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We don’t. You’re at the wrong subreddit. Ask your own why they want drake dead lol


I mean I know why the people that want Drake gone, want him gone. I’m not so delusional to think Drake is ever going anywhere, especially after this. He’ll be fine.


Man gtfo




I don’t hate Kendrick at all. I love his music. I hate that his fans become philosophy professors when they hear his raps and then drop down to a third grade reading level when other people rap in an effort to be intentionally obtuse. It’s intellectually dishonest.


Intellectually dishonest is the perfect way to describe Kendrick's cult-like fans. Not only do they pick and choose when to see deeper meanings, they are also a lot dumber than they pretend to be


This is the one right here




You said that perfectly.


And that’s not a dig on Drake’s music either. Less technical does not mean shitty in my eyes.


Yeah the bias on the Kendrick side is just as there as the bias on the Drake side is, that’s for sure. Also doesn’t help that he’s so lyrically verbose, it’s like Kendrick is like the Prog Rock of Hip Hop and Drake is like…idk like Pop Rock or just straightforward Rock music. I make that comparison bc still to this day Prog Rock as a genre gets labeled pretentious and tryhard, bc it’s focused on technicality and overarching narratives, leitmotifs, and constant changes in music and structure. While straightforward Rock has always and will always be more popular bc it’s more accessible and less technically intensive. Plug and play music, as opposed to booting up a fucking 80+ hour RPG.


You brigadiers constantly say this shit but look at the numbers bro. In every social media website the majority are flaming Drake. No the bias ain’t the same on both sides. Drakes my favorite rapper but I think Dot is better at the end of the day. His fans are the fuckin worst tho.


Yeah man my prog rock to straightforward rock comparison still stands, bc that’s literally how that dichotomy goes too


Gaslighting at its finest


It’s true though? Yall have no reason to hate this man at all, I think everyone that hates Drake has multiple valid reasons to hate that nigga. 🤷🏾‍♂️


You just doubled down on the gaslight you fucking retard  This beef has made me lose hope in humanity 


How is that doubling down on a gaslight when this nigga Kendrick doesn’t have a paper trail of him being a piece of shit to people. Drake does though?


My point is we know neither of these dudes personally and both have accused each other of heinous shit with no actual proof. Where is the paper trail of shittiness? The internet can create reasons to hate on anybody. Be objective. 


You got better luck getting through a brick wall than getting through to them.


Just do a deep dive on Drake’s career like I did man. He’s been snaking niggas since the Degrassi days.


You could have asked an honest question without bias...but na, that was never gonna happen.


Nigga that’s literally what I’m doing. I’m looking at both sides and their public history in regards to how they move in the industry and who’s got the most to say about their individual shady business practices. Drake’s the only nigga with shit out there like that, not Kendrick. That’s all I’m saying.


Oh, but it's not what you're doing... 


You can believe what you want, man. I woke up today with some questions for y’all, and I know I’m not like y’all. I don’t hate this nigga Drake but I do think he’s not someone to be praised or celebrated as like some good guy. Especially with how much proof there is of him being a piece of shit to people, snaking people, being a homewrecker for petty, immature reasons. Kendrick ain’t perfect but I can’t find a damn thing like that on that man.




Nah that’s a bit disingenuous. Some people actually answered and they’re valid responses I think.




Yeah man the beef is over, these are the kinds of questions I ask a fanbase that is still foaming at the mouth over a nigga that doesn’t know they exist, both ways…after the beef’s over. I’m all for tribalism during any sporting event. Basketball, football, whatever. Hip hop is a sport to me so it’s no different during beefs. It’d be like still praying on Lebron’s downfall in the fucking postseason. Mfs need to relax.


The same nigga acting like he's got the moral high ground while he runs out on his partner and possibly hitting her? At least with Drake all the allegations are being denied by the, "victims." Can't forget him saying he's not a Saviour but wears a crown of thorns on stage and his album cover.


Dude tried to use cancel culture instead of doing his homework and rapping. That’s lowest of the low move especially in a rap beef. All Kendrick’s disses are hack and hold no value or truth.


The funny thing here is, a vast majority of us don't hate Kendrick, but almost all Kendrick fans hate Drake, it's such a one-sided battle.


Hating someone you don't even know is absolutely ridiculous. But I don't think most Kendrick fans realize that.


I mainly hate his white fans who have white guilted themselves into defending him to death, they need to appear morally righteous, but are largely hypocrites. Also, I think the vast majority of the buzz he has right now is just Drake hate. And he smartly decided to use that buzz to promote his upcoming album, which he desperately needs to have a major hit from. His last album missed sales expectations by quite a margin.


