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Well I know weed may be cute but I didn’t think people were fucking it.


next level boof


No steevo


Knoxville said it was ok


I have the same problem , Weed addiction is no joke however incomparable to opiods and coke and meth and heriloin






Heriloin is infuriatingly funny.


And delicious tbh


Heroin is an opioid


Heroloin is not


Honestly, best way to stop fucking is to keep the weed out your pants


Go on vacation somewhere and don’t bring any with you


(Go somewhere it’s illegal too)


(don't do this if you aren't confident you won't start asking random people where to buy weed)


ive had the most success with this. when you have no assess to it and fun things to keep you busy you rarely even think about it.


"I heard a lot of people are voting Conservative in the North! I'll find freedom there from Cannabis! Therefore tomorrow I leave for Spuzzum!" little does he know Spuzzum burnt down... and .... *lands in Canada*


I know this shit is gonna sound crazy but all you need to do is not smoke i have the same problem but it is as easy as not doing it.


Im so bored and depressed when im sober like can't even describe. Also im f bipolar so that doesn't help haha. But yea i guess it's the only way brudda.


I’ll be real with you I have been smoking heavy for 16 years and when I stopped I had to go to the doctor to get zofran it’s an anti nausea and dicyclomine it’s for stomach cramps. People will tell you there are no symptoms but it really depends on your frequency of use and how long you have been smoking. Good luck you got this.


everyone will get withdrawals if they have been smoking 10 years daily


Yeah there is 100% withdrawal symptoms, especially if your smoking concentrates heavy then stop, but it's mostly nausea and some anxiety, because your not doing a habit you normally do and that throughs your brain off. The main thing people mean when they say you don't get withdrawals is that it's not like opiate or alchohol withdrawals etc which can genuinely kill you if untreated (edit: to make it clear, it's not the withdrawls from the opiates themselves that kills you like alchohol, but rather the danger lies in dehydration that can occur from all the sweating and vomiting if you're going it alone cold turkey with no medical supervision or even someone just to watch over you and make sure you consume liquids.) including a link for those thinking you can't die from an opiate withdrawals due to dehydration: https://www.healthline.com/health/substance-use/can-you-die-from-opiate-withdrawal


Opiate withdrawals won't kill you but they'll make you wish you were. You're thinking of alcohol and benzos


You guys have to learn about tapering. Makes it far easier, but the transition time is heavy. When I start smoking less and tolerance drops I start getting way higher, thus feeling high for hours after waking up (I smoke bong in the afternoon/evening every day). Then comes a time when one hit is enough to not even think about it for 3 hours because you’re so god damn high and want to function again. Stopping is far easier around those times because a hit isn’t something casual anymore but something that requires actual planning. You won’t be functional for at least 1 1/2 hours! I’ve gone from 15 bongs a day to 2 bongs a day by tapering and had no withdrawals or anything. Just felt better the lower my dosage got.


This was the only way I could do it. I used to smoke a quarter ounce (up to an ounce a day that one weekend...) of flower and a gram of distillate every day. I literally can't even fathom smoking that much weed anymore. Now I can come home from work, turn on my enail and maybe smoke a few dabs while I play games or whatever but I don't have that compulsive feeling to smoke constantly anymore. Everyone is different obviously, I've known people who actually cold-turkey'd nicotine, weed, meth etc (one guy literally all three) but the underlying psychological/physiological issues that caused their substance use problems were different from mine, thus the approach needed to be different. Like, I used to sit with my bong in my lap and chain smoke bowls, like preloading multiple bowls and basically doing gauntlet challenges every day just to feel fucking anything. Obviously all of this comes at the expense of performing basic human functions like eating, drinking enough water and having real cognitive ability haha.


Opiate withdrawal won’t actually kill you, it’ll just really suck. The only substances that actually kill you from withdrawals is alcohol and benzos


Opiate withdrawals can kill you, but the cause of death is typically from the dehydration from all the sweating and vomiting rather than the lack of the substance overall, usually only happens when someone tries to go cold turkey alone with no supervision.


Yup, that or the person is already in a fragile state prior to withdrawal and the stress and what you mentioned is too much. The one thing that is big now that even though it's not common dying from opioid withdrawal. The nature of street dope now, with all the hodge podge samples people might be getting. Benzos and RC benzos being in a lot of stuff. It's best to assume it's a possibility than not.


People who say there are no symptoms are in denial and don't want to accept that weed is a drug too. It's well documented that typical withdrawal symptoms are nausea, no appetite, sleep problems, excessive sweating, mood swings, irritability, intense dreams, depression, anxiety, etc. Probably even more but these are just what came to my mind now. Of course it's also different for everyone, some don't feel any symptoms at all and for some it's very bad. Depending on usage but also on the person. But it's definitely a fact that weed fucks your cannabinoid receptors and they have to turn to baseline after quitting.


