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Tbh opioids. But literally using opioids/drugs in general to numb your emotions and stuff just makes things much worse in the long run. Trust me, I did it myself so I know. Drugs will only work like that for so long, then you become addicted and are doing it just to not be sick. You'll never get the same high again and always be chasing it trying to get that feeling again. It's called the honeymoon phase. Once that goes away it's all downhill from there unless you stop.


Don't take your mental health for granted. I did for yearssss and used drugs to self medicate and I regret it so much now that I am older and want to be completely clean. On methadone now but in the over 10 years I was using I caused alot of damage to my body/brain forsure and did so many things I regret. Find the root cause of why you want to numb your emotions.


oh ik why. im lonely and extremely traumatized. i have therapy every week and spent 2 years in residential treatment


Me too for the most part- I as you and many other should, pushing thru the hard times is all the we can do, and I think we all know that thing we are so close to, it'll make us js that much more content, happy, and on the way to healing and being better js for the better đŸ€·â€â™‚ïžđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ‘ And btw js to add, if your considering Opioids or wtv, I'd suggest smth like kratom loll- also picking that up plus a hobby would fs work nice lol


i have so many hobbies lol


hey man like the first dude he had lots of good advice. nobody is going to be able to fix you through some text. idk how old you are but sounds like you got a problem on your hands. addiction is no path you want to go down. me telling you this means nothing though, i’ve had so many people tell me how bad of a road it is until i experienced it myself, i still am. it’s not something to take lightly man. just wish the best for everybody that is struggling.


Ket is good for trauma. Im prescribed it for ptsd


i just wanna get through this time without killing myself


I know that feeling bro. Emotions can definitely be overwhelming. Do you have any close friends or family you can talk to just to vent and get shit off your chest?? Honestly that can feel better than any drug ever could.


it feels like everyone is pulling away from me and im talking to my therapist in 10


Opioids may make you feel numb, but ime often make you behave like an angrier person than you are. Ketamine removes any emotional feeling in high enough doses though and won’t cause any damage to relationship while under the influence


What do you mean opioids numb emotions ? I am as happy as ever on em


If you're depressed or anything like that opioids literally make it almost go away completely. It helps you run from your problems. Then it all catches up to you and then youre addicted and still having the same issues as before if not worse. Using drugs to cope with stuff or block things out will only cause more problems in the long run. I know from experience


This is so true.


I wanted to say some opioid, but my best answer is Ketamine. Take it alone lay down and do enough to see what's beyond. Helped me a lot in the last days.




None. You got to face your shit. Drugs will just take you somewhere way worse.


Ultimately, this is the only true answer. Being neurodiverse places you at an increased risk of addiction. This pathology of trying to numb your emotions - I understand that you're probably intensely overwhelmed and probably burnt out, but you need to change your approach to the problem. Being autistic is hard work and the vast majority of people do not understand. But most will sympathise, or at least try to. As soon as you add an addiction to shit like heroin or cocaine into the equation, that sympathy diminishes quickly. You're just another junkie subject to their own shitty choices. Trust me, its not a solution. It's the road I chose and I'll probably never be clean. Just don't.


Honest straight up answer: Opium. Obviously dealing with your problems head on is a better idea...


Opium? Like the fuckin ken Carson and shit


I’d say alcohol but someone I know who is autistic said alcohol affects them differently than others. Also alcohol sucks. Just smoke more weed and listen to good music


It's really common for autistic people to get addicted to alcohol due to people with ASD struggling much more than average to socialise without stress sober. Definitely wouldn't suggest it to people with autism


I’m not autistic (as far as I know) but social situations are stressful a large majority of the time sober. I never had any addictive traits until it got worse and alcohol became the social norm around me. Still think about drinking everyday would not suggest.


Makes sense


Alcohol makes emotions worse


My friend you couldn’t be more wrong. There are statistics that say most people who commit suicide had moderate to high levels of alcohol in their blood


Idk I’m literally an alcoholic so what do I know 😂


xanax 100000%


Clonazolam haha have fun with that one


*"fun you wont remember"*


I honestly would recommend ket. It can be very euphoric and it’s just such a chill drug. Tolerance can build up quick however. When I used to be really addicted to md taking 0.5+ daily ket really helped me get out that dark time.


im not sure, maybe zoloft?


zoloft fucked me up. im not talking abt psych meds. im on pristiq. i was thinking smth like heroin


Benzos if you don't want to risk overdose. But I don't think you understand what it means to purposefully get addicted to benzos. This will not make it better in the long run, it will make it way worse.


Benzos still have a risk of overdose unless you're getting real pharma ones and know for sure what's in them


Thank you for adding that in the long run benzos will make it way worse. So many people who start taking them have no idea how hard it is to stop. All that anxiety they’d been suppressing comes right back like a fucking freight train, you can barely sleep for weeks, and it’s miserable. The only thing I looked forward to when stopping was that I’d quickly lose about 10 pounds. They always made me retain water, and I was so puffy and fat when I took them. Those first few days off them I’d pee more than I ever had in my life.


tbh idrc about overdosing. if its painless and i just pass out and never wake uo thatll be so amazing


I know this feeling. Been thinking about suicide via drugs for some time now. I don't think I'll ever do it, but the idea's been floating in the back of my mind for some time. Life really has a unique way of sucking for everyone. On that note, try to find something to live for. We all have out purpose. Finding it is never easy, but it gets easier when you have a heading. What do you like doing outside of doing drugs and school/whatever? Pondering that question gave me the spark, so maybe it will help you? I myself found out I really like psychology, food and coffee, so now I'm slowly moving towards opening my own bakery/cafe. Psychology fits here in some obscure way that I don't feel like explaining, but it makes sense. The whole seems to be against me, but I know this thing is the one, so I don't let it get to me. You too can find your way, so please don't die.




I actually prefer oxy’s to H. Absolutely gorgeous high and *much* ‘cleaner’ feeling on the body.


Agree with this


you talkn abt numbing emotions? heroins not gonna do that dawg you're gonna feel heavenly and then even worse than before when it wears off. SSRIs n shit are basically the closest to "numbing emotions," maybe some mid bud


Pristiq is a fuckin trash


pristiq is the only thing that has worked well for me


Fair Lexapro got me more


Curious to elaborate? as I am on week 2 of Lexapro.


I got pretty bad emotional blunting on Lexapro but I took 20mg so not a small amount


Total opposite for me. Been on 20 for over 2 years now and I’m in a pretty healthy state of mind. Been a game changer


I've been on 10mg Lexapro (cipralex in my country) and when the effects start to take in after the two weeks of waiting it was one of the few cleaner antidepressants, I felt normal, more happy and lucid. It doesn't lasted for long in my experience unfortunately, but it's a very good antidepressant compare to others that numb you. I'm speaking of years ago now unfortunately I tried a lot of antidepressants also NDRI like Wellbutrin and worked only for a month than faded away. But I discovered to be positive to ADHD so I need different medications. But, for those who aren't ADHDers and are anxious through the roof/OCD or depressed this drug can work wonders, even prescribed at low dosage like me. At 20mg you're have to be fine. Happy that for you was a game changer, felt relief from all the problems and find the right med is an amazing thing. I hope you the best.


Yeah I actually didn’t start taking it for depression, I started on it mainly for OCD and anxiety. I’ve noticed less suicidal thoughts though(actually none at all) which has been interesting. I used to have fleeting suicidal thoughts for basically all my life. My OCD is 99% gone and my anxiety had probably been reduced in half. Depression/anxiety are common comorbidities with ADHD, so that makes sense escitalopram didn’t really help you.


Yep unfortunately I was misdiagnosed when I was children anxiety disorder than in early 20s major depressive disorder and now at 33 they finally found what's wrong with me. Even substance abuse disorder is linked to ADHD, a lot of disorder are linked to that and can be mistakenly thought for something else but in reality it's ADHD. I'm glad Lexapro help you so much, suffering from anxiety when it's really bad can be exhausting and struggling. I had an anxiety that almost paralyzing me, I feel like frozen it's difficult to explain. Get rid of it can help open a new chapter in your life.


Xanax, Dissoc and ashwaganda


i feel like ashwaganda is a placebo, never felt different while taking it daily


U gotta take it for like 2 months before u get any effects, and even then it’s subtle as fuck


Same. Not a thing from it for me


NAC + Ashwaganda + Magnesium + L-Theaine with Buspar combination for me has actually been treating my anxiety and panic disorder very well, it’s about as effective as benzodiazepines or antidepressants especially in the emotional numbing aspect as someone w heightened processing sensitivity from ADHD


Where do you get them from? Just pharmacies?


Ashwaganda is a scam


It's an half scan IMO. It can lower cortisol levels which accumulate when stressed, but for severe condition or high anxiety levels of course it's not comparable to the effects of the anxiolitics on the market. It's simply a compound that lower cortisol levels as said before, but help to a certain degree. Also I read the experience of users that is best used not everyday for too long or start lowering it's effects. Like taking 2-3 times a week a sometimes take a break from it by few weeks. But in the end I dunno, it's very hyped but I don't say that doesn't work at all but it works very milder, I comprare It to valerian root. Also depends very on which brand you take.


Sure but have you seen any scientific study that proves it?


No I said it's all based on personal experience of users, some react in a way other in another. Everyone is different, and personal experience doesn't count anything scientifically speaking, so I'm thinking about the efficacy of ashwaganda a bit like you. I use it and sometimes I fall asleep or at least I felt less anxious and I'm a person who pop pill like candy, I use Xanax if anxious over a certain degree, I took Seroquel for sleep at night, methadone to well... It's just my therapy. All I'm saying is that I'm not prone to any placebo effect, even tyrosine some day doesn't work as It should cause I expect maybe more than a subtle dopamine increase with time instead of a rush of energy. Also I saw couple YouTube videos where they debunking supplements and when talking about ashwaganda ksm66 I hear it more than one that lower cortisol, just that. Also reading here on Reddit the experience more than one person state that. I'm not trying to prove scientifically the efficacy of ashwaganda in fact I said that it's more the hype and also the placebo part can do a lot. But I'm 90% sure that if we search online this cortisol thing is very probably that is true. Other than that it's all placebo/advertising/hyping


Ashwaganda works if your panic attacks/disorder comes from the issue of cortisol + inflammation which some people have. As in, Ashwaganda will work most noticeable if you have an overactive nervous system/aderal glands typically from a high intensity household or environment with lots of pressure pushing out high cortisol. It’s worked wonders for me as someone with that from stimulants + bad household environment as someone who went from feeling my chest and anxious every morning to being able to handle weed and tasks without anxiety anymore https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6750292/ for mechanisms and its effects on cortisol


Ngl I’ve been on adderall and vyvanse for 10 years for adhd and it definitely blocks my emotional side. At least until it wears off


yeah when i was on stims they turned me into a fucking robot and i hated it


Kratom is pretty good at that




xanax man, you won’t give a fuckkkkk. benzos in general, bromazolam


Dog this is not the way. I'm not here to tell you what to do. as a fellow person I'm pleading with you to not go this route.


There has been a lot of positive results with various psychedelic drug therapies. Psylosibin and MDMA specifically, but that's not to say just dosing yourself and sitting at home will have any benefits, more likely the opposite will be the result. The drugs go hand in hand with professional guidance where you walk through your issues and then rebuild your old behaviors with more positive outlooks. The effects can be profound. I changed certain toxic mindsets in a transformative peyote ceremony and am grateful. But the "medicine" only does so much, it gets you out of the rut but moving forward the work is up to you. Ketamine helped me with crippling depression as well. Still, there was work to continue afterwards.  There is no magic pill, unfortunately. But some drugs, combined with informed therapy can produce wonderful life changing results


i know this is not what you want to hear but please try and get help, using drugs is very likely to make it worse.


them yerk 30s


just saying, using drugs to get over your problems will make things 100% worse later on. everyone wants to not have any problems in life , unfortunately the universe just loves to kick some of us in the balls. best advice i can give is keep kicking, using drugs to cope with pain, is basically like putting a bandaid on a bleeding major artery. i wish you the best. oh and- weed can definitely give you depersonalization if smoked long enough. which fucks with emotions and can make you feel unimaginably depressed and anxious. so honestly, maybe cut yourself a break with the pot. im on concerta and ritalin for ADHD, and gabapentin for POTS and the nerve pain I get from flare ups . but dont get me wrong, i dont abuse them, they've done absolute wonders for me and my mental health. im in a much better place mentally than i have been for the past probably 5 years. it's not just up to the drugs though man, if you allow yourself to SIT in your depression, it will get worse. get up and do something with yourself. work out, volunteer at a place who helps people who are homeless or in need of food . i have always found that helping other people helps me . it's not a cure but it can definitely help.


Seroquel, respirdone have long term effects for me, like all day. These I use as needed because they make me feel drugged, hazy, like a numb autopilot. 


Never try heroin/opiates due to the highest addictedion rate for first time users. Addiction is lifetime battle vs death. PCP/hallucinating chemicals/or natural is safe under certain conditions or the proper atmosphere. I've done numerous hallucinate variations including x. Addictive Drugs are just a bad choice. Zero tolerance.


My friend I have experience in this area, Benzos, opioids and muscle relaxants like carisoprodol, barbiturates and easy to get drugs like gabapentin,pregabalin and Kratom. Alcohol!!


The gym get gains start improving squat 240 keep going drugs are only going to tear you down further not heal you  You got this brotherđŸ’Ș


lol, let it be known that this is a dark path, particularly for us autistics. This type of functional reliance (psychological self regulation in the face of a seemingly immutable and incongruent environment is part of functioning) is a fast-track to addiction, and tolerance will erode the drug's functional utility. But dissociatives or opioids, in different ways...




fyck that i wanna feel better now


Kratom and Xanax


That depends on how you want to feel when numbed


DMT/5MeO, or ketamine


what makes me feel happy? probably my vyvanse script and dexedrine


Trying mdma therapy instead. Instead of trying to numb, let yourself feel in the best way possible.


thats so wild bc thats what my dad has been urging me to do and what im talking to my mental health team abt


Yea it really changed my life and helped me get past a lot of my deep issues. It's an incredible substance. Have you done it before?


no. i am super fucking wary abt psychdelics so i wanna make sure this is smth that wont fuck me up


Keep in mind that "MDMA therapy" doesn't just mean rolling. It means taking a controlled light dose of MDMA with a therapist and letting the MDMA allow you to open up more. Just rolling won't help at all. But MDMA isn't really a psychedelic. It can have very minor psychedelic effects in *some* people, but you can't really have a "bad trip" on Molly.


Almost impossible to have a bad trip on mdma. You will feel better than you ever thought possible.


My friend I have experience in this area, Benzos, opioids and muscle relaxants like carisoprodol, barbiturates and easy to get drugs like gabapentin,pregabalin and Kratom. Alcohol!!


Weed it helped me when suicidal


Never mind


DXM releases serotonin and 1st plat doses always boost my mood. Just be sure not to take any if you're on any antidepressants or anything




Valium , Xanax Myrzaten ! All the big hits


Codine fosho


I would say alc, xan, and ketamine. The only thing about alcohol is it can trigger some people to get more sad for some reason, never really happend to me. ketamine is fosho the safest option


Benzos/Anti psychotics might help. They make you feel neutral.


SSRI drugs especially Sertraline (Zoloft)




Don't do any of these besides Kratom or weed


.25 xanax with a bit of lyrica, and a couple hits off a vape pen... not a care in the world! content in humble comforting ignorence and happy as a little clam... i was chillin in a friends basement and a tornado was rippin shit up half a block away. i did hear pouring rain and making a coment about there being an electric monsoon... i love making memoreez... good luck to you and love is the law...


You don’t want to be numb. Cherish your capacity to feel both extremes of the emotional spectrum while still aiming for a desired state. Might be an insulting thing to hear if things are really shit for you atm. But the drugs which numb you are the ones that chip away at you and just decimate your ability to resolve the issues you’re facing. You mentioned that you have a lot of hobbies, just commit to those and ‘numb’ yourself using a state of focus rather than a substance.


SSRIs. But this has nothing to do with happiness. It is impossible to be happy without emotions


I know people are going to say, and already has said opiods. But please fucking do not go down that road. If anything use ketamine.


I’ve tried ketamine therapy and I’m not sure if I didn’t do it right or give it a chance but it didn’t work for me. I wanted it to so bad. Thinking about going back for the “every now and then” appointments




Opioids & K pin


Heroin.But better not even trying it.Like never.


none. don’t use any substances to numb your emotions. be an adult and deal with them properly. all you’re doing is making yourself more depressed in the long run. plus you risk dependency and addiction.


Saying “be an adult” is extremely condescending. There are “adults” who use drugs due to severe trauma and this doesn’t make them any less “adult”.


Btw, I found dissos to be very antidepressant, do a high dose and lay down in a dark room put a eye mask ok and listen to some music. Basically Ketamine therapy but with your own k. I recommend using a different disso though, one that doesn't only last half an hour. Like opce or something weaker, maybe dck or oral 2fdck which is pretty much like Ketamine but has decent oral bioavailability.


yeah. my dad has been talking to me abt mdma therapy and such so im talking to my mental health team abt it


You wont feel happy on any of these antidepressants medications, they don’t work that way.  They will damper all emotions so you dont feel anything at all, think of it as you will be like a robot or synth, incapable of having human emotions, thoughts and feelings.  Your functioning will just be what you gotta do. , you wont experience the every day feelings so feeling love, warmth of a person will just be meh
 won’t mean anything to you.  Going to a wedding, funeral, will just feel the same as “I put washing on the line” people on these drugs. Are unable to interact  their  own hobbies, interests and their personality or identity, this zombified. You will feel sleepy, sloppy brain half working half alive.






Alcohol gang, RISE UP!!!!


DPH in my opinion. It just makes me feel so numb and overall indifferent to the world. Or I wanna jack off but that's not what we're talking Abt