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post reappearance thread coming soon (no new info, just to commemorate over half of them returning)


Vivi posted


IG post from Aurora!


And one from Grey Matter!


It's been 10 weeks, let them gig and give back their phones šŸ˜­


drac ate all the phones to sate her hunger for littol boobslay flesh


Not related to any of the queens but I live for the fact that you called it Lisbeth Salandering lmao


Asia just posted on her IG story!


What if asia was faking it this whole time because why has just she been active on socials and nobody elese????


Yuri posted a show promotion yesterday on their insta.




I only use IG, but everything looks exactly the same. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Asia posted on her ig story


Asia is also in a gig called Whorror Show on the 18th


I was just about to hop on here and mention that šŸ˜…


Lucky Starzzz being debunked here >!but showing up as likely for S17 roople!< is an intriguing turn of events


allegedly it was partially due to the crunch time they artists for dragula had this season compared to drag race


afaik, they are all back home and filming is completed, they just for some reason are not allowed back online or to be gigging yet. no clue why lmfao but hoping reappearances are soon and any activity doesn't rule someone out or mean they were eliminated!


theyā€™re definitely back, Aurora was at BUMP the other day (big party in chicago) and is in a few insta posts :)


This is true - I tried to leave a comment from a throwaway last week but I think it got caught in automod lmao.


Is there a spoiler thread


post on r/DragraceTea?


They are back, grey matter just unfollowed someone


This is funnier than it should be. Edit: Couldn't someone he followed have deleted their account?


Not likely imo, also the haunted house that he runs and has posted himself on their account so we can assume he runs the account for it aswell just liked one of his best friends posts, she is not affiliated with the haunted house, so itā€™s safe to assume that they are probably back on social media


I really hope one of the cast members posts a story or something soon.




The reunion will be HOT!


I hope this is true ![gif](giphy|fUQ4rhUZJYiQsas6WD)


Any idea how far Auntie makes it?? šŸ‘€


Yes but id have to exterminate you if i told you


Can we not turn this into a show spoilers. Alot of us find cast tea, but not show spoilers. Especially given how *notoriously* unreliable Dragula season spoilers are.


I 100% respect that! We all have our limits with spoilers and to each their own :) I would def encourage tea spillers to tag spoilers. Everyone is in their own right to either want to see things or not especially given the speculative nature. I wouldn't bring it up were tea not already being spilled on this thread.


Am I the only one who thinks cast reveal speculation is fun but elimination placement order tea is not? I'm all for clocking who might be on, but I don't want to know who goes home before a promotional package. Could just be me. If OP responds I hope they use a spoiler tag.


I 100% respect that! We all have our limits with spoilers and to each their own :) I would def encourage tea spillers to tag spoilers. Everyone is in their own right to either want to see things or not especially given the speculative nature. I wouldn't bring it up were tea not already being spilled on this thread.




Is it over


Someone do a wellness check


No fr like ā€œfilming is doneā€ okayyy then where are they? Did their plane pull a yellow jackets orr??




Given how much Drac and Swan love Yellowjackets don't give them ideas.


Well, I saw how much they love monster movies when they decided to read the wikipedia description of Monster for an intro.


It seems as though filming is still going as seen on the boulets instagram [here šŸ‘»](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6W6pyty1BN/?igsh=MWJjeW9xbHNrNDl5eg==)


Not necessarily they (especially Drac) always film alot of BTS video to share bits on social media from various points during filming. . I do like this season they aren't even being coy about filming. I can't recall when they normally film their dynamics.


itā€™s over


heartbroken at the fact that devon pelletier isn't on i want him on SO BAD


There has to be people we havent clocked yetā€¦theres no way its taking this long to film when we *supposedly* only have 10 monsters


Would it be crazy to think Max from season 7 got cast? Followed by the Dragula account. I also donā€™t think they posted on instagram or twitter since December?


They have twitter activity unfortunately ā˜¹ļø


Wonder if it'll be a 10 person cast or if a couple haven't been clocked which would be amazing.


We hardly knew ye Jaxie


Desiree is being advertised for a Motherā€™s Day gig on May 12th so filming will probably be over by then at least!


Thatā€™s my top ghoul! w/ yury, Asia, and grey matter! Ugh canā€™t wait!


I need filming to be finished soon šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


pxrn just posted a reel on instagram that alludes to her being on the cast. are we certain she was debunked?


She's just trolling based on the speculation she was. Posting on any account during filming or alluding to being on the show would breach NDA.


And she also used the song Dragula by Rob Zombie on it šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ maybe sheā€™s messing w us




i dont think its that serious, we thought she was on the cast, she isn't on the cast, life moves on


She's not really playing us though. Any allusion to being cast is a breach of NDA which the Boulets and Shudder take extremely seriously.


