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Gameloft has been able to help when this happens with others. Tell them the date or time you want your save reverted to and they can usually fix it


I'm not sure when they did it unfortunately. I usually log myself out when I let them play but now I'm questioning if I did it the last time or not. Ive just accepted my fate and have started over


Could you not just ask gameloft to recover it from a week ago, or even a month? They may still have the save file. Might save you from starting completely over again.


I'm just gonna rock it out. In my experience they take a while to get back to people and I want to play so I'm just gonna play. And from what I've seen since I play on Xbox there's not a whole lot they can be done unfortunately, most recovery files (from what I saw that is) are switch or steam I didn't see any specific to xbox unless it was backed up to a PC save and I certainly did not do that


Yeah, when my son deleted my file it took about a month for them to respond. I had already restarted and completely rebuilt by that time


This is exactly why I'm not bothering them with it thank you for understanding where I'm coming from


Not sure why youre getting so many downvote its your choice i understand not wanting to wait although not sure why you made this post if you weren’t planning on trying to recover it lol


Yeah the down vote is weird


They did this with me but I picked up from old save because I had spent money and a lot of time also if your not ps I have tons off stuff out free gems fish ect xx


Why are you getting downvoted?


Probably because they made a complaint that has an easy solution. But won’t take the time to do what people suggested.


They could just be venting. I wouldn't like waiting but would because of the things I would lose. I save to the cloud. If they had done that wouldnt they be able to get that back?


I don't actually see where they asked for anyone's advice though. Venting without wanting help is allowed


Yeah, downvoting without further explanation is, too :)


It's also toxic 🤷🏽‍♀️


So is life, it ends with death. No one owes anyone anything in regards to up/downvoting, much less any explanations. I mean I'm not a teenager in some US popularity contest. Whether people up- or downvote me is really none of my business, it's theirs :)


They didn’t ask for everyone’s unsolicited advice on what to do though. They just made a statement about what happened.


They explained very clearly why they aren’t going to bother, and others in the same situation before agreed with them. Gameloft takes forever to respond if they ever do. The downvoting is because this subreddit can be toxic AF if we aren’t cheerful and only post about rainbows and butterflies.


I am all over reddit like all day and this is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Downvoting because they didn't take the advice...that they didn't ask for in the first place 🙃


Not always. I got help in two days.


Well then he should've ended his venting with " but its all good..I'm just gonna go catch some butterflies under a rainbow !!" Then everyone would be like " There ya go !! Its not the end of the world!! " and then he'd have like 2.5k upvotes!! The key is to vent...but be happy about it. 🤣😂🤣


Plus its even worse because they were a Day 1 player. Meaning they undoubtedly lost a shit ton of stuff you cant get anymore (starpath stuff) unless it happens to show up in the paid shop again and you feel like spending money Its like really? You wont go through the minimal effort required to save your Valley youve had since day 1? You’d rather restart from 0 because you dont want to wait around a month? Even playing constantly, after a month you wont be remotely close to where you were at…. Hell if you reaaaaally dont want to wait then you could contact support for the fix and then start a new Valley on a different system. Then you have 2 valleys, and could even just send the Nieces to play on the new valley when they come over. No more risking your own


Eh no telling I'm not pressed about it everyone is not going to agree on everything. People are coming from a good place and wanting to help which is awesome and I appreciate them for that. I think there's just a lack of understanding where I'm coming from, shock and panic at logging in then to a "you know it's ok it's just a game" place. I don't mind starting over it's just the shock of it I wasnt planning on that the day before the update but here we are.


Sorry this group is so toxic. Hope you have fun rebuilding. I cloud save cus im on xbox too.


