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I did a month sober back in 2022 and I had CRAZY cravings. I wanted everything that was salty and sugary and gave me a dopamine rush. I think it’s because our bodies get used to the high dopamine rush from alcohol so we get it from food. Not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure this is normal.


Yup! Eating more. Not worrying about it. Just focusing on not drinking and trying to exercise when my body wants it :)




The body is craving carbs it used to get via alcohol. Be mindful of substituting one bad habit for another (in my case, ice cream 🍨)


Same! My weaknesses during DJ are always ice cream & late night popcorn 😬 however, even with my extra snacking/treats, I usually still loose weight during & after DJ bc it resets my drinking = I don’t go right back to drinking daily or even weekly so the weight continues to come off 🤞🏼 hopefully that’ll still be the case this year! I feel much older this year 😂


I'm eating tons more. But I suspect still saving calories


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You sound like me. I try to stay within a specific caloric range and was finding myself skimping hardcore on meals to compensate for booze. I don't think it's the end of the world if you are just passing on the bread basket at a restaurant, but I was finding myself avoiding lunch or any carbs altogether. Part of my reasoning for doing DJ is to get back into balance of what a healthy diet looks like. It's been awesome to not worry about pasta or an afternoon snack!


Yeah it’s common as you’re body is used to however many extra calories a day you were getting from booze. I’ve done a few dry months so I stock up on some extra fruit, carrots and hummus and other healthy snacks to munch on the first week or two. After that my appetite has usually normalized. Maybe eating a bit more than before, but healthy and usually keep losing weight.


I’m eating more at dinner but now I’m not doing the buzzed late night snacking so overall I think I’m eating less. Plus the things I eat at dinner tend to be much healthier than the junk food I was eating at 1 in the morning.


yes. I'm definitely eating more to compensate.


Yes. Happened before. Partly I feel I’ve earned a treat. Bad mindset I know.


I feel less hungry


I have more of a sweet tooth when I'm not having a cocktail or beer, and I drink more mineral water too!


yes, craving the full feeling, but using a lot of hot sauce to discourage myself from going overboard.


Yeah, definitely. When I've done this in the past, the first few days and in particular dinners were always bigger. It seems to go away for me.


Sweets are my big craving, it’s a replacement for the sugar I get from alcohol


Eating less, actually. Alcohol gives me the munchies (drunchies) so I tend to overeat after having a few drinks. The extra food on top of the calories in the beer or wine itself makes losing weight very difficult. One of my main motivations for doing DJ is to help me shed some of the weight I put on through the holidays. Last year I dropped 10 pounds during January. Going for a repeat this time around.


I just finished a 36 hour fast and lost a pound! ✨


So no then..


Nice! I’m using DJ to get back into intermittent fasting.


Oh yes definitely especially in the evening which is when I’d always have my wine or cocktail.


I’m a more of a bottomless pit now. Fridge is being emptied into my gut lol, started exercising tho.


Sugars! And yes eating more lol


I was over eating in December whilst drinking alcohol, I'm still overeating but at least the alcohol has stopped. So in theory I'm still saving (some) calories. I've stocked up on some calorie controlled meals but still finding I'm reaching for the ice cream and chocolate regardless. At least the treats ain't going to give me a hangover lol.


Yeah it definitely happens. Your body and mind crave the dopamine satisfaction so you have to get it elsewhere. I starting feeling better/lower craving at about day 26. Days 19/20 are the hardest to stick beyond. I've just done 370 days straight no drinking though and it definitely gets to a point where you don't think about it. I did however replace drinking with eating sugar and junk food but I'd did help me off alcohol. Whatever it takes to stop I suppose.


I read where eating more protein is helps— with which part I don’t know. Maybe it’s part of the protein craze.


I'm currently devouring the last walls of a gingerbread house and thinking "damn, I could use a wine" 🤣


I just commented to my husband that I’m super hungry. I was really craving junk food for dinner(like a fast food burger or something) but it’s pouring rain and I have food, so I didn’t. I ate a slightly larger than average dinner, but 40 min later I am hungry again. This is my 5th DJ so I know how it goes. Already planning what I’m going to bake this weekend (pumpkin bread I think).


yeah. i stopped doing low carb bc i'm trying to prioritize the habit of not drinking. so i'm just getting fat AF.


I am but I know I’m not hungry. If I start wanting wine I eat something sweet. I’m trying to control the cravings by doing keto. I have been making keto desert to satisfy the sweet tooth. So far so good and my face is already slimmer.