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I connect to a lot in my dreams. After my 2nd miscarriage, I dreamt of holding my baby. I saw her blue eyes, felt her heart, the heat in her body, her beautiful big smile, could see the texture in her light brown hair. I felt her love so wholesome, I cried when I woke up. I know she was just letting me know she was okay. I really hope one day I can see her again. I believe you connected with either your future child or even a child from a different time line. I've had dreams where I access different timelines too. It kind of messes with your head a bit.


i’m so sorry for your loss :( , she was definitely coming to visit you and let you know she was loved and safe with you. i also believe i could have connected with another reality , one where me and my boyfriend had stayed together and had a baby , i hope i’m able to move past it and not internalize the grief i have for loosing “my family.” it’s been months since then, but i still have panic attacks when it gets too overwhelming, i miss them, i miss my family


Thank you! I've had 4 now over the years so I'm sure when divine timing happens I'll be a mom. I don't know if you meditate, but you could always settle in a quiet place and meditate and try to tap into the love you felt on that time line to help you heal. The child's soul in that time line could always come back to you in the future as someone else in your life since everything is a revolving door ❤️ allow yourself to grieve when you need to as well. People may think it's crazy but spirituality is a mind fuck sometimes and we just roll with the punches.


& when the time is right, im sure you’re going to be the most wonderful, amazing, loving mother 🩵 your kids are going to be so lucky to have you ! but yes, i do a form of meditation. i do it mainly for mental health reasons because it helps clear my head! keep rolling with the punches 🤍🤍


You're so sweet 😭💗 hope the rest of 2024 brings you many blessings.


I’m sorry for your loss, that would be rough


Thank you. It was actually soothing to be able to connect with her. I hate surprises and the unknown so I think it helped me heal in a way. I've had a few more since then but divine timing will come into play when it's right.


I think you’ll be with her again one day 🙏❤️


Thank you 💗


A few months ago, I had a very vivid dream of being driven to the hospital by my dream-self’s husband, and getting out of the car while pregnant. My dreamself was so and thrilled to have the baby. The dream cut out for a bit, but right before I woke up, I was walking back to car sobbing because the baby had died during labor. Even thinking back to it, it feels so real, and I still mourn that loss. It’s one of the things that truly makes me believe that we can experience our alternate lives in our dreams.


absolutely, i’ve never experienced such real grief… i’m only 18, i’ve never had a child, haven’t really thought about one at this point in time - though i will say, i have always wanted to be a mother and i’ve fought through a lot of trauma and bs so i will be able to properly love my sweet babies when it’s time for me to have them. maybe one day we will be able to reunite with ours.


I had a dream I was pregnant and i was very much NOT KEEPING THIS BABY I did have a dream I had a fish and it died and I miss that fish every day


Funny that you mentioned fish and a baby. In my culture (Caribbean/Jamaican), we believe that if anyone dreams about fish, it means either they or someone in their circle are pregnant. Usually turns out to be true, too lol


Same thing down here in the South (Texas) dreaming of fish usually indicate that someone around you is pregnant 😂


Really? That's so cool. I've noticed there's quite a few commonalities between Southern culture and Caribbean culture.


I’ve had those mega dreams where I wake up and it feels like it’s been ages. Those are so emotional. I had one where I had adopted an infant girl and then a few years later, the parents wanted her back. I felt every moment of that dream. Occasionally, they end ok. Most of the time, they don’t.


i have the same issue, all of them are extremely vivid, i can see, smell, hear, feel, etc. i also always have my phone/can see clocks - though i cant recall paying too much attention to them.. but since they’re so vivid it’s very hard to differentiate false memories and emotions.


I keep having dreams that the babies get smaller and smaller and more fragile until they simply fall apart or vanish. It is really stressful.


i wonder what that could mean?


Never in my life wanted kids. Never once in my life felt broody or a longing to have a connection with children. Had ONE dream that I got pregnant and had a baby and now I feel all those things. The worst part about the dream was that I gave him a really ugly name and it kinda haunted me that dream me would name a baby that lol


What was the name? 😭


i need to know the name 😭😭


omg noooo it’s not even that bad it’s just personal preference… it’s a pretty common name I don’t want to offend anybody😭


Please tell us now you made us curios lol


… it’s Broady. I just hate that name. So much. Sorry to any Broadies reading this😭


Broady is awful. Lol. Why would dream you do that? 


