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A monthly shroom trip keeps me on the right path and prevents me falling into bad habits


And acid!


I decided to divorce after lsd trip. My life become better way more


These. No other answer


Unfortunately the opposite for me. But I have no hate towards the substance


same, i used to be really angry and kind of standoffish and mean now im too nice to people and constantly feel like im being used/unappreciated i traded one problem for another, but at least people kind of like when i’m around now i guess


Now go for crack addiction to get a lil bit angry to balance it out


Based on


Some sort of happy medium between those two would be good


see i had the opposite effect, acid taught me to be more self confident and stick up for myself but that blossomed into being standoffish a lot of the time and quick to anger. tbf it doesn’t really manifest except with my brothers and strangers and hasn’t caused me any issues yet and i think i can fix it though tbh


Psilocybin therapy is amazing.


Shrooms told me to stop drinking and doing drugs


Only right answer. Straight up


Vyvanse/Adderall, psychedelics, ketamine


Adderall changed my fucking life bro. I don't take it every day, but I swear the habits I formed and mental pathways that opened up have helped me immensely even when I'm not on it.


Bro i can’t describe how much adderall has changed my life for the better since i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 23(27 now) but went from nothing and depressed to just nothing because im constantly having the time of my life on adderall 😂😂😂




Idk what it is but it’s a miracle drug. It’s helped me get off Xanax and a 3 year Vicodin addiction. Shits a blessing because without it i know for a fact id be dead by now.


be careful with it. I would take a year or two off of it every 4-5 years. That substance can go south real quick.


I just got prescribed two months ago I'm 28 and Adderall is amazing feel like I can actually function for once in my life.


elaborate pls? u have adhd?


Even if you don’t it has with me to it helped me start eating healthy and workout and I still continue to do so when I’m sober and it all started when I used to take adderal


It's crazy how different peoples' bodies work. I think the most I've "learned" from adderall was during miserable comedowns that forced me to rethink the way I navigate my thoughts or whatever. Like, psychedelics are incredible because they give you good insights and bad insights and it's up to you to use that information to improve yourself. On the other hand, I think that the negative insights from amphetamine comedowns have done a lot to show myself what I don't want out of my mental "attitude" or "cycle" or whatever intangible name you could give to an experience.


ive had this too and i have adhd. but its a nice little reflection


that’s weird asf lol, have you ever tried any other drugs before


I do things like that with natural healthy herbals that are very good for you, even longterm unlike adderall.


Which natural herbs help you? I’m still searching for the right adhd non-medications


let me know if he’s lyk 🙏


Ketamine. One K hole made me delete the number to my coke plug and one pr month keeps my depression like 80% at bay. Don’t abuse it though, your tolerance will rise absurdly fast (like no other drug) and will even stay up there if abused enough. Plus your bladder will be a total fucking mess. But treated with respect it’s a very safe drug, and I keep it to no more then once pr month. I also do a mushroom, LSD or 2CB trip 4 or 5 times pr year, it keeps me pretty grounded.


How does a k hole make you less depressed?


It probably has something to do with the dissociation, you can kinda spectate yourself without being attached, and I just feel lighter afterwards.


this is a weird one but I have an excessive sweating problem in my palms and soles, and there is this drug for stomach ulcers called glycopyrrolate that also somehow makes you sweat less. It definitely helps my quality of life


Holy shit me too! I've tried all sorts but not this, thanks!


That’s because it’s an anti cholinergic. Same as say Benadryl. You should try Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin, xyzal for longer lasting effects, with less worse side effects.


Yeah, they can dry out your GI tract something fierce causing all kinds of other issues.