Oh man, the not being able to fall asleep part is the worst. You will want to and crave it so badly but it's the determination that will get someone through.


Yea, sleeping is the worst part while quitting. I smoked daily for a few years and just quit like 4 or 5 months ago. What helped me was to just reduce my weed intake, like I smoked multiple times daily like most stoners probably do and I slowly reduced it over a few weeks until I was at smoking only once a day (and only a little bit). Quitting wasn't that hard at that point, but the worst part were the intense dreams tho. I was waking up covered in sweat every morning because my dreams were too intense and I often had nightmares. Wasn't that nice but now it's better.


That's my favorite part about taking weed brakes, I have awesome dreams. I love dreaming i hope death is similar to dreaming.


this comment should be higher. This is incredibly correct, even as someone who NOW has an ED, my symptoms, exactly those u mentioned to name a few, progressed to a higher degree then before my ED developed. If anything, my ed was partly induced by such because I couldn’t eat without smoking, I lost my appetite, and progressively disliked food all together unless I had the munchies. withdrawl symptoms are REAL, serious, and sometimes do add other problems to daily life which makes it even harder to quit. Somebody mentioned zofran and I actually just started it, and it seems to be working. irritability is incredibly common too, and may add to bad coping mechanisms. Just watch how your symptoms may effect the other things you struggle with to begin with, as you said you have bipolar and I think u said anxiety. Keep yourself busy by *trying* to eat, hangout with friends, shower, cut your nails, get a sketch book, anything that lowers the chance for prolonging a depression that is hard to work with while taking a t break.


i couldn’t sleep more than 2 hrs for 2-3 weeks. definitely doable just better to go into things expecting some symptoms.


Holy shit seriously? Thats how I was sleeping (well, not sleeping) getting off of heroin, fucking heroin!! But weed? wtf? When you did “sleep” did it feel more like awake hallucinations? Like, you’re not asleep but you sort of dream? Do you mind if I ask what other WD symptom’s you had and how long you were smoking for?


so during the time this happened it was a very very bad time in my life. i have always been an insomniac and i straight up just cannot sleep without weed. i was also a fent addict at the time which is probably the bigger part but nevertheless to this day i cant sleep without weed and that is the only symptom i have besides loss of appetite.


Were you WD from fent as well? I hear you on the insomniac part. For me, it’s gotten better as I have gotten older (I also have 2 young kids now and they’re freaking exhausting lol) but I still get those nights where my brain won’t shut off and I’ll be up all night for no reason! It sounds like you’re doing better, though and I’m glad you stopped the fent. (:


thanks! and yeah compared to the past i’m doing great now. and i remember being pretty dopesick at the time, i was honestly most likely withdrawing off of more than 5 substances but the weed and opiates have always been hardest for me to give up and i just stuck with the weed. i am also a fairly heavy smoker and i would be lucky if an ounce last longer than 5 days.


Finally someone who understands that there is physical withdrawals. I’m 19 and if I don’t smoke in the morning I’m nauseous and have no appetite for the whole day. I smoke once at night and once in the morning. On the weekends I smoke about 1-2 grams each day.


Yeah I get how u feeln . The only way I stopped was because I got severe anxiety and irritable stomach issues that forced me to quit and oh boy... that was the hardest part of my life


Glad u did tho bro congrats 👏 idk i hope i will quit it somehow not forever just want 2 weeks T break


You'll get it done. Just replace it with something natural. Or try cbd, valerian root melatonin, etc. I really hope you might be able to push through it! I have done it 4 times in my 3 years of consumption. It's not getting easier the more we age... so we need to learn from that on forward ! Best of luck my broski


Redirect into physical activity and try to get into your body


I quit smoking weed (and everything else) for 2 years and my mental health drastically improved. Trust me I didn’t think it work work either. I was depressed and anxious for 7-8 years and it went away. It takes a while to see improvements but it was the best thing I’ve ever done


Easiest thing I did was delete dealers numbers, don’t withdraw cash or keep cash on me for a while, it’s one thing saying I won’t smoke but if you make the steps increasingly more difficult in order to get or smoke weed you’ll feel less motivated to go the ATM, track down a dealer, wait for said dealer. Then what you need to do is focus your time on anything else, go outside more, if you don’t have a hobby then make simply walking/hiking a hobby, be more social arrange to do more things with friends or family like food places, drinks, the beach.. anything to keep your mind occupied, after the first week you won’t remember it as much but you will be bored af but unfortunately that’s the price to pay for fucking up your dopamine receptors for 10 years and you probably will always think about weed but at least you won’t be able to hack smoking it like snoop dogg, after the first month your tolerance will be tiny and hopefully that will make you want to not take it up again in the future, either that or you’re a lifer and you don’t want that so I think you can do it easily.