I don’t want kids and haven’t for years and I recently had a short baby dream where I was just holding a baby that was apparently mine and my family was congratulating me on them and I was just confused and saying I don’t know how this happened I don’t want this and was so stressed 😭


I had a dream I was pregnant I was freaking hyperventilating omg. I want kids I think someday but I'm absolutely terrified of being pregnant. I woke up still hyperventilating lol


Yes, I dreamt that I had given birth to a baby boy but was a single mother. He was a chubby lil baby and I loved him. I had been getting ready to go to work in the dream when I suddenly woke up, I was looking around for my baby and his crib and panicked for a few seconds when I couldn't find it. Sometimes I still think about it.


isn’t it strange how our brains work?


Omg yes! I thought I was the only one! I had a dream about my “son”. He literally glowed with a bright yellow/white radiance in every visitation. I dreamt of him twice, maybe 3 times, and each time was the only time I felt real joy. I hated waking up because waking up without him was painful, and the only thing that kept me going was the belief that someday he would join me Earth-side. I haven’t dreamt of him in a couple years now… I hope he’s still coming


Dream imagery like that has a magic to it. The best chance of activating It is by keeping it in mind, keep bringing that baby boy to mind, pour your feelings into it. It's a way of affirming to the universe that you like what it showed you and you want more.


🥹💛 thank you


maybe one day we will meet our babies again


Male here, I had a weird dream last night where I let a cloned version of myself in this weird school and he was 6 years old it was absolutely mind blowing to see myself as an exact copy and a kid and he was mentally different yet very much the same as me.


i have had dreams interacting with my child self, isn’t it such a weird thing to see … you?


Yeah and interact with its separate yet the same conscience lol


I had the baby dream and it showed me I'd be a terrible mother. In my dream I literally just gave away my baby to the classmate that I know would be the worst at takimg care of it.


did you seem conscious in the dream? like did your actions feel like your own? or more unconsciously compelled?


I had a similar dream but it was only of me being pregnant. I watched and felt my stomach grow and had all the physical changes that happen with pregnancy, and I could actually feel the weight of the baby and it made walking harder by the 9th month and it felt like 9 months had actually passed with how long it felt in the dream. Then I was getting contraction pains (like period cramps a bit) and then I woke up and wondered why I wasn’t pregnant anymore 💀and I actually felt sad about it because I didn’t get to see what my baby looked like


I have always said I am child free, and committed to it. Last year I had a dream I was pregnant. Like you the 9 months was long and crazy. When I gave birth in my dream I was petrified. I aged and I got a house and car, I had set up rooms just for the child. I remember them running around in diapers, and I thought “how could I love someone so much” and then I woke up and I was like “wtf where am I?” Now for me this was a little bit of a relief because I’m 20 and do not want kids. But for a short time in my dream I was happier than I thought I’d be. And at least I know if I ever do change my mind I could love them.


I’ve often dreamt about having a son. It’s weird because I’m not a parent but in those dreams that love is so so real. I had one recently where I was pregnant and about to go into surgery for a c-section. When I woke up I was so disappointed I didn’t have my baby. I figured it’s just my age and hormones telling me my body wants to have a child. I really do hope to have a boy one day. A girl would be fine but in my dreams it’s always a boy and I feel like I already know him and I can’t wait to meet him


i’ve always wanted girls, until this dream - i think i’m meant to have a son (but still hopefully a daughter) one day. i want to be a mother , i want to care for them how i should have been cared for


Totally! Dreams about having a baby can hit hard, like it's all real.


This sounds like a salvia trip, very intense I bet to experience all of that in a dream I have no explanation other than trippy theories Maybe you were in a different reality is all I can think With no proof of course If you have any more intense vivid dreams like this share more if you feel comfortable ,it's rare to find people with dreams as vivid or weird as I have


all of my dreams tend to be like this, when i remember them. i did struggle with substance abuse issues for a bit, not during this dream specifically but my psychiatrist wondered if the drugs had possible lasting affects on my brain. i never really used psychedelics though. another very vivid dream was my mother getting cancer, it ran it’s course. i’m pretty sure this dream could be attributed to the anxiety i have over my mothers previous cigarette habits. she’s smoked since i was young and i can always remember being in tears when i saw her smoking, just because i was scared she was going to die. obviously a childhood fear, i know she won’t just drop dead - but the dream definitely threw me off.


