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I don't regret it cuz it made me who I am but the physical effects because of the over abuse is what concerns me. But hell yeah no regrets!


Which physical effects? And what did u used?


Lot of stomach issues thats all. I have IBS and it increased it


Yeah my stomach is fucked up too i feel like 60 years old sometimes


Same bro same


Forgot to mention the UTI and bladder issues, my bladder feels like a pregnant lady, lol


fellow opiate enjoyer ?


Not really bro, benzos and coke is my vice


interesting, some of the physical effects are very similar to that of long term opioid use 


Very true and hoping to go clean from today!


how do benzos feel ?


Like cocaine but with a relaxing effect


oh that sounds nice then, i have a xanax prescription on the way and i just want to know from someone else's perspective on how it feels


That's the thing I regret the most, I'm convinced that If I never smoked weed during my adolescence, I wouldnt have all these weird symptoms that ruined my life for good. I will never be able to enjoy my life anymore because of this so yes, I deeply regret it and I'll tell to every teen who abuse weed, alcohol or any type of drug : the risks are real and the high is really not worth it. Wait to be an adult to alter your mind or you risk to break it forever.


Smoking weed during my teens 14-17 were probably the best years of my life, I am pretty fucked up also tho, I think that’s due to mdma, acid and ssris and other stuff that happened tho that ruined weed for me. Can smoke again normally now but still makes me a bit para in social situations


How long did it take you to get diagnosed with all these things I’m still young ash but I’m lowkey already showing hella signs of some this shit n ik I won’t quit but I gotta know how soon all this shit will affect me


I tried going to the doctors a few times but they were useless and would only suggest ssris and therapy, two things I do not want. (Tried both, not for me) Pretty sure they just thought I was a drug addict tho. So yeah pretty much not diagnosed, I just suffer in silence. Well one diagnosed me with anxiety which I defo have, but it’s not why I’m like this. Pretty sure I have a severe dopemine deficiency




I can't know for sure what was caused by what but its been 8 years I have : DPDR, visual problems (visual snow, photophobia, diplopia, convergence insufficiency,...), dizziness, fatigue, tmj, cervicalgia, anxiety, anhedonia, insomnia, chronic fatigue, lightheadness...


They are exactly the symptoms I have, do you almost feel autistic around people as well nowadays? I just can’t see to click with people in social situations anymore


One of my psys is convinced I am autistic tbh, and he says that some of my symptoms are caused by this, by the fact that I am hyperfocusing and overanalyzing reality. I have few friends and have a hard time talking to new people, I feel a bit alien around people.


Yeah same, I’ve always been “shy” so to say, but it never affected me until early adulthood. Idk if I fried my brain or not but pretty sure I have adhd. Have they suggested or given you any meds that helped?


They gave me a ton of meds, nothing helped. I got ADHD meds, SSRIs and antipsychotics. I don't know if any med can help with this but I heard that lamotrigine is used on people with visual snow.


Oh that’s sucks sorry to heat, I want to try adhd meds and/or antipsychotics, but I really can’t be bothered to go through all the back and forth, plus without going to therapy they seem to get all funny about it. Have you tried benzos at any point like diazepam for example? If so did they provide anything relief?


Im doing benzos these days, they help me to sleep and relief a little the anxiety. I'm doing pyrazolam, bromazepam and flubromazepam from my rc shop. I'm trying to not do it too often tho to avoid tolerance and addiction. I think you can easily get adhd meds depending of where you're from. If you want to just try it before, maybe you could buy 4F-MPH which is related to methylphenidate like Ritalin, the ADHD med I took. As for antipsychotics, you should really beware with those because these are really really bad for your brain and your health. They can ruin you forever sometimes. I would only take those if you have schizophrenia or psychosis. I refuse them everytime now because these are really harmful substances tbh. It can help people with really serious psychosis but I wouldnt consider it for depression or DPDR because it could really aggravate it. If you need more infos about benzos or anything you can ask me in dm also, i'll be glad to help


Yeah I’ve been taking Valium for a few weeks and it definitely reduces anxiety which is nice, but I was expecting it to drastically reduce it a lot more than it does. Surprising really good for muscles aches too. And I did order a few sample pills online of I think adderall but may have been Ritalin, took them all at once impulsively tho and ended up sped out a bit haha. Need to try an actual therapeutic dose. I do get pretty paranoid sometimes so if the benzos don’t solve this I think a low dose antipsychotic may be the way to go. I didn’t know it could worsen dp/dr tho that’s interesting, would have thought it would help that. I am worried about it making anhedonia worse tho, as that’s supposedly a big thing with them. Also do you take all of them at once or do you shift through the benzos? Appreciate it, I would say you too but seems anything I could help you with, you’ve already trialed haha. Still dms open


What drugs do you do if u don’t mind me asking? Surely wasn’t entirely cannabis. How did it ruin the rest of ur life


Only weed and alcohol, weed from my 15 to my 18. Alcohol from 15 to 21. I'm a sensitive person, of course not everyone will have the same symptoms as I have but still.


