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Blast off on a heroic dose of mushrooms and see if it resets your brain


I don’t think a heroic dose but maybe OP should start with a few grams and go from there after they see how it makes them feel.


I think it’s quite common to call 3.5g and up a heroic dose. I mean with good strong dried mushrooms for someone that hasn’t had them, that’s def heroic, they’ll have a very strong trip. At least I’ve heard academics that study it call that amount heroic. Most people prob consider it 5g+, though, and yeah that’s prob not necessary.


That’s true to me a heroic dose would mean like 5+ grams haha. I wouldn’t take more than 3G if I was op


Yeah I think that’s common terminology, too. 5g+ is def serious shit lol


I’ll take 2 tabs of acid no problem but I’m too scared to take that much shrooms 😂


I’m the opposite! I’m okay with taking a ton of shrooms but knowing that once I take that acid I’m going to be there for 12 hours is a no go for me


Haha idk why but I love the long acid trips


When I used to take a lot of psychs, my preferred dose of acid was 3 hits and with mushrooms I really didn’t know because I’d never trip THAT hard off them lol…almost never got any visuals even on apes that my friend was tripping sack from. I ate 7 grams of golden teachers once and the strongest effect I felt was anxiety while driving a car to my buddies house. Idk why but mushrooms never really made me trip hard like an acid peak


Are you on antidepressants? For some it weakens shrooms and not acid, for some it weakens acid but not shrooms, for some it weakens both and still others it weakens neither


Nope never taken ssris in my life lol idk why mushrooms just don’t rly do it for me. I’ve had introspective experiences on them and breathing visuals but never like seeing fractals or geometry or anything close to the visuals lsd has given me Mushrooms for me just make me feel really high like I just smoked a lot of pot


Interesting! Brain chemistry is funky like that I suppose :) shrooms generally feel basically the same as lsd for me but without the urge to walk around. I wouldnt say youre missing out on much!


Have you tried to smoke DMT, like real combustion ready material? It will lower tolerance and open you right back up


seconding this


Interesting! I think it’s just a case of everyone’s brain being different.


7 was the most I've done and I was basically unconscious at peak. It was amazing, but maybe not for everyone.


I always recommend 1-2 depending on who I’m taking to. A lot of people shouldn’t take 3.5 as a starter dose.


Yeah I agree - a lot of people have bad trips on mushrooms, particularly first timers on big doses


I concur. I took 3.5g for my first shroom trip and it was horrible. I was vomiting almost the whole time and had horrible anxiety. Unfortunately I tried twice again after that--much smaller doses, and not right after, I waited a few months between each trip--and still had horrible experiences both times. I often wonder if that first trip just ruined psychedelics for me


This is not that uncommon an experience on mushrooms I think. I know people who used to have good trips on them, then started having the type of experience you are talking about with extreme anxiety, and had to stop because of that. I also know people that have had both very good and extremely bad interspersed. Weird stuff. I generally haven’t had an issue with them, although I have had anxiety, I tended to make sure I had a little Xanax on hand to deal with that if it happened.


I’ve taken 7 grams of golden teachers and I wasn’t really even tripping that hard. Mushrooms have never really made me trip really hard but acid on the other hand holy shit bud that’s a long rollercoaster I used to love LSD


My first trip was on 3.5g and it was definitely a pretty strong trip but I did feel like I came out a better person since I did a lot of introspection thanks to my homie who was there to talk through it with me.


First time I did shrooms on their own (always combined with acid before) I did 3.5g and went into ego death basically immediately. When I thought the 8 hour trip is nearing its end I wouldn’t even respond to some things I was so far out of it. Also only 2 hours had passed at that point. At the same time my friend took 6g and when I slowly started coming back to myself he finally exclaimed that he’s starting to feel them come up. He didn’t even really get visuals from that dose. Especially with shrooms genetic tolerance can make such a huge difference so always start small and work your way up. Also, start small again with new batches. Once had some Hawaiian shrooms and they completely destroyed me at 1.7g, a relatively small dose.


Pfft 7-8 is a good dose for a fun night w a buddy


3.5 grams is not heroic. Its a normal dose. 5g is a strong dose, anything less than 7 is barely ego death level, theres nothing heroic about it


It’s a pretty strong dose, but not insane. You can definitely have a very hard trip at 3.5, but mushrooms do vary wildly in strength as well, so it can range a lot. I find 2-2.5g to be a nice spot for a decent trip. 3.5-4g if I’m feeling like a pretty strong one. Yes, 7 is a ridiculously strong dose… I would consider above that completely absurd and kind of stupid, honestly, lol. I’m just saying I’ve heard post docs that worked in Roland Griffiths lab refer to the psilocybin equivalent of 3.5g as a heroic dose, so idk. Seems fine to me. It’s not like it’s actually defined though


everyones brain chemistry is different, especially if its OP's first time trying them. start low.