I take benztropine for the same thing. I have hyperhidrosis and sweat profusely in the same spots you do without meds lol not having sweaty hands is a game changer for me. I couldn’t even write sometimes because my hands dampened the paper😂


Benztropine has changed my life as well. I wish I'd had it in high school, but now I like to help others out and maybe we'll be able to help someone not suffer through what we did through such a young and vital time in our lives. Happy to know a fellow sufferer has been saved from.. well you know haha


Bro holy shit I need that, I have sweaty hands and feet pretty much always so that doesn't really bother me, I'm just tired of producing 3 Pacific oceans worth of sweat on my forehead and back after standing in the sun for 10 minutes


Hey from one palmar hyperhydrosis sufferer to another, try out benztropine (cogentin) first. I've taken many things including glycopyrrolate (robinul) and it started messing with my stomach pretty badly. I know the struggle, theres a way to put all of that behind and you'll become such a more successful person so trust me when I say to try benztropine first. Hope it works wonders like it does for me and many others, I've never heard anyone say it hasn't changed their life for the better, much better. If only wed had this in high school, well hopefully you're still young and this can save you years of struggle.


I took this med for sweating for awhile but it ended up getting stomach problems. I switched to benztropine (cogentin) and it's been amazing, substantially less to no side effects. Idk how long you've been taking it but if you start to experience negative side effects over time, I 100% suggest switching to benztropine. Nonetheless, knowing someone who has been through this but found a solution makes me feel great. We can relate on a level that many would never understand.


I used to have the same problem with palm sweating, but I found a natural solution that worked for me. After taking grape seed extract (I used Solgar Grape Seed Extract) regularly for three months, my palm sweating and heart rhythm irregularities completely disappeared. I highly recommend giving grape seed extract a try if you're looking for an alternative or complementary solution.


I have an insane ass sweating problem, should I try this?


ADHD meds for depression


So Freud was right about prescribing cocaine to depressed patient


He actually regretted his glowing recommendation of cocaine later in his life I assume because he soon dealt with the depth of depression and misery it can inevitably cause.


Yes. Most stimulants longterm will unbalance your brain and make you prone to anxiety, depressions, addiction etc. It isn't a healthy way of coping with depression.


What goes up must come down. That’s why you never stop. 😎


Which one? Im curious


I was severely depressed one day, like suicidal, and I popped one of my step brothers addies and within half an hour it was completely gone. Replaced by the most incredible joy.


that’s called euphoria bro, enjoy that while it lasts


I have a longterm relationship with euphoria.


we all do until it, well you know the big T word. Classic non adhd response. No drug should be something you count on for your entire life most notably a controlled substance at that.


I might be being dense here but what’s the big T word?


i believe tolerance


Makes sense it’s been a long day cut me some slack lol cheers


I was curious myself the context was like euphoria gave cancer or there is alot more than a spelling problem. Tolerance made immediate sense tho 👌🏼 🤔


Is it possible to fry your reward system from medical doses of ADHD meds? Talking like 15mg adderall, or 40mg vyvanse. Or maybe I just have depression.


Medical doses should help stabilize your reward system so that true accomplishments actually provide us pleasure. The issue is that we're surrounded by opportunities for instant gratification, which can quickly become addictive due to constantly getting a considerable amount of dopamine released thanks to the medication maintaining an adequate supply.


I thought I had just fried my reward system that was why I don’t find pleasure or happiness in activity’s any more. Kinda makes me feel better but also not


Grant this comment a trophy! 🏆 I've been dopamine junkie all my life (ADHD). Got the medication couple years ago. I'm 30 now. The issue I have with the reward system is exactly cheap dopamine. For example videogames, junk food, & nicotine, porn. The medication gives the opportunity to free yourself from instant gratification based rewards. There is much content about "Slow dopamine" which really has been good for me. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to give up your favourite hobby as a gamer. Just make a mindmap of the things you really want to do with your time in life and reward yourself with your favourite "cheap dopamine hubby" after you've done something to forward your dreams or desires. Wish you all the best 💕


Same, man. Do you actually have ADHD? I was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago, and it's crazy how much of my anxiety and depression was caused by the ADHD. I was honestly on the brink of killing myself a few months ago, so I'll happily say Adderall saved me. Like, I literally had a note written and a plan ready to go. It's scary to think that I might not be here right now without starting Adderall, cause antidepressants absolutely did not work for me.


I've never been diagnosed and I don't think I have it, but life just gets better with adderall. I'm normally an absolute slug, but whenever I take them I'm the hardest working guy in the world. There's nothing our society hates more than a lazy person. Actual murderers have higher social status than a lazy person. Laziness is the ultimate sin according to many people. I've finally found something that gets me moving, but I'm not allowed to use it.