It was better to bend out young and learn about recovery and all the knowledge from groups and therapy over the years of being in detox, rehab, and long term residential programs between 16-18 im 20 now turning 21 in 4 months and I smoke drink and do kratom but I’ve learnt a lot and learnt to moderate my use I think it is also good because your body can recover better the earlier you get sober, my parents both have bad sickness from there usage over the years .


Agree exactly learn the lesson young when u can fuck up and rebuild


Yeah but when you're older you have way more impulse control. I got into drugs at 35 and never fell into any addiction traps. Just practiced harm reduction right away.


Totally a way to go, lucky I’m sober as I can be just smoking sees but I know no matter the he I found opiates or pills at I’m way to addictive in my personality for it at any age. Idk if that makes sense but yeah I agree with you 100%


Exactly how I looked at. Went through many addictions and even conquered meth addiction by age 25


Yeah I wish I hadn't habituated drug and alcohol use into my life at such a young age, or got addicted to nicotine. Maybe there was no harm to doing it once or twice but using it regularly / daily was regrettable


I'd like to see if my life turned out differently if I didn't go down this path


Yes because getting into addiction and stealing money from my family in order to fuel it fills me with great shame. Not the mention the psychological effects it has had on my mental health.


yes and no, it’s tricky. I would like to keep the experience I have with substances, all the good and bad memories, the happy and sad ones but on the other hand I’m damaged n I’m young, my body feels like what I’d assume an 80 year old man feels but I’m only 20. I started doing substances at 11-12, my first year of comprehensive school(UK) and I was already experimenting with a countless number of substances. By 13 years old I was a whole mess, I’d like to change that but keep my experience and memories if you know what I mean.


sorry for the question but where tf did you find the money


A relationship with an addict who funded my habit for years, stealing, selling things, then I started selling drugs to fund more drugs to then sell half and take half until I finally decide to take it all. After a while I got my own money legally but even then people would buy me stuff constantly, I always had the option to pick a substance money or not.


rubava a suo fratello i soldi


ah ecco, grazie


I regret not having any after care and not knowing my limits. Not sleeping or eating for 4+ days and then sleeping and binge eating trash for a week with no excersie. All because I wasn't aware that I'll never be as high as the first hit.


I didn't even smoke weed until I was 27, and I'm very grateful for that. I've never been an addict, and I believe knowing oneself helped me maintain healthier boundaries with substances.


I started drinking very young. At my family party's my grandpa always gave me Beer starting at age 6 or 7. He also bought me my own beer Glas (in my country that's a thing..). So at every family gathering I sat there with my beer. Also everytime my dad drank beer I used to drink from it without it bothering him really. Everyone except my mom thought it's funny and that these few sips aren't bad. With 14 I started drinking heavily with my friends every weekend. With 15 we started smoking weed daily before school. Never stopped smoking since then. With 17 I tried my first opioid. Two years later my dad died and I started doing opioids and benzos daily for the next 7 years. I am on subs now since 3 years and doing pretty good. I think I never will be really clean. I am so used to this lifestyle that I probably never will get out and I also don't really want to. I always wanted to live like this since I am a kid. But at some point you get so exhausted from it that I had to change or otherwise I would have been dead already. If I am for real I never thought that I would reach the golden 27 but it's only one more month until my birthday. I often can't believe that I am still alive. But I don't regret it and I wouldn't change one day of my life cause for the first time I like who I am and that's the only thing that matters. Also I think it's good I started that young so I still have the opportunity to change. Most addicts I know reach that point in their 30s or 40s. I am still in my 20s and because of that I got much more time left to change. On the other hand it sure destroyed some parts of my brain cause starting that young isn't good at all for your brain.


I wouldn’t have regretted it but my mdma abused fucked me up for a good long while. I think it’s done some damage permanently. So yes I regret it.