Im definitely not saying op should take a high dose. Im not recommending they take mushrooms at all. Im just saying 3.5 grams of most strains of shrooms is not an extremely high, aka "heroic" dose. 1.5 is a starter dose, 3.5 is a full blown trip


Honestly, it's probably one of the best ideas on the list in my opinion.


Bro i legit thought this comment thread OP was shit posting. You guys are really suggesting shrooms can help him get his stiffy back? I mean, I'm no dr or know shit about brain chemistry but Holy shit that almost sounds like the essential oils nuts suggesting it as a cure for everything and anything


Such ignorant thing to say that. Guy IS traumatized from SRRI and you think seeing fractals Will help him


What it going to hurt? Make him have less emotions and sexual feelings than none? Have you looked into psychedelic therapy at all? Im was diagnosed with depression as a teen, was terrified to take srris for the laundry list of issues they cause people. Lived with coping mechanisms that kind of worked for 20 years.Mushrooms changed my life about 5 years ago, and I've been happy consistently for the longest i have been in 25 years thanks to them. Mushrooms aren't just trippy visuals, my friend....


You dont even have the minimun rational thought to maybe say a microdose or small dose... Yall Want people taking heroic doses? Why dont u take heroic doses every weekends yourself?


THEY SAID 'HEROIC DOSE' FOR SOMEONE THAT WAS ALREADY FUCKED BY SOME OTHER DRUGS. Damn brain rot hippies. Youre Just throwing mushrooms UP for everyone right? People kill themselves in a bad trip Much more powerful drug than srri. Also, this IS a Guy who doesnt do any drugs. Yall Wont stop until yall have yourselves some bad shit right?


Why the fuck are you being down voted to hell man you're actually right


They think mushrooms are a cure everything. I Wonder why........ Oh nevermind. Its a side effect from the shrooms probably I love shrooms but If you never done any other drug... Maybe take a small dose or try cannabis first.... Not heroic doses 🤣 they want someone killed


You may be right that this could be dangerous advice without knowing more about op condition and whats his history, but That's not what happens on high doses of shrooms tho, and there are enough anedoctals out there to believe that it may actually help him.


This is seriously worthy of the Terrance McKenna 5g silent darkness trip method


Of course small trips here and there could help. Even microdosing over a period of time could help I bet. But I still think one big trip *could* have the best outcome.


100% OP has nothing to lose. I honestly recommend psychedelics *more* to people going through a difficult time compared to those who consider themselves settled/happy overall. Psychedelics is all about inducing paradigm shifts- it's rarely about the trip itself. (Personally I'd recommend LSD for this situation, but both are great)


From personal experience it won’t.


Keep some milk handy.


This right here. Went through the same issue and shrooms solved it in 2 trips




I’d reckon dmt would be a true reset


Take a look into ayahuasca too.


Go and get your hormone levels tested. Then go from there


SSRIs really can/do damage people brains




Have you tried any stimulants? They give me a crazy libido


I’ve tried Wellbutrin and a ton of supplements like MACA and Tongkat


Amphetamines and maybe Viagra may help you but you will be dependent on them.


Adderall helps moderately with anhedonia and libido for me. It's not a perfect fix, and tolerance will build, but it's a semi long-term solution


Bro it is not a semi long term solution. Trust me and all the other people that have been on it for years. It's going to make your anhedonia 1000x worse than it is now and your brain will take a long fucking time to heal, years of abstinence from Adderall.


Not if you keep taking it, which some people need too. ADHD effects you 24/7 for the rest of you're life. I've even taken breaks before with minimal issues. I agree that it could potentially make anhedonia worse but if you're on it for the long run you may not notice. Lots of people depend on stimulants to function and will even stop taking them during weekends with minimal issues. I think the problem comes when or if you start abusing it.


Lemme just say that people warned me years ago, and I didn't listen. I sounded just like you. Taken nearly daily, for years and years, is not good for your brain, you will build a hefty tolerance, abused or not, and the benefits start to diminish.