Local PDX performer here as well- Nobody has heard from or seen Asia Consent for months and months Most of us are also assuming that she got on


Manifesting āœØ


Desiree has been active on IG. Does that mean sheā€™s definitely not in the season? They could possibly be scheduled posts I guess


What kind of activity? It looks like her most recent post was March 5


Youā€™re 100% right and I have no idea what I was looking at lmaooo. My bad!! Happy to be wrong though, I would love to see them on the show


Well how long has filming been going on for surely itā€™s wrapped up by now


Filming started the week of the 17th. It usually runs 5 weeks.


Has anyone looked into Asphyxia? She has been inactive since the 17th so there is a chance she is on


She currently has several active Instagram stories unfortunately


9th of febuary i mean


Theyā€™re still filming and sheā€™s posting so I think itā€™s a no :/


pxrn debunked


Killing myself tomorrow


Filming should be done relatively soon right? They disappeared about a month ago and filming takes abt 5 ish weeks if im not mistaken


Asia Consent - that is brilliant šŸ˜‚


moved yuri up after some new info!


Taking this as sheā€™s storming the other ghouls šŸ˜Œ


Hopefully it's positive top 4 info. #TeamYuri


Can you get some new info about Asia Consent hahaha I'm too attached already




Maybe it was just a fan? I donā€™t think theyā€™re done filming yet.


Yeah tbh it probably was. Iā€™ve seen Scylla perform several times and whoever I saw looked a lot like them! But also the club was dark and flashing lights sooo


Whatā€™s the proof you had?


She was in the background of some pics me and my friend took at the bar we frequent for drag shows. Scylla has a very distinct makeup style so I assumed it was them at the bar bc I wasnā€™t paying attention and it was dark. Then I also saw that a queen I follow also from here in Chicago posted a picture of them on their IG story and tagged Scylla so I just assumed it was them lol. Theyā€™ve since posted another picture with the person in question though, tagging them as someone else who was just trying Scyllaā€™s makeup style, so I was wrong haha. Oops


that was her bf šŸ˜­


Iā€™m still hoping for one or two ā€œunknownā€ Queens like we got with saint season 3. Didnā€™t she only have like a thousand instagram followers at the time or something?


We literally didnā€™t even know Saint (at the time Saint Lucia) was on the show until the Meet The Monsters video dropped šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it was crazy


Do we feel pretty solid about this being the cast (except maybe Jaxie?)


the seven in likely i feel solid on, almost no doubt based off of a combination of inactivity/cancelled gigs/rumours/tea. the four in possible i would find it bizarre if they weren't on, if there were another reason for their lack of activity the last few weeks, but they're not in likely because there is less to support them and we've been wrong with more information before! and jaxie i truly don't know, simply not enough to go off of hence why he's remained in keep an eye on this whole time


I shouldā€™ve clarified what I meant! I was asking if this cast feels fairly set in stone


I know nothing about Jaxie, besides scrolling her IG, but she seems to have no edge to her besides being a bearded queen.


Jaxie can perform, has done several Halloween performances, and can bring conceptual looks. Also a fierce advocate for the queer BIPOC community.


Who/what changed? It says it was updated 8/4


pxrn was moved up to possible.


Light tea from the the Boulet Q and A at the Spookala drag show. Season 6 is coming together really quickly and it's only 1 of the projects they are currently working on.


May we expect a first 12 monster cast?šŸ‘€


Could be a split premiere as well. I want a longer season! It's about time!!


They been expanding since season 5! \^\_\_\^




Oh wait a minute. This is all bullsh\*\*. I follow Jaxie and all of this is very untrue. I have been in copenhagen several times and I have seen what drag scene she is talking about. The people Jaxie has talked about were some very toxic drags that used Jaxies childhood trauma to not get her booked as well as targeting trans and other bipocs that were threats. I have also withdrawn from those social circles because all they do is trash talk odd drag artist while they do simple drag race drag. Jaxie had talked to several bookers about this toxic behavior several times according to her stories and they haven't handled the situation. Denmark is indeed a very racist country (we are neighbours with Germany) and the drags speaking "up" about it were the same drags taking bookings from the bully Jaxie ultimately had to call out because she didn't stop targeting her. I also saw the sewing competition, where she enters and ultimately rejects an offer to continue because they didn't have the same perspective. One of my friends were on that program and they regret it because they weren't inclusive. I am not sure she is on the show through. I think she announced last year that she took a break from drag, because of the bullying and to get her shit together. Denmark is a small country, and mixing queer people with trauma with cut throat drag race girls is not a pleasant cocktail it seems. Don't know about her recent online activities though. I haven't seen her announce her monthly shows.