Yeah same, didn’t realise you weren’t supposed to do it regularly when I was younger and would fairly often do it 2-3 nights in a row, or at least multiple times a month. Also took a pill while I was taking high strength 5-htp, not knowing how fucking stupid that was


How long ago was it for u since you’ve stopped using now? And did u ever get better?


Haven’t done any for maybe 5 years, and no unfortunately (I wasn’t addicted or anything, just did it more than I should’ve), went on ssris a couple years ago which made me feel better for a couple months and then ended up going a bit manic and paranoid. Edit: And by not better I mean I still have all the symptoms etc, I am definitely a more functioning person than I was. I’ve been taking NAC, magnesium glycinate and b12 for the last 4ish months and they’ve definitely helped


Absolutely. My biggest regret. I spent much of my teenage years hanging out with adults, doing drugs, and not living my best life as a teenager should be. I grew up too early and saw things that most people never see in their lives. However; now that I’m well into adulthood… I am sober and have no desire to drink or use drugs (except for daily marijuana use) and for that I am thankful.


Being 21 and going to a methadone clinic definitely makes me regret starting pills Xanax helps when used for anxiety but I started getting opana, Roxy's all mgs and ofc Dilly's sucked tho opana and Roxy's got me I didn't get dependent on the opana but definitely addicted but paid 1$ a mg for opana aka oxymorphone thee best opiate to be available and I was able to sell these 20mgs pandas could sniff and prolly shoot but with nasal having 90% bioavailability no need best nods and good to mix with oxycodone but more sedation forsur


Why not? Life's pointless may aswell have fun




Touched majority of drugs and don't regret it. Only drug I regret doing is nicotene because now I'm addicted. Still don't mind the habit though. I always have to do something with my hands anyway lol


in the end i wouldnt be who i am today without them, and i learned a lot from them. not directly but also situations where drugs were involved. on a human base, how humans work etc. but for my health and mostly my serotonin receptors, i wish i started later (at least with mdma).


I mean i kinda regret it since now it took me like 7 years to find meds that properly work since i fried my receptors but otherwise im fine. Life is pretty dandy physically.


I wish I just started later in life but at the same time i’m glad I ended up fucking up earlier in life I ended up using meth at 14 clean now sorta I just do coke once a month or so


I have done most of everything in my prime, from marathon sesh, to tens of festivals all the way to spiritual enlightenment trips. Do I regret anything? Absolutely fucking not


yes. psychedelic abuse around 16-17 has fogged up my life for a good while.


I try not to live with regrets. If I was asked if I could do It all again, would I start doing drugs at 13? The answer is I would not do drugs at all if I could do it all again. I highly doubt that if you could look at the life of any drug user that you will find one where their life is better than it would be because of drugs. I should point out that I do not consider lsd, dmt, psilocybin, and thc a drug.


Only because of the tolerance it gave me.


i started smoking cigs at age 8 and was smoking everyday at 12, weed at 12, liq at 14 and 15 is when i say i started being in active addiction


No. I’m glad I waited until my twenties to try the more mind blowing stuff like psychedelics and dissociatives. I’m kind of glad I didn’t realize how easily I could have accessed pharmaceuticals like opioids, benzos, and amphetamines through friends and family back then (although I wish I had started a collection to use later). I’m glad I didn’t become a daily user of anything until my twenties. I honestly don’t regret drinking and smoking as a teenager though. I wish I had done less at times (especially with alcohol), but experimenting with weed, tobacco, and alcohol with my friends was mostly a positive experience.


Defently wish I would've waited longer, but overall I don't really regret it since my usage has gone down to weed + alc many once every or every other week and some other stuff here and there. (Was using PCP, weed, amphetamine and alcohol daily for a while that's what I regret AF but I sorta recovered from it and I now don't really want to take lots of “hard” drugs anymore)


I started at 13 and it distracted me from committing suicide until I was old enough to seek psychiatric help to process the trauma I experienced from childhood to present


I just smoked weed and not a lot. I don’t like weed now and never was addicted (weekends only). I’m glad I did it younger because it made me dislike it a lot. Can’t say the same for others tho


In a way yes and no. No...because it wasn't my fault 12yo me had access to a cabinet full of pills. Yes...because now i cant function without doing drugs atleast once a week. It can be anything though.


i don’t regret any. never experienced addiction from drugs, just alcohol. however i will say uppers do intensely increase my anxiety so i tend to stay away from them now.


