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Obviously you liked it enough to come to trolls reddit Did you even take the time to appreciate all that went into making them? The first movie had actual scrap book pieces cut out and animated, scanned, digitalized,,, the amount of *detail* in the characters is insane. Also- *Justin Timberlake.* need I say more?


Ok the scrapbooking and animation and detail is great I get that, but the actual plot is not.




I don’t hate fun I just think the plot is just meh


they are allowed to dislike something without it meaning they"" don't like fun "" mate I feel that's a touch unfair to say if they don't like the plot so be it but them having a different opinion to you doesn't mean their reasons aren't as valid as yours are for liking it. which you kinda implied by saying they just didn't like it because it was fun like I love them as well but this goes a bit too far in trying to defend something. please try and be more respectful of differing opinions in the future we all want this fandom to be a fun place.


Gee I wonder if people in the Trolls subreddit actually like Trolls


Someone wasn't allowed to be creative as a kid /j I'm 31 and love the series, sometimes even quoting it. And before you ask: No, I do not have or work with kids, so I saw these movies because *I* wanted to see them and not because I was watching it with kids.


As an adult who's not a parent, I love the movies and series. Just always loved animated movies and Trolls happens to be one of my favorite. To start, the characters are cute, I like cute characters, but also have some development over the three movies. Such as Branch coming out of his shell for example, and not always hiding away in a bunker. Poppy learning to listen to others. Also, I was a kid who use to do arts and crafts and used felt a lot, I really like the arts and crafts aesthetic. Story-wise, I loved the adventure Poppy and Branch went on, how they helped a bergen find happiness, as well as the True Colors moment. The second movie did some world building, and the third expanded on their families, while introducing new places. Not to mention, I love the music. I really like these movies, but I'm only speaking for myself here. Like any movie, not every movie is going to be everyone's cup of tea. As someone who likes these movies, I'm happy with them. They're great IMHO.


my autistic ass is hella hyperfixated on it so uh yeah


18 year old demigirl here and I've loved the movies since the first, every time new stuff from it comes out, my hyperfixation comes back into my life. They have their flaws, but I still love them very much. As someone who's been here since the start, it's crazy how huge the fandom got after the third movie. Awesome for me, more fellow Broppy shippers and great fan content! Obviously it's still tiny compared to other fandoms, but it's great to have more people who love the movies!


I enjoyed the films, and I still don't get the hatred for it. What exactly was wrong with the films that make you think they were bad?


I simply didn’t like a lot of the humor that was obviously directed to little kids and I thought the plot was just meh. I guess I understand why other people would like it, but it’s not for me me.


Well the film is directed towards little kids, so of course the humor is gonna be directed towards little kids, well except for the stuff they sneak in like Trolls practically being drugs. The third film actually had a censored swear put in, kids might not know what swear was said, but adults definitely will. As for the plot, what was "meh" about it? Personally I thought the plot was better than the first since there was a clear path while the second had to juggle too many plots.


I’m just not sure how to express that. It was just not for me. It doesn’t really matter, in the grand scheme of things. It’s just a silly little film series. If people like it, ok I guess.


I like all 3 films. I like the colours, the songs, the characters and the storylines. The films always make me feel happier 😊


I mean obviously it's meant for little kids but as a 16 yr old male I find it very cool, music is absolutely superb and continues to get better with each new movie, Velvet and Veneer are an amazing villain duo with even better vocals (even if they stole them). The plot while remaining for kids has definitely developed with more complex issues each characters face in each of the movies and the development we see. Obviously it wont turn into some gritty action franchise as its for small children but it is clear the producers and everyone involved with the making of the movie learn from their mistakes and improve for the future which is great to see, Can't wait for a 4th movie to come out, hopefully with some more lore on Mount Rageous, who knows Id love to see a war based on singing and dance battles 😂 OH OH and we NEED more Velvet and Veneer, maybe a redemption arc, I'd love to see them actually work hard to get their talent bc I NEED more Brianna Mazzola vocals and Andrew Ranells


I am so with you on needing more Velvet and Veneer. Especially with redeeming the both of them. I've thought of so many ways that they can be redeemed and become famous the right way because they are such fantastic characters. They brought so many new fans to the franchise, they deserve to be rewarded for it


I do! My two young kids have been obsessed with Trolls ever since the second one came out, and I don't even mind watching it a million times with them. And I love anything Eric Andre is in, so I was glad to see (or hear) him in the new one.


I dislike Branch being forced to forgive the family that abandoned him for 20 years in the third movie, but other than that, they're fun cute movies with great songs.


I love the first two films both of the specials and the tv shows mainly for the characters tbh and I find most of the Humour to be my kinda thing. and yeah I'm a 23 year old with no little children in my life or anything that would make me watch them truth is I just have a variety of tastes lol I'm also a big horror film fan and I mainly like ones that are extra bleak and don't have happy endings. so I guess my liking of cute animated films and shows that preach positivity and whatnot kinda balances that out a bit haha 😂😂😂😂


Your flair is so real


I'm 25, don't work with kids, don't have kids. Genuinely enjoy all 3 movies and have seen them several times. I've seen the spin off short films and TV shows too. They're just fun and I like them. It's okay if they're not quite your cup of tea as long as you let us enjoy them as much as we do :)


Finally someone who acknowledges that it’s ok that not everyone likes them. It’s fine if you do, just not my kind of thing.


yeah I'd like to apologise on behalf of this sub I am a little disappointed to see some people's reactions on here we all love Trolls on here I love Trolls ( except the third movie ) but I 100 percent get why they aren't for everyone like literally no piece of entertainment is but I'm Disheartened to see fans on here trying to make out like there's something wrong with simply not liking them for valid reasons. when you've expressed your opinion in a perfectly respectable way.


I can’t believe how much I underestimated this fandom. I expected some people to like it…but this is…insane how many people liked it. It’s fine if you liked it, but damn…I just didn’t realize the power the trolls fans have.


Bro is fricking 2024, adult fans of """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""children""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" cartoons had existed since the creation of cartoons, probably started to come off with anime or over 2010's with MLP (i'm a brony too) so whats the big deal about it? Quality=Fans, not only children


I know, I’m a fan of a lot of other animated shows and movies, just not this one. If you enjoy the movie, that’s completely ok. I just didn’t enjoy it for a few reasons. The gross humor, although not as bad as some other films, takes my enjoyment level down a little. And I think the plot was ok, but not really anything special. If you enjoyed the plot or the movie or anything about it, don’t let my opinion stop you. It’s just my personal opinion.


I do. It makes me feel so upbeat, and colorful. It makes me feel happy, and i think the plotlines are good. I don't freaking care if a movie is not as "gOAtEd" as Spiderverse or Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. I like all movies tbh. :)


i liked them but the third movie ruined them


I somewhat agree I love the first two films plus the tv shows and specials but the Third movie really left a Dark stain on the franchise for me personally given its really iffy message that basically amounted to forgive Family no matter how terrible they are to you because family isn't meant to be perfect.