I happen to know a lot of trans and queer people who publically talk about the discrimination in that part of the drag scene. It's not like it's a secret that the drag scene in Denmark is completely BUNKERS wild! Also how can you confirm that the claims are not true? Jaxie talked about specific instances, it's still on her post. Drags using Jaxie's childhood trauma and abuse and calling her a monster to new young drag artists that don't yet know Jaxie, showing up at the clubs she works in to trash talk her backstage etc. Its a very bold choice to say that none of that is true from an "outside perspective" if you dont know the full t. If you know bipoc and trans people who didn't experience discrimination it doesn't automatically nullify the hurt that people are publically talking about. Like, your journalism seems off.


Thatā€™s not true. Jaxi did provide examples. A lot of it was r*cist shit said behind her back so obvi there is no paper trail she can show to people.. and some of it was not even r*cist words but continuous systematic exclusion of brown/black performers.. also, several other brown/black drag artists in the Danish scene have said the exact same things about the exact same people for years. But they donā€™t want to speak out because theyā€™ve seen what happens to someone racialized or transgender who dares to speak out. So maybe show a little more respect for a racialized artist who speaks out about r*cism. Also, the Danish scene is very wyt and very cis, so it shouldnā€™t come as a surprise, or be met with suspicion, when these things are called out. Theyā€™re obvi happening!




I mean, your comments on both threads seem to prove Jaxie's rant about exclusion. Somehow, you are both a therapist and a fly on the wall. You know better how other people have treated her than she does. You can decide for a bipoc queer artist whether or not she experienced bullying and racism. Work Brenda!!


Itā€™s not true that zero agreed with her. If you want to stick to the facts, please remember that is true. I do know a lot of people too in the drag & queer scene too, other racialized & trans people as well. Among them brown & trans people who have literally quit drag, or are discouraged from starting a drag career, because of how vicious the scene is. And also among them quite a few who, when Jaxie made her call-out, said they got a similar vibe from the scene/had similar experiences with the same people but they were afraid to speak up because they knew they would literally loose bookings & opportunities. They had seen/experienced r*cist & transphobic language, ignorance, lots of wyt tears and a wyt menā€™s club. And seeing how jaxie has been treated because she spoke out, itā€™s understandablle if theyā€™re scared. Itā€™s literally an example of what you mention yourself: Denmark is racist af but people canā€™t talk about it. So easy to say it didnā€™t happen when youā€™re not in that persons shoes. Not the best response to someone calling out r*cism, to deny their experience because the people being held accountable say it didnā€™t happen. There obvi needs to be education&reconciliation in the DK drag scene. Looking in from the outside and saying r*cism didnā€™t happen when someone speaks up is just not good enough. Also, exclusion is about more than bookings. You can be booked everywhere, like you say, and still be excluded socially when people treat you like shit. Literally, what jaxie describes, the gossip, trash talking, spreading rumors, bringing up jaxies past trauma against her, all ways of excluding someone ..


Ok so we need her


Seems like you have done your homework! Tbh all of this makes me excited to see what messiness she will beings


Do we think PXRN is on? That random post match 25th was so weirdĀ 


i genuinely kind of think she was cut early and that post was her being like fuck this, which she was then reprimanded for. because she very much was in LA, and if she was cut before that post she'd have to be one of the first 2 or 3 out. but thats just how im making sense of it


I am not sure they are debunked. Have anyone seen later activities?


Not later than March 25. But on all of her friends stories who she normally hangs with she isnā€™t seen. Wondering if maybe somebody else posted that video on her story??? To like throw us off


Really hope Yuri is actually on this season!


is there a possibility of a returning Monster this season?


Hollow Eve needs to come back!






Oh lol. Should have spoiler warned with \*unpopular opinion\*. FML


I was wondering this too, since they seemed pretty high on Jarvis at the reunion


I expect we would see Jarvis in the next version they do of Titans/Allstars or in another Boulet Brothers' production. They've got other scripted projects they are working on.


Would make a fantastic cut away host for their Halloween special if they do that again.


I absolutely think they intend to use Jarvis in a project. My Dragula conspiracy theory is that Drac and Swan have wanted to do a Christmas horror special and I think that's where we will see Jarvis. Boulets mentioned at Spookala season 6 is only one of the projects they are working on in relation to TV.


I hope they give Jarvis a little creative control. Both his and Jules minds are so Mile-a-minute creative and witty I think it would allow them to shine the best. (I have a hard time referring to Jarvis as a singular entity because of the possession background story Jarvis has and I absolutely love that. What a great interpretation of drag.)