Wow, could be idk I don't understand dreams, mine atleast Very vivid it seems like a whole life experience, have you had dreams in places that weren't familiar? Like a different country?


yes, most of my dreams are vivid - some realistic , some the complete opposite. one took place in a large library, way to big to be real, endless stairs and bookcases yet everything else was completely normal. i remember just writing it off and going to the thriller section? the only thing is, nothing super out of the ordinary takes place , nothing too unrealistic to the point it’s noticeable.


It could have been a past life. And your bf from your past life got mixed up with your current life because dreams are strange like that. Idk though.


hm, i wonder the same. i wonder if me accessing that “reality” or past life messed something up and to keep consistency, my brain just made him instead ?


Absolutely, it is always so difficult to move forward from something that is so emotional and profound. These experiences can really mess me up but I think more about it and why I was having the dream. Sometimes we can have dreams that reflect what we want, fear or both at the same time. Sometimes it’s precognitive, sometimes it’s metaphoric.. sometimes it feels like you are literally living in another universe. I’m sorry you had such a heartbreaking experience and dealt with that grief. You are totally valid in those emotions. I hope this wound heals quickly and you feel better soon.


thank you for your kindness 🩵🩵 i think it’s fascinating, different realities, past lives, etc - i’ve always wanted to be a mother, my whole life. i’ve worked through a lot of abuse and trauma so i’ll be able to be the best mom i can be to my future kids, maybe my subconscious just needed to experience a child, maybe in a healing way - the reason it was so painful, was because i was so happy, so content and at peace with my happy little family and my sweet boy. but it did make me realize how i will be with a child one day, i think that’s brought me a lot of peace.


I am so proud of you for all the work you have put into working through your trauma, it’s the best decision I ever made for myself honestly. I did it with the same reason, I wanted to be a mother but I didn’t want to put my trauma onto my kids. I’m at a point now where I feel confident in my capabilities and i would like to be a mother someday. This dream may have been a peak into your future, what you are ready for. I’m so thankful you got peace from it despite the pain💜 If you are ever interested, I talk about dreaming on YouTube live with an astrologer every Wednesday. we go over a bunch of different topics and share our own for interpretation. You might enjoy the conversations and you are welcome to join in through the comments! No pressure ofc but the space is there if you want!


okay! i’ll try to pop in next time you have a live!!


Honestly don’t worry if you can’t or don’t want to! I want to provide a safe place for people to discuss dreaming. It’s not talked about enough and I feel they can help us through a lot. However i don’t want to come across as pushy and advertise-y. [Dream Chats Wednesdays at 9pm](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7OpOUcZcCtNWcPJIY9dEaCqtOHJwtlP6)


i’m actually super interested in dreams and other worldly things like that , i would love to hear more thoughts about it!


Aw yay!! Wonderful! We have a bunch of videos so far and if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments!


Only one I had was finding my baby face down in a puddle. I pick him up patting him thinking to myself “he’s okay I think!”… horrible


I had a dream, really nightmare, once that I was straight up giving birth in the middle of the school I teach at. Like full on medical equipment and doctors in the middle of the hallway. I don’t know what that dream meant but it was a few years ago and I remember it vividly


that sounds … terrifying? were you in the middle of teaching??


ive heard of people in coma having similar experiences where they build a whole life in their coma/dream but first time hearing it as a “dream” and not a coma. that sounds very interesting but also awful to go through


this comment reminded me of the story of the man who got hit by a car and went into a coma and lived a whole life (family, job, aging, etc) in the coma until he noticed something off about a lamp in the corner and it sent him into a spiral until he realized the lamp wasn’t real, his family wasn’t real etc & he woke up from the coma … super super strange


