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Fuck addressing it he doubled down on ts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This whole beef made me realize thereā€™s nothing we can do to change peoples minds, itā€™s a hive mentality at this point. Every subreddit but this one is against drake and thatā€™s okay cause when bro drops a hit, itā€™ll be that much more satisfying to rub it in


I mean the truth of the matter is that if we assume both Drake and Kendrick told the truth, Kendrick still wins. Him and Whitney have clearly moved past whatever happened, likely through tons of therapy. And Drake still looks sus AF with no real comeback to the allegations that Kendrick just had a whole stadium belting out repeatedly.


the truth of the matter is it was gods plan to show us the liaršŸ˜‚




The irony of you posting this on a drake Reddit is wildly corny lmao


This isn't a Drake sub rn, it's the second Kendrick sub and the mods won't do anything about it šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Nah lol. Itā€™s funny as hell seeing the diss lyrics be upvoted in Drakeā€™s own sub. At this point the only people booing are hardcore Drake fans, and thatā€™s pretty funny too tbh Edit: Downvote this to oblivion thatā€™ll totally make the situation less funny. Keep telling yourselves itā€™s all Kendrick fans too, and not literally anyone paying attention at this point xD


Picture me carin what ****** sayin on wifi they don't pay for. And still more people listening to Drake than Kendrick why should drake care what a bunch of hatin mfers saying on the internet šŸ˜‚


Tbh how the fuck does one prove heā€™s not a pedophile ? Itā€™s probz the most cruelest and vile allegation you could ever make on someone. So anything you say in your defence is gonna make it worse. The girls have said their stance on the matter and thatā€™s not enough so what more can really be done ?


I mean his defence was 'im too famous' bruh lmao


Easy. Donā€™t continue to put yourself in situations where people may think you are.


Continue ? The most recent allegation was back in 2017 ?


This goes over too many heads and it saddens me


I was taught at a young age to not put myself in situations that I donā€™t want to answer questions about. Itā€™s been a life lesson.


I guess I might be a bit confused, or perhaps I missed something so would love to be informed - but pedophiles are defined as being attracted to prepubescent childrenā€¦when has drake put himself in a position to suggest he likes little kids? If I missed this, then I am sleeping lol.


lol how tf do u expect him to PROVE heā€™s NOT a pedophileā€¦? Logically speaking, thatā€™s impossibleā€¦ what he can do is say ā€œno, Iā€™m not lol, there are legit zero actual allegations against me so idk why ur tryna push thatā€ ā€¦ but according to Kennedy fans thatā€™s an admission of guilt in and of itself šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø u want him to document every second of his life to prove nothing has ever happenedā€¦? Or how would u show that?? Genuinely asking


Itā€™s like asking someone to prove they didnā€™t murder someone when there isnā€™t even a body in question lol


Kendrick fans be like, ā€œDrakeā€™s a witch! If he floats, thatā€™s proof! If he drowns, well itā€™s unfortunate, but weā€™ll have know then truth.ā€


Kendrick played Drake for sure. How does he prove it? Legal action. And if Kenny does have proof? Drake is a deer in headlights and the whole world watching to see what he's gunna do


Have he and Whitney moved past it though? I havenā€™t seen her out here defending him or denying the allegations. It doesnā€™t appear they are currently in a relationship to me from the outside looking in. Side note. Assuming the DV allegations are true and they did move past it, itā€™s ironic that Kendrick calls Drake a ā€œmaster manipulatorā€ yet convinced Whitney to stay after he put his hands on her, and self admittedly cheated on her.


Popping out online to draw attention to something the public already shook off would just be a bad move optically, being spotted at the show singing along is a way better statement then defending him would ever be


It's really not considering that most abused women stay with their abusers and that is a common known fact. Many women get abused multiple times before they ever get the courage to leave.


Whitney was at the show, if they didnā€™t move past it why would she be there? If they are so separated like drake suggest why would she go and support her abuser? Clearly they moved past it if it was true. So basically what you said was if you and your spouse have an issue, you have to break up because if you get back together one of you was manipulating the other to stay. Lol


When I say move past it I don't necessarily mean they're still together. I mean they've worked through stuff enough to still support each other and the kids and put on a good face for the public.


