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Write down the negative things about stims somewhere as a reminder for yourself, our brain tends to forget the negative things but remembers the good things very good.


The only good thing about them that it feels good and I have energy, and feels good to snort there are much more negatives that I will write down, thanks!!


I documented some of my comedowns. racing heart at 5am completely tired with a fucked up nose and birds chirping outside was by far the worst. Whenever I get a cravings for speed, I read those and remember why it aint worth it. Stimulants are awesome but require a lot of self control and discipline, I lack both of these. I still do 4MMC occasionally but only twice a year, for my birthday and new year celebrations. Mark a few special days in your calendar but limit it to 2-4 days, I would advise you to take a 6-12months break, you gotta learn first how to enjoy a sober life.


Will take a break definitely or im just gonna be completely "sober" for life, the only thing I want to do is mdma few times a year weed and psychedelics, my stim use are got out of control


Sounds fine to me, weed and psychedelics are rather harmless if you dont consume regularly. MDMA is also rather safe if you follow the safer use rules. Im glad you came to this conclusion, most people try to justify their addiction and deny it.


Speed is a nasty drug.


Both coke and cathinones are much worse for your body.




Yes some guy from the afters said that he left his keys in a bag of speed and the keys got rusted like wtf


I facking hate speed.


I loved it but now I hate it