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I’m tired of crafting things I won’t use….they just sit in my inventory and waste materials. I wouldn’t mind so much if they would give us a way to recycle crafted items like a lot of us have been asking for, but it seems that’s on the backest of back burners


Same! I want my valley to look whimsical & dreamy, not like a 2016 backyard gender reveal party. Those 2 balloon arches are gonna rot in my inventory forever. I have so many accidental duplicates from scrooge's shop too. I just hope all these stored up items won't eventually cause any data storage issues, the game crashes enough as it is :/


Once again Gameloft, I’m begging you for an uncrafter or recycler or SOME inventory declutter mechanic


They really, really need to open the Landfill Biome. A while back, I made one of the rooms in one of my houses into The Museum of Really Weird Stuff and put in it all the items I had in my inventory that I knew I'd never use - Mike W's used kleenex, a bunch of Vanellope's cardboard monsters, the pillow fort, etc. I now need to open a second branch because it's full. Does anyone know if we can place items in Wall-E's realm and leave them there?


Ok this is genius. I have the brick apartment building and I might make it into a museum!


You can’t go into furniture mode in any of the realms however if you’ve purchased any house skins, you can place them in your world as separate houses (not replacing the skin of your current house) and it is an empty, fully upgraded size bottom floor with 3 max size rooms additions.


I put Mike’s used tissue outside Mother Gothel’s house lol


this is such a good idea and i am absolutely stealing it!!!


RIP pillow fort. Mine is in the forbidden lands near the poetry corner 😭


I have the pillow fort in my living room and I think it’s really cute😭


I did the same. Got tired of having to go through all the unwanted items to reach the good stuff in collection. My 11th floor looks like a second hand store.


What a fun idea!


Gameloft don't read the reddit suggestions but please make this suggestion either on discord or by contacting them via the ddlv website. This is something I've been asking for too for a long time. The more of us that actively request it the better chance we have of it being implemented


I've been wanting to send them a message but get anxiety when emailing. I have a hard time figuring out what to say to get my message across.


What’s the discord


Even just a trash can at this point!


I feel like some people asked for trash cans already and now we have a bunch of useless ones that stack up in our inventory that we're all wanting to get rid of. I'm down for utilizing Wall-E and crushing everything 'n hoarding it in a forgotten realm. Or even just let it become depositable into all of the stupid storage spaces with 1-4 slots in different realms too.


I mean like I had in ACNH. I could throw away anything I didn't want and it's just gone.


They literally have the "upcycle" function for the time bending table...why wouldn't that work for the crafting table? So many missed opportunities in this game...


Better flowers than the stupid DJ booth from the last star path and then I accidentally made the WRONG DJ BOOTH and all those iron ingots gone to waste!! But yes, we need a recycler!


If nothing else, we should be able to give them to Wall-E to compact...and maybe give us something cute or useful in return.


This happened to me too. I almost sobbed when I realized. So much work


Yesssss!! I made the wrong DJ booth first and was so pissed, lol.


>I want my valley to look whimsical & dreamy, not like a 2016 backyard gender reveal party. I can't cope with this comment 🤣🤣🤣


A gender reveal party is exactly how it feels 😭 I have no balloons in my valley at all. I placed the one for Buzz and immediately deleted it when the quest was over. I agree on the stored items. I’m not tech savvy enough to know how much data it uses, but for those who have played since day 1 have got to have a bunch of wasted space in our inventory. I would imagine the game would go much smoother if we could recycle things. Especially when I buy stuff to complete dreamsnaps every week. I also realize there are issues with recycling or selling like doing it accidentally, but it feels like a simple matter of coding a “can’t do that with this item” would solve that. Put me in devs, I can make it work haha


Lmao I still have my Buzz balloons up and every time I pass them I give them the side eye and wonder why I haven't removed them


2016 gender reveal party 😭💀


Should be a way to scrap for componants like in fallout 4 or something


YES! I remember the first time I realized I could scrap old cars and piles of junk, it was so amazing. I scrapped EVERYTHING possible just because I could!


I still do now after 8 years xD


Last star path I was really pissed about the training manuals. I don't need those, I wasted so much dreamlight. Double pissed because I took a break between star paths, and after grinding for 2 hrs every night for the past 5 days I still don't have enough dreamlight to open Mulans realm.


If you have extra dream Shards, those can be broken down into dreamlight!


Wait I had forgotten about this!!! This might be a way to help my daughter through if she really wants to play … and I want to give up my dream shards if it will let me drop them. 🤔


I have hundreds! Why did I not know this!


Oh I can beat that. I KNEW this and forgot about it 🤬


YES. I had enough dreamlight but it didn’t seem fair to newer players or those that don’t grind dreamlight. I felt the same when we had to craft those potions in a different Star path. I appreciate the break from the monotony of “fish this fish” and “mine this shiny gem”, but surely we can do something else that doesn’t require a large amount of resources.


