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Go to one of the pubs in Temple Bar. You will 100% find lots of people to have a drink, a singalong and dance and the chats with. It's obviously more expensive, but I think today you shouldn't care about that. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from your ex!! Hope karma finds her soon!


Thank you! Silly question but I've never really gone out alone... always with friends. Would you just go up to groups and say hi, or wait alone for others to approach? And thanks again, yeah, she's left me with way too many tears :(


OK, walk around Temple Bar. Find a pub where you like the music, go in, get a drink, go to the stage where the music is, don't sit down, and then just enjoy your time. Smile at people and make eye contact, and just start talking. Ask them where they're from, what their plans are, how long they've been in Dublin. And if you feel like it, tell them your story... You might even get a drink out of it... I know it seems a bit daunting, but Temple Bar is the perfect spot to practice. You've got this!! Let us know how you got on!


Okay thank you so much, here goes nothing I'm gonna do it yippiiiiii!!!


there's like 50,000 swifties and all sorts of other people here this weekend, just sit somewhere and have a beer and you may get chatting to someone


Haha, totally forgot about all the Swifties... It's going to be packed


Please let us know how it went when you recover from your hangover!


How did you get on? How's the head?


Dying to know!


How'd it go so?


How did you get on? I hope you were able to turn your trip around!


Not sure where your from, I’m American and have never had a better night out then in Ireland, the ppl are super friendly! Yes go up talk to ppl, my experience was soon as they heard my accent and I was a yank they loved me! Hahahha. Be yourself have fun!


Hvordan gikk det i går kveld? 


Join meetup, there might be something on tonight! Don't worry if they don't seem like your age group, it will be fine.




Smoking areas of pubs are the most social places on the planet.


If you can approach people, go for it. Temple bar is full of tourists so generally really friendly and in good form. I hope you have a great night, you deserve it 😊


Thank you 🥺🥰❤


Yeah, usually hostels are good places for doing that and then finding a group to great out with. Never stayed in a hostel in Dublin though


Mmmm I hoped so but little luck this time usually hostels are the best. Think I'll just confront my fears and head to temple bar hmmm


Good luck! Hope you’re enjoying yourself!


I do this all the time. Best places for me are the pawn shop and whelans


Going out alone is the most liberating thing you will ever do! I say this as a female, age 42. You'd be amazed at how many more people you can meet when you aren't oblivious to your surroundings due to being distracted by companions! Try a hotel day wherever you live at a nice hotel...my favorite thing in the world is to lay by a hotel pool all day for a fraction of the cost of a one night stay just to go home once I'm sunburned and sufficiently over it. Much cheaper than most vacations, but still is a nice change of pace!


Okay here's the update!!! So I ended up heading to a place with live music around temple bar. And yeah it was expensive, but it actually went pretty well :) I met a bunch of Americans who insisted I find another girl for the night, but I was happy enough with the music. I think most people were foreigners there, so next time I'll follow your tips and head somewhere else. Ended up leaving early cause I haven't eaten so well since the nonsense and was totally depleted, but either way had a lovely time! I'm leaving Dublin right now with lots of love for the city and the Irish people. A bunch of people asked about the relationship... Without going into too many details, I don't think I caused this. We spoke the night before, and the morning of my flight she messaged me saying safe travels, and then 5 minutes later she messaged to not get on the flight. Being confused, and her ignoring my calls and replies before boarding, I went anyway, but nothing that happened before this led to me seeing this coming. I cared so deeply for her, and am devastated that despite my love and our bond she still did this. Still no answer from her too. Worse, she bought my ticket back home, but as we have no contact I had to buy a new flight. And, all I could find was a way overpriced ticket from Cork :( So I'm on a bus to Cork now before leaving in a couple days! But thanks to you guys I know I can head out alone there and have a great time :)))) But overall thank you for all the support, kindness and help. I learned a new skill of going out alone too and wish you all so much warmth and happiness. Ireland holds a special place in my heart and I already can't wait to be back!!!


You Sir, are definitely a keeper, regardless of what happens with your relationship. You have this American Swiftie's official endorsement. Thank you for infusing a little humanity back into this internet wasteland. Keep us all posted!


Head into a pub and either bring a lighter or bring smokes without a lighter to engage in conversation with people


Buying smokes just to have a conversation?


My entire 20's. Smirting in clubs.


>Smirting *yoink*


Ok definitely adding that word to my vocabulary


Go down to Temple Bar tell people your story in the pubs and you’ll have an audience. Maybe even some women to help you through the pain. If that doesn’t work go up to Camden Street a bit later. Flying solo is fine in the circumstances. I’ve done it often.


Thank you! Gonna try my luck then. When you've gone out alone do you go up to other groups and just say hi? Or any other tip lol aha thanks ;))


Yeah no particular skill to it, just literally start with like hey where are you guys from? Ask a few questions about that and then say we’ll wait till I tell you what happened me today.. Probably better approaching smaller groups, especially groups of 3-4 girls is the ideal number. Lads too I guess. After a couple of pints it will be like second nature. Don’t overthink it. Some people will be receptive others not. Guarantee if you let your hair down a bit and force yourself to be a bit more talkative than you might ordinarily be then you’ll have a great night. If you don’t have a load of women trying to comfort you by the end of the night - you have failed! (Only kidding). If I was out and about myself, I would have met up with you and done the wingman stuff. I have absolutely zero hang ups starting conversations with randomers


Was this your first time meeting this girl ?