Just cause you can't use drugs responsibly doesn't mean other people are the same way


lol when did I say I abused it? Everytime I say anything like this to try to warn people, people accuse me of abusing it and that I "don't really have adhd". Nope, just been taking it as prescribed for the last 7 years. There's barely any benefits anymore and it has made my adhd worse than before I started, on top of lack of motivation to do things and inability to feel excited about anything anymore.


Ive taken month long breaks where I barely accomplished anything productive, and that break didn't help restore benefits. I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe that it will damage your dopamine receptors


People downvoting you are delusional. Adderall is extremely dangerous and addictive. Went 3 years sleeping maybe 3 days a week


Have you tried coke?


Maybe try ginkgo biloba or a blue chew


Do not go on adderall or adhd meds. It'll seem amazing at first, until it ruins your life years down the road.


Depending on how long you have used them your brain may also be trying to reach equilibrium from them as well.


Can you tell me which ones in particular? I'm interested


Adderal for starters




How long have you been off the SSRIs? Are you talking with your doctor about this? Are you taking any other drugs? Self-medicating with more drugs is dangerous and should be pursued with caution. Just like the SSRI caused damage, other drugs can cause damage too.


Been off of them for 4 years and 11 months. Very few doctors know anything about this and they’ll gaslight you. They are trash. I don’t use any drugs


Doctors aren’t trash. They have to handle thousands of different situations and unfortunately the less common ones won’t be handled as well. How many doctors have you spoken to about this?


Most doctors are trash. PSSD is not a widely known or accepted phenomena. The doctors at drug companies + the FDA refuse to acknowledge it. Doctors who actually prescribe have no financial incentive to disclose these risks — or are too stuck in their ways to immerse themselves in newer studies on the topic.


This is an insane thing to say, most doctors are definitely NOT trash. Go ahead and rub herbs on yourself and put a sock inside out or whatever, but don't give people advice saying NOT to trust doctors.


In the context of psychiatry, in my experience, most of them are trash. Good ones are few and far between. Edit: lol and I never “gave advice” saying not to trust them, but a lot of them have their heads so far up their asses, or are big pharma shills, that people should be wary.


Within the context of medical help, they are literally the best we've got. They are subject to humanity, just like you and I, but you don't have to put down all doctors because of a couple of bad experiences. I work with doctors frequently, and there are many times more good ones than bad ones. Mental health is still something we don't know a lot about, you and I included. Clearly you enjoy doing your research, so consider doctors to be a somewhat expert opinion. They certainly know more about A&P, pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, immunology, pathology, etc. than most people.


It’s been more than a “couple bad experiences” over my lifetime. I’m considering multiple malpractice suits. Look up malpractice in any medical-related subreddit (or pre-med forums elsewhere). Incompetence is rampant in the medical field.


Medical malpractice is one of the top 3 causes of death in the U.S., full stop. Cops also suck, and have proven time and time again that they do. I still gotta call them sometimes, and I've still gotta listen.


Thanks for the irrelevant response


Medical help, based on biology, yeah, they're the experts. Psychiatry? Psychiatry is not based on biology and is pretty much in the Stone Age still. Wasn't long ago that we were giving people lobotomies, electro brain stimulation therapy, and locking people up in insane asylums. It's no wonder why the first antipsychotic was introduced after the end of lobotomies, and was literally marketed as a chemical lobotomy.


Yeah, but the choices are slim. Either trust someone who knows a whole lot more about a lot of related stuff, and about the same amount of knowledge in mental health, or just someone who knows about mental health. If psychiatry is in the Stone age, and you don't trust any doctors, then you admit you can't trust anyone who is even at the top of this field, because the field is so underdeveloped. That just means there isn't anything that can cut it based on your standards.


Yeah you're not understanding anything I'm saying. I didn't say I don't trust any doctors. there's years of research from psychiatrists, doctors, and universities that question our modern understanding of psychiatry and psych meds, and show the dangers of psych meds. People at the top of their field that also say it's a bunch of bullshit and it all needs to be reworked. If you just took the time to research and have a skeptical mind you'd know this.


Doctors get kick backs from pushing these drugs, research studies get kick backs, Medicaid gets kick backs, all from the pharmaceutical companies to push these drugs. The former president of the psychiatric association of America was also the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and there was a lot of controversy over the conflict of interest. Do your research or not i don't care but it's something im passionate about.


You really don't get it. Yeah you get injured, go to a doc, you're physically sick, go to a doc, get your tetanus shot, rabies vaccine, etc. yes, do all of that. Take your blood pressure meds, etc. However psychiatry and psych medications is not the same thing. Psychiatry is not based on biology or evidence, it's mostly all guesswork. we still know fuck all about mental disorders and how to treat them.