I commend you on your positive attitude, on a very negative moment and understanding that it wasn’t the end of the world for you. 💗


Sorry you’re getting so heavily downvoted, OP. I wish I could be more like you. I am WAY too attached to pixels on a screen, and it’s ridiculous for me to care so much about my progress in a game that has zero impact on real life and the things that truly matter. As a day 1 player myself with 1,500 hours of playtime, I’d be beyond devastated if this happened to me and I lost everything. So kudos to you for being so easy going about it and not letting it prevent you from jumping back in and enjoying playing the game again. I don’t know if I’d have it in me to do the same. Best of luck for your restart! 😊


I mean, you have a great attitude about it. I'm sorry that happened. It kinda sucks. I wouldn't "downvote" you over it, but i kinda understand why they are, to be honest. When making a post saying Oh no, this happened, and then someone gives you an easy solution on how to fix it, yet instead, you're pretty much like.....nah it's OK I'm good. It kinda get people thinking like....well why did you make a deal about it?


Yes exactly this. I just wandered into the thread but, I understand both sides completely. OP obviously just wanted to vent, but of course the first reaction most people will have is to try to help even though OP didn't necessarily want help they just wanted to vent. So now, all the people who tried to help are gonna be like, "Well why even post if you didn't want any advice/help on fixing it?" when all OP wanted was just a place to vent.


What we need is a DDLventing sub ! A place just for venting and getting things off of our chests. It always helps to see that you're definitely not alone in almost anything you might vent about. 😊


I think venting threads are nice because it keeps the negativity all in one place and those who want to just keep sharing cute pics of their valley, villagers, etc. just asking for advice, or are just overall wanting to keep the sub positive and welcoming place can do so.


i aspire to have a mindset like you! i’m shocked about all the downvotes, you have a spectacular point of view 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was wondering the same thing...I was just replying to OP below in this post and saw they are downvoting them there as well.


Because they are crying over something with an easy fix. But too lazy to do it. Just on here to complain probably didn’t even happen to be honest


Holy shit, why are you getting downvoted so hard for just being like ‘sucks but, life happens’ Like why are people like this… what. Baffling. That sucks OP, have fun starting fresh


Why are people downvoting you so much? Heck if you don't wanna contact them to recover the files, you should be allowed to!!!!


Idk maybe just try?


All i want to ask is s how? How can somebody get rid of a valley and the cloud save they had to know what they were doing right


Eh, I could see my nieces doing this exact same thing accidently. I do not let them play on my switch without supervision for this exact reason.


This is 💯% the same kinda thing MY niece would do too. We had very specific rules about what she could and couldn’t do when logged into my games. Now she’s almost a teenager with her own gaming consoles and is teaching *me* how to do stuff in games lol


It's the circle of life.


Hahah I like that!! Very fitting since we’re talking about DDV 😁


Definitely circle of Life! I taught my sons and now my grandson is teaching me things about the games!


I don't think they really understood what new game meant the games they play don't have the save feature or it's on a phone. I also forgot to log out so it's on me at the end of the day. They are 4 & 5 so I can't really put it on them. They just push the buttons.


Still thiI hope you had a talking to them or their mum did and telling them not to do that or explain to them what they did and I hope they apologised


I gave them the why are you like this speech and they brought me a cookie as a sorry. I did this to my brother back in the day when you had to use save cards so I guess it's pay back 😂


Aww that’s nice of them


If you’ve ever cloud saved Gameloft will be able to pull an older version of that save for you, contact support


I was wondering if CloudSave would prevent this. I have a 2.5yo that loves to sit in my lap and talk to the characters. *Generally* she knows she isn’t supposed to touch it without me there, but occasionally if I have it charging or something she will pick it up. I once caught her one click away from purchasing the $50 moonstone pack lol—though that was close to a year ago. I’ve been playing since December 2022, and while I wouldn’t be *devastated* to lose my valley itself, I’d be pretty bummed to lose my 89% complete furniture collection, my insane stockpile of resources and all my moonstone items (which thanks to DreamSnaps add up to several hundred dollars worth—though I’d hope that those things at least are attached to your account no matter what.) I guess I’m confused on how CloudSave apparently works though? Someone in another comment thread said it took Gameloft over a month to restore their game once when this happened to them. I would have assumed you could just download your own save file without even contacting them? I thought that was part of the whole point of a CloudSave.


