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Stop focussing on it and drink WATER


yeah this is real, hydration and distraction is probably key. being high makes distracting myself from the heart racing a bit harder though, bit of a feedback loop if you get me


Yeah just breathe and drink water dude.


Cottonmouth gives me the same kind of sporadic thoughts. Usually not about my heart but the fact that i usually cant even lick my lips leaves me taken away from the moment and desperate til i down enough water. May not be that simple for you but in my case its usually the cotton mouth


Have you had covid recently???? Edit: Numbskulls covid can cause extra stress on the heart.... My gf developed a heart arythmia after covid. She thought it was anxiety for a few days.


I’m curious what makes you ask this? Been a consistent week smoker for almost 3 years and now starting to get these symptoms aswell and I most likely had covid not long ago but i never tested


My girlfriend has heart issues from covid... she's been on heart pills ever since anyone who downvoted me is about as bright as a dead light bulb.


Ever been dealing with a tooth issue at the same time? lol I had a root canal done last year and while dealing with the pain before the procedure and when I got high I could feel my heartbeat in the tooth, aching and sensitive. And getting the munchies was a downside because eating, even on the side without the issue, would make it hurt more. So my stress was going up, I could feel the toothbeat more, and that just cycled up from there. The paranoia I eventually got would make me worry my tooth was just going to fall out if I pushed on it too hard with my lip or tongue.


no way bro i’m literally dealing with a tooth issue rn, i have a filling that’s breaking off more and more. i’m supposed to be getting it replaced with. crown but i can’t afford it yet so i have spend like 4x the regular amount of time chewing my food to be careful not to break it


i used to have this issue and literally all u have to distract yourself as much as u can so you won’t start panicking and drink shit tons of water


was it just a phase for you? i’ve had people tell me they had to quit over it 💀


yesss, the key is training yourself to think like “i’m feeling like this because i’m high, it’s not the end of the world and it’ll go away in short period of time” so you don’t panic. I’ve had psychotic breaks due to weed usage because i just allowed myself to freak the fuck out instead of thinking rationally 😭😭 like it’s just weed u can still think about stuff in a mainly rational way , it’s not like the high makes u unable to have control


Yeah you either have to smoke through it, being constantly high usually gets rid of it to some degree/makes it less noticeable or yeah just stop. I just powered through it for a couple years and now I’m pretty much fine when I smoke alone


I quit over it, started smoking again 9 months later, quit over it again, started smoking again 5 months ago and didn’t happen again, I think it depends what’s going on in ur life at the time


Not surprised - it sucks. Try rolling joints and only smoking a few tokes at a time, I tend get a couple joints to last me the night. It does sting when have to put it out and I see that cherry fall, but I'd rather waste a bit of weed than spend 30 or so mins wondering if I'm gna die/have a seizure


I had to stop for a while. It was mostly environmental anxiety that came to a head, especially on the weed. Once I changed what I was doing, I felt 1000x better. But I ask if you had covid above because my girl developed heart issues after getting covid.


Gets better with tolerance, even fully disappear


I had to stop smoking unfortunately. Loved it for years now I get tachycardia and palpitations from it, used to combat this with a benzo, but I’m in recovery from pills so at the moment I aren’t smoking either. If I do start to smoke again I’ll always have some cbd on hand if it gets too intense and beta blockers (propranolol) work for reducing physical anxiety and heart rate


Same here. It’s what pushed me to stop. I was an all day every day smoker for years and years. Then any amount of weed smoked would cause a panic attack, legit even a single one off. Decided to stop at that point as it wasn’t worth continuing and basically never went back to it.


physiological sighing works for me. take a deep breath in through your nose until you’ve inhaled all you can, then take another breath in through your nose, as much as you can manage, then breathe out slowly through your mouth. take as needed for pain. oh yeah and what another guy said: YOU NEEED OXYGEEEEEEEEEEN


Increased BP and HR while smoking weed is pretty common, unfortunately it's a side effect of it. This isn't new, and I wish more people knew about it. This is far different than having a panic attack. You can try different strains, increased CBD, types of inhalation, and I hope you find what works.