Okay I had a similar experience recently. I dreamed that I met some guy and had a great relationship with him and time went on and it was all very realistic. Like I remember the dates we went on and how we started loving each other more and more and then he proposed and of course I said yes and then we went on a walk next to a waterfall and we were talking about our plans for tomorrow and then i said I love you and left and went to sleep. I then woke up and I was on cloud 9. I was literally so happy and bubbly and so excited to start my day and do all the fun things we had planned. So I go on my texts to say good morning, and I can't find our conversation anywhere. So I check messenger, Whatsapp, all my messaging apps and I cannot find our messages. So I'm panicking thinking I'd deleted them by accident, so I went to the search bar to type his name hoping our messages would pop up, but then I realized I couldn't remember his name. I literally was absolutely freaking out. Like I can't remember my own Fiance's name! About 30 seconds after that I realized it was all a dream. Yeah. I spent the next few hours bawling my eyes out in bed. I was so miserable.


i need to know the psychological cause of this…


people have had "dreams" like this that went on for decades. drugs trips too that went on seemingly for centuries. i'm sorry this was so painful though - you have my genuine sympathy.


my psychiatrist thinks that my previous substance abuse issues may have left a lasting affect on my psyche & how my brain processes things - i never used psychedelics or anything like that though


Somebody must have put the “Roy” game headset on you from Rick and Morty.


I had some very vivid dreams about having a baby. My first dream was I was pregnant in labor and what was the worst thing was I was in a different country (Middle East) and one of the doctors didn’t understand English so he with a scared look on his face because he didn’t understand me and I was ready to deliver right then and he didn’t understand English to tell me to push because it was my first baby I didn’t know what I was doing so he went to get another doctor who spoke English. The other doctor had a very thick accent but could speak English and told me to push. I had the dream that I was pushing out the baby screaming and pushing and scream was cut off from lack of breath because I was pushing. I woke up. Another dream I was holding my baby and I remember feeling really happy and content. He was the cutest little thing. He had (half Middle Eastern) medium brown soft skin and a lot of straight black hair and had a big nose shaped somewhat like mine. In another dream I saw him as a toddler or a bit older and I was at Walmart and I set him in the cart and turned around for just a second and he was standing up in the cart and must have undone the belt. He had a mischievous little smile on his face loving the attention as I turned around frightened he was going to fall and went to grab him before he fell. The last dream I had of him was he was a teenager and I was working at home very hard and busy writing important stuff down under the light of a desk lamp me sitting at a desk and he came into the room looking at me like he thought I was a cool mom which is a thing every parent wants. I remember looking up at him with a loving look but a look that said, I’m busy right now. But I saw his smile that always melted my heart ever since he was a baby and waited to listen to what he was going to say, then I woke up. I can understand how having a dream of a baby can be really hard. I have had future dreams before and I was hoping this was one of the dreams of the future because I really became attached to the baby in the dream I wish he had been real because I never felt so happy in my whole life like in that dream holding him as a baby.


I had the baby dream with twins, I woke up but they never did :(


that’s so sad ☹️


I had a dream once when I was around 12. My grandpa who just died, was in a tall white tower, explaining to me that although he died, he is coming back as my niece but that he(she) will look just like me and people will say he (she's) my baby. My sister found out about a month later she was pregnant. And my niece and I have been attached at the hip with her for 27 years!


wow!! that’s actually crazy


So in my dream, I was pregnant, and at this place with other pregnant girls, there were like 20 of us. The setup reminded me of middle school. We were all due the same day same time. We have classes with lesson plans on how to be good moms. I'm so excited; everyone is. I go into labor and deliver alone and my baby is born in a sac that's not the amniotic sac. I see the baby and i panic and freeze. The doctor pops the sac and my baby is really blue and the doctor is rubbing my baby really hard. I just stare really hard and wait for the cry that never came. The take my baby away and i hear nothing else about it. I meet up with the other women and they're all cliqued up and talking about their babies and I'm just in a daze on autopilot. Idk if my baby is dead or alive or if alive, for how long. I hear that the sac was filled with bad microorganisms; that's all i hear. Apparently i was being rude in my depressed stupor and one if the women snapped on me so i snapped right back hella hard. She got in my face and asked me wtf my problem was and i screamed that i didn't even get to touch my baby. Then all the women stared at my with sad eyes. About half a day goes by. So we're sitting in a line against the wall and I'm lost in my own shock that i barely hear my name being called. A woman doctor asked me if my vitals were checked already i look in confusion and barely reply. I look around to see a woman with a thick needle going down the line. The doctor who called my name smiled at me and said i should hurry and get that done. The other nurse rushes to my side. I don't even feel or see the 20g needle go in my arm. I just want to see my baby. The doctor leads me down some hallways that fell like forever. I go into a room with a huge feast set up and i see my mom first. She's at the left corner of the table. She smiles and says nothing. Then i see my baby swaddled next to her on the table. She says it's a boy. I look at him and he's all pink in the face with blonde red hair and i ask them if they are sure he's mine. I pick him up for the first time and the joy of holding him woke me up.