As players, the cloud save is what allows us to play cross-platform and of course creates backups on Gameloft's servers. We can't access the backup files ourselves, though, the game just automatically opens from the most recent one or, if there's a conflict between the cloud save and local save, gives you the option to chose which one you want to use.


Hmm. Does anyone know if that’s how it usually is in video games that have CloudSave? Honestly the only experience I really have with any sort of “cloud” data is Apple, and I’ve been using the same account for 15 years now. Every time I get a new device I just login and (after a prompt) it automatically downloads my data to said device. I guess I always assumed this game (most games?) would be basically the same thing. I’m now realizing there’s no “load game” option on the Home Screen—which is where I’d assume the option to load your own cloud data would be. Maybe I thought it would ask you when you select new game whether you want to start from scratch or load from the cloud.


It depends on the game. Some games have multiple save slots so you can make manual saves (and choose whether or not to override older saves) and choose to load the game from any of the manual or automatic saves - though automatic saves will have a max. number of saves and will automatically override older ones. Generally those aren't live-service, continuous games like DLV, though. Games like this tend to be automatic, like how I described above. It _may_ ask if the user wants to use the most recently saved file, but it depends on what exactly was deleted and if that most recent save is post-deletion or not.


I've been thinking about restarting anyway so I'm just going to go with it now that I'm passed the initial panic and NEVER let them touch it again


It might be worth checking if you'll still have access to everything you got for being an early access player and anything you've bought in the premium shop/earned in star paths.


This, because you lose access to the stuff you bought ):


You don't I still have all that. 😀


Including everything from the premium shop and previous star paths?


Plus now you have all the extra knowledge. Only downside is a lot of the first star path / event rewards don't come back around often, and when they do they cost a lot more moonstones/tokens.


When this happened to me gameloft said they couldn't do anything about it


You are giving up on everything bc you aren’t sure if it can be recovered? My advice would be to at least ask before you give up. You probably have starpath stuff and things that came with release if you’ve played since day one and those things cannot be recovered unless you recover your account. Please don’t give up if you don’t have to!


Honestly their response time is terrible in my experience with them. I'll probably be rebuilt by the time they respond. It sucks but now that the initial shock has passed I'm kinda looking forward to doing it all over and getting to see the changes and playing through a little slower this time. I have my premium content, star path stuff and other stuffs so I thankfully didn't lose absolutely everything


Oh wow, you keep all that stuff? That's awesome! I'd be tempted to start over if that was the case.....


I have the stuff I care about I can't say for sure it's everything because there's just so much stuff


Oh wait, whattt?! You don’t lose the stuff you pay for?! That’s amazing. Then it wouldn’t hurt so bad to lose it all. Good luck!


That's why you never share your important things with kids, like, never ever.


I see these kinda posts all the time on Animal Crossing groups I'm in and I just don't understand why anyone would even allow kids to play on their games that are so important to them. Like, you KNOW the kids are going to mess it up lol they always do.


right? i’m autistic and so my games are extremely important to me i could absolutely never let any kid on any of my serious games especially games where i can’t make a new fresh account for them to do whatever they want on it


I used to get so frustrated as a teen when I would be forced to share my games with younger relatives or kids who belonged to my parents' friends. They would almost ALWAYS erase my games and so I started hiding them if I wasn't going to be home. So my parents would raid my room until they found them because nobody wanted to just entertain the kids themselves. 😑 sorry lol random memory flashback.


Did you upload to a cloud? Maybe you can reload it?? Sending good vibes!!


I am so sorry! Did you have a cloud save at all? Maybe Gameloft can restore a backup? Might be worth at least emailing them. Sending all the comforting vibes.


Oh those cute little toots deleted my cloud save and started their own valley


I'm so sorry! That's not fun to go through. If you're not on PS I can spare some dream shards. Hit me up whenever you unlock multiplayer if you want some.