Or make it more general. "Craft x number of anything" is better than "make 10 manequins" WTF DO I NEED THAT MANY MANEQUINS FOR


Omg I literally made ten mannequins a few weeks ago with the idea that I'd make a room and put all my favourite outfits in it. But I found out the dumbest thing ever. Mannequins can only go inside and you can ONLY put five in a single room. So now I have twenty mannequins, five placed, and my outfit saver room didn't work!


I don’t even mind the fishing and gem things, as long as they’re only like 5 fish and not 15-20!!


Will Mulan stay there if we don't unlock her before the event ends? I accidentally bought the star path or something in it and just recently got just enough to unlock her realm, but idk if I should. Here is 15k and the others I have available are much less. I don't think it's right to pay for the path (moons) and have to pay so much dream light to just unlock her realm.


Nope, she won’t stay there after the starpath ends, you can unlock her whenever you want :) The only issue is there’s a star path task where you have to give Mulan her favorite gifts. So if you want to complete the path, you’ll need to unlock her unfortunately.


It would at least be nice to have a working trash can to throw unwanted items away from inventory to delete them, or better yet sell items back to Scrooge for coins- both features in Animal Crossing I used all the time.


Or if there's an empty space in Scrooge's store put it back on the shelf and let someone else buy it.


Oh that would be great!!


If we could at least recycle the items back to their materials I wouldn't mind 😭


We should have the ability to debuild something


I was wondering why they haven’t made an option similar to the dismantling of time bending materials… only have them give pixel shards, or pixel duplicates so we can use it to build something we actually will use. Just a thought. 🤷‍♀️




There's literally a task to craft TEN mannequins. Why??? What for??? 😭


Set them up in daisy's competition area as a place to store favourite outfits. Daisy has no mannequin cap


Thank you! Brilliant idea!


I know that one sucked too 😩 but I used them to turn one of the rooms in my house into my own little boutique where I have all the classic Disney princess dresses I've collected on display! It reminds me of the dress section at the Disney stores teehee 😊


The problem is that apparently there is a max mannequins per room! So to actually use all of them you have to like have two rooms or something just for mannequins. 🤦‍♀️


Ok so technically I have a boutique level in my house 😅 I have 4 in each of the three side rooms you can tag onto the main room, so frustrating that they can't all just be displayed together, but still cute!!


This is a fantastic idea for my hotel style main house - a place you can have your Disney make overs like they do in the parks!! Thank youuuu


I would like to see the mannequin limit in house rooms scrapped. If it works for Daisy it should work for us.


I was so annoyed when I got this!! I literally just crafted 5 mannequins before I got this task so now I’ll have to have 15? For what?? 😭


The next dreamsnap theme's gotta be zombie hoard. Most def.


I refuse to do this. I’m not crafting waste products I will never use. I just want to collect some physical items from the star path anyways. I don’t need to fully complete it. I don’t care for motifs


You can store outfits on them for quick changes.


I store some of my ToM clothing on them and it also seems to count towards the challenges 😃


This is what I said too! I don’t need mannequins!


My issue with mannequins is that they all have the same pose, even when I craft the verious poses and I go to place them they're all grouped under the same one. I even had my husband watch me can't them incase I was being blonde and kept selecting the same darn one, nope I was doing as I thought I was and he was confused too. Think my game is bugged!


I wish we could exchange furniture or items we crafted through scrooge. There's been soooo many times I've accidentally bought or made something 🙃


It would be really nice if we could actually give furniture to other players. Add a step where you can wrap it up and put it into your inventory so you can drop it for someone else to pick up. Of course, they're never gonna do that because people would just get premium items through their friends rather than using their own moonstones/cash


I also make sure I check Kristoff’s stall daily and buy iron every time I see it.


I don't have this yet. Can you also buy coal bc I never have enough...idk how everyone cooks all their pumpkins.


Yep! Coal is infinite in his stall. Everything else is a 10-20 limit but you can buy 99 coal repeatedly


I really need to get his stall opened. His next thing is locked I think.


lol…. So sick of the star paths stealing my iron. The flowers on the other hand…thank god…. I regularly vacuum my biomes and have WAYYYY too many flowers


Seriously... And when we had to make the dj booth I accidentally made the wrong one, so that was even more iron gone.


This! I had a boat load of iron before the star path and now next to nothing. Kind of crazy... especially if you're a new player


I’m not sure where people are in the game, but once you have all of the characters there is a way to get flowers daily in a similar way to Moana’s boat. It’s very helpful.