Technically its decreased blood pressure, which is why the hr speeds up to get the blood where it needs to be, but yea i didnt find anything helped tbh once it happened to me, just had to be aware of it and know my limits, it basically added a hard ceiling to where i can smoke relative to whatever my tolerance is, which is annopying when someone who barely smokes can enjoy a full zoot and im smoking half of one and feeling minor heart discomfort for 5 minutes before it gets nice, despite smpking daily. I will say though it can lead to a panic attack if you really smoke too much, i had one with a hr of 190 for like 40 minutes and at that time i was morbidly obese and thought i was gonna die, that was rough.


Is that why I get cold and shake uncontrollably when I'm high? I have naturally low blood pressure and low iron, lol.


10 mg propranolol (i think the lowest dose of a common beta blocker)


Breathe water and drink air in proper order Also make alot of sense, repeatedly


I tried this and drowned. Any advice?


Don't do that.




I heard that the smell of black pepper helps to calm down 😅


nice one, i’ll just pound some lines of the stuff next time it happens lol


😂 Just smell it my god lines aren't necessarily 😂


ik im just playing 😭😭


No for real. Chew 3-5 black peppercorns. The taste isn't pleasant but it 100% works. You can also keep some cbd around. Sublingual tinctures work the best imo.


Can confirm. I thought my friend was just trying to trick me into sniffing black pepper, so I did the leg work and holy shit, they weren't kidding. Something about terpene compounds activating the CB2 receptors. Fair warning, it'll knock you out of your high pretty effectively, so use the parachute wisely. Here's the paper I found on it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8827412/#:~:text=Black%20pepper%20oil%20has%20several,attributes%20involving%20peripheral%20pain%20receptors.&text=BCP%20is%20a%20cannabinoid%20analogue,inflammatory%20and%20neuropathic%20pain%20models.


I usually try breathing exercises, music seems to help me too.


music is always a good distraction tbf, i get so locked in when im high


I start getting paranoid because I relate the titles and lyrics to me and start thinking a higher power is sending me a message through the music lmao. And I always seem to turn it into a malicious message for some reason. Could be a lyric as nice as "the sky was bright red around you" and I'd be like HE'S SAYING YOU'RE IN HELL BECAUSE YOURE A BAD PERSON, KILL YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY. 🤣


Pink Floyd, deep breathing exercises and meditation


holy trinity


I had this problem for a while, one time i hit a panic attack so bad I could barley see or stand, out of no where, but the more you notice your heart beating fast, the faster is gets, the more anxious you get etc, so although easier said than done distracting yourself is the best way, I’ve found whether that’s opening a game or something so I have to concentrate, or finding a YouTube video that goes into detail about history or something so I can get into it and not focus lol


Worth trying a vape.. Smoking hits the brain so quickly and I go from totally sober to hella stoned in a matter of seconds and the rush incites panic.. Using a DHV the high comes on slower and tapers off more slowly which allows me to get used to the feeling and relax as it's kicking in.


Same here, good advice !


I use CBD hemp with 35%+ of cbd and less then 0,3% THC, and mix it with hemp with THC of less then 25% preferably, around 20%. 60% of the cbd one, 40% of THC one in a joint/bowl. Try to not go too crazy with the doses too, usually I do around 0.1g of hemp with THC, or less, for a single dose. Works like a charm for my paranoid tachycardic ass


water usually fixes most problems with weed related complications like jumpy heart and chest pain


chug or sip would you say


just sip it every now and then chugging it would probably make you want to vomit more


Heavy breathing can help, try to sit down and chill


Sounds like you're just getting too high?!


smoking less than i usually do actually, don’t feel particularly high either


Weed naturally increases HR so it might just be completely normal what you're experiencing


Build up your tolerance. Get violently blazed for a month after which these side effects will dissipate.