Also thank you for your offer I appreciate you


I'm just dreading the clay I can already feel the haunting memories


I'm plenty stocked up on clay too. Seriously, this is my nightmare. Let me know what you need. I've got you covered.


Once you get there, let me know and I can bring you clay :) I have pleeeeeenty lol (if you’re on switch or PC)


I can bring you any resource you need. I have plenty of everything so when you get the portal you can come back to this post and lmk if you want


Ouch that's a hard lesson learned. Their 4& 5 accidents happen. I would try to do all of the dreamlight duties on your main island then if you have it on Etetnity Isle also. Pumpkins hit those with the miracle grow to get some coins. Do all of the quickest dreamlight duties. Open blue chests for moonstones, etc. Good Luck🤗


Thats why i never let anyone touch my valley especially kids still remember nightmare stories from gameboy days about kids deleting save data


There may be a small archive of cloud saves. You should definitely reach out to customer service and see if they can restore it for you. It’s worth asking if there’s a chance you don’t have to start so over.


I had myself a good panic fit and I've decided to just go with it and enjoy it all over again. Ive got all my pack items and moonstones so really nothing to terrible lost except my time 😂


Ok. That’s a strange response since you bothered to make the post. But cool. You do you.


There's literally nothing that can be done at this point. I can't say for sure when they did it so why bother someone about it. Also how quickly are they going to get back to me probably not quickly they seem to take a bit (last ticket I had took a week for a response) so why not just play and enjoy. At the end of the day it's a game and my nieces had fun so sucks but it is what it is. I logged in and had a panic hence the post. I had myself a fit and calm down so now I'm just gonna grind it out.


I can bring you supplies once you have multiplayer. It will help you at least be able to get through fast to where you were! X


I feel like that might be why they posted to begin with, possible freebies from nice people. They could be making up the whole scenario about the deleted game. But it's sweet of you to offer help to anyone who needs. ♥ edited to add: I see now that OP's turning down offers for freebies, so maybe it's just for attention.


For those wondering how this could possibly happen…believe me it HAPPENS 😭 I let my nieces play on my animal crossing account one time, I put them in the most secluded area where I wasn’t that concerned because I was still building. Anddddd then half of my items were missing, I had no clothing, and yea it was bad. They sold lots of things to make “money for me”.


Oh no!!! The cloud save is not a backup. It’s a syncing service, and is frequently an outdated copy. In theory the cloud save (sync) you do through dreamlight valley will mirror your current local save. Sometimes it doesn’t upload properly so the server has an outdated copy. I’m sure gameloft will help if you reach out, as others have said GL was able to pull older saves from their servers (unlike what we can access). It won’t help this time, but to prevent future problems you should learn how to truly back up your save file. Go to the official Discord for detailed instructions how to truly back up on any platform. You need Nintendo online for the switch to do an actual backup. Saving inside the game, and cloud saving inside the game, are not what I’m referring to when I ask if you’ve “backed up” your data. - Saving within game = local save - cloud save within game = syncing service between different platforms using GameLoft’s servers If you have Nintendo online, your game save is automatically backed up to NINTENDO’s servers. To always have a good back up copy you need to change the settings to manually back up to Nintendo’s servers. - backing up on a switch = manually going into switch game save data area to back up your game save to Nintendo’s servers. - backing up on any other device = a special process that I don’t know, but there are instructions on the official discord If you leave the switch set to automatically back up DLV save data (set up as automatic by default), whichever save you can currently see (including your current save that is now outdated) will override the version backed up to Nintendo’s servers. Essentially the back up that Nintendo has will mirror the local save unless you change it to manually back up, which lets you control which version Nintendo keeps for you as a backup. By backing up your game to Nintendo’s servers manually on a regular basis you will always have a “good” version stored on Nintendo’s servers. I manually back up to Nintendo’s servers after each play session. I recommend at least backing up daily. That way you know that if your current game glitches (or if there was inadvertent time travel that wrecked your game or nibbling a wreaking havoc lol) you can load the back up save file to restore progress to your last back up point which should still be viable.