If it’s making you less depressed then your depression might be coming from adhd. I have adhd, depression, and anxiety and adderall helps with all three because it stems from the lack of dopamine in your brain. When you take adderall for adhd your dopamine levels rise to that of a “normal” persons which is basically an immediate increase of quality of life


I have all three as well, but refused to believe it was ADHD until I was literally running at like 5% and everything in my life was fading away, finally talked to my doctor about it and got on meds, this is the first time I've felt like a normal person in years, and strangely, as someone with a severe anxiety disorder, I was very wary of stimulants like Adderall, but it's actually helped my anxiety greatly and I'm blown away. Everything you said in your comment is exactly what was happening to me. Now it's not happening anymore. Thank God for modern medicine. Now to try and get some sleep before my 12h shift tomorrow, but I find it serendipitous that on my second day of being correctly medicated (which has been the most functional days I've had in years) this comment comes up. God bless and Godspeed.


I’m so glad you’re able to find some relief! Before I was diagnosed with adhd i had tried tons of different antidepressants, desperately trying to find one that would work for me. Absolutely nothing was working the way i needed it to and i actually ended up in the hospital with serotonin syndrome because of how much prozac I was taking. When i finally got diagnosed and prescribed adderall I was shocked at how much better it made me felt compared to any antidepressants i tried. Same thing with my anxiety! It’s so crazy to me how many misconceptions there are about adhd and how it affects your brain and I desperately wish more people knew what it’s actually like because it’s not just being hyper and fidgeting. It’s so much more complex and nuanced than that which is why so many people go undiagnosed for soso long and just have to live not knowing why things are so much harder for you. Anyways congrats again on getting medicated and I hope things continue to look up for you!


I was going so far as to spend 450 a month on Ketamine infusions to try and treat the *depression* until I finally realized it wasn't depression, it was shame for not being able to function, but good god, it's like a few days ago I was lost and had no hope, and yesterday morning, I became a functioning and competent and full of hope and dreams and goals. I'm really shocked too because this has been misdiagnosed so much that until I had an epiphany about ADHD and how I used to function when I was young and on meds it was like finally I found the right treatment for the problem. I wish you all the best too in all your endeavors! I'm just blown away that until today I'd never seen the triad discussed as all symptoms of ADHD and now that I figured it out it's suddenly in a thread that I'm browsing. Weird how the world works. Have a wonderful day!


You r me. I have the triad as well.


adhd is SO much deeper than people realize, i was diagnosed at like 10 and still find shit out here and there that makes me go “oh,,,, that makes sense” lmao


I cried the first time.


That's true, I don't even need addy, modafinil works very well for me in the bad days and it's not that jittery


yeah. moda or armodafinil? have you tried both? if so which do you prefer and why? i’m under the impression that armodafinil is a little stronger but shorter duration.


Heyo. I did nuvigil for years but it did t have a generic (armodafinil) so when I aged out of my parents insurance at 26 I switched to provigil (Modafinil). I always maintained that nuvigil worked better than the Modafinil for the same reason you said. But once the doctor changed my script for the Moda to be 2x/day it’s been great. I like that it solved the stronger/shorter problem by less of a punch and spread out. I was given it for my idiopathic hypersomnia originally and remained undiagnosed with ADHD for another 10 years. Looking back I realize why the days I first started taking it I actually got somewhat emotional one evening because I couldn’t believe how much better I felt that I was able to function and opened up a whole world with the hours I didn’t have to sleep. On top of that now I see why the productivity also led to confidence in myself and it wasn’t just because I had been tired. Also I liked it because I was still able to sleep at night when sometimes the adderal I self medicated with would keep my mind going too late into the night. All these meds work so differently for people. Medicating adhd is sooooo individual based and often takes several medications until you find the one. Now I take the Modafinil and also a small dose of Ritalin in morning since it seemed to be what tipped the scale of productivity a little more than the Modafinil on its own. Or at least helps me get going on a project or something in the am and then riding the Moda the rest of the way. My Rx is 200mg/2x day but I’ve changed to doing 1.5 pills in AM then I keep another bottle in the car if I feel I need that other half later on.




