberries have disappeared. Don't know what I did wrong but someone please PLEASE SEND ME BERRIES, ILL PAY YOU HANDSOMELY 😭


If you combine ripened berries of different type you get nomads dried fruit


Dingleberries for me


So I have a crap ton of grapes in mine... but I just had a thought I wonder if you were given one from a hired pawn, and dropped it fresh in a nice green area, maybe on a hill... I wonder If you'd start growing and seeing strawberries or the likes start popping up in your world? Someone should try this.


Hmmm. Seafloor shrine has a spot you can interact with to plant the Arbor Heart. Wonder if you could plant berries instead and if they would grow.


Grapes and apples are shared across playthroughs. The possible types are Strawberries, Cranberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries. You may want to take a closer look at bushes on your next playthrough


OP, you’ve gotten a lot of dumb comments, but the one that explained Nomad’s Dried Fruit was great! Just so you’re aware, there are four berry types I know of, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries (if there are blackberries, no one has confirmed them, which is a shame because I love them and who eats raw cranberries???)


Thanks. Yeah I had to google it on lunch to try to get as much info as possible. Was hoping they could be planted or would grow wild once owned. But appears not. I would of loved blackberries too. My IRL favs.


You may have also already learned this, but the berries rot upon NG+, so you can only stockpile the dried fruit or the roborant, not the berry itself. I love the idea of being able to plant them. Maybe they could let us hold onto our homes across playthroughs and plant them there… or even have planter boxes inside our homes


That would be awesome. Little planter boxes to grow berries. 4 berries. 4 boxes.


First Playthrough I had Strawberries, NG+ I had Cranberries.


What fruits are they? I have apples, grapes, and cherries


I have Strawberries (PC)


Wow what. I had raspberries in my playthrough. Didn't realize they differed by world


Funny, I only had grapes, now on my first NG+ I have grapes and strawberries


I get raspberries and strawberries


I’ve found blueberries,strawberries, and raspberries (rare) in my world. Never cran. though.


Raspberry and Strawberries for my world.


I was shifted cranberries, my world has blueberries. When they both dried and I made dried fruit, it was called Nomad Dried Fruit


I had no clue about this. I didn't notice until now that I've never seen anything but cranberries in my world


Interesting. I thought my pawn was looting blueberries before I could get to them. Turns out she's a cheeky lil smuggler. I don't regret splurging more on her equipment.


I have strawberries


Raspberries here


I got raspberries! I thought it was the normal thing


My friend and I found out we had different berries. I started with cranberries and he started with blueberries. We set our pawn quests for a stack of them and then let them ripen and made mad stacks since they sell for 420 G each.


As someone who keeps doing NG+ i always cycle between strawberries and blueberries


I am in a blueberry world.


Okay 1st game I had cranberry then new game I got blue berry. WHAT DOES IT MEAN???