In ten years, after AGI eclipses and makes whole the current field of medicine, we will look back on these times as being as barbaric and dimwitted as bloodletting and talking about balancing humors. Modern medicine is a scam that exists to create shareholder profit for pharma companies. For anything more complex than setting a bone or surgery, good luck to you.


Well that's just preposterous. Have you ever heard of the [WHO model list of essential drugs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHO_Model_List_of_Essential_Medicines)? There is a point in conspiracy where you have to acknowledge that there has to be a million plus people colluding across a dozen or so organizations with a multitude of origins.


Where did I mention conspiracy? If you think that our current model isn’t based on corporate profits in treating disease, rather than curing or otherwise creating health, I encourage you to work in the insurance industry for a year and get back to me. The fact that the first line of treatment for psychiatric distress is SSRIs and not gut health (where the majority of serotonin is produced) says all that needs saying on the matter. And this is only one example.


I think he was talking about the ssri


it's a shit ton of doctors faults that half of the people here are addicted to opioids.


3. Two didn’t believe it was possible and the other said there’s nothing he can do after testing my hormones and seeing all normal levels


I’m sorry you’re going through this. For what it’s worth, I went through prolonged withdrawal from drugs I was abusing and the doctors didn’t know about PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome). It’s not fair that you’ve only encountered bad doctors. In spite of this I’d keep trying doctors if I was you. Are you seeing a therapist as well? Seeing a therapist for a bit may add some credibility to your claims (from the doc’s perspective). If you did seek to self medicate you’ll need to deal with dirty chemical and inaccurate dosages. Amphetamine may help but, depending on where you are, most amphetamine will actually be meth. Getting a doctor to prescribe you a stimulant like Wellbutrin would probably be ideal. This is labeled as an anti-depressant but is NOT an SSRI. It’s actually similar in structure to Adderall. (More accurately a cathinone which is a sub-set of amphetamines).


It’s an SNRI, the N being Neuoepinephrine.


This is false, Wellbutrin is actually an NDRI, acting on Neuroepinepherine and Dopamine




If he was referring to SSRI’s there was a study showing how exercise and dancing were more effective at treating depression and anxiety than SSRI’s. A lot of people have withdrawal symptoms tapering off as challenging as benzo’s. https://www.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/s/6az5MJkBzJ


You right don't listen to Other People. Doctors are trash.


Psychiatrist are trash psychiatrist are not doctors






It’s recognized in the DSM 5 - but there is no recommended treatment because it is poorly understood. So it makes sense that you aren't getting very far with doctors. You're ve already gotten a bunch of irresponsible suggestions. Please be careful and consider working with a medical professional. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2050052121000603#:~:text=The%20DSM%205th%20edition%20states,after%20the%20agent%20is%20discontinued.&text=PSSD%20can%20emerge%20after%20brief,there%20is%20no%20established%20treatment.


I don't believe you


👍🏻. Least of my worries


So you aren't treating whatever condition you might have but blame a medicine you took 5 years ago for all of your (current) depression. You should talk to somebody and see if there is a better medicine to take to help you feel better.


It left me with these symptoms 5 years ago and it’s never improved. All of these symptoms are from the SSRI, sorry but it’s just the truth. I’ve been permanently numbed. Zero feeling, no orgasm in 5 years. My life is done


Sadly, this is generally the case with PSSD. They began taking an antidepressant cuz they were depressed but resistant to the stigma of being depressed. Depression worsens because the medication isn't the right one. They write off all other meds and depression continues to worsen due to zero followup therapy. Years of white knuckling the depression makes them want something to blame. Remeron and Effexor have shown to be an amazing combo that they call California Rocket Fuel. I was prescribed 120mg of ketamine a day for 6 months after having failed 6 different antidepressants, but CRF blows ketamine out of the water. Maybe OP should talk to a professional instead of coming to Reddit for validation.


Happened to me as well. One month of Lexapro. Went from being hypersexual to having every symptom of PSSD including emotional blunting, depersonalization, derealization etc. Still dealing with it two years later.


Any improvements?


Much better now two years later in terms of the emotional and cognitive aspects. I am still unlike my old self though. On the sexual side i’m about 40% of what I used to be.


What kinds of interventions have you tried?