I'm on Xbox so I'm just gonna rock it out and have a good time that just seems easier at this point 😂


You’re probably right! I just looked it up and the only way to back up an Xbox save is actually to load it onto a pc using the Xbox interface and then back up the Xbox pc save.


If you went to your help menu, there is an option to start from your last cloud upload


...we are past that point now I already started over and cloud saved tonight but now I know that for future reference. Thank you for the info!


Np! It's how I transfered to my ps5 from my ps4


Surely theres cloud data…Ive had several DV saves corrupted and was able to just reboot and it automatically finds the previous file before it crashed and corrupted


For future reference, you can add a second account to your Xbox and set up a game for the kids to play on. All the accounts on the device have access to the games, even if they’re not the one that owns them, so you don’t have to buy it again. Even the DLC is shared, if you have it. My 4yo has her own Dreamlight valley game, so she can decorate and play dress up to her heart’s content, but can’t mess up my game. I’m sorry you lost all your progress! It’s hard to get through the star path as a brand new player. Sometimes I consider restarting because I miss the chaos of the earlier parts of the game or want to replay story quests.


Lololol this is why I don't trust children around me.


Do you keep a cloud save?


Don't if this has been mentioned but I play on two different laptops and I did that once. I panicked but when I logged into the account on the other computer I had a cloud save that saved everything and only lost like a day worth of work


Your too kind. I would’ve been nieceless if they did that to me.


This is definitely worth reaching out to Gameloft!! They should be able to revert you, even if you can only say the last time you played (or a rough estimate).


I can't even guess the last time I played it's been a hot minute. I'm just gonna learn my lesson and just enjoy it all over again now that I'm passed the initial panic


I would still say worth a shot!


Is anyone reading the OP responses?? They said they wanna start over, NOT call Gameloft & NOT restore from the cloud. LMAO


Well I don't know if want to was what I wanted for say but that's what I'm doing 🤣 love me a challenge


LOL ok maybe I should rephrase … given the situation that your lovely nieces have put you in, you took what could have been a game ending thing for some ppl and are choosing to make the best of it! Good on you!




If I may ask, OP, how old are your nieces?


4 and 5


Then, yeah, they're very young still. Too young to know better. This is why you supervise kids in that age group, when you let them play your save file. And also why you *always* have a backup save (or cloud save) *just in case*, ***especially*** in situations like this. I'm not saying 4 year olds and 5 year olds aren't smart, but they're *definitely* too young to know better. That's what people oftentimes forget. 😆 Hopefully, you'll be able to catch yourself back up to where you were at before. 😅😆


Oh yeah 100% mistake on my part a)I forgot to log out and b)the supervisor was their dad who decided to take a food coma. I normally log out and then push the new game button and I kinda forgot step one and just gave them the controller to go help my mom so I can't really be mad at the toots


Oh, yeah, I get ya'. :)


Agreed. My 4yo has her own game on my switch, so she hasn’t messed mine up. But I was trying to help her progress a bit before this update and spent close to an hour trying to find where she’d stashed the vandalized signs for Stitch’s quest. They were in vending machines in the Monsters Inc realm. In good news, I also found a TON of gems in equally random places, so she’s much better off financially now. Kids do the weirdest stuff because their logic and understanding are very different. It can be annoying sometimes, but when it’s clearly not deliberate, I can forgive them pretty easily for messing things up.


If you're on anything other than playstation, I can help with supplies best I can if need be. Can't necessarily help with dreamlight, unfortunately.


I appreciate it but I'm just going to grind it out. I've made peace with the situation and so far it's been kinda fun to see what changes have been made to the early stages of the game. Going to try to go a little slower this time I think and really take it in since I rushed through it all the first time


That sounds like a plan. That's what I ended up deciding after grinding almost 700 hours in my first save. I'm now sitting at 917 and loving taking my time.