I think you shifted realities


first thing i thought of was r/shiftingrealities. but who knows and not everyone thinks that's real but i think its possible


When I was about 8 months, pregnant I had a dream that I could see inside my stomach and I saw my son (I didn't know what I was having) and he was almost complete except he didn't have a fully formed nose and a couple other small details. He was fully dressed, though, in a white hat and clothes. I knew he looked incomplete because he wasn't ready to come out yet. When I woke up I knew I was having a boy 100% even though I had no real way to know. And when I gave birth? Yes. A boy. For you, OP - I wonder if you were seeing a possible future or if you saw a past life but everyone looked like you'd know them today so that you'd be able to recognize them.


that’s insane! i do wonder if dreams are more than our recycled subconscious… i also wonder if i accessed a possible future, everything was very recognizable


I did a few weeks ago and I cried but obviously my boyfriend didn't understand why I was sad because it was "just a dream"


my bf said the same 😒


he tried to comfort me as much as he could but mf was like "why are you sad about a baby that never existed" ???? maybe because she existed to me?


Is it possible you had a chemical pregnancy and early miscarriage? I have one child but I’ve been pregnant three times. Each time I’ve had this exact dream. A hormone is released in your brain when you get pregnant and it happens super early. A lot of women report vivid dreams and have talked about the baby dream specifically.


that honestly could be possible.. i’m only 18 as of this year, and (slightly tmi) we were “physically involved” if u will - we were very safe and i was on and off with birth control due to it making me sick but i did have a month missing a period?




A lot of women miscarry without knowing it. A chemical pregnancy looks like a period. Just something to note


oh wow, i never thought of that :( i hope it wasn’t the case , but maybe it’s for the better since i’m still so young


my friend had a dream just like this! He got married to a girl that doesn’t exist, had kids with her. Years went by and it all felt 100% real to him. It really messed him up, but him telling me this got me into dreams. They’re so fascinating and yet we know so little about how they work! But seriously, a dream like that would traumatize me, especially after a breakup. Best of luck to you!💕


thank you 🩵🩵 i also think dreams are fascinating, once i learned that not everyone has such vivid dreams i became a lot more interested


I always get dreams where I get pregnant even though I’m a virgin. It normally ends with me aborting the baby. But yeah, getting pregnant is one of my worst fears and I get that dream all the time.


The other night, I had a dream that my husband and I had a baby boy. I remember feeling excited in my dream, and my husband and I were super happy at first, but then we got into a huge fight about his name. My husband wanted to name him "Will," but I was adamantly against it because of all the memes of Joyce from Stranger Things yelling, "Wiiiiiillll." I wanted our son to be named Christian Mace (Ace for short). Neither of these names is close to what we discussed for our maybe baby (no kiddos yet, but we may have one in the future). When I woke up, I was still kind of salty that my husband wanted to name our son, Will 😅.


Makes me think of the audio "My dreams are just dreams... My dreams are just dreams" (repeating itself many times, getting more agressive/emotional for each "my dreams are just dreams")


There are others who have experienced this phenomena. Living an entirely different life and having strong reasons to want to continue living… and then waking up. I cannot offer an explanation but just support in telling you you are not alone. Look up the living room lamp story on Reddit, another redditer had a very similar experience and had an entire family (just as you did) before he realized his living room lamp looked “off”. He stared at it enough until he broke free of the “false reality” and woke up in this life again.