Respectfully, who gives a shit about sales? Mr Morale is a classic and I am firmly in drake’s camp on the beef. I truly believe Kendrick went low out of hatred and spite, not as a promo tactic


Mr. Morale is a good album but it is in no way a classic. DAMN. isn't even a classic


They are both classics. I know we’re all pissed about the beef right now but I refuse to stop being objective when it comes to the music.


If Mr Morale is a classic you have a very loose definition of classic...


You’re right I probably have a bit lower standard for a classic than a lot of people


Ehhh GKMC, TPAB, and maybe DAMN are his classics.


I'd go section 80 over DAMN, but either way I think he only has two. "Only" as if having two classics isn't impressive af


Section 80 is definitely good, but not a classic.


Yeah ultimately I agree. That's how I feel about both 80 and DAMN. I just like 80 more between the two. His classics in my opinion are GKMC and TPAB


can’t be a classic when public opinion isn’t in major favor of it


can’t be a classic when public opinion isn’t in major favor of it


Bro Mr Morale is ass XD Kendrick has two classics. Mr. Morale damn sure isn't one of them.


I don't give a fuck about people who can't be objective about the quality of music, don't matter which side you're on ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4214)


Sure but that's irrelevant to this discussion. I prefer Kendricks music out of the big 3. But Mr Morale was ass. I'm not gonna pretend it wasn't because it's Kendrick


I don't hate him or his music, I just prefer Drake.


I don't personally hate Kendrick, I think his older stuff is incredible and he's one of the best lyricists of all time. I also think he's fake, a walking contradiction who pretends to be this super moral guy when in reality he works with awful people, has done a bunch of awful shit himself, and is overall a hypocrite. His recent music is also ass


Lol listen to mr morale


Mr Morale doesn't matter when two years later he's co-signing LA gang culture and wishing death on others


I don’t hate him, but he sure seems angry. Drake’s raps have been way more chill, Meet the Grahams was so cringey you can just tell Kendrick is soooo upset with Drake on that one. And the fact he got clowned on it made it even worse I’m sure. Hard to believe he sent a shooter to Drake’s house.


Drake brought the shooter on himself. With all the shit he talks and the whole pac ai thing. Disrespecting a legend in the hip hop community that was affiliated with gangs ain’t gonna go well.


It's kind of funny how Mr. Morale is this upset about gang culture and a rapist being disrespected


Never said Kendrick did it. Kendrick even told Drake what would happen because he knew how those dudes were. He even warned him about Serena Williams.


He has multiple bars about Tupac tf are you talking about




Asking a question? Yeah.


Of course of course


Most of us are also Kendrick fans. We just don’t like double-standards, mob mentality, and bullshit


I can get that. I think the mob mentality shit is overblown from the younger listeners. All of us over the age of 25 aren’t really being too tribalistic about this I don’t think. It was fun when the beef was still ongoing but post beef? Yeah no I can be an adult and look at everything objectively now that the game is over.


I appreciate this response. Imma still be a Kendrick and drake fan after this but the whole beef is a bad look for hip-hop and both camps. As a fan of hip-hop and the music first and foremost, I feel like the biggest loser in all of this. It was fun until it wasn’t


It was fun until it started getting REAL. Like way too real.


Positions himself as the savior and claims high ground when rap people are almost all the opposite…..


I don't hate Kendrick, I just want the truth. If Drake ends up being guilty of what he's being accused of, I'll drop out and flat out apologise. Both of these men aren't saints, but someone here is definitely lying.


Why can’t they both be lying to a certain extent? The truth is that we have no proof either way


Agreed it could also be the both of them as well.


Don’t hate Kendrick but the *holier than thou* act is exhausting. His fans are exhausting and irrational. Just old af. Mr morale is a fraud. He’s the real scammer here.


He’s a fraud lol I used to be a kdot fan but as I grow I started seeing thru his BS image and realized dudes music don’t really have much replay ability if you don’t care about the stories he’s telling or his life  Drake is like Michael Jackson, where you could enjoy his music even if you didn’t know anything about drake. It’ll still make you dance  I heard someone blaring family matters in their car a few mins ago. Your not gonna hear that for some shit like meet the grahams  Not like us is forced, it’s gonna die out soon. Like that is dope tho


Yeah I think you might just be shifting tastes, it happens. I don’t think that means you’ll hate this nigga or his music forever tho. That’s just where you’re at in life rn.


hes just speaking facts though. Kenny doesnt have the straight vibes that Drake and Trav have, objectively. 90% of the time he sounds super angry and raps really fast trying to show off his skill to scream "listen to me as i tell this story", but in all reality his music is a snooze fest.