You can’t replace something with nothing. You need something else to occupy the time you would spend smoking. Go see some friends, play a video game, write, or something like that. You may feel like you need weed to enjoy those things but I promise you don’t. I only smoked for 5 years, but I’m 6 months clean now and I couldn’t be happier. It’s daunting at first, but the hardest part is always the first night. All you have to do is push through it. You’ve got this.


Thats the issue: you need to work on your reasons for using and start there. You can’t quit anything until you finally get to the root bottom of this issue + its going to take time, but be kind to yourself and be consistent too You got this


Get some Kratom for days you're not smoking, will make a t break slightly easier I used to have issues with quitting weed and Kratom definitely helped get over those first couple of days. Some people do get addicted to Kratom, so be careful and try not to do it every day. It is a decent temporary replacement for weed though


Hey, I've been there... I have bipolar too (bp1) and have needed to take breaks from time to time. I'm even trying to start again rn, lol, though am not successful yet. But the most important thing to remember for bipolar and quitting weed is that you need to eat, quitting weed will make you nauseous af but you really need to eat something each day even if it's only a few protien shakes or something. i know you prob know already not eating and sleeping are about the worst things that make bipolar get bad really fast. I don't have advice on how to start the break lmfao i wish i knew the secret to it! But whenever you do start the break just really be sure to take care of eating and sleeping because weed withdrawal makes that shit hard but you need to prioritize it because that can be really dangerous for bipolar


It’s good to know the real body process going on is that your brain isnt used to having periods of low dopamine and your brains best cure for that is weed. You have to kinda wake up and realize that joy is something you have to actually plan and wait a bit for. That’s other the than mindless scrolling on social media or Netflix which is one of the first places I go to enjoy my day off when I’m bored; which is ofcourse destructive to the rehab. You need more than that. So not only are your habits that of a stoner but your your brain is that of a stoner. Both of which take a bit of time, effort, and most helpfully planning, to make that transition. It’s really not as hard as it may sound and when you’re actually doing stuff you enjoy with other people then you’ll find yourself distracted at times and eventually the draw to smoke is a lot less.


This. And do something to take up your time that is constructive. I go to the gym everyday and run on the treadmill for an hour and lift weights now. Set goals and work on achieving those goals.


it's not that simple for everyone bruh


it is tho, to not smoke anymore you need to not smoke, if you aren't ready to stop that's the real thing im in the same place.


Its actually easier to quit if you dont smoke all your weed but you rather throw away the last weed you got cause that way you already “invested“ something into your T break You can also give it to some stranger or something if you want to get some positive karma Also I Am Sober app helped me cause you can check it and see others going through the same process and read some motivational things And try not to hang out with homies that smoke weed cause thats how you fuck up… just tell them youre taking a break Good luck bro


Oh big problem is that i trap with weed, and always have ti have it. Otherwise would gladly give it all to some crackhead. I will download app now to see it, ty man. And also yea all my homies smoke hard but they're cool they would probably even support me.


The thing is… if you’re trappin, it’s more money in your pockets when you DONT smoke. I remember being on the same boat but on probation and saw the significant difference in cash flow. Not that I condone any of that now, but the replacement is simply keeping yourself busy. Busy work helped a ton. IE; Mow the lawn, stain the fence, fix that thing that’s been bothering you for a while lol. But all in all, you’ll see you don’t need it as much as you think you do after maybe 4-5 days. Your body is just going through the process. Mind over matter dawg, you got this!


That does make it a little harder ngl, well in my experience tolerance breaks only actually do something if you do them for at least 1 month. Also if you just go back to your old smoking habits after starting again your tolerance is gonna be up again in no time. Maybe if you ever actually wanna quit you gotta yk switch your profession… maybe try selling coke, meth or fent


amazing advice for free. start selling fent bro ez solution


Already invested.. I wrote this down in my *reflections* journal. Very solid advice I hope I’ll never need. In being human, thank you.


Do some shit u don’t normally do like go to a park and play basketball or smth. Something to keep ur mind occupied bc I totally feel u; when I’m bored it seems like the only way to get out of my boredom is by smoking. But in reality there’s a million ways to be not bored


try to decrease the amount u smoke instead of quitting cold turkey it’s easier and still lowers your tolerance a bit


This, and even going a day or a couple days without smoking can lower your tolerance combined with smoking less


I agree with this take. People are nuts when they think they're gonna stop any daily habit cold Turkey. The only way to even attempt to avoid withdrawals is tapering down. Even that is super difficult, but if the withdrawals are going to be manageable, this dude needs to taper down for 2-4 weeks.


You'll feel down for a couple days and then you'll get over it. I was a pot head for 15 years and last year I stopped and it was fine the craving happens the first 2 days then it becomes controllable.


That’s great news. I’m thinking of stopping after 20 yrs because it’s messing with my productivity and motivation. What types of changes did you notice?