I've had a few dreams where I had a toddler, and I had one dream where a vampire got me pregnant and then I looked in the mirror and all my teeth fell out. So, didn't love that one.


https://youtu.be/xUxAsyLN4yI?si=CpNn8G3FMnynAB3n Your dream reminds me of the story called "The lamp," related by Mr. Ballen in this video. (It starts at about 3:03.) Short version: A man falls in love, gets married, has a child, only to discover that it was all a dream after getting knocked out. To this day, he has memories of that other life that wasn't even real, although I think he did live it, in a parallel world or something. The only time I've dreamt of a baby is years ago, when I dreamed that I was with three other people and we were running away from guys in tan military uniforms. I had a baby with me and for some reason it was important that we protect the baby and take him to safety. I don't think he was actually my child, though.


oh yes i remember that story!! i don’t remember anything particularly snapping me out of it, i think i was rolling over to go to sleep after some sort of argument and then i woke up , for real that time.


A very wise woman once said "If you have the baby, you can't be the baby.... mama ma-ma"


I'm at the point where my dreams are more life like than my real life. Probably need to speak to someone about it... I'll do it tonight.


i recommend talking to someone, if they’re negatively affecting you. i was embarrassed to be so upset over the dreams but they gave blended with my memories.


None of my dreams are this normal or realistic. It's all crazy bullshit. Is my brain broken?


Every brain is unique! Every reality is personalized. Hope you find a way to understand your subconscious better :)


I'm not convinced that understanding dreams has any real value.


Maybe, maybe not.. At the very least it can be entertaining. When it's not disturbing 🤔


not at all, the leading theory psychologists believe is that dreaming is simply your brain recycling all the things you consciously or unconsciously have observed throughout the day/week or any old memories that weren’t important. once i had a dream where i was walking through an underwater cave, but it was more like one of the baby toys with the fake aquarium that goes on the crib… and the big toys kept flying around and almost hitting me


Dreams are such a mystery. I hope that in the future there will be some kind of technology connected to dreams, like for example you could have some sort of memory chip (like you can put in your phone to transfer photos and stuff) that you can record and store dreams on...


I dreamt of my oldest daughter and she was around age 5. She was standing in the living room of the shitty house me and my boyfriend lived in at the time and she had a yellow dress on. Long crinkly sandy brown hair. Bangs cut Straight across her forehead. Smiling a little gap toothed smile. I don't remember what we were talking about but I remember the living room looked so pale and dark compared to her and her yellow dress. Well, This was two weeks before I even thought I might be pregnant. I was 18 at the time and the thought of being pregnant was terrifying, let alone having a toddler aged kid. The dream shook me up quite a bit. I missed her and that alone made me realize I was sleeping a lot and nauseous and eventually my period wasn't coming on time. I took a test and positive, of course. I kept going along with my boyfriend at the time that it was going to be a boy lol, at our 5 months ultrasound when they said it was a boy I was secretly disheartened and sad. So I forgot the dream and pushed it out of my head. Month 8, i had breakthrough bleeding and blood pressure issues, so my OB did another ultrasound; and there she was. Not a boy at all, just my oldest healthy as could be. I went exactly to my due date and birthed her. And I remember holding her on my chest and her face was very similar to the little girl in my dream. Years later we were going to a pre school event and I had gotten a yellow dress for her, and she was playing outside just running around like kids do, and she came running over to me and I randomly remembered the dream. It was her, completely as I saw her in my dream we were just in a different environment. At the time I had already been dating someone new for 3 years, because my ex boyfriend was just...insane and not competent to care for me or her. But I think if I had stayed with her father I would have bought that yellow dress and seen her in the exact image from my dream. But I changed our lives and moved on and reconnected her to my dream for a new and better moment. I tell her about this all the time. Lol she's 18 now herself. And weve had some strange occurrences over her life. One, was waking up at strange times miles apart when she would visit her father on weekends. I would hear her yell "MOM" like she was right beside me and it would startle me awake, a few times it shook me up so much that I would call her emergency phone and she would answer, half asleep, swearing she had just heard me yelling for her using her nickname. She sometimes remembers stuff that didn't happen to her, but happened to me as a kid and It's small things that I have never talked about. I still think she came to me specifically. I have two more daughters also, but always feel like I was supposed to have a 4th kid, i always panic for a second when I do the "kid count" when we're out and only count 3 kids.


I keep having dreams that people walk up to me and hand me a baby. I feel like its a sign that my heart is open to adoption. But at the moment I am still too poor to support my own children. I feel like I will never make enough money to be able to adopt. ☹️


I had one where I gave birth and held the baby and everything. Woke up and was actually sad for a few days that it wasn’t real and I don’t even want my own biological children. Crazy how vivid dreams can be.