Right now the only thing there is to substantiate any of the DV allegations is accusatiosn of domestic abuse that went no where 10 years ago and...she doesn't follow him on IG? She looks sad on IG? Drake said it? That's the thing. Even if she denied it, you'd have people out there doing what they're doing now after seeing her at the show: saying she's too scared to tell the truth. Here's a crazy thought: she doesn't follow him on IG because she doesn't have to? They're partners and communicate directly? Also, dude doesn't put anything on there? Also another thought: she puts stuff that she wants to on IG and puts captions about self-reflection because that is the type of person she is/was prior to meeting him? Lady doesn't exist only in proximity to Kendrick, nor does she exist only as ammo against him. As a final note, if they both moved passed the thing that we don't even know happened and that have only ever come up in a rap beef, then by process of them moving past it, he didn't 'convince' her of anything. They made a mutual decision. She has autonomy. This type of response is why people in other rap-based subs make fun of this sub.


People on here have no problem saying the daughter thing was BS bc "Drake said so" (tbf I believe this too) but somehow Drake saying Kendrick beat his cheating wife in a song is all the proof they need for this? Just admit you're biased and stop pretending you care about facts and proof


All of Drake's "alleged* victims have said nothing happened and defended him but I guess he can coerce multimillionaire A list stars into staying silent but Kendrick can't coerce the mother of his children whose captions are always screaming "save me"


How tf didn't drake comeback against the pedo shit


Bro said its a hive mentality and then proceeded to be part of the hive mentality lmaoooo


Right? At the end of the day, if both sides lied, it doesnā€™t matter in a beef. Performatively and quality-wise, Kendrick won. Yeah, Drake made two decent ā€œDrakeā€ songs but he was clearly running at K Dotā€™s pace and getting gassed.


Donā€™t be afraid of downvotes, the truth hurts


thats crazyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




The absolute tone deafness & hyprocrisy of this comment lol. This subreddit is also a hivemind.


This beef is what made that happen. All those opinions shifted to one side during the week between Euphoria and HP6.


This giving Trump didnā€™t lose the election vibes


Every other sub reddit is telling. I haven't fucked with Drake as a person since Degrassi lol, and don't like him here, in this very sub.


You guys seriously are laughably deep in this shit lmao. ā€œItā€™s a hive mind!!!ā€ ā€œMisinformation is rampant!!!ā€ Wonā€™t be surprised if in two years or so thereā€™s a video essay on the Drake fan to schizo conspiracist pipeline lmao


As an outsider, that beef was one sided afā€¦ let it go manā€¦ Drake is still great in whatever way you thought he was previouslyā€¦ taking an L from Kendrick doesnā€™t change that.


Bro youā€™re guilty of it too


Thing is the hip hop community has never cared about abuse against women or violence against others anyway. They say you gotta respect the queens but turn a blind eye when it comes to hitting them.


This doesnā€™t really apply here though. Drake made a baseless claim, the ā€œabused fiancĆ©ā€ Whitney was happily in attendance at the event, the brother of Whitney has come out and supported Kendrick. Itā€™s been over a month now and Drake stans are PRAYING that this woman had been abused so they can spin this obvious L for Drake into a W. Weirdo behaviour.


Its kinda crazy how niggas HOPE a woman was abused just to boost their favorite rapperā€™s image.


Not at all. It was insane that Drake said it and no one cared. People didn't even try to look into it. If people cared about it then it would have been debunked a month ago.


Everything is baseless


Yeah? Why add that?


Youā€™re acting like only drakeā€™s diss was baseless but not Kendrick, so at least we can agree now


Naw Drake definitely kissed a 17 yr old and hid a a child before thatā€™s the opposite of baseless


That domestic abuse angle has been weak but this is funny af nglšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was thinking the same thing buuut. I remembered that one guy who even bang a Setā€¦. I think he goes by C.B.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ career got washed up after that DV case


CB has smacked several women, his career is fine. Quavo roughed up sweetie, career is fine.