I definitely experienced more motivation to actually be productive during my day and not just sit around stare at walls all day, I now have much less brain fog and my short term memory has definitely improved by a good margin, my lungs don't wheeze as much (I'm still a smoker so there's almost always some breathing problem but after quitting it became noticeably less) Now if I smoke a single small joint maybe once every couple weeks, it hits me like a sledge hammer and the high really reminds me of the enjoyment I felt from smoking back when I started, however I just generally don't jive with weed high anymore because it makes me too lethargic to actually enjoy myself on it and at least I feel in complete control now and looking back at the times that I was too afraid to stop smoking because of whatever reason was so unbased. The biggest hurdle is avoiding any triggers for the first few days and soon you will feel completely in control. I wish you good luck!


Go to Mexico for a week and sit on the beach drinking tequila instead


There's nothing he's going to get addicted to in a 2 weeks that he can't supplement for his weed cravings. Going on a safe bender might be a good option because his willpower doesn't seem to be that strong. Some mezcal may be a decent sidekick for a few.




Find activities that doesnt let you smoke. Hang out with friends that dont smoke or hit the gym, doing cardio helps too. I used to smoke daily and now I just do it weekends


Same boat man. I keep finding excuses to smoke. What I dread most is not sleeping and the cranky mood for 3 days.


I’m detoxing myself bro. The first 2 weeks are going to be ass. Just smoke a tiny hit every 3 days so it doesn’t absolutely kill you and you’ll feel better.


Lifestyle changes mang. Eat better, do better, do more, goal setting. You’re worth it.


Fuck cold turkey and fuck everyone telling you to “just do it your weak little bitch” it’s so much more complicated than “just do it” you do something every single day for a decade then completely stop out of nowhere of course it’s going to be hard, or course it’s gonna be a shock to the system. With cold turkey you’re relying 100% on will power. Once you find out you can’t do simple things like eating and sleeping, willpower will go out the fucking window. At least if you’re anything like me. Try switching to carts (distillate more specifically) for that time, when you go back to actually smoking flower, it’ll blow you out of the water. Give that a try.


Yep, cold turkey is incredibly ineffective for most and in some cases (alcohol and benzos) can actually be very dangerous


Mircodose on shrooms for a week or two and before you start smoking again get a dry herb vape, it will allow you to get more bang for you buck when smoking and then save the vaped weed and make edibles then at the end of every month capsule the weed and the the capsules instead of smoking heavy that week. I also suggest being honest with yourself when you are feeling high. Like if you are feeling it don’t smoke more just ride it out.


Dude a week will not be enough for a T break, id say take 2 weeks at least and just stop buying lol


Will power man will power. Show some self discipline and take a break. You don’t have to quit forever, just take a break. Shit you’re wasting bud. 6 joints that’s a healthy quarter a day. Just do it show some discipline and take a break. Life will continue without getting high. Keep telling people you need to take break and people gonna quit listening to you. I vape around the clock it’s getting tiresome getting high like that I’m starting a break tomorrow morning I made this decision a couple hours ago. It took me dropping 500 mg to get high the way I like. I need a break. Do it take a break quit being weak.


idk, i’ve never fucked weed before


clean for 5 months, against my will but still, 5 months clean. just stop smoking, thats literally it. the day u least expect it or something like that, just stop. after 2 or 3 weeks ur probably going to be good ngl. "now you're never gonna quit it if you dont stop smoking it"


Keep busy. If you’re sitting around you’re gonna want to smoke. After a couple weeks the cravings should go away


Start using the Othership breathwork app, that’ll help


a few strats that could help. build up to it. start by counting how many bowls you have in a day, and then once you have an estimate, give yourself a limit at that cap. then start reducing one bowl down every day. if it gets rly fucking hard, like you feel like scrapping the program, stay at that number of bowls for a few days. keep reducing until you’re at one or two bowls per day. then go for a 24hr t break. if the physical symptoms are overwhelming use pure CBD to quell the nasua and physical smoking addiction. increase to 48hrs after a successful 24hrs. then to a week. once you can do it with cbd, start limiting that and repeat the process. the biggest thing is to stick to the commitments you make and not break those internal rules. it’s better to take a smaller break and smoke more frequently but control and plan the whole thing, than it is to try to quit it all and end up endlessly compromising on yourself. it’s about weening yourself off physical addiction while increasing your resiliency and self control. I also recommend watching “what happens when you quit marijuana” by asap science on youtube so you know a bit of what to expect and can plan and mentally prepare. you got this! you already have one believer


You need two full weeks for a tolerance reset


For a RESET yeah but for a lil mini break even just 3 days will knock you back a bit, just make sure to smoke less when you do


I still get high to an extent but then fuck around and don’t do anything and it feels like 20min Plus it cost so fucking man omg illegal state ($10 a g) I try to limit my use so buy an eight but I’ve used my guy a while I usually weigh closer around 4.5 but damn $60 sometimes twice a week cutting into to the budget a bit shit isn’t too cheap rn


Hey man I know this might some weird but I can recommend ketamine. It does wonders for many




One thing that I found helpful is to not have any on hand. Make extra levels of effort it would require to go get some and the laziness outweighs the craving. Also find something you enjoy to do to keep your mind off it. It ain’t easy, but you gotta start somewhere.


You are supposed to smoke weed. Not fuck it.


Get a fleshlight that should help you stop having sex with your weed.


Videogames and cigarettes if you already smoke cigarettes


start exercising, i used to fiend for dopamine hits which is why id smoke so much. since starting going to the gym and boxing i’ve easily gone from smoking nearly every day to not even craving it for the last 3 months


Go somewhere you have no access to weed. That's it.


My grandmama tried to stop after 30 something years of daily smoking and had a stroke. So I'd be careful.


Masturbate for a week if you can’t stop fucking your weed


you just have to hold off, the angst subsides in a few weeks


Will power, don’t do it


You're doing WHAT to the weed?!?


I broke my femur 2 weeks ago and was in the hospital for 7 days. It was the first time in 3 years that I didn’t constantly have weed on my mind or that I wasn’t just waiting to get off work to get baked. Could try that out


Just stop I been smoking since high school I’m 28 now and I quit for 6-7 months just for a t break but literally just don’t take the blunt when it’s goin around I did take mushroom the first day mabe that would help you too or ashwaganda


i usually play a game that’s gonna keep my attention like Elden Ring or any RPG game and i hit my vape instead of tapping into my weed


I gave myself a goal this year to only smoke on the weekends (smoked everyday for 8+ years). I try to focus on all my goals i set for myself and responsibilities (work, gym etc) during the week, and when weekend comes i smoke as a reward. Its been 6 months now and still following this system. I realized that i actually don’t need it that badly as i thought i would. Very important to stay focused tho


you have to accept the fact that the first 2 weeks suck without weed. try to do something with friends, like playing table tennis etc. if you stay at home doing nothing you will fail to stop. get a hobby, do stuff, maybe workout whatever and than it is not that big deal anymore. at one point you will enjoy that your mind is clear. thc addiction is the most easy to get clean from.


man i really like smoking my weed but i’ve never tried fucking it


T breaks don’t do as much for you as you’d think, honestly best thing is to just smoke a little less per day


Just accept you deserve to suffer


Man bruh, used to think this was impossible too now im addicted to cocaine and lemme tell you. Quitting weed is as easy as thugging it the fuck out for 2 weeks. Now anything above that, good luck, don’t even try it cause you’ll ruin your life


Vape. It will lower your tolerance and it will no longer be addictive. Depending on the individual, you can go multiple weeks without it. Leads to a healthy relationship with the green.


Same way you quit anything, just don’t do it.


when i stopped any substance the most effective, yet stupidly simple thing I reminded myself was that the first step to quitting is making the choice not to use when you want to…


I usually just switch to edibles for a couple weeks. that works for me


Scale back each week. Wait as long as possible to smoke. It’ll help you get a little more high


Go on a week long vaca to a place that you can't get it


Just past 2 weeks weed free after being atleast a gram a day smoker for 5-6 years. You got this brother, it can be done.


Smoke cigarettes as a replacement and use hypnotherapy to stop cigarettes


So wait you’re fucking the weed not just letting it fuck you via boofing


Get disgusted by the smell


Very low strength THC oil is a good substitute to stop the ritual of the smoke and ease the physical horrors of withdrawal, it's boring af in comparison but it will get you over the first hell week.. after that you can lower your dosage of the oil or change to pure CBD for health benefits but no high. Good luck fam xx


smoke afew bowl @the cop shop does the trick


I only smoke weed, sometimes eat it, but never have I fucked it, so I don’t think I’d be able to help you out.


I used coffee and cigarettes and basically didn't eat the whole.time but that's probably not healthy


Jesus get over yourself


Start by only smoking at night


Just don’t be fucking weak bruh. You just *do* it


Ah guess im weak af, even feel like that tbh. Would love to vanish from my body fr.


go try ketamine lmao


Youre not weak, Just dont look at the hate, instead of going 100% cold turkey use all your willpower to stop, to instead ween yourself off by smoking and less and then youll slowly start to feel better, if you can go cold turkey you have to be strong in will and know what hr getting into, you can do jt you just have to take it day by day, hope you solve your problem God bless


i commented above offering book recs if you want some (feel free to message me too and i could probably find u mobile copies of books), but i also want to suggest maybe a physical replacement for the act of smoking. i know when i can’t smoke it helps to vape (even if it is a 0 nicotine vape or fuck ive even tried herbal ones w like lavender and shit), chew gum, or drink excessive amounts of water, Diet Coke, or iced coffee. i prefer iced coffee or Diet Coke because the ice or bubbles provide a different mouth sensation that makes me feel a little different after, plus the caffeine probably helps. some other coping mechanisms or other things ive used to distract me are video games, using google street view to explore new places even if I can’t physically be there, creative outlets (for me this usually involves writing, dying my hair, doing my nails, scrapbooking, makeup, etc. but even a coloring book is fun!!), and making new recipes out of whatever bs i have in my pantry. I hope some of this helps in some way! u got this!


Get yourself completely busy and tolerate it for a few days, things you can’t do while stoned. 3 days and you’ll be feeling better, after that it’s up to your willpower.


Just don’t smoke. Clean the house or do anything to not think about smoking.


Do not buy it.


Get addicted to something else


I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but either vallium for a couple days or ketamine for a couple days. Ketamine gets rid of the cravings and vallium will make you sleep, with vallium you just need to wait until bedtime, which is hard. I've started and quit weed many times and the easiest way, imo, is with pinches of k to keep the cravings away, but unless you're super in control you'll just end up with a k habit instead. Worse if you get fond of benzos. The other option is just not smoking, but everyone knows how hard it is. Weed is a very addictive drug, contrary to what everyone says.


I feel your pain brother, I was addicted to weed for 25 years and 10 of them years I was trying to give it up. You been told a lie. Cannabis is in-fact highly addictive, no easy options but to quit cold Turkey and get that shit out your system. It lingers for weeks if not months. Exercise if you can, eat healthy, dreams will be wild take a supplement that helps you sleep, that’s key as lack of sleep increases anxiety which in turn makes you hit the bong again


Run out of weed, it’s the only way.


You have to find new hobby's and keep yourself busy if you're just sitting around doing nothing all you're going to want to do is smoke


just do it bruh, it’s only as bad/hard as you make yourself believe it will be, i smoked daily for like 6-8 years and i jus like quit because it wasn’t really getting me high just thinkin too much and feeling anxious and like i just got bored of it too, it just wasn’t fun anymore and i kinda just stopped and was fine, been playing a lot of elden ring lol that’s what i’ve had my mind on so yeah just stop and find something else to occupy your time, find a fun game to get into if you can’t coke turkey u can always try getting some cbd dominant weed or straight cbd weed and mixing it half and half with reg weed and gradually increase the ratio to be more and more cbd and less thc until you’re off it completely


Make urself broke ... like literally waste ur money on something else so u dont go buy it. If you have a big stash, then revisit quitting after thats been smoked up. Its a habit at this point and it takes 7 days to break a habit. Start by just letting yourself suffer unfortunately, and also waste weed on purpose. Throw it out so that u feel the pain.


The only way my t breaks have been able to happen is when I have nothing to smoke in my house, then the temptation stays but then you don’t have the ability to smoke and then it’s a matter of calling the plug or not and that’s easier to not do than to just not smoke when you have weed in your house


trapping with weed should be a reason for you to quit. think of all the money you're burning... yeah ik you smoke "for free" cuz you're selling it but your time is not free, is it?


I've smoked weed for 4 years daily around 1-2g a day. Once I decided to quit I had pretty serious withdrawal symptoms. I didn't sleep much for a week and did not eat anything. Everything seemed depressing and boring for around 2-3 months after that it gets a lot better:) I haven't smoked since like 2018 so Its a pretty serious addiction imo


You have to replace it with something else, like exercise.


to kick it off you should try to have some sort of one-off event that really marks the beginning. My suggestion: leave the house with some food and a one way bus ticket. Take the bus to the end of the line and walk your ass back to the house and just notice everything that comes into your head- boredom, wanting weed, thinking this was a dumb idea, etc. You’re looking for what’s gonna be like a 6+ hour walk back. You can drop acid on the walk if you don’t do them often already. You’re basically trying to create an artificial turning point in your life, so you’re just trying to do something that is as incredibly alien to you as possible, without having any way out of it once you’ve started. I’d say try to do as many days sober as you can, maybe that’s 1 or 2 or 3 idk. Since you’re a plug, ig you should probably plan a couple days ahead, make sure any regulars know you’re getting the day off if you need a map or directions make a list on paper or print out streetview photos of landmarks after every mile or so. There has to be absolutely no possible way for you get out of it, so you can’t bring a phone.


It is important to have a strong reason and determination to achieve your goals. I was in a similar situation and learned that with a compelling reason and willpower, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. The initial two days can be extremely challenging, and it is important to acknowledge that it will not be easy. However, if you are willing to face the challenge and truly desire it, you will succeed.


A chastity belt should do the trick if you want to stop fucking weed.


How much weed do you fuck dude?