OP you’ll have to give us all an update on how your night went btw


Update above!


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. What an absolute bitch.


Seriously, how disrespectful is that. Spend a year of your life with someone and travel to see them and they do that. I hope karma kicks her in the teeth.


Do you know any of her friends example could you contact them on social media even , is this first time you were due to actual met in person or did your partner just move away ? If you've had a physical relationship I'd be a bit worried tbh if it was soley a long distance thing with never actually being in eachothers company I'd guess shes just a right bitch


What a scummy fucker he or she is. Go out youll find friends


If you're staying in a hostel I expect you're on a budget. Go to Hogan's and on to Flannerys..It won't be cheap but it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than temple bar


Yes to Flannery’s


So like you were like "I'm getting on the plane now xx" and then radio silence? What was the before like.








That happened to me back when I was 20, flew to a small town in Spain to see someone I knew quite well in Dublin. I was ghosted by her too and I was also staying in a hostel. Anyway long story short, I got to know a lot of people in a small local bar and met some of her friends who turned out to be great craic. I actually went back 6 months later on their invite. When my lady friend found out I was hanging out with her mates I’d heard she was unbelievably jealous. I never saw her again, but her mates stayed in touch!


Fuck I'm so sorry, that's so hard I feel that. But good on you for that too!


You need to tell us how your night went!


Update above!!!!


You did well chasinghome22. You’re very brave and resilient. Best of luck with everything. And if no one has told you this today, you are loved and you are worthu. Now go out and do great things. (Stolen from Lewis Howes)


Dude. I would have joined you if I didn’t have like 5 people at my home right now. Sorry about what happened.


Raging for you! I hope you had a good night out though. Good luck, and don't forget to come back and let us know you got home safely!


Ah lad I'd love to but I'm not in the country - get yourself to O'Donoghues on Merion Square, that'll absolutely sort your night and heart.


Great pub, but Merrion Row rather than Square


Dumped, ghosted - and out all that air fare. You’re well shot of her. Still, well done finding room at the hostel as the whole town was booked solid months ago


Sorry to hear man. Go out and tell your sad story to a few Swifties out in town tonight. 


What kinda music do you like? And go to that kinda venue, have a look at gigs listings. Dublin's a great live music city. Capel St has lots of friendly pubs. McNeils is particularly chatty, the cobblestone in Smithfield has lots of tourists so you"ll have an instant bond with a lot of people in there If you're into reading. Get yourself a book, find a quiet bar and read and you'll be surprised with how many people will chat. If you are into walking most tourists love Howth and it's easy to get to by the DART. Most museums are free. Plenty to be done by yourself. Hanging out solo at first feels a bit odd but it's hugely liberating. Think of this as a lil romantic get away with yourself, treat yourself. It's rough getting ghosted but long term you dodged a bullet. So make the most of your trip and make iit about you enjoying yourself!


Head on Bumble! You can use it to find people looking for friends nearby if you use that setting, there’ll definitely be some people looking to hang out :)


man i feel your pain, best of luck


Update us!!?


I did above in a comment!


Ah, if I was anywhere near the city I would have helped you. Sorry to hear about the partner. It’s not an easy situation to be in right now, but you will eventually find the person you deserve and tonight will be a distant memory. Have a good night!


Worst case go to badbobs in temple bar, it's a multi story club bar with many single men and women, you'll have a great time meeting lots of different nationalities and personalities


Awh dude that's balls. I'm gonna be living there with my wife in November, would have totally come out to have a drink and be a soundboard - did the same for my little brother when he broke up with his gf when he was around your age


Buy a vape and chat to the feckers in the smoking gardens. Ask them what’s good to do around Dublin. Smoking gardens have led me into some wild adventures and good mates.


Back in the day, the top floor in Fitzsimons in Temple Bar was amazing for chatting to Brazilians. I’m sure it’s the same now.


They’re always up for a good craic night.


No one has mentioned Harcourt Street, especially Copper Face Jack’s yet?


Sorry to hear you got ghosted, that is rough. Hope you're doing ok and have a great night.


Good luck!!


Get yourself down to Vicar Street on Saturday night!


Obv too late now, but remember the Cobblestone for next time as someone else mentioned. Good mix of locals and tourists, live Irish music 7 nights a week


Ah no! That is awful - your poor heart. I hope you did go out and had chats. If you went to Temple bar I’m not sure you met any Irish people but I hope you met kind people. I don’t know the story of your ex - but if you want my advice (you don’t) - don’t judge harshly or hold bitterness and absolutely don’t think this reflects badly on you - it’s a circumstantial let-down and I hope you picked yourself up and had a good night.


Head up to cobblestone pub (Smithfield) for some authentic Irish music n craic


go to Copper Face Jack's. guaranteed hookup.


Did you Taylor a Swiftie?


i can help!


There's pride's month, a lot of events this weekend! You won't feel alone, just take all the suggestions you have been given and a huge hug, it happened to me at your age but with a date...arriving into this unknown city 500 km away from home and feeling sooo alone..but the city was Naples, under pissin rain in November, full of smugglers and so dirty. At that time there was little internet and defo not smartphones! But you have uuuus!! ;D


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She was a catfish or worried you wouldn't like her. 


"This love is good; this love is bad!" Sorry, but this American Swiftie felt it was appropriate today under the