Yeah dawg an opinion isn’t facts, this is still art lol


I didn't hate him before he sent his goons to kill an innocent security guard


Wait did that happen? I been at work for a while so I might’ve missed some shit. Dot sent a shooter?


You mean his fans? They’re on the same level as barbs and swifties


I never really hated the man. It’s ignorant to discredit him as an artist, in general. The same goes for Drake. I just chose my side, we all did, I give props where it’s due.


Bingo! That’s why I say like, yeah tribalism is fine during beefs. Beefs are like sporting events to me. But this the postseason. Mfs need to stop acting like both these niggas ain’t lit from an artistic standpoint. It’s just one nigga is a notorious snake and overall asshole to people, and has a paper trail to back it up. And the other just has allegations up in the air of being an abuser. That’s why I’m here tryna parse thru shit rn.


I don't hate Kendrick. I hate Kendrick stans. I don't enjoy Kendrick's music but it's solely because of the sound of his voice and the voice inflections he uses. Just doesn't sound good to me. That is nothing to do with Drake bias. An example of this is Pusha. I'm not a big Pusha fan but I think Exodus 23:1 is absolutely FIRE. I don't have a single song that I feel that way with for Kendrick. It's purely just a vocal sound thing.


I can respect personal preference 100% man


we dont. 😂


He exposed himself in n this beef with the bluffing then the buying of millions of bots, I thought Kendrick would crush Drake with truthful raps tbh Aside from that no hate lol. Hating one of these guys is psychotic


I hate you fans at this point. This turning into just pure hate for Drake, you should take a long look at yourselves before making this accusation. Really fitting for your kind tbh.


????? Dawg the beef’s over, I’m chillin. That’s why I’m here asking questions. The regular season is over we don’t gotta do this anymore


Y’all will continue to do it and harass this man for eternity. Looking at you vandalizing stores and making death threats, just look at the shooting that happened in front of Drakes house and quit tryna insinuate that Drake planted it.


Nobody hate Kendrick lmao we just supporting our guy and enjoying a rap beef. Everyone else the ones making it weird lol.


Bruh yall coulda fooled me, niggas on this sub hate this man like he fucked their mama in front of them


I like some of k's songs. But I don't like his voice 😂


That’s fair the nigga do sound like Daffy Duck lowkey


I love kendrick. The only thing I don't like about this beef is all the gossip with no receipts


Same but that’s always been a factor in rap beefs. Nobody pressed Pac for proof of smashing Faith, or Nas for proof that Jay Z really was getting bitched like that in his early years.


We don’t. I have all of Kendrick’s music on my phone. I’ve been listening to him since 2011.


Been listening since 2010, for me. He’s definitely my favorite rapper right now, but he isn’t my favorite of all time.


I like Kendrick’s music. I do hate that he tried to utilize cancel culture on Drake for something there is no proof of though. That has to be the very least gangster or tough thing a rapper could do in a beef.


Lol ur entire post history is shitting on Drake, go touch grass dumbass


You should stick to begging for money online like your previous posts instead of trolling 😀


Nigga stop tryna come over here stay in the Kendrick’s sub we see your history…


Nah b I see niggas from this subreddit over there too, it’s fair game 😂


You mad because your fav beats women 😭 now we pretending to care about battered women… ain’t yall got more blind items to read?


It was “fuck bitches, bitches ain’t shit” til yall realized yall might have a chance to get an own on Kendrick wit this DV angle. Yall banking on some old shit from the 2000’s that didn’t even involve Whitney to say Kendrick beat Whitney 😂😂😂 Yall lost bro just own it


we found out he beat multiple women 😭 you mad af


I’m not even mad dawg I’m kinda amused by how hard yall tryna cape for women and women’s safety when yall know yall ain’t ever given a fuck about anything like that in your entire lives lol


Womp womp #FreeWhitney go read a blind item from a exposed fake website 🥲🥲 your hero needs to fight the machine apparently


Yeah the #FreeWhitney shit would be dope if I actually believed you gave a fuck about her or her safety dawg. Sorry, yall ain’t convincing nobody that yall are good people wit this lol


Nigga think this gang warfare, no I will not be staying on my block 😂😂😂


The fact the question alone gets you so many dislikes is crazy


Literally bro


Yall gotta think about this though, what has Kendrick done to anyone? Barring the DV allegations Drake brought up, since that’s up in the air currently, what has Kendrick done??


Cheat on his BM on multiple occasions, co-sign rapists


The only reason you know about the infidelity is because Kendrick had the honesty to come out and admit it himself on his album because he does not want his fans to view him as infallible. Drizzy brags about being a piece of garbage to women, Kendrick admits to making mistakes in the past and making strides to address his problems. You are not really making drizzy look any better man