Switch to cbd, can keep the ritual of smoking


I haven't smoked in two years. Can't stand it now


Rehab. Stop putting it off.


I know it sounds wild, but just stop putting your dick in it


You gotta find something that replaces your attention instead of weed. And it better not be a different substance


Go to jail. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Next time you won't need the extra help, you will just say "Man jail sucked, I can do this myself."


I smoked for like 6 years straight every day, got sick one time appendix and had to go to hospital for a couple of days and I was so sick I didn't think about weed I felt so bad I was worried I was gonna die. When I got out of the hospital I was grateful I was alive and didn't think about weed. When I tried it again I just got real paranoid and was like wtf have I been doing for 6 years and haven't touched it since. 2 years clean.


you're not angry enough


Channel your anger into something. Go workout, go for a walk, start a project, any number of things. You can’t just stop and do nothing, you have to replace it with something else.


Take ketamine instead


I rarely smoke and I still get paranoid


Just gotta stop. The first couple of days SUCK, expect to have difficulty getting to sleep


From my experience, don’t let yourself rest and get bored…learn to get busy, learn new hobbies, take up mindfulness to help with the anger a bit maybe, workout, just whatever you do don’t get bored because that’s when most of us slip into smoking more because it’s such a great boredom killer and sobriety can be boring if you’re not purposely busy af


I did it by hitting one nasty dab that made me so high I threw up and nearly had a psychotic episode (after being a daily smoker for years and years). Ever heard of Dr. Dabber? That shit hits different. The best way to do it is just to like... Not smoke. If you have to? Burn your rolling papers. Give your weed to a friend. Don't buy more. I forced myself into a T-break once by throwing my bong and papers off a cliff lmao.


Get high “one last time“ and hide allll your shit while high lmao works like magic for me… or wait til you run out of weed. Think ab how much you spend on weed every month vs how much you make every month, bc money is usually a great motivator. Fill your entire day up tomorrow and get out of the house, but not busy enough to where you feel like you need to smoke from stress lol. The first day is the hardest. Buy some melatonin or something so you can sleep- I have troubles sleeping every time I take a break and then smoking to sleep is usually my excuse to just stay up and smoke 1 week wont be enough I’ll tell you that much lol. I smoke daily and need 2-3 week T break to get to where it don’t take 3 bowls to get me high You’ll get it done. Taking t breaks/not smoking when I feel like I want to is how I exercise my self discipline and I usually feel much more productive and confident in myself afterwards


Which one gets fucked next? Mush?






I actually quit smoking weed because it was fucking up my heart health & blood pressure. I started by smoking CBD cartridges instead of hash carts. It helped me a lot. Now I don’t even crave smoke.


Is it flower you’re smoking, vapes? I had a quit for some time to try and pass a drug test. It wasn’t easy. You can get vapes without THC, like melatonin or lavender. Maybe smoke CBD for awhile and then switch back 🤷‍♀️


sensory toys and melatonin




Taper down, like use less and less often too, until you use it like once a week then quit it. Use cbd, passion flower, magnolia bark etc etc. Then taper the others down, if you are that sensitive. Weed sucks abused, gives a lot of side effects that way. I don't do thc or psychotropic cannabinoids at all anymore, but I am sensitive to it. Works better to skip it for me.


Move to the uk and have a dealer that isn’t around most of the time so you won’t be able to get your hands on it 😂


Option 1. Don’t smoke. Option 2. Toss your weed or give it to a friend to hold onto it for a week. Get it out of your house so it’s not easy to get. Option 3. Get a timed lockbox, put all your weed in there and set the timer for a week.


I had to decouple it from tobacco (spiffs). Removing the tobacco (with medicine) made it very possible to control the mj intake. From multiple spiffs daily, to abstaining for more than year, and then reintroduction in gummy form because I missed it distinctly from the tobacco. Also, I've found occasional micro dosing LSD (~~1/20 normal dose) has been astonishingly effective at helping me be more intentional about substance use, both mj and alcohol. Can't say I abused either, but a beer a night has turned into only when I really want one, same with thc gummies. And I can't say the micro dosing has been particularly methodical either, once every couple weeks if that, but apparently doing something to interrupt patterns I wanted more control over.


Just don’t have anything step one and then commit to it and go through withdrawals


I had to keep myself busy during tolerance breaks. Literally I would even start a “diet” just to preoccupy my mind. Got more into fitness and took the time to spring clean my house. You got this bro. After the second day it’s so much easier.