Lmao its fine now but that nigga CB couldnt get SHIT OFF when that first hit the fan šŸ˜­ And if you think Quavo career is fine then youre an idiot


Tbh he can bring it back again since Kendrick had dre on stage


He could but Drake also shouted out CB. They both were kind of hypocrites in that regard


I understand that but drake never presented himself as a moral upstanding person in his disses if drake was talking the way Kendrick was in meet the grahams I would understand this point


Shouting out a proven domestic abuser while making up allegations of DV against someone else is extremely hypocritical lmao


And Kendrick did the same thing, what else you got?


drake dont wanna mention Dre... he's got enough guys going after him without bringing Snoop, Em, 50 and any of the old Aftermath guys who would for sure have a problem with that


Pretty sure em and 50 would go at him but who knows at this point


he said ā€œthatā€™s rightā€ šŸ—£ļø


Iā€™m Dre from back in the dayā€¦. Oh maybe we shouldnā€™t finish those lyrics lol Awww Hereā€™s the bars: I'm Dre, from back in the day From N.W.A, from black and the gray From choking a bitch, to smacking her face From stacking up bodies, to racking AKs


Have you heard the song Guilty Conscious?


Tf you talking about? Ppl rap about šŸ”« ppl and DV is going to end someoneā€™s career?? Yea right. I personally donā€™t stand for it but neither should the female that itā€™s happening to. What they say? Itā€™s not what you know but what you can prove.


Yall are still talking about the beef? Makes me feel lucky I got better shit to do.


Lets not forget Drake gave Chris Brown a shout out in family matters too, both are contradictory as fuck




broā€™s comprehension skills are soo bad. tiktok or gollum to to feed it to you in a digestible way šŸ˜­


Yeah I know that he said that, I'm not denying it. I just want everyone to play under the same rules that y'all set for Drake


There are no rules


I'd like to believe that, but the amount of goalpost moving that's happened has me saying otherwise


Nigga in order for there to be goalposts there would have to be rules


Itā€™s a fact he purposely used C.B. Last of the names to throw emphasis on it. Also, clearly used it as a comparison to Kendrick. Kendrick acts gang tough and beats his wife. Saying CB doesnā€™t just beat his wife he also reps a set for real unlike Kenny pretending.


Drake shouted out CB on a record. Before yall say ā€œbut Kendrick pretends to be a moral grandstanderā€, Drake has that whole video denouncing (like DV needs to be denounced lol) Domestic violence. Bro stood on his moral high ground, and still shouted out CB. Yā€™all mfā€™s only give a fuck about DV to just shit on the rapper you donā€™t like, yall donā€™t care about DV outside of this rap beef.




Y'all gotta be bots LMAO Bro it's okay dawg, Drake lost. No hive shit, no biased shit.. he straight up waved the white flag. Drake even started posting white man pics with his blonde haired blue eyed child. Yo don't get me wrong, I'm ready for a PT. 2 of the beef, let's go.. KDOT GOT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 5 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Didnā€™t Drake shout out chris brown lol


Didnā€™t Drake shout out Chris Brown on a record?


Imagine still thinking Drake won that beef lmfao


How is it hypocritical when Drake literally shouted out Chris Brown?


chris brown impregnated a 16 year old?


But didnā€™t he also bring out his girl and his girls brother on stage with him ?


The beef is childish and both rappers should be embarrassed and none of us should get sucked into this silly bs.


Most niggas I know, friend or foe, have beat a bitch or two! Not me! But on god! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Much like white people do, yall are going to have to realize the people who were the founders of the things you love were mostly pieces of shit.


Itā€™s been over bro, Drake lost weeks ago


His fans donā€™t care! They hate how Drake dresses but have Westbrook there Lmaoo


Dr. Dre dated the singer Michelā€™le when she was 16 and he was 22. They eventually had a kid together when she was 21. Imagine having Dre introduce this of all songs.


Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas