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I miss heroin, but I don't miss my life on heroin.


oxy, but don’t miss my life on it for sure.




If you got on one of those medical programs like they have in the Nordic countries, would it be good? Or just avoiding being sick. Always wondered since the main drawback of opiates is running out or ODing


Are you asking if it’s a good idea to start using heroin since now there’s a way to avoid the withdrawals or ODs? Because I feel like that would be a terrible idea.


It’s more philosophical ig doesn’t apply to me or anyone I know. If you could just get medical grade doses under supervision, do you think people would still want to come off them eventually?


It's a good question. Its not all that dissimilar to methadone, and it works for some people and for some it doesn't. I used to shoot black tar and I've been sober for a minute now. But if I lived in a country that provided free, or low cost, heroin without fentanyl, at a regulated dispensary, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't think about it. Part of what eventually made it so unsustainable was money. I functioned fairly well until the money and credit ran out. That's when the lifestyle changes and you start doing grimy shit to survive. But it's hard to say.. if I was independently wealthy and lived off a billion dollar trust fund, would I have ever become the kind of junkie I became without money?


My inkling of suspicion is that 95% of us are better off without them, even if we had our ultimate, pure, regulated kit of fixes, we’d still be missing out on something. There are some cases, however, that make me wonder if they’d be better off medicated at will through the remainder of life. I really don’t know…


@sjphi26 Proud of you for getting clean, my friend. We don't abuse opiates because we broke a bone, we abuse it because we broke our hearts. A part of getting clean is dealing with those demons, and I really hope you've been working on 'getting better' and learning healthier ways to deal with the emotional/spiritual pain and hurts that started your opiate issue. Keep up the good work. It is so incredibly easy to fall back into old, bad habits. It's easy to tell ourselves, "Man, I really feel like shit today. I've been doing good not taking anything, so I take something today and be done with it again.". Hope things get better and easier for you. Much love.


Thank you. I go to meetings and I work the steps. It's been a long process with many trips to rehab and many relapses, but I'm in a good place today


I saw some interviews about it. Some people mostly older people said they wont come off of Heroin anymore but with that clean stuff, they found a way, back in society. Where they get that clean stuff its actualy their goal to come off Heroin. And its not like u come in when ever u want and get Ur fix. U have to be daily there and if u miss once u could get thrown out.


It would be avoiding getting sick because tolerance goes up so fast on heroin. It probably helps but I doubt they let you go get a fix several times a day like you would want. So and I don’t know I haven’t looked into the programs that give out heroin, the only one I remember was a once a day heroin clinic. That’s good for the wake up shot but they were still scoring throughout the day.


Exactly they were never just given free heroin to take as needed. It was super regulated and always a short term transition to proper MAT opioids.


Just FYI the "nordic countries" have some of the strictest drug laws in the world outside of asia. Those clinics are way more a US thing, the most we have here is Suboxone programs


Perfectly Said. I couldn’t agree more. This life is so much better.


was about to comment the same... keep going


dissociatives, the headspace was incredibly surreal


Especially MXE


When I first tried MXE I was told it’s like ketamine but not as good. I’d argue ketamine is just MXE but not as good.


Mxe is one of the few legit answers here since it just dissapeared and nowhere to be found anymore


Mxe for sure. Diphenidine too


Fentanyl or diacetylmorphine. I recall those memories many times daily even after 2 decades. If your wise you'll never try them


I also wish I never tried H and opium, when your tolerance is down, it's just such perfect feelings. But it sucks once your tolerance gets so high you cant get that feeling anymore, but you're addicted and have to deal with that without it even really getting you high


Still think about fent everyday since I’ve been off of it. No drug matches it.