Taught me that there’s more to human interpersonal relationships than personal gain


one night an acquaintance offered to let me roll while we were at a show and i couldnt stop emoting, telling how much i loved him and how much i wish i had just came to this realization sooner that life was so beautiful and i let myself get in the way. he told me to chill but was happy i was finally enjoying myself like he knew i could. couldnt have come to that point without some help. i cherish what i was allowed to perceive in those few hours


mdma therapy at its finest


I’ve been taking Biphentin 30mg once a day for two years now, and it has completely changed my life. For 38 years, I suffered from ADHD without any idea of what a calm, quiet mind should feel like. The change was instantaneous; it felt like waking up. However, the damage to my self-esteem from years of feeling like I was a stupid person still needs healing.


your not alone


Weed did until I started getting bad anxiety from it


Same…..It got to where I would smoke and 5 minutes later I’d be asking myself why am I worried about this now? I wasn’t worried about this 10 minutes ago?!?!


This is why I only smoke when I know I don’t need to do anymore socialising that day. As I’ll just overthink everything and worry about what to say or how to handle situations


For me it was weed once I was able to control my anxiety on it


So… not weed


Weed gives me terrible anxiety unless I mix it with hydrocodone or oxy. It feels fucking incredible to enjoy a trippy weed high with no anxiety.


Do you know if kratom and weed will give this effect also ?


It will be similar but nowhere near as pleasurable. Unless you’re mixing extracts with weed.


Absolutely. A couple years ago I wanted to stop weed for anxiety reasons and found kratom as an alternative (bad idea tbh). Shortly after I realized I would have zero anxiety from weed if I already had a big enough dose of kratom in my system before smoking. So from then on I would do both daily. Now it's years later and I still can only use weed when I'm on an active dose of Kratom already. On the other hand using weed while in kratom withdrawal would result in a panic attack 100% of the times I tried it, so there is that.


Add cbd, cbn and use a mild product. It will take away all the anxiety, even more then opioids. People get anxiety due to the products breed to contain a lot of thc and less of the other medicinal anxiolytic substances.


I second the cbd. A lot of people think it's some kind of placebo drug but for me it always mellowed out the weed anxiety. I just had to use it a couple minutes before using normal weed so that it was already in my system before the thc enters.


This is my current state of mind. Had 10mg oxy to help with a 30mg addy crash and decided to microdose my edible and I’m currently loving life lol


Vyvanse in middleschool, but they took it away from me Cannabis at 16, DMT at 17 MDMA/LSD at 19, 🍄at 20 Metocin (4-HO-MET), 5-MeO DMT 🐸, and 3-HO-PcP at 22 Meth/alcohol drastically made things worse at 21, but we Che now, 🥰 MDMA is what stopped my suicide attempts and ideation in its tracks. LSD improved my social skills and psilocybin my seasonal depression.


Mushrooms, weed, and acid. Sounds like nonsense but a breakthrough trip is like accelerated therapy and weed is the best/safest long term antidepressive/anxiolytic out there.


Hard agree on that last point… not nearly talked about enough. Cannabis is objectively a superior medicine against anxiety and depression than benzos/GABAergic drugs.


I get severe anxiety on weed these days so I am not sure this is true


U are not alone. To much THC these days.


Yeah unfortunately some people seem to have an adverse reaction to it. Just like all pharma drugs, weed doesn’t work perfectly for everyone. However - in my experience with GAD and tons of prescription meds, I can say Cannabis gave me 5x what benzos and SSRIs used to offer.


Yes that's cause weed has been bred to contain a unnatural amount of thc and less of the other important medical non-psychotropic substances. Use a tiny dose of a mild product and add cbd and cbn to it. It will be anxiolytic instead. And I also get anxiety on weed but it I use legal medicinal kinds, it never causes anxiety but actually is anxiolytic.


Honestly id have to say meth and lyrica are the main 2 that would just help me to just chill out and enjoy life but I know though I need to learn how to enjoy life with or without drugs and I'm probably not the only one here that needs to learn that either lol. I'm not a partier with other druggies I cut that shit out quick


Both are very neurotoxic and horrible for you long term. That would make me mentally insane after a while on it. Just lyrica took years to heal from.