I keep having a dream where I don’t know I’m pregnant and I have a baby and I have to adjust to it and it’s really difficult for me


I had the opposite of a good dream, i gave birth in a dark almost black pond at the edge of the woods and the baby was not alive. It was a VERY off-putting dream and i have no idea where it came from


I had a miscarriage back in 2020 and recently had a dream of a baby girl even though I was certain I was having a boy. It was so vivid. And sometimes my nephew feels like a reincarnation of my baby’s spirit when he looks in my eyes haha. Maybe I’m just crazy. But the dream was very real and I felt the motherhood very deeply and truly.


My dream didn’t involve a baby but it’s basically the same. About six years ago I had the most amazing dream in the entire world. I had met my “twin flame” or “soulmate” or whatever you want to call them. All I knew was that they were the absolute love of my life and I was theirs. It felt like a love that you couldn’t even begin to accurately describe. It felt like I had done every drug in the world aka felt the ultimate amount of ecstasy and it STILL would not have been close to the love I felt in the dream. We were laying down on a super clean and white mattress and we just couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. I never wanted to leave them, I never wanted to know what it was like to not have them inches away from me. I cried when they went away on a business trip and they cried TOO! I didn’t know what anxiety, sadness, anger, or any other negative emotion was like. I genuinely had zero idea to the point that I did think about the word “anxiety” for a split second but it felt foreign to me. It was absolute bliss. I woke up so extremely happy and that happiness faded instantly when I realized it was just a dream. I felt heavily depressed and like my actual FUN life was stolen from me. I felt so deeply lost thinking “why would the universe be so cruel to allow me to experience such immense perfection just for it to be taken away instantly?.” I became absolutely obsessed with finding the person who was in my dream but as the years passed by, that obsession washed away. I’m elated that the feelings I felt in the dream aren’t as easy to remember as they were when I had just woken up from the dream that day because if they were, well I would have probably gone through with hurting myself so I could go back to that dream. About a couple of weeks ago I actually started to feel those feelings again because I met someone who sparked them but, it’s too complicated to explain exactly what has happened since. Basically it hasn’t been perfect. Again, extremely long story lmao.


I had a dream like that once. I was in this penthouse apartment and had a baby in the living room. He was premature so I took him to the hospital. I woke up before I knew if he was going to be ok. I knew his name and everything. The weirdest part was how I was actually emotionally attached to him after I woke up. I was sad about it for a couple of days. One if the strangest dreams I’ve ever had. Made me wonder if he was my baby in a past life or something.


Yes. Had a similar dreams but with twins. It lasted for so long, and I saw them into their toddler years. One year later, I had twin sons, just like in my dreams. I am sorry yours caused you pain. I know that feeling. 


I've had many vivid dreams! I did have a baby dream. In the dream, I find myself at the hospital with stomach pains (I was in my 50s and my husband had had a vasectomy when I was still in my 20s.) I was pregnant t and in labour! How could I not have known? I deliver the baby and we are sent home later that day. We have absolutely nothing for a baby so my husband put me to bed nursing the baby while he went out for basics. I fell.asleep. I woke up in the same position I'd fallen asleep and there was no baby! I was frantic and looked beside the bed thinking I'd dropped it down the side. I even got up and checked the guest room thinking my husband had come back and put the baby in a bassinet while I slept. But it dawned on me over time as my heart was beating out of my chest that it was all a dream.


I had one recently, but it was no way as vivid as any of y’all’s. I just kind of woke up like WTF because I don’t even want kids. I guess the thought of having a niece on the way didn’t help me on that though.


The grief is real, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise— people have these dreams a lot, and it’s heartbreaking to wake up and to lose it all. I’m sorry for your loss, I hope you find a way to move forward


Yes babies often visit their chosen parents in spirit form before they're born. These kinds of dreams will usually feel more vivid than usual. Time doesn't exist in the spirit world like it does here. So you may still have this baby one day.


I've heard of dreams like this...at least twice. One had a whole life in a dream like this. Another one woke up thanks to looking at a lamp that looked oddly 2D. I don't know what to tell you, but you got bonus years.