Omg I would be so upset 😭


For what it's worth, I took a gameplay break all winter and just started again in April. On a whim, I deleted everything and started fresh due to a glitch that i was too impatient to wait for help with. I was mad at myself at first but ended up really enjoying the restart. I hadn't done any sort of decorating, so it wasn't *that* much of a loss, I guess. But it really reignited my love for the game. Have fun!


I would sob 😭😭😭 but reading through your comments, even though yes it could be saved it DOES take gameloft FOREVER to reply back to you-if they do. And then it takes forever to fix it. So I don’t even blame you for your reasoning honestly. And I’m reading you say you still have your premium shop and star path items? Because that’s incredible and would lessen the blow honestly lol I was playing smallands and got to the end of the game and went to the bathroom, and left my controller down. My 5 year old accidentally deleted my entire game and started a new one 🥲 so I feel you haha


Has it updated your cloud save?


Dang how old are they? It’s harder now to reset your island. My kids reset mine about 5 times before I truly understood cloud save and all that and I haven’t had a problem since they moved the restart game button off the Home Screen.


Thankfully my nieces and nephews understand and know better especially since we have gaming in common and they would be devastated if they lost any of their saves too.


Check if the cloud save is still there




Never leave children alone with prized possessions


Luckily anything you had in the star paths sticks with your profile at least no matter if you restart or not at least


Did you cloud save at all. If you did you can re-download and go to your last cloud save


Hey op I hate this for you. If you want some help/items my name is the same on Xbox I’ll spare whatever I can to help. 💖


Thank you for the offer I'm just going to grind it out and enjoy the game all over now that the initial shock has passed I'm looking forward to it except for all the clay for Minnie 😂


I admire your resilience and dedication lol let someone help you with the clay though 😫😂


I'm gonna make my SIL help they're her kids 😂😂


Oh no! Do you have a cloud save you can restore? Or maybe backup files?


They deleted my cloud save 😑 and started their own. Little toots good thing I love them


Oh geeze, might be worth reaching out to gameloft to see if it can be restored?


I've accepted the defeat already 😆 I'm just gonna power play


You've accepted this loss gracefully. Sucks that you lost everything, but you've got a good attitude about it. If you need resources feel free to reach out after you've unlocked multiplayer. I'm on Xbox as well and have got chests of everything. Pretty sure I could just drop resources in your valley and as long as I force close on my end I don't lose anything so I should even be able to help you replenish your dreamlight via stacks of shards as well. Anyhow, just let me know. Best of luck.


Thank you and I appreciate the offer but I'm kinda looking forward to doing it all (except for Minnie I'm still bitter) over again now that the initial shock and panic has passed. I've been flip floping for a while (like pre DLC and full release) about restarting so I'm just going to take it in stride and I can't really be to mad at little kids who just wanted to have fun 😊


No worries. I respect that. And you're absolutely right. No sense being mad at them. Everything in a video game can eventually be replaced. That will be nice to experience the story again. That is the one thing in this game that I do miss. Have fun and enjoy.


You should be able to load from a cloud save. Assuming you have been backing up to the cloud.


I didn't log out so from what I gather and looking in the interwebs when the local save was deleted from my Xbox it deleted the cloud save as well so here we are


I would think the whole point of the cloud save is for when your local save is deleted. I have loaded from cloud before for a lost day when the game crashed. Game loft should have your cloud data still. Asking them link even a day back better than starting from zero.


You would think so it work like that on other platforms. From what I understand to be able to do that with Xbox you have to back it up on a PC. I don't know this honestly just seems faster than waiting on them to maybe be able to get it back and there's still a chance I'd have to start over anyways


I did it on switch, idk about Xbox.


The switch and steam are set up like that and maybe ps. From what I saw Xbox is not 😑


You would think switch would be the lessor platform. Xbox should be closer the PC. Worth a try to message gameloft in the support email.