Every time I went to the flower stall it gave me every single flower BUT the 6 different ones I needed 😭


I kind of thought it was dumb when I first unlocked it, but now I make sure to swing by every time I play and deposit the flowers into large chests sitting next to it. I 100% believe that the game reduces the spawn rate of things you need for the Star Paths. That sucks.


The amount of time I spent looking for basil was UNGODLY. It’s such an issue.


It took me like...2 play times to get the basil. Pick first, go do other stuff, pick before shutting off.


I’m so glad I have the ancient vacuums, because I struggle with those tasks every time. Even with the AV it still took me 2 days because they weren’t respawning quickly.


The basil one KILLED ME


The basil one was awful




You gotta unlock Beast's flower greenhouse by completing the "a gift in crimson" quest (the quest becomes available after finishing his final level 10 quest)


omg and here i was neglecting to level up beast because i don't like him and don't take him as a companion anyway


Oooh damn, thanks for the info! I unlocked him right after the update and he's already level 10 but I didn't bother with his quests. He's been stuck on "repair broken furniture" for months now. 😂


The beast opens a flower stand.


I'm so glad I tend to hoard stuff since it makes my life HELLA easier! But I do agree that it's sooo annoying that we're crafting things that honestly feel useless. It's only not so bad if you were planning on making them anyway. But, definitely not the case for many of us 🤦‍♂️


Ohhh that’s a good tip! But also I am so sick of crafting specific things for the star path. Like by all means require us to craft, but don’t make us use precious materials for things we aren’t gonna ever use!


I’d rather an arch over 10 mannequins 🙃


MAY BE A SPOILER: I keep a large trunk over behind Beast's greenhouse and try to collect then store the flowers right away for just such occasions! Every once in awhile I then move them into my home storage. I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to say this in case anyone hadn't leveled Beast up! 🌹💐🏵️🌹💐🏵️🌹💐🏵️🌹💐🏵️🌹


Really good tip! 🙌


Thanks for the tip and also. Hasn't been like 5 days!! How are you done?!?!


I finished mine on Saturday and already leveled up Mulan and Mushu to level 10 🤣


Same 😂


How do you guys have this kinda free tkme?!?!


My kids are all older so they leave me alone and I have 3 day weekends from work.


I'm on leave rn because I had surgery haha


It's gonna take all the dream light I have to unlock them. 😩


If we could share Dreamlight, I would!


I had a long weekend and have zero chill when it comes to hyperfixation 😬 my eyes are tired from looking at a screen for 3 days straight lol don't be like me


Last time they wanted us to craft those books that take 5k Dreamlight a piece. That was the only one I didn’t complete. 10 mannequins is almost as dumb.


I’ve started hoarding since we got the big storage chests I only sell when a chest is full or to geht dreamlight I love when we can craft stuff for paths😍


I don't go overboard with hoarding, just one stack of each item (two stacks of things that occasionally ask for a buttload like wood). It seems to be a good balance of having the stuff on hand when needed but not overrunning my house with boxes


Ugh it reminds me of when we had to build that rustic clock tower last star path 😅


I fully agree with this post! I usually decorate during Dreamsnaps and do my best to do mid decorating that still looks pretty, but it doesn't take a long time 💖


They really need to give us a way to either disassemble items or sell things back to scrooge or goofy. I have so many things I just don't use


We should be able to resell to scrouge


Im so tired that everything cost ingot…


😭 thank you for the tip


I wish they would eat you sell the stuff you craft like on animal crossing. THAT would be the best!!!


Yes please. Let us sell back furniture to to Scrooge. All that excess furniture triggers my OCD.


It would also be nice to just be able to give it away to the villagers like you do in animal crossing. Something to get all this crap I never wanted but had to make for stupid quests out of my inventory!! lol, honestly the game I want is pretty much animal crossing +ddlv+ I want to be able to have and breed some animals like with star dew valley . That would be my perfect game! All the games where you can do the farming and the animals and stuff I hate how the days are 24 hours . If the game only has a day last like 20 min? I’m not gonna play it that much.


The irony is i just complained to my mother as she was playing how i hate how they make us craft this stupid stuff nobody uses instead of something like say flower beds that we Might actually use. Or benches or lamp posts. Idk just like stuff that's useful. Not the balloon arches that hardly anyone uses. I already dread the update that will likely make us craft more of those deer things for the third year in a row.


For a game really close to animal crossing they seriously have some clues to pick up on, we want to turn shit on, swim in the water, and sell furniture lol


Thanks for the heads up. Do they ask for a specific color of balloon arches, or just any?




I have rooms on the tenth floor of my house full of junk. Makes me feel like a hoarder


Thanks for the heads up! Also how in the world did you finish it in less than a week! Congrats!!