Machine elf orgy


Buprenorphine, shit saved my life


Me as well.


Hell yea man same


For what condition/symptoms? I went to the doctor suffering from alcohol abuse as well as sporadic, but major depressive episodes. I had that as an option, but the doc said I could only use it for 9 weeks then needed to stop, so I ended up going with duloxetine.


Usually opioid use disorder.


Citirizine hydrochloride. I have hay fever lol


For reals though, I think most people don't realise that the Antihistamine aisle is filled with boxes of all different chemical makeups and you need to check the box for the one that works for you. This one's the shit.




Got me off H and a whiskey habit hat nearly killed me in my 20s. I'll take green sludge any day to avoid returning to that life.


Weed because I sleep longer because of it.




Trans, low T levels, or steroid enjoyer?


Please elaborate


benzos made me move from my hometown, being a loser. They helped me get out of my anxious comfort zone


Lyrica or pregabalin kills my anxiety


And kills sex drive unfortunately


To be honest it's the opposite for me plus i don't abuse it


How long you been on it? If you are daily user usually after a few months it kills your sex drive. Kinda gives you ED.


A full year only on weekends 600mg empty stomach every time


Then it must work amazingly . I was talking about daily use


Pregabalin is so great definitely more anxiolytic for me than benzos. But at anxiolytic dosages it fucks me up. I mean 300mg pregabalin at once and i’m no better at maths or tennis than Gerald who’s 12 heinekens and 3 Jeigermeister shots in, blind and has an extra chromosome.


Psychedelics, PCP analogues, benzodiazepines


Finally found another comment mentioning a pcp analogue That shi is next 🌎 incredible


Currently? Gabapentin... I seemed to be on an endless withdrawal cycle from Lorazepam and Gabapentin saved me from the torture.


LSD - experienced ego death which improved my mental health and my perception of life in ways I cannot begin to explain


I always read about this kind of experiences, people claiming that it changed their lifes but that they can not explain it. I am genuinely curious, is it really that hard to explain and does it really changed your life so much? I'm not trying to be rude but I feel a lot of curiosity about it.


I say it's like describing a beautiful mountain scene to a blind person. Pretty difficult in simular ways to capture a half decent relay of what exactly happened during this life changing experience and how/why it impacted you. Not impossible to give a gist but I'd say nearly impossible if not impossible to rlly explain it fully in words to another person. The gist of it for me in one of my most transformation moments was that i actually heard things I've been telling myself for a while. Take it easy , life is beautiful and you can do what you want for the most part were some things I already knew but just knowing the words isn't helpful. Believing them is and having the confidence to implement it in your life. As for scenery of psycedelics I feel the same. Hard to describe what u saw to ur friend esp if they haven't tripped, but if you do take the time and effort to describe it they can get an idea


Thank you, I would like to try LSD or shrooms as I feel like weed has helped me with inner reflections too. Any advices for a first timer? I smoke weed frequently.


Very fair , I feel it's hard to give specifc advice esp without rlly knowing you. But psychs can def be good for inner reflections as well. Lsd is a longer trip but ppl normally say it's more controlled by you than shrooms which ppl claim lead them on a journey that they don't have as much choice in. If u do shrooms I highly recommend you look into lemom tek if you dont fw eating them (you wont lolll). But rlly I'd imagine for a typical trip you'd want to do what you like in ordinary life. I'd make sure everyone around you are people you know and trust (and that they know you are tripping , you won't wanna hide it for enjoyment as well as paranoia purposes) I personally think 3 is a crowd for tripping but others would disagree. To me it makes it harder to focus when there's a lot going on with other ppl. And other than that I'd say when you make plans to do things you enjoy , Leave them loose bc you may want to change them depending on the mood and you don't want to feel like you trapped yourself into doing something or frustrated that thing isn't going as planned. Say you like movies and wanna watch some trippy movie , good idea but leave the plan loose and don't feel afraid to switch to something else if you get antsy and the activity is overwhelming


I was suicidal for a while - I was contemplating it on lsd, was to messed up to figure out how to do it - im not really sure how to explain what happened, but I did die, I left my body, I became one with the universe, then out of nowhere was like a rewind and I was propelled back into conciouness and life.. it was a wake up call for me, to have spent so long depressed and fixated on death, to suddenly experience the reality of it and see what a beautiful thing life is that could be taken away at any moment - I realised it was my own mindset and descions that had been making life unenjoyable, and the realisation that the power to enjoy life was all within me. The next day I deep cleaned my flat, signed up for the gym, started eating clean and healthy, started setting realistic goals for the future, cut out anything that I thought was negatively effecting my quality of life, all of which I have consistently kept up with to this day. I haven’t been clinically depressed since, my friends all noticed a huge change in me.


Thank you for taking the time to reply and explain it.


mdma, kratom (not recommended)


Kratom has lowkey saved my life by helping me stay off booze, but I am quite addicted to it


Same lol


Lmao why not?




Weed and Remeron. I had a terrible drinking problem, got completely clean and sober for 2 years and suffered from severe depression. Started Remeron and went from 115lbs to 180lbs in a year (M33) but still had depression. Started smoking weed and my depression problem has cleared up and helped me control my weight from going too high with the Remeron.


Ketamine. My mental space is on point for weeks after doing it for a night




Mdma. I still remember the first time I tried it. I was in a years long really dark depression that I never saw myself getting out of. I just took mdma one day because my friend was selling it and it seemed like something fun to try. I don’t know what it did to my brain but I was no longer depressed after that.


Ambien it has helped me for years. I used to lay in bed for hours aging down exhausted, looking at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep for hours. My brain never stops reviewing my day… it’s not easily turned off, ambien makes sleep possible and excellent


Weed is a godsend for some of my EDS symptoms.


Omg same! I was caught smoking weed a while back and now I’m being regularly tested, so I can’t smoke it, but the second I can I’m smoking again. Like what do you mean some wierd leaf can get rid of all my pain at once where most medications fail?


Amphetamine got me focused enough to function ib daily life, Cannabis got me in touch with my emotional side and expanded my capacity to imagine things. I also feel that it helps me with my autism. Helps tremendously with empathy LSD @ 10-20mcg in the morning would have me chipper throughout the entire day MDMA made me more affectionate towards my platonic friends


Dmt/changa really helped me i stopped doing as many drugs as i used to and im also not so aggressive anymore


Shrooms. I had an eye opening experience on them that makes me appreciate life more.


Speed addiction/abuse improved and destroyed my life at the same time.


Shrooms and kratom!


Ketemine ketamine ketamine, then shrooms


Antidepressants for the depressive episodes of bipolar 2. Venlafaxine saved my life.


Kratom and Phenibut


Elvanse/vyvanse💯 i dont have adhd on paper but my friends tweak out on them while i just get very calm and focused




DMT, LSD, mushrooms!


Straterra and Prozac. I take Straterra (non-stimulant) for my ADHD and Prozac for my anxiety. They have both helped me tremendously move forward in my life since being diagnosed a little over a year ago. I struggled with mental health for years since my early childhood, which gave me a lot of trouble in school as well. When you look at me, I’m a quiet individual and quite the opposite of ADHD. When examined and based on my mental health treatment, I’m just really good at masking and coping until I hit a breaking point. The medication has saved my life and allowed me to put my focus where I need to and has lowered my anxiety significantly. My quality of life is so much better now.


Demoxytocin, memantine, selegiline, various cannabinoids, amantadine, gabapentin, clonidine, and dextromethorphan.


Were the first three you listed used for what google tells me they are prescribed for or is there some kind of recreational effect for these medications? Don't need any more details than willing to share, I was just interested to see them listed.


I'm autistic, so can't feel any of the effects of oxytocin, but demoxytocin I can feel the benefits of. Memantine, amantadine, gabapentin, and selegiline to compensate for the dopamine deficiency caused by my autism. Selegiline also helps regulate my cortisol (the body's stress hormone), which is supposed to be regulated by oxytocin, but due to my autism, is not. Various cannabinoids, gabapentin, clonidine and dextromethorphan also help reduce the anxiety/hypertension/tachycardia/etc. caused by my autistic excess of cortisol.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. Take care.


omg thats insane. clonidine / gabapentin have helped me so much with opioid withdrawal. im also asperger but im not particularally sure if i have high cortisol! cool to know


Clonidine and propanolol seriously improved my constant muscle tension caused by a genetic disability and autism, along with tourettes. I have POTS as well, and using them felt counterintuitive, but my rapid heart rate was inducing anxiety, and low doses only occasionally make me dizzy. This helps me understand why my autistic friend became addicted to DXM.


DXM put me in the hospital a few times though :(


Yeah, I’ve never taken a large enough dose to hallucinate on DXM, I just take it for its therapeutic benefits.


Oh that’s probably a lot better… I was just tryna see how far u could get myself


Psychs of course


Unpopular answer : Low-moderate dose of Methallylescaline.


The ones that didn't reduce me qual of life which was prolly each of them for a lil while. And then bam! Heroin withdrawal.


Weed. Helped me work out. I got up from 1 push-up, and now I can drop and do 25 ez.


Psylicibin. I was able to get off my anti depressants


To be straight out honest other than a little bit of weed FUCKING NONE! 😂😂


Low dose of Abilify for facial tics from Tourette’s. Tried many different medications for years and finally found the one that works. Spent over 26 years dealing with this and feeling like a freak that everyone stared at. It’s been life changing.


Vyvanse, Dexamphetamine, Clonidine








Shrooms yo!


Speed! I took it and realized i have ADHD




30mg temezapam for SEVERE insomnia


Yoooo temazepam is the shit. Best benzo ever (unless you're trying to get shit done. Then good fucking luck lol)


Psychedelics for depression, anxiety, trauma, finding myself, connecting deeper with others, getting over my fear of death, accepting mortality, and spirituality




Ketamine for anxiety and depression


It didn't last forever but after doing dmt I would get long periods of content and joy from the blast to my perspective. Varying from a couple weeks to a couple months. Similar with other psychs but more prevalent and long lasting


Psychedelics for sure! Just do your research and test it if it’s lsd etc.


My hallucinogen use made me into the person I am today. They also ignited my interest in the science of drugs and in turn, eventually towards more general interest in biochemistry, molecular biology, neuroscience, physics, psychology, mathematics, computer science, and on it goes. Kratom is a net positive for me. I willingly became dependent on it because it helped with chronic pain/inflammatory issues, mood stabilization, and i knew i could prevent myself from wanting to seek out other opioids since i realized that class of drugs would be the most likely to do me in. I can satisfy my overall opioid urges, it’s relatively cheap, it won’t kill me, it seems to have pretty low long term toxicity, and it is self limiting due to it’s ceiling effect, and it makes me feel better. I’m okay with dependency, i just have to deal with occasional uncomfortable days before certain kinds of medical tests. I will be very upset if it gets banned though. I’ll probably just go on subs and become a bitter fuck if that happens.


Kratom for pain relief, over the alternatives I was given




Simple answer- weed


Most illicit substances I've done have profoundly changed my life for the better. Commercial meds are just there to keep you running and not treat the origins, they might seem "good" but they're not. All the ones that will help cure you are illegal


Lucy helped me develop my self-awareness (used to be a bratty, annoying know-it-all kid), and recognize and push past some personal limits (ran my fastest 3 miles in high school on the comedown from tripping the night before lol). Ecstasy helped me recognize, and let go of, a lot of anger/baggage I had been holding onto and be more honest with myself about my emotions. Adderall used to be amazing when I was first prescribed it, but nowadays it just encourages hyper focusing on random tasks, not necessarily what I actually need to get done. I also seem to build up a tolerance (as in I only get a little bit of energy from it, but not the clarity/focus) to it within a couple of days, even if it’s been weeks or months since I took any 🫤


shrooms - before taking them i was mean to others, explosive and selfish. Now im kind, calm and caring. adhd meds (methylphenidate) - i can finally do my chores, work for longer than 10minutes, stay focused in conversation. mdma - i can say it got rid of some trauma and anxiety.


Shrooms and 1p-lsd






Kratom Best anti anxiety/anti depressant I’ve come across Also helps me with my dermatillomania which is great. It was hard finding a psychiatrist who was even familiar with it


Shrooms saved my life