I (still) experience something very similar from a month of paxil use back in 2012. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not listen to these children telling you to blast off with x drug and "how can it get worse" etc. It can get so so so much fucking worse and you just ruin psychedelics for yourself for no reason too. That said Im not saying dont ever consider that but get professional advice about it, dont just do it and probably try a variety of other non ssri options that a psych might recommend. This sub is absurdly obsessed with the idea that every mental health crisis can be fixed by taking a large dose of psychedelics. I love psychs, I miss them very much, but you cant just tell people with legitimate mental health issues to do something that can maybe help but can probably just as likely, if not more, fuck you straight up worse. You are not literally resetting your brain when you trip. Thats not how neurochemistry works. It can have great benefits but you need to tread lightly. This isnt like some kid asking if its safe to try mushrooms for the first time, its someone with an actual condition and we need to think a bit deeper about our suggestions.


You could reset your brain back to the point where you resemble a mumbling toddler… that sounds like fun. All jokes aside, it’s a poor conclusion to not trust doctors because a side effect that they are aware of happened, but you dislike the outcome so dislike them. In fact I’d argue that because of OPs unique situation, more doctors are what’s needed, not less. Find a specialist in this area and do your own research. There will be answers out there, if you have the courage to listen.


thats literally what Im saying.


That’s literally what I’m saying too :)


Ah, my confusion lol.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Not enough people know about PSSD (I only learned about it in the past couple years) but it should be getting more attention soon. I know the FDA is being sued over refusing to update warning labels, and other countries have started to acknowledge it. I struggle with ED after stopping SSRI/SNRIs several years ago and I refuse to ever try this class of medication again. I know the subreddit you referenced has some tips/tricks that worked for some people, but please don’t give up hope. With more attention to the topic, there will be more research, and I’m sure they’ll find a cure soon.


Thank you! ED actually isn’t really an issue for me for the most part, it’s zero libido and pleasure. Literally so numb and orgasms feel like nothing. It’s so devastating man


Yeah fuck these new prescription drugs & SSRIs that stop depression. I remember the good old days when we didn’t need medication to treat mental health, we would just kill ourselves.


I never said people shouldn’t take them or have access to them. That’s quite the leap. But people should have informed consent before starting SSRIs, and that includes knowing about PSSD before taking them. I have quite literally been on every SSRI there is. They don’t work for me. I’ve always had an awful reaction or felt little-to-no relief. And have some mild, but permanent damage from taking one long-term. That’s not to say that they aren’t life-saving for many people. But they’re not a bulletproof solution. And there are cases where the cons outweigh the pros.


I’ve been on nearly 30 psychiatric medications in the last decade and I’m 23, a massive dose of mushrooms and it brought me out of hell. I had just been through some intense physical trauma, and I was suicidal. Dosed all the golden teacher I had. Put on some tool. Don’t even know how much, I swear I saw god. I cried for the first time in years. Saw myself as I was for the first time in literally my whole life. Without them I don’t think I would be alive today. I at least wouldn’t be trying. Good luck




Facts on god


I am not a cynic when it comes to pssd but the best thing you can do is get on with your life. Spending 5 years worrying about something is only going to make you highly perceptive about any related issues when in fact it's difficult to know for sure what is related to the medication and what isn't. Or put another way, you will make it a self fulfilling prophecy by thinking about it whether or not there is an actual issue. If you can accept things as they are, I bet they will start to improve.


Idk, moving on from it isn’t going to randomly bring back my pleasure and sexual function


Worrying about it also won't tho ;) I hope you can find some support. I think you can push through this! if you're already off for 4 years it means you're doing very good already.


Get everything else in your life dialled in then see how you feel man.


Therapy will help you emotionally cope with it


Depression itself can cause every single thing you are complaining about, why do you think very temporary use of an antidepressant was the cause? Are you taking anything to treat your depression now? And don't say you're not depressed when you're here complaining about how your life has been ruined.


Lmaooo People like u are so clueless, I’m so tired of people not believing me. I took them for anxiety, not depression. Never had one of these symptoms in my life until I was permanently damaged from short term use of these. It’s PSSD, that’s a fact. Life ruining symptoms. Done explaining


Yeah, it isn't like anxiety has ever lead to sexual dysfunction


Dude I had zero sexual issues and a very high sex drive. The ssri got rid of my sex drive and made orgasms numb so I stopped taking it and have been stuck this way ever since. What don’t u get man? It’s getting old explaining this shit. This is obviously PSSD. It’s life ruining and permanent and has caused many people to kill them selves


I think you should consult a regular old medical doctor and a psychologist and a psychiatrist.