Yes. Every day. Even weed. We weren't educated on drugs pre opioid epidemic and high speed Internet but we're all on our own journey and I've learned and grown. Don't take opioids or benzos and recognize recreation vs dependence. Don't drink or smoke weed until you're at least 21. Frontal cortex grows and develops into the mid twenties.


Yup. I've used drugs when i was way too young. Alcohol probably at 9-10, started smoking at about 10-11, started smoking weed in the 6th grade, in the 8-9th grade speed, xtc, shrooms etc.. i was burned out by the time i was 18. i left school when i was 15-16 and had no interest in an education, i would do whatever job/programm (there were government funded job training programs) only to finance my drug use, and didn't excell in none of it whatsoever


Alc definitely fucked my life over. I was in a tough spot but I still continued to use it even though I was focused on sports. I don’t give a shit about sports now because I just wanna get high or drunk. But I think drugs shape people into who they really are.


Yes. I regret not getting an education and a career before I started using.


am 26 yrs rn! Started with more ndifferent substances maybe 2 years ago. And in my case im rly glad i did start ao late. I rly hate not a good time between 18-22. Drugs definitely wouldnt have helped at all. And drug use before 18 would have turned me into a degenerate. Im pretty sure of that. I think i wasnt reflected at all and i was not able to deal with any problems at all when i was 13-17. I just played video games all day. Thank god that i didnt do drugs at that time loll


i got hppd at 14 and can’t smoke weed or see very wel because of it


Currently someone who uses drugs young. I have my regrets. But majority I don’t


i regret some cocaine use but other than that no!


Depends on the drug


For me it was alcohol, weed, and shrooms. Don't regret anything. But then again, I was lucky that I was never introduced to anything harder until later in life when I was older and wise enough to know not to. It could have lived a much different life otherwise.


i only wish i waited cus i got cocky and wound myself in a rehab, now when anything little happens in my life everyone thinks im gonna go do drugs, also cant mention drugs to anyone cus they get defensive and wanna fight me on how its a bad idea ... little do they know 🙄


Yeah. Smoking a ton of weed as a teenager definitely did a number on my ambition. I don't really regret doing drugs, but I sometimes wish id waited till I was older.


Not yet atleast lol


i regret not doing them earlier


I don’t really regret anything I started using pretty early at 12 because of who I associate myself with but I’ve always been in control and responsible. Never experienced anything unpleasant or dangerous because of drugs, outside of getting caught using by my brother and I’m turning 19 soon. I do realise I’m the odd one out tho


I think weed and alcohol use as a young teen hampered my intelligence developing and also distracted me from beneficial things like study


Yup for sure. Made me so much less functional than I could have been. Cost me my first love too, and my relationship with my dad (more so because he was the one supplying and enabling me throughout my youth)


Not to mention all the damage smh


Yep, i wish i knew what tolerance with gaba dugs is


No, because doctors don’t take me fucking seriously so this is all that helped








Meh we live and we learn.


Yes I started doing drugs at 12 dexamphetine valium vyvanse dxm did oxys at 13 currently 17 addicted to 500 mg oxys daily life is horrible I'm only happy when high sad days ay 😭


I don’t regret it because I met a lot of my closest friends through using drugs. From ages 14-17, I was consistently doing drugs with friends most of the week. Before school, during school, after school, etc. It was a very fun time, and I made so many core memories (and also blacked out a lot of them too). But as a result of abusing various drugs for the past decade at this point, my body definitely feels it. Sometimes I feel like my body is physically older than it should be, if that makes sense. More or less lots of stomach issues, and other dumb things…


Nope, not at all


Hello. Joshua here. I tried weed when I was a teen & hated that shit so I never tried any other drug. Fast forward 20 something years later (41 now) & I’ve tried ketamine coke shrooms mdma & Molly (I know u will say Molly & mdma is the same but I had totally different experiences on the 2) maybe a yr or 2 ago. I do wish I would have experienced shrooms or mdma when I was weee pup. Those 2 drugs changed my life in the pass couple yrs.(shrooms) My out look on society the way I failed in my marriage how I’m a amazing father but have areas I could get batter in. (MDMA) The empathy the intimacy the willingness to communicate the love this drug provokes… 😩 it’s amazing I wish I would have got my hands on this stuff (shrooms&mdma) when I was in 20 or late teens. Coke ketamine & Molly are great party drugs but mdma & shrooms are great life drugs.