I pretty much just started smoking it regularly a months ago, I now get sick like a dog for a week if I smoke any


Cold turkey with a high tolerance will mean NOT having a good time. You'd be surprised what you can do for your tolerance by just reducing consumption. To start, don't smoke during the day. Isolate your smoking to around a 4-5 hour window at night. Use the smallest amount at first- not to get high, but to reduce withdrawal symptoms. An hour or two later, maybe just a little more. And then before bed, a moderate to regular sized bowl. Even just in this one day you'll feel higher here. Repeat a few days and then you can decide if you want to abstain completely, which would be easier than if you went into it cold turkey. And that point if you do decide to stop, two days of abstinence will reduce your tolerance considerably. You get more sensitization the longer you go obviously, [but you get diminishing returns for each day](https://wrapedms.org/wp-content/uploads/How-Long-Does-a-Joint-Stay-in-Your-System.png) more after those first fews days of detoxing the bulk.


Just pull your dick out of the weed bro


chain smoke cigarettes buddy


someone else mentioned this here but ill second going down to smoking once a day at the end of the day if your feeling like you cant quit. spending most of your day sober really helps balance things out, and it should put a pretty solid dent in your tolerance if that's your main issue.


It depends on you, why you want to stop etc etc. You said just for a T break, so you want to lower tolerance. But why do you smoke in the first place? Is it for pain, are you anxious, do you just like how it feels? If its for a self medication purpose you could either buy crappy shake that isn't very potent, or buy some tasty fresh cbd flower. Crappy shake is just that, its crappy. So you can smoke the same amount, probably won't make it difficult to sleep or eat or disrupt your mood. Then when you buy some good wax, flower, cartridge, edibles whatever. It'll hit. Save the bomb for a reason, casual daily smoke should always be mid. Or you could use cbd, when i used to smoke i was doing it initially because anxiety, then i started liking it because it felt good, then when i got a little older i used it for pain too. Anxiety and pain can be managed better with cbd tbh. Good cbd strain will honestly give you somewhat the couch lock feeling a good indi will, but without psychological impairment, your brain is still getting cannabanoids so its happy, you can eat and sleep still etc. Its up to you though. Usually when i quit a substance its because I'm replacing it with something else that fills the void psychologically or physically. I find that adderall calms me more than weed did, its a consistent calm feeling every time i take it. Kratom and cbd are more effective for pain and anxiety. So you have to figure out why you're smoking and once you've figured out why you can figure out how to stop


While sober, keep yourself occupied with something else, get your mind off of it, it's gonna suck and you will feel like shit, but you've got to push through brother. My dad has always said take baby steps, don't reach for the ultimate goal at the end of the road, it will make it more tiresome. In this case, trying not smoking for a day, and keep that a goal, don't have anything else in mind when it comes to smoking. If you need anything just dm me.


Take a trip to a country where weed is highly illegal Like Japan You’ll be fine


What's a 100s joint?


Tape your hands and make liquid food


Smoked almost daily for 20 years and then took a year off. Listen to the other posts - find something to take your mind off of smoking, exercise during the day and read something at night to help you fall asleep. Make it a game to see how much money you can save and how many days you can go without, then reward yourself with something you'd like. Replace the time you'd spend stoned with a hobby or whatever to occupy yourself until the cravings dwindle. You can do it. Keep trying.


Bros recent posts are about huffing and dph Dawg DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND FUTURE




Dont buy more u addict


Not having money usually helps me


Hey try switching to edibles, get an ounce of thc-a diamonds and Decarb it and make edibles. It’ll cost like 2-300$ but it’ll get ya a bunch of edibles and that’s what helped me quit smoking


Substitute with drinking alcohol for the time of your t break.


Become a polyaddict ez pz


Try smoking it instead of fucking it 🤷‍♂️


Self control my boi. Hit the gym. Weed is tough to quit because it's "not that bad" I smoke for 3 months then stop for 3 months & it works for me. Helps me save money & my tolerance always low.


Maybe smoke only once a day instead of multiple times. When you smoke. Maybe try decreasing amount of re-ups. If you want to go days without, maybe smoke CBD/hemp so you get the same sensation of smoking, but it won't get you high. Plus CBD can help with curbing withdrawals and other negative physical effects. Just a thought


I saw in one of your comments that the weed helps as a mood stabilizer. I am bi polar and I find that weed helps a lot with anxiety, appetite and sleep. All of which factor into my bi polar disorder. If I am anxious, not sleeping and not eating, I start to get manic and paranoid. I had to suddenly quit smoking in order to pass a drug test & I was a heavy smoker at the time. I have come off heroin, fent, methadone, benzos, kratom etc. so I am no stranger to withdrawals, and there was a noticeable physical withdrawal when I quit smoking. I was super anxious and paranoid. That’s when I actually ended up caving and getting on a mood stabilizer. I was originally just going to take the seroquel in order to sleep while I took a break from weed, but I noticed improvements that I could only attribute to either the seroquel or quitting smoking.


I cant quit except for big events so i just lower my consumption whenever doing productive things (always a bit high tho) and do more at night when i can chill


Just gotta switch the addiction for however long your t break is. Try Kava or Kratom as an alternative it is harmless and not an intense high but a nice one.