Dont listen to these people. Maybe small dose of shrooms could help but maybe could make you worse..


Stimulants have a good way of increasing dopamine and can increase sex drive. It's trading one shitty problem for another. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It must be like you're not in control of your body. 😮‍💨


Research post finasstride syndrom




Are you still depressed? My undiagnosed ASD&ADHD caused my depression, once i knew what it was i could finally improve my life


Sorry this happened to you. Reddit is generally a big fan of psychiatry, but the reality is this is a well known and documented symptom of SSRIs that psychiatrists refuse to acknowledge for the most part. Psychiatry does not meet the standards of medicine and psychiatrists prescribe “treatments” they do not understand, as they are not pharmacologists. There is no repercussion for the damage they may inadvertently cause, so they don’t have a problem with ignoring the phenomenon and continuing to prescribe. “Acceptable losses” as it were. All you can do now is pursue some of the paths towards neurogenesis as outlined in other posts here, and learn to keep on living your life. It will get easier as you get older even though it doesn’t seem like it now. Spread the word that psychiatry is fucked to anyone who will listen and don’t be intimidated by groupthink, don’t let your personal tragedy be for nothing.


I think I had some mild version of this when I took Prozac as a kid. Look into ropinirole, it's for rls but it's a dopamine drug. Its supposed to help reverse SSRI induced ED. I took it for rls for a while and it felt like I was back to how it was before. Seriously please look into it!


There actually is a PSSD cured story of someone taking Ropinorole on Youtube. Dopamine agonists are said to be helpful for PSSDbut can cause dopamine agonist withdrawal symptoms as well as addictive behaviour.


Things do get better just try to keep a healthy life style.


Been almost 5 years my friend. No improvement. Haven’t felt excitement, joy or pleasure all these years from this condition. I’m so devastated man can’t even explain how bad it is


I am not sure what to say other than I'm sorry to hear that's rough. Have you tried any supplements? Adaptogens like Lions Mane are pretty good at repairing the brain. What's your lifestyle like do you excersize, do you eat healthy, do you get out and socialize? Not to say what I just named is the cause, but those are definitely things that should help to repair your brain.


wish i could help but im kinda in the same boat except from benzodiazepines and ssris and alcohol


Ibogaine helps with PSSD


I'm trying really hard to get a medical weed card because I really want to avoid being prescribed benzos or SSRIs which are just the shit doctors throw at people with my symptoms like Adderall to slightly hyper children.


That sucks but maybe mushrooms lsd or mdma might help.


Look into Kambo, Bufo and psilocybin


I got PFS from lions mane, an extremely similar condition. They may, in fact, be the same thing. Focus on rebuilding your gut microbiome. Seriously, it’s probably the cause of the condition.


Them anti-depressant shits be doing the exact opposite of treating depression💀


Ecstasy. tripped with my friend and shit made me like girls (im a girl)


LSD worked for me, I also managed to identify and resolve the underlying causes of my depression using it. I would never ever put shit like SSRI/SNRIs in my body again. Shit is just physically, mentally and emotionally damaging you further whilst only masking over your depression not treating it and sucking all the excitement and joy out of life by making you an emotionless, numb, hollow shell.


You should ask your doctor about Wellbutrin as it is known to help with sexual dysfunction from ssri’s. Also this has information about supplements used for it’s treatment. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9503765/#:~:text=In%20a%20previous%20case%20report,activity%20of%20males%20%5B35%5D.


Most ppl don't find a solution to this, Iam really sorry


hey I actually made a detailed comment about this in the antidepressants sub if u go through my comment history you shouldn't have to scroll far to see it, I went through this same exact thing and I promise u it can get better. I'm so sorry ur going through this:(


I hope I'm not spreading misinformation but I remember reading on a a steroid forum someone being in a very similar situation from ssri use.  In the thread they spoke about going on a DHT compound specifically masteron and it reversed the side effects you spoke of.


Lots of experience with this and don’t be surprised when the r/drugs subreddit suggests that the answer is “more drugs.” In my experience, it’s less the SSRI causing this and more the depression/anxiety that it was meant to treat—which did not go away and was likely kicked up, exacerbated by this experience. But working to regulate your nervous system and focusing less on symptoms is the best way I’ve found to bring yourself back to a healthy baseline where things feel good again. You can do it. It takes time. But you are not broken, my friend.


SSRIs and antipsychotics are poisonous very dangerous drugs psychiatrist have no idea and are paid by pharma companies they won't even admit to the side effects and pssd, it's so sad to see young peoples life destroyed by them and they don't even give a warning to you that this can happen, will even say they have no wds when it's one of the worst


Psilocybin causes neurogenesis so I'd start there. If there's anything "disconnected" or damaged I'd think you'd have a solid chance of fixing it with mushrooms


/u/average_xx fyi


I.dont feel like this, except milf numbness, heavy drowsiness, and tamed sex drive


He hates his barber that’s all I got out of that


I don't, I have agoraphobia


I would try a decent dose of testosterone, i use an SNRI and was getting weak erections and the world seemed to be in black and white. 4 weeks on testosterone and my libido went crazy and erections like steel and the world around me is in colour again.


Which SNRI? Usually SNRI’s help sexuality.




SNRIs can also cause this condition


Time to get your testosterone levels checked.


Perfect time a a blue chew add but this isn’t a podcast


How are testosterone levels not relevant to his symptoms? I don't work for anyone bro. Buy test illegally from the gray market I don't give a fuck. I'm trying to help him based of his symptoms. Also, blue chew is a boner pill, not a male sex hormone.


Do you even *want* to get better? Ive read your posts and you see. Locked into such a victim mindset, using this pssd take the blame for everything bad thats ever happened in your life. You can try all the supplements you want but if deep down you dont want to get better you never will. Also take shrooms or dmt. People have been suggesting it for months but you seem like you dont want to try it 


Best reply is the mushroom one. Don't underestimate the power of those babies. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.


I can teach you how to grow your own magic mushrooms and youll have your own nonstop supply of microdosing. Been growing and microdosing for 2 years. 200-400mg 1 or 2 pills in the morning. I am clinically manic bipolar bad ptsd among some really bad childhood trauma. I was medicated most of my entire childhood until i turned 17 and finally i didnt want to take them. I didnt learn about mushrooms until way later in life .. im now 30. If i would had known about the amazing medical benefits man.. i would of been way better off growing up but bc my disorder and nothing to treat it properly i was a wack job who fucked up his early adult years. I can say my life has never been better. I enjoy life again, except for right now bc i have covid but 😫 yeah microdising magic mushrooms is your safest bet. Also side note mushrooms are the most safest known “drug” outthere and doesnt affect u in anyway bad except maybe puke if u take to much. Get better bro life will get easier :)


Shrooms! Lots and lots of shrooms.




What are you talking about? Have you ever heard of PSSD? You seem very, very uneducated on the topic with a comment like that. PSSD is a brain injury resulting from the effects of SSRIs and, to many, is literal chemical castration.


jUsT mEdItAtE bRo When people don't understand a disease the first thing they tell you to do is "eat well and exercise" as if that's the solution to every problem in the medical world.


Ummm this is clearly r/pssd, I promise you. I took the SSRI for 3 weeks for anxiety. It gave me loss of sex drive, no emotions and no feeling in orgasms so I quit and I’ve been stuck this way ever since. Those are all hallmark PSSD symptoms and there is no cure. It is severe damage from the SSRI


Fair enough, but have you tried the things the commenter said? Healthy eating, exercise, meditation, doing your best to follow passions and maintain meaningful relationships (this one is the hardest). If so, have you noticed that these things have any effect on your dysfunction?


Eating healthy and some exercise yes. But I’m permanently numb from this condition so it’s really hard to do anything and no relationships with it


In what way did they help - do you mean they helped reduce emotional numbness, sexual numbness, or both? Sorry, just trying to help. And yes, when you're experiencing the emotional numbness you describe it's hard to find motivation to make behavioral changes because it doesn't seem like there's any point to it or meaning to anything at all. However, it's important to remember that with these behavioral changes, consistency is the most important part bar none. There's a reason say consistency is the key to success, its really, really, not just a platitude. Even if it feels like they aren't helping immediately, you have to trust the process a bit. And also realize, these things are basically good to do in themselves, they're just as good (and possibly much more!) for someone experiencing numbness like you as they are for the average person. And also, just to be clear, as far as meaningful relationships, that doesn't just mean romantic (though it will eventually), relationships with friends and family are extremely important too. If there's anyone at all you can emotionally connect with I'd encourage you to pursue that, cherish it, and connect it to other potential meaningful experiences you could have with new people. Oh, also therapy, if for no other reason than to make you more at peace with what you're experiencing. This is probably less likely to help symptoms though, idk. ------ Beyond behavioral changes, the condition you describe is similar to things like major depressive disorder in that it sort of encompasses perception and frame of the world in a way that doesn't seem possible to get out of. Being able to see your experience of the world as a certain frame is a key insight to remedying it, it turns out, however, this knowledge is really only gained experientially. Have you tried or would have any interest in psychadelics or dissociatives? These drugs can be incredible for changing our frame of mind - the medical community is finally starting to come around to their amazing effects in treating things like MDD, ptsd, etc.