Omg I have a little nephew he’s only one now but when he gets older nope he’s not playing mine now he can have his own haha


That sucks. I know when I log on from my laptop it asks me which save I'd like to use. Maybe try logging into the game on another console or on PC. Maybe the cloud saved your last save point. I don't know what you're playing on.


Anything that you have purchased through the premium shop or like starpath you should still have!! I would definitely contact gameloft though they have been known to be able to help with this sort of thing


I lost all my friendship quests etx- and they couldn’t do anything about it.. so I restarted my game… it’s kind of annoying redoing it. But I’m almost back where I was a month later. Edit: and now I’m wondering why I didn’t use cloud save smh


I’m so sorry for your loss of all that work you did but they did an update today we got a new realm with Mulan


I hope you can enjoy the process of starting fresh!


Delete your nieces next, jk. I hope Gameloft finds a way for you to restore your save game tho, good luck OP!


Let me know if I can help🫣


I’m so sorry! I am always stressed when my boys play on mine, I’m always like “NO TIME TRAVEL, AND DO NOT DELETE MY VALLEY!” 😂


Omg im so sorry 😞


I am soooo sorry!!!


Update came in today


My 4 year old only wants to cook 🙃 I let her coz I can fish and farm later when she’s asleep. Once she’s done, she leaves my switch alone.


That sucks !!! I’m so sorry to hear this 😢


Why don’t you email them? I’m pretty sure they can help. Especially since you’ve been playing once it came out. They can’t do you like that 🥺


Their response time is so long I will probably be rebuilt by the time they get back to me. Honestly now that the shock has passed I'm kinda looking forward to it and getting to see how things have changed with the updates and just really take my time with it since I blazed through it the first time. I didn't lose any of my premium content, star path or other goodies that Ive noticed at least so it's not so bad. Still a bummer but definitely could be worse


Do you play on PlayStation




Some of yall are just so unnecessarily bothered by this. So they didn't do what you think they should, so frikkin what? I hope you have a great time rebuilding! I just started this game a few weeks ago. Having a lot of fun but the responses to this post make me feel this community is kind of toxic 😅


Aw man... I'm so sorry, that sucks! I can donate gold in form of item stacks if that helps... or any other material/ flowers/ gems you might need. Please reach out of you need anything at all!


I just need good vibes 😂 it's kinda fun to see how little things in the story have changed with updates so we are just going to be positive about it. I appreciate you offering


Love your "glass half full" attitude :) and sure thing! I have 3 kids so I know it's not worth it getting upset about these kinds of things when they're little like that. Major bummer but you'll get there again!~


Hiya! I to have been stockpiling supplies since the game started in Game Pass on XBox (i now play exclusively on a Steam Deck) so same as one of the other ppl who posted: once you get visitor options, let me know if you are looking for supplies! Have fun!


As a day-one player who has completed every Star path and bought a lot of premium content, the idea of losing it all and needing to start over terrifies me.


I still have my premium content, I think I saw some of my star path stuff (I could be wrong on that) and all my extra goodies from being a "founder" day 1 player. It definitely kinda sucks but i'm just gonna roll with it now that the panic has eased


If you want some stuff to sell for gold, I can hook you up.


Do you still have your day one bonuses??


Yeah I've got that, my premium content, other goodies they've given us and I think (could be wrong) I saw some of my star path stuff


You keep anything you purchased with irl money or moinstones, so star path rewards stay. I'm SO sorry this happened to you.


Yeah it's like they "built" the game to be able to be played multiple times since you don't lose your "bonus" content I guess. I would have been real pissed if I lost stuff I purchased with real monies I'd definitely be calling somebody.


I think there may be some sort of legal requirement to give access to things purchased with real money. They do seem to have planned for players to want to reset their games at some point along the way, too, though. They likely learned from games like Animal Crossing, where it’s not uncommon for people to play through, then reset everything and do it all over again. It helps keep the game playable over a longer period because the players don’t get bored just maintaining things at the end with nothing interesting to do.