It helps me to mix some CBD bud in with my weed if I'm having problems with anxiety, I always do now that my tolerance is lower. I usually do 1/3 or so CBD bud to 2/3 THC bud in a bowl in my dry herb vape. If I get too high, I do just a bowl of CBD. I didn't think CBD bud would be so useful honestly when I got it, but it's been invaluable and I use it every time I vape.


does smoking weed really directly raise heart rate, scientifically proven? because i have a heart condition and take beta blockers and blood thinners daily am i even supposed to smoke weed if it really raises the heart rate. i monitor my heart rate and i'm curious what would happen if i just stop smoking weed. would my average heart rate drop 5-10% (or whatever) and it would be better for my health for real?




yeah but to a significant degree? you can find all kinds of stuff on the internet...for example such things that olive oil is good for your heart, and green tea does this and that or whatever but such things don't make a real difference. you can neither see it on an ECG,, bloodwork, smartwatch, heart rate, blood pressure.... nothing. i'm talking about, does it raise heart rate FOR REAL


Yes did you read it? This is a legitimate study with a sample size of 400,000 people. Do you just not believe shit that doesn't fit your bias because it's 'online'? This article literally spells out the cardiovascular effects of cannabis and proves that there is an increased risk of heart attack and stroke across all populations tested. If you're actually interested in learning more about this or concerned for your health. You would read and retain this information


I like to put on my favorite show or a YT video and FOCUS on that while controlling my breathing. After smoking for years, I’ve finally gotten over the panic attacks!


Connect with your breath by taking deep breaths. You gotta come back to the present


Try chill music, that does it for me


Inhale through the nose for 7 seconds Hold for 7 seconds Exhale out the mouth for 7 seconds This is a breathing technique that will slow your heart rate down for any purpose, not just weed related. If you have a Fitbit/apple watch/or oxygen saturation monitor you can watch your heart slow down in real time. You can keep doing it until you feel calmer.


I smoked a lot of weed in high school and some years after. It kept getting worse. If I didnt play video games I enjoyed I kept getting inside my own head.


more CBD


Breathing and water is very important. Deep breaths and a nice ice cold glass of water will calm you down a bit


Like everyone said, focus on something else. One way how to get out of it if you're already highly anxious is to bite into a lemon or dip your face in really cold water. Anything that has a strong stimulus really.


Ya that started happening to me a few years ago. Stopped smoking for a year because no matter what I’d do it wouldn’t stop and started to scare me. Started smoking again and was alright


4-7-8 breathing exercises


Yup. Don't think about it/focus on it/pay attention to it, unless of course you believe you need medical attention. If you don't need medical attention then just distract yourself with other thoughts, music, whatever.


stop thinking about it, maybe take some deep breaths, inhale for 5 seconds, exhale all the way, repeat a few times. you’ll be good, on the comedown it’ll be way noticeably slower


In the words of Keller Williams, "focus on the breath and feel the air around you [...] Attention to the heartbeat", Mantra He's got a lot of other fun stoner songs too if you're not familiar.


It's always gonna increase your heart rate - but it does sound also like you're getting too high. It's easy to do with concentrates, and even easier with edibles.


I take medicine for a fast heartbeat . It also really helps with anxiety!!


Hydration + High CBD isolate + Get something to distract on and nice yummy food :))


Breathe slowly and through your nose. Drink water. It’s completely normal to experience anxiety on the drug, especially in your early days of use.


P.S. - if you’re struggling with anxiety, weed may not be the drug for you


This is why I stopped smoking. I can catch a VERY light buzz and be fine, but being baked is a no go for me. Ironically amphetamine, a LITERAL stimulant doesn’t make me nervous or have a racing heart.


Happens when you have a low tolerance just smoke more often


Wait an hour


It’s all in the breath. Take 5 or 6 breaths per minute, and let the exhale be twice the length of the inhale. This is a lovely focus for meditation. Let yourself be breathed. No push or pull. Just watch. Try it for 5 or 10 mins a couple of times a day.


Look into breath work....Your breathing literally controls heart rate. Inhaling will speed it up exhaling will slow it down....Once you become conscious of it you can train yourself.


Deep slow breaths


I heard cbd can help if you feel like your gonna green out. Maybe do some breathing techniques? Someone said black pepper can seriously help either smelling it or eating some. Pour water on your head or face? Maybe try these?


if it gets worse, take a break. i started having multiple full blown panic attacks. it’s not worth it for a high.


What your describing is why I stopped smoking. I smoked daily for years and then one day it was like a switch was flipped. It only made me paranoid/have anxiety. Didn't matter the strain, if it was hash,oil, etc. Just made me stressed and anxious


Do you have anxiety? You could be getting stuck in a feedback loop. You smoke a bowl, notice your heart rate is high, get anxious about the heart rate, and then you just start spiraling. This happened to me


Try buying some nice CBD bud (do not cheap out or it will be nasty) and mix that in a 50/50 ratio with your normal flower. Worked wonders for me when that happened to me.


basically just drink more water/ gatorade


this started happening around age 25 and i discovered the perfect solution. save myself from panic attacks and wasting money by… quitting smoking weed


Change your setting. Step outside for a minute or put some music on. "Good Day" by ice cube always chills me out. Also any song by Atmosphere


You’re prob not taking enough CBD. 10mg is not gonna cut it. Sometimes I take 100-150mg at a time. If taking that much isn’t affordable, then the CBD you’re buying is overpriced.


It's anxiety that brings amplified interception, which makes you feel aware of your heart beating faster, which causes more anxiety, which causes your heart to beat even faster. There are probably some underlying anxieties in your life, and weed has never ever acted as a relief from anxiety for me, quite the opposite instead, so much that i mostly use it as a tester of my stress levels ahahah. Although tachycardia is super common when smoking, anxiety can surely make it worse. However, work on your stressors, reduce the dosage or stop using for a while, be mindful of what's causing you to feel this discomfort when more vulnerable, it could be a good lead to understand what's interfering with your day to day life.


Step outside and do some yoga style breathing, in through the nose until you can’t, out through the mouth. I’ve been smoking for years and my heart still goes nuts sometimes lol.


When I get this high I just lay down until I fall asleep.


Switch to type 2




Put on a funny show, drink water and relax.


I take 4 very deep breaths and slowly exhale and it helps me feel better as far as the anxiety goes from the fast heart beat and i remember that it’s just a side effect and unless you have a pre existing heart condition you will most likely be fine


I heard that opening a pot of black pepper and smelling it helps, tried it once and worked, don’t know if it was placebo, but worked


Are you holding your breath? A lot of people get a little anxious, subconsciously start holding their breath (I think it’s a natural instinct to avoid predators), and then get a lot more anxious when they’re low on oxygen. Do deep breathing exercises. Make your exhales last longer than your inhales (exhales slow your heart rate, inhales increase your heart rate).


The fight or flight response caused by anxiety will instead cause you to breathe much faster and stronger than usual. It's the other way around, hyperventilation will exacerbate tachycardia as well as every other bad physical sensation by a LOT, and it's due to the O2/CO2 Blood balance being disrupted in favor of oxygen. Deep breathing exercises do work, but not because of increased oxygen levels, it's due to various physiological mechanisms, the most important one being the vagal stimulation caused by the prolonged exhalation, which counteracts the sympathetic stimuli.


Puff puff pass baby lungs. Jk, probably just getting more oxygen in between the pulls. Is it mixed with anything? Could try mixing it other natural altneratives. I smoke with either mugwort or mullen leaf these days. Or if you're finding this affecting you more generally outside of smoking, maybe try a small dose of a blood thinner or the more normal advice, go do some cardio.


i don’t have baby lungs i promise :( been smoking for years and im used to putting away a bowl or two myself per session but recently ive been getting the anxiety out of nowhere a lot more. maybe just taking my time more is the move, i am a pretty active guy already, or do you mean do my cardio after i smoke haha. might try mixing it, where do you get the stuff you’re talking about? are there any other alternatives you recommend?


Oh a bong, I'd imagine the weed is actually just not the same as it was a few years ago. I remember feeling the munchies and being normal after sobering up but now I'm 'high' but memory feels worse. Amazon or herbal health stores probably have it.


This comes and goes for me, I usually take a break, try lower thc strains, add cbd, and/or do some cardio exercises! Occupying your mind as others have said is also key!