Yeah whatever project needs to take advantage of the quick wit. I use Jules/Jarvis cause I feel the same. The comedy is so fucking good.


Jarvis is currently on tour with throb


I hope not tbh


I agree, no more returning monsters. Fresh blood is better!


The Boulet's already managed to crown all of their faves from S2. So since there's no need for that now, it's rather unlikely lol (but what do I know)


Do we have any idea how long they usally take to film?


usually 5-6 weeks. so i wouldnt expect them back til closer to the end of the month


Grey is giving Victoriaā€™s level of ā€˜universal studiosā€™ drag and honestly Iā€™m so seated for it


Can I say an unpopular opinion that I really don't want top level special effects and costuming on Dragula? I really prefer seeing artists being crafty. It gets over rewarded by the Boulets and I feel like it's the least interesting kind of drag featured on the show.




Phobia Haunted Houses is pretty nuts. Their creatures are beyond creepy and I love it. I recommend visiting in their open season if anyone is in the Houston area. Edit: I should add Grey Matter operates the business and makes the monsters and scare actors costumes.


Do Auntie, Skylla and/or Aurora have any history/drama that might be featured on the show?


scylla is auntie's daughter! otherwise not too sure


Any T as to why Asia hasnā€™t made the cast before?


Well, if she is cast, they might talk about it on COTN at some point.


Scylla radiates finalist energy


I'm locking in Grey, Vivvi, Asia, and Yuri as my top 4 prediction. Could definitely see Auntie take one of these spots tho... really solid looking cast in general, I'm really excited!!!


Letā€™s call it how it is, DesirĆ©e and severity give early outs


To hate on a cast you donā€™t even know lol severity and Desiree are amazing show producers and what happens in local bars that pay $50-$100 is different than a competition that has $10,000 as a prize. Go touch grass.


Girl go kick rocks with open toe shoes


Your entire comment history is shitting on Desiree. Get a life


Do you only come here to shit talk DesirƩe?


Downvote me all u want im being realistic


Girl get a hobby


I personally see Top 4: Auntie, Asia, Scylla, and Grey/Yuri.


OMG I JUST FOLLOWED HALF THESE GIRL BUT FOR ME TOP 5 ( this is hard asf no joke): Yuri, Asia, Gray, Auntie, & Aurora


Manifesting Auntie Asia Grey Scylla top 4 + Vivvi going far


Craving a bloodspill šŸ™šŸ™


Little other tea on S6. Devoglaer is no longer a producer on the show. Mentioned it on Twitch stream. He will still be doing COtN. Nothing scandalous he wanted to work on his own platform and art.


> COtN. what is COtN


Creatures of the Night the podcast Drac, Swan, and Ian do.


Creatures of the Night (Boulets podcast)


Saliva Godiva is debunked


Auntie HAS to be on at this point there's genuinely too much tea to support she's there


Whatā€™s the T supporting her on?


Her usual show "Auntie's Panties" got abruptly replaced without any real announcement proceeding it. The bar took down the post but some queens who are going to perform still have it on their stories.


Which performers are you talking about?


Another day Grey Matter hasn't been debunked. šŸ™


Pxrn just posted an Instagram story but is currently in LA right now.


maybe there is a break in filming and the cast are allowed to have their phones back?


Just checked and theyā€™re the only speculated one to post so it seems more likely theyā€™re not on :(


Could they have been an alternate? Feels excessive to have an international alternate though


Goshā€¦ maybe they got eliminated but why risk posting


Or maybe they're just āœØvisitingāœØ and were never on the cast.


Where do they film?


I do believe they film in LA but cast wouldnā€™t be on socials at allā€¦confusing,,,


They film at Quixote studios.


SHUT UP, PXRN MIGHT BE ON?! They would be so good!


So now thatā€™s filming well underway, are we expecting a cast of 10 or are any of the ā€œkeep an eye onā€ monsters likely on too ??


truly dont know! my prediction is a cast of 12, since if they were to do a top 4 again that would allow for 8 episodes with eliminations which is their regular layout. but no idea what that cast may be! could have all of it clocked and just dont know or we could still be missing people haha


13 is the perfect number for this franchise


Asia and Vivvi are great performers, iā€™ve met both of them and they are really nice and fun to be around šŸ„ŗ I hope they both get on!


A lot more bearded performers than usual if this is the cast. Also Iā€™ve seen Pi live and theyā€™re perfect for dragula


A (Unlucky number) 13 monster cast would be cunty for Dragula


moved severity up and added saliva !


Manifesting Asia, Grey and Yuri being bumped from possible to likely.


They are my top 3 šŸ˜­