There's a lot of the "give this character their favorite gifts" or "talk to this person 2 times" so it makes it to quicker. Less of the catching fish stuff and the mining tasks are only a few gems. They made it easier to complete. I usually take a week and I finished it in 3 days.


Wow! Good job!!


Thanks! I have a lot of games I play with my family so I have to finish my Dreamlight stuff or else they bother me all day with "when will you be doooonnnneeeee?" (Actual text from my husband yesterday LOL)


I had a long weekend and just powered through 😆 my eyeballs hurt


Wow! That’s crazy. Good job!!


Have 100s ingots they not the issue the crud ton of flowers is


Thank you!!!! I NEVER keep flowers and have a huge stash to sell right now. This saved my afternoon.


Ugh, thanks for the heads up. In one of the very first star paths there was also multiple balloon arch tasks and they are the reason I started just hoarding everything. But I’ve since gotten lax on picking flowers daily so now I’ll start that again in anticipation. I hate the ones that want you to build specific things because the items are usually stupid like balloon arches and DJ booths which I will never use.


Thank you!!!!


Good thing I hoard resources!


Yeah I had made the mistake of crafting some arches before the starpath. So when this one popped up and I had a good laugh because it was the one, should have been easy one, but I had to spend a couple days trying to refarm flowers.


VERY grateful for the heads up about the flowers! I hoard everything in large chests like doomsday's coming, and I don't like my numbers to get too low. I did a LOT of grinding early on to get what I've got. I hate to see my supplies gutted for one star path whim.


I've got a room full of chests of flowers just for that reason got caught out the first two said never again so I stockpile my only issue is the game doesn't count stuff in chests when it comes to star path collections


I only complete the parts of the star path that i want tbh. I dont aim for every item, just moonstones and some specific motifs/clothes/furni


There's an option to covert any leftover star path coins into moonstones if you unlock all of the rewards first, it adds up to about 700 bonus moonstones or so!


Oh, great, just one more thing to have to scroll through to get to the thing I actually want/need.


Right?! 😣


Sorry if this is asked in the wrong place - I am not an avid Reddit poster. Are there daily tasks in this star path, like there were in the Day at Disney one? (Ie: making the cupcakes?) And are there things I should be collecting? (Like the buttons?) I’m not seeing anything new so far except the hockey gear and trophies, but just make sure I’m not missing something. Thanks!


Not for the star path no, just hockey/trophy ones you mentioned and the daily wrought iron tasks with Remy.


Not for the star path no, just hockey/trophy ones you mentioned and the daily wrought iron tasks with Remy.


Not for the star path no, just hockey/trophy ones you mentioned and the daily wrought iron tasks with Remy.


There’s a task to craft 5 items that I got before I came across the 10 mannequins craft task. Craft fiber for the five items task and that way you can at least use it towards the mannequins


I have 8 floors on my main house, each room is charter themed...good way to store thing's and have a place already made for dreamsnaps


This is why I hoard flowers ever since the first star path that required this I’ve always preparedfor them


My biggest pet peeve was having to craft TEN mannequins…


How do flowers respawn? If I pick them, mire will spawn? I’ve just collected them all and dumped them in a corner like a garden. Should I be saving them?


All biome items spawn one every 15-20 minutes. So, let's say you want ten black passionlillies. Only 2 spawn so if you pick ONLY the both then every 15 ish minutes you pop back into the biome it will take around 2 hours to gather all ten since the game is only respawning one thing If you pick ALL the items (flowers, sticks, herbs) then the game needs to respawn EVERYTHING one item at a time and it's RNG what spawns when.


Yes, save them all in chests. You will need them at some point. And yes, they respawn every 10-30 min; I can’t remember exactly.


Is there a reason to finish all tasks if you already got all the rewards? Is there an extra trophy or something?


You can revert any SPath coins to moonstones at the end if you got all the rewards.


Oohhhh I see


How many cractimg amd fishing tasks are on those one?


I had enough moonstones that I just bought the tokens and got all the rewards. If I complete more tasks just by playing, great. I'll just recoup some moonstones. But I was just over the grind.


On it 😫 thank you


Yes good tip, that was the only task I found tedious for sure. I’m bad about clearing and collecting flowers for some reason that’s a resource I don’t hoard


I hoard flowers, but do you remember which ones?


Haven't even started, on holiday atm in Ibiza. Probably won't even do it when I get back if I'm honest 😏 but thanks for the heads up


Have fun in Ibiza!! 💖


Thank you!! I'm trying... First holiday since I was a kid, I'm 38 😅 I'm struggling with the heat so so much, I'm not a hot weather gal at all lol


Agree, hot weather sucks! listen to "we're going to Ibiza" by the Vengaboys though, it'll help 💃🕺


Lol that can't be further away from my taste in music, I'm a rock/meal chick, this music is driving me insane 😅