Go visit r/PSSD to realize how asinine this comment is


All the things the other commenter and I recommend have been scientifically proven to have demonstrable positive effects on libido, sexual satisfaction, emotional and psychological health, and meaning making processes in the brain. I'm not sure why you'd think that because these symptoms were caused by SSRIs that it is asinine or insensitive to recommend behavioral changes as a possible treatment. That seems like a very confused point of view.


*You* seem very confused. Go visit r/PSSD and report back. People have lived with this condition for years, decades, trying every fucking remedy under the sun, and yet people like you can’t help but comment about the importance of exercise to help with chemical castration and a borderline lobotomy.


He's extremely confused


Is there something specific there you want me to see? I'll take a look, but I'm not going to read every post. That there is a subreddit of people who suffer from PSSD who aren't able to cure their symptoms with the various things they try is not a good reason to for OP to not explore their options with behavioral changes that are, again, scientifically proven to have positive effects on their described symptoms with a large effect size. That's just not logical thinking. It is emotional. I believe that there are people on that sub who have tried these things and found them not to help. OP is not those people. OP CANNOT reasonably determine if these things will help unless they try it themselves. That sub obviously has a huge selection bias as well. I don't see you offering up any options, and doing nothing certainly isn't going to help this guy, so I'm not sure what you're contributing here besides defeatism, which helps literally no one. Also, you may know more about the condition then me so source me something if I'm wrong, but just from a little research it seems like PSSD has erectile dysfunction as a required symptom, which OP reports that he doesn't have. He also said he got his hormones checked and they were at normal levels, so I don't think "chemical castration" is an accurate or helpful term to use here. Seems closer to SSRI induced depression or Depersonalization-derealization disorder or something.


I want you to educate yourself because you’re very clearly commenting on a topic you know literally nothing about. OP acknowledged that he’s tried these things and you had the gall to question and lecture him about it. There is no “required” symptom for PSSD. It’s an umbrella term of a wide-ranging list of symptoms.


Well, there must be some required symptoms, otherwise there's not way to diagnose it, right? But it does seem like ED is not required based on the info from [https://www.pssdnetwork.org/faq](https://www.pssdnetwork.org/faq) . In any case, you haven't given any reason why OP shouldn't try the things I recommended, so I'm going to assume you don't have a good reason to call my comment asinine, and are angry because you have seen this advice given before and it didn't seem to work for you or someone else. I'm sorry you're angry, but that's ultimately not a good or logical reason for OP not to try. But let me know if you have a reason OP should not try. He said he tried some exercise, I don't know what he means by "some", so I talked about consistency, which also applies to meditation and maintaining relationships. It seems like I am offering recommendations to OP because he posted about something really shitty he's dealing with and you are offering nothing at all except pearl clutching.


PSSD is not a medically recognized condition. There is no official diagnosis and it includes a long list of symptoms, one of which *can be* ED. Doesn’t mean everyone with PSSD has ED. **OP said they tried your recommendations**, so I don’t know why you’re adding a qualifier as to whether they tried hard enough. And I did offer advice in another comment: the fact that there are countless remedies people in r/PSSD have tried; very few have had success, but they’re worth looking into nonetheless. The idea of exercise being a cure-all is asinine. Insert the gif from the Simpson’s of “why didn’t I think of that?” OP has been dealing with this for 4-5 YEARS, I’m sure it’s the first thing they thought of and, if it hasn’t had an effect after this long, I doubt it will ever help. Yet here you are trying to diagnose them with DPDR? Extremely laughable.


/r/drugs is. fucking joke all they can say is “LOL DO MUSHROOMS”


Dude I did what they said not to do and cold turkey quit them and have been having a three week long manic attack. I’ve gotten help but man this is the craziest I’ve ever felt in my life. Every dr asked why I stopped them abruptly and it was because I was experiencing everything you described.


Great pleasure


take some mushrooms


Do a bottle of delsym or a dxm trip it always reset my brain I remember I got fucked off those psych meds for a while too did a bottle of delsym and was right back to being me lol


Try smoking some weed and maybe some shrooms. I know it sounds strange but it could work!


Get on testosterone


for 25 days…. suspicious 🤨