MDMA, weed and xanax. Xanax especially rn


i miss fentanyl. i never thought i’d be able to live without it again (not really by choice).. but it’s kinda cool to be able to say i’ve gone nearly 4 months without a single blue pill??


holy shit, congrats! that's amazing, truly. keep it up 💪🏻


Keep it up, dude! You got this. Take this time to try working on yourself and learning healthier coping mechanisms. As I stated in another comment, we abuse opiates and become dependent on them because our hearts are broken, and we are deeply hurting and sad. Try to heal those wounds. Build a support system that is healthy and that doesn't use that sort of stuff. You are stronger than you know, no matter how loud and convincing our demons seem.


weed, i can’t smoke anymore without becoming a an anxious mess


The only way I was able to enjoy it again was by getting a pen & slowly building up a tolerance over time. Even still sometimes I get slightly too high but I have a slight tolerance so it doesn’t turn into a full panic attack or nothin - it’s the type of thing where I only enjoy it in the exact rig it quantity - I don’t really get hella stoned i use it more to get a nice buzz throughout the day I take pretty small hits


I was like that for awhile, but I pushed through and can smoke alone fine. It really is due to mind set and tolerance, which I know is fucking annoying to hear, and I doubted it for a long time but turns out it was true. Also I used to always think of it as the best part of the day, to cure my problems etc.. now I just view it as I want to smoke which actually helped a lot. But honestly if you feel it’s not for you then just drop it, obviously everyone’s experience is different and it took me 2 years to get to a somewhat normal point smoking again


It’s gotta be annoying for people who want to smoke but can’t to hear it but I gotta agree. Before I even tried weed I had made my mind up that I was going to like it, so I smoked daily/almost daily until I could handle it. To this day I dunno why I’m so intrigued by this plant & have been since being a young child 😂


I’m in the same boat lol it’s the one substance I can’t seem to kick no matter how hard I try I’ve gotten off the hard drugs (meth,H,opioids etc) lol but weed I can’t do it when I had to get my medical card I told my “doctor let’s just say if I don’t smoke weed I will rip peoples heads off” and he was like an older hipster typa dude and he looks at me and says “of the record I couldn’t agree with you more on the record so Mr (not putting my last name) you said you have back pain and insomnia I think I can do that for you” so yeah I get it 100% weed is my favorite drug no matter what a d always will be


I’ll be eating thc on my deathbed I stg. I blame D.A.R.E, they should have never lied to me about it when it was being praised by the news when I was a youngin 🤷‍♂️


Same, it’s honestly sad tbh💔. I miss it, but i don’t want to have a heart attack😂


I wouldn't really say that I miss it, but I do wish I could comfortably smoke with my friends from time to time. It's not for me and I accepted that a long time ago and so have my friends.


Me too but mines cause I have to pass a stupid drug test even though I have a medical card


I'm too sad to smoke flower lol not fun anymore for me so I just dab. Now have lots of useless flower just sitting around. Smoking a joint while on vacation is fun though or a new area outside of your state


This... Getting high just isn't fun anymore. And especially outside or in social settings... The pens really messed up my tolerance and mindset


Acid.. very very happy drug and had amazing times with it. It’s just i can no longer do it for the fact im a mom and the risk of having a bad trip is now high for me. The bad trips is what ruined acid for me, literally. I had 2 bad trips and swore never again.


Same I loved the feeling but I had too many bad trips


Psychedelic experiences are just that: experiences! I look at it as, that's what we are here on earth for; having experiences! There may be unpleasant experiences, but there are no inherently "bad" experiences, since that is what we are here to do, experience things. As long as you come out the other side having learned something, then it's a positive. I have had many, MANY a rough psychedelic experiences in my years, but not once did I have an honest-to-god BAD trip. I know that's a very philosophical topic, and out of the scope of this post, but just expressing my views. The only truly evil, inexcusable act on this planet, again, in my personal opinion, is S/A. I feel as if everything else can be reasoned or rationalized, except forcing oneself onto another. That, to me, is the only truly evil act in this world.


In part I would agree with you but I had a "bad trip" an old friend of mine started acting out satanic rituals, I didn't mind it because I was in my own plane of thought. He pulled out a knife and basically threatened to cut me up inside, I was still high, so I asked my sober person if he really did have a knife and he said "yes" he told me that he wanted to kill someone, that he sees me as a sheep and an "easy kill" somehow acid sobered me up (of course I was still high but strangely I was more alert) he grabbed the knife and presses it on my side, I got up and ran out. Listen as philosophical as acid is there's always the risk of environmental factors that trigger events on certain people. I was fortunate to have a sober person there but imagine if he wasn't sober?????


So like, obviously I agree SA is bad. But that can’t be the only thing you think is bad. I mean, off the top of my head, punching a baby because you fucking hate babies. I feel like that is pretty bad. If I met you in a park and I knew you would never force yourself on me, but anything else is perfectly okay in your book, I would be pretty scared. You could just happen to be in the mood for a good ole fashioned puppy bashing, and boom! No more Mr. Snoopy. And you’d just be like “what? It’s not like I forced myself on you, chill! Just hear my rationale!”


MXE, Methaqualone, Carisoprodol, Etizolam and Barbiturates in general


Ahhh, I will be trying the first two in a couple months!


TF you mean you're trying MXE in a couple months?? How is that possible?


Let’s just say a close friend has the knowledge, this is a personal synth, but you might be seeing more of it (lab tested) in the next few months.


I used to get 120 carisoprodol a month between me and my dad for like 2 years and 90 for like 2 years had it for like 4 or 5 years


I’m currently prescribed 90 Soma’s a month with Diazepam. My doc is making me choose one or the other. I’m torn!




Pure Heroin forsure or when script benzos were easily available everywhere. Nowadays it’s pretty much a drought unless you’re really tapped in or you get it from another country besides the US


Opium, used to get a wide variety back in the 00’s; black, blue, crystal, “red rock”. All of it was like smoking candy, made a bowel of weed last ridiculously long, and had a nicer high than prescription opioids. Finally found a recipe a couple years ago but sadly haven’t been able to get any of my seeds to grow. Not sure if they’re too old, died from heat exposure, or it’s just the shitty climate I moved to.


opium i’d collected myself is the only illegal opioid i would ever try


They grow like weeds in the greener parts of the pacific NW so they might be around depending on where you’re at. Making them into tea is easy enough it just tastes like shit. Simmer in lemon juice and water for a long time strain and choke it down, it’s the only drug I know of that tastes worse every time you do it. You can also scrape the resin after slitting the pods and smoke that but it’s nothing like opium taste wise but still gets you high. We’ve also put strait resin in capsules or just ingested it straight which also works. They are perfectly legal to grow so you can buy seeds just make sure you get the right kind. If the leaves and stems have white hairs on them they won’t work. Red flowers have the highest concentration of opium if you do order seeds.


I miss enjoying weed. Something just changed for me around 2018 and I've hated it ever since. Like, I just absolutely cannot function on it. That hasn't stopped me from smoking until pretty recently though lmao.


Such a common tale, not even blaming the strength. One day it just turns on ya. The stress reliever becomes the stressor




MDA/Ecstasy from the 90’s


Mda isn't that hard to get. Mix it with mdma and you're back in the 90s baby.


Would it even be necessary to do so considering mdma metabolizes into mda in the stomach?


You have to do too much mdma for that. You'd be rolling uncomfortably hard. Better to just get a normal dose of both.


Ah, I see. Molly just makes me hot 😭 no euphoria at all. Haven’t gotten to try mda yet tho I intend to at some point


acid :,( i could still get it in theory but i shy away from it in case it triggers a psychotic episode, i miss it, or maybe i just miss being 15 ...


Oxymorphone (opana). Me and friends had really great times on these. It was before some started using IV drugs and before we knew we we're addicts. We didn't nod out. We went out and had a great time, got things done and practiced moderation to a certain extent. And they were everywhere cheap.




Fuck ssris, obviously help a lot of people but they are so overly prescribed, gave me anhedonia


I really wish I could've tried quaaludes


MDMA and 2C-E MDMA has been my favourite substance since the start n it continued to be after the 50 odd substances I tried, unfortunately there was a massive drought that caused MDMA to first go up in price(first it was £20 then £25 and £30 which I could deal with, then it was £40, £50, and £60 was the last price I ever paid) and then it disappeared. 2C-E is great, not as magical as 2C-B though imo but it’s rare to come across around me unlike 2C-B, I or even the T series such as 2C-T-7 and 2C-T-2 which seem to pop up here and there 2C-B being the most common between plugs.


There’s no MDMA anymore where you live? That’s a bummer 😢 what drugs are popular / most available where you live?


In parties - 2C’s(that I’ve seen 2C-B, I, D, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, 2C-B is the most common between plugs), ketamine, nitrous, LSD, 4-MMC, 6-APB, cocaine, amphetamine. I’m unsure if these are popular with everyone in my city ofc😆 but definitely popular within my family and friend group, these are the substances I see taken most frequently in party settings). on the other scale of things benzodiazepines like diazepam and alprazolam are extremely common, gabapentin and pregabalin, crack, heroin, and spice are common too. Tbh we got a lot of drugs, some obscure n some are classics. Unfortunately I’m just missing my favourite substance lol.


DXM, I feel very nostalgic thinking about my first few trips, but now I lost the magic and it’s not the same


holy shit realest shit i ever heard it just feels like cold and lonely now and it doesnt feel special


me too, man, it was the best time of my life, I'll never forget the lightness


Wouldn't trade it for the world, which at the time is what I was doing




all of them


The first three “acid trips” I had turned out to be NBOME. Once I read about a few people that had died from NBOME I decided not to do them anymore I’ve done acid over 100 times since then and none of those trips felt as enlightening or as profound or as exciting as my first three trips on NBOME. Is this more likely due to the fact that it was my first three times and that it was eventually going to be less special no matter what? Yes of course. Almost certainly But sometimes I wonder…


The first trips I ever had were from 25i-NBOME. So visual. The headspace is just clear enough, and still tottaly gets you there. I will never forget.


Yeah I never knew which NBOME I had but from the research I did it seemed like it was 25i. Amazing trips


Fent made me understand the saying “(insert drug), is like the toxic ex you wish you never met, but can’t live withought & keep going back to.”Currently clean & I hope it stays that way.


Shrooms so hard. Just don't have the time or energy anymore.


Cocaine, but it’s been 13 years and I’m not looking back.


Methoxetamine and 4,4'-dimethylaminorex. Both RCs which have been outlawed in many jurisdictions and aren't synthed anymore (to my knowledge).


4-MAR has been at the top of my "want to try" list of years Mxe is at the top of my "want to try again" list 😅




Oxycodone ambien and soma




Oxymorphine and ketamine




First MDMA trip


Cocaine , when it was still a fun addition to my life and not my actual life.


Coke , every 30-45 minutes




MDMA. I had a child 11 yesrs ago and don't touch those kind of drugs anymore. But I sure wish I could. Maybe one day again.


all of them. sober now, except for caffeine and nicotine. so much happier and very proud of myself. most of the time i don’t, but damn it i do miss drugs sometimes.


I got to do methaqualone (qualuudes) twice. Randomly found a plug with it and it tested clean via mass spec. Got high two nights. It was bliss. Felt like alcohol but better in every way. Plus no hangover.


The really good ecstasy that we were getting back in the late 90s or early 00s - today's molly doesn't hold a candle to some white chocolate buddha double stacks from back in the day.


I mean mdma is mdma so either there was simply meth or amphetamines or whatever mixed in with mdma or your just having nostalgia/the first few rolls are way better


Some of the pills in the 90s had MDA mixed in, which some people liked better


Some pills today have MDA mixed in, and it surely is better with both!


I'm pretty sure this is actually a myth if I'm not mistaken, MDMA has actually gotten stronger


Most drugs have gotten better overall. People are just chasing the feeling they got the first time they used, and because they're not getting it, drugs must just suck these days.


Lol 100%. Tere seems to be an expectation that that double hit of xyz is supposed to feel as good at age 34 as it did the first time experimenting when you were 14 years old lol. I think to feel physically and mentally as we did when we were young again for a couple hours, would be quite the high on it's own.


Well presses can get stronger but the actual compound can't get stronger or weaker it just is


There was a reason it was called ecstasy…pills today are nothing like. I see some are saying ‘oh it’s just nostalgia’…nah mate The morning after, 36 seconds in… https://youtu.be/5rYXcmVSeBU?si=iSNT1ctPxwRbnN5q


ether, i miss it cant do it no more cause it makes you reek for hours after


2C-E I am done using traditional psychedelics but I would make an exception for 2CE if I could find it again. Played a big part in my life! Outstanding visuals.




