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You don't even have to go the wells . Just click on your map, use your fast travel button, and you can go there from anywhere you are. You can use the same trick to return home .  


Realms also.


You can also fast travel to any of the realms from your map as well.




Also any of the realms! Great way to collect glimmer.


Is there an easy way to get it? Only got some once by accident and had no idea what it was




The realms and castle don't have a well and aren't on the map as a regular, selectable well fast travel point. I'm also autistic and can interpret stuff literally though.


I only discovered fast travel this week! Realised I could travel to Eternity Isle by going to the castle on the map, and taking the toggle. But did not realise I could use fast travel on the map in Eternity Isle, to then go back home quickly. Was having to go to the docks each time and go to the boat. Which takes so long and then you have to come all the way through the castle 😫 Very glad I discovered it, but annoyed it took me so long


You can also do that with the realms when I figured this out, I was so shocked but when I do go to a different realm or eternity islands I save my game just in case


I figured that one out between Act I and Act II of a Rift in Time. But it is a pretty cool trick


You can just click whatever well on the map too from anywhere you are. Saving you the few fast travel clicks.


What. Thank you!!!


Thanks! I did not know this!


I have no clue how to get to EI. I see it on my screen under Collections screen but greyed out. I’m guessing I have to be connected to internet but it never lets me even ps5 connected to WiFi


WAIT.. wut?! Omg thank you!!


Seriously! Omg that's such a time saving trick! Thank you!!!


It’s pretty mind blowing how many people don’t look at the button hints and shortcuts on their screens when they play.


That seems kind of rude, don’t you think? There’s a lot of stuff to take in, sometimes you don’t catch everything. I just wanted to post this in case someone else could use the hint.


I don’t think it’s rude, no. Just a lot to take in, sometimes I don’t believe everything. I just wanted to reply to this because everyone is allowed to in a public space.


Access to a public space does not make it your personal domain to put others down or make unnecessary, condescending comments. There is enough negativity and hate in the world without your jackass commentary on someone's post that they intended to help others. Do better, homie. Best wishes xx


I’m alright, thank you.


Oof, I fully believe that you are uninterested in doing better. 😔 Odd that you're existing in an online forum for something related to Disney– the happiest place on earth. Sending so much pixie dust your way to pull you out of the dark hell you're stuck in ♥️✨💫


Yikes, alrighty.