Coke. I have responsibilities now and I don’t hang out with that crowd anymore. It was fun while it lasted.


Opanas specifically the round 5mm Orange G74 40mg Oxymorphone Hydrochloride extended release. I would lick my finger, rub it on the pill, wipe off the coating, and they are ready to be obliterated and nostril vacuumed up. I've been clean off opiates over 5 years and if i came into contact with one theyd better be prepared to meet their maker as it would be there last friggen day. They'd meet nostril vacuumed again. I'd do one even though I've seen many people OD on them I understand why they pulled them from the market.


5-meo-mipt 🤤 aka moxy


Meth. Didnt abuse it, just enjoyed having it to help take the edge off after a stressful week or going out with friends. The guy I used to get it from moved away and don't know anyone else to get it from 😝


Zolpidem, best sleep of my life and can be quite fun too


Tobacco Juul pod


Oxycodone. Got to try it a few times, and I'm never gonna forget that feeling.




X, rave life. If I think about the glory days I tear up.


Cycling adderall and xanax


I miss mxe


Fuckkk I’ve had very little money for a while and I smoke a lot of weed so haven’t been able to buy anything else, but fuckkkk I miss ketamine, and thinking just now 4aco-dmt I miss more (only coz it’s been actually wayyyy too long since I’ve had my hands on that beautiful drug


Quaaludes, the infamous "Lemon 714s". Its chemical name is Methaqualone. Very popular in the disco 70s era, up till mid-80s when the real ones disappeared. It was a prescription sedative, prescribed as a tranquilizer and sleeping pill. But hippies, party animals and teenagers used them for fun and to chill out. Quaaludes made you feel like you were very drunk, without the hangover. But mixing Quaaludes with too much alcohol could be fatal, which led to a media hype outrage and the drug being taken off the market. Only fake ones are available nowadays.






Lol, high purity blow without imitative additives. Ppl will swear up and down they've got the good shit but unless it's 20+ yrs ago, it's astronomically rare. Cocaine has always been cut, but it's (what) it gets cut with the past several decades that makes the experience a sad initiation. But yeah, outside of some research chemical analog drugs that are no longer manufactured- *real deal* cocaine is pretty much the only thing that's gone the way of the dodo. You can find everything else.


What are some common imitative additives? When I first started doing coke 20 years ago, it was SO good compared to what I’ve come across aince. I feel like most the coke people are getting in my area isn’t even coke, just mostly some RC that mimics cocaine effects.


Old school solids/hash resin. The brown stuff that you had to crumble or grate.


4-mmc and 2cb. I remember trying it out a few times when it was available and it was pretty awesome. Haven't been able to get my hands on it again


OG synthetic "spice" blends. Some brands for me are Space, Berry Blend, Stuck, my favorite of all time was D2E Climax. When I made my own blends I used random Mylar bags I'd find online lol I really just loved all of the herbal incense packaging.


I miss being able to smoke weed like I used to.


2C- family


Meth it made me play guitar, learn to jerk off in my 20s, feel secrure about my sexulity, and treat my ADHD. However the average meth user does not get meth and ADHD/autism.....


Shrooms, Can't find them.


they're so abundant here in Canada, so easy to get and order online on the clear web even. must be shitty wherever you are for that.


I use MAOIs as antidepressants and they work fairly great, but I cannot use mdma and jeeezus I fucking miss that shit. Only got to used it 3 times 😣


Ketamine the first time when I did it.


DMT, it comes around rarely. also dilaudid(hydromorphone) and opana(oxymorphone). i had dilaudid 4mg plenty of times, opana, once. and opana was the best opiate i’ve ever experienced. DMT is my favorite substance all around, along with weed. can’t find dilaudid for anything. i used to buy 30 4mg off this girl in chicago because she’d use the money to buy real dope


Oxy OMG will never fuck with it again though


Ketamine, I got sold some fucked up shit and it fucked up my brain permanently NMDA receptor antagonists literally wreck my brain now I have no idea wtf happened to me, tested this theory by trying nitrous for the first time (and began abusing it) and realized quickly that any dissociative just fucks my head up now, makes me turn literally retarded


Hopium 🥲




The devils trumpet.


huge dosing addy. felt great but i couldn’t interact with people socially at all, total zombie


MDMA. I even got some the other night but could not bring myself to take them. I'm exhausted, anxious, trying to taper off xanax, and i'm straight-up terrified of the comedown and feeling my heart racing TBH. 


I miss K and acid. Got into a slippery slope with K and had to give it up. Haven’t touched L in 7 years, my mind just can’t do those long trips anymore.


I miss how acid used to hit


“Tucci” I used to get off the black market, it was a mixture of 2cb, ket & mdma, it was dosed just right, I miss that shit


Ecstasy. Ever since I got on SSRIs I just can't roll anymore. I do molly or pop a pill and nothing.


Oxy, but I def don’t miss the withdrawal or constipation, I miss it so much but I’m trying to move on


The old school heroin before it got terrifying. Also the old shake and bake dilaudid, Percocet, the few times I had it propofol and again back in the old days qualudes oh and I liked darvocet. I dont think some of these exist anymore.


Opium. Real heroin. X.


Mickey Wizard blotter. Ah, the memories.


2018 amnesia haze and sour diesel


molly, but everything’s got fent in it where i am so 🙄


Dxm, used to abuse age 13-16 but then I realized how stupid it was, fun asf tho, would love to again but don’t want kill my insides😭


MDMA. I was 18 in 2002, raves were all over the fucking place, it was a really good time.


The old methamphetamine made from ephedrine as opposed to the garbage being peddled around these days. I'll be honest I do use the stuff but the high is not as clean and doesn't last as long as the old stuff. Injected especially there's no comparison.


LSD, my girlfriend won’t let me do it anymore. she said I did it to much and it was ruing me and psychedelics for her






Weed man, haven't smoked in almost a year just cause I got no friends no more, no connects and no social skills to get any


All.of them


any psychedelic honestly. I used to love acid and mushrooms but now they both upset my stomach immensely :( shrooms give me shroom tummy (obv) but acid gives me horrible stomach pains unless I'm laying down, which gets pretty boring




i miss the way mdma used to kick on the first 3 rolls. just love to give, endless power, wanting to speak about the depths of life, exchanging secrets you woulndt tell batman, the feeling of invincibility was just great. and also i could manipulate my halucinations in the way i wanted to, which was pretty sick. now when i roll i barely feel anything anymore and just wait for the awful comedown lmao


Honestly, the previously legal highs lol. Not because they were necessarily better (though in many cases they were). But they were cheap, cheerful, half the time you didn't know what you were getting, they were my first exposure to drugs outside of weed so of course nostalgia, and best of all, you could go into a shop in the city centre and buy between a selection of like 50 different choices. I miss the whole experience with them, not just the taking them.


Shrooms. Can’t take them anymore after i had a nightmare trip


Ket. Can’t find any these days in Spain




Wouldnt mind hitting salvia one more time




Oxy for sure. My life is just a lethargic fog without it.


Xanax, at least from the bits I can recall.




2cb man. impossible to find






"The big man would walk 20 miles for a quaalude!" - The Big Man


MDMA. My most beautiful self having the most beautiful connections with people I love. Had to stop due to psychosis. Now I only take it about once a year at festivals or with my partner. But us and our friend group will never forget those awesome nights and precious moments we had with eachother




Really good MDMA from the late 90s/early 2000s. I started a family and career, aged out of the scene. Now that the kids are older I simply don’t have a way to hop back on the wagon.


coke because I didn’t eat like a mf 😩😩😩😩




I’d have to say 3-meo-pcp. Man what a fun, interesting chemical


Opana, G74s in particular. Ugh. 🐼


Acid. I got HPPD from it so I’ll never trip again. Unless I’m like terminally ill / dying…then I would probably spend my last days absolutely spun off my nuts 🤪




2007 ecstasy




MXE should be the only answer here. Everything else is meh.




Most of them, but I got old and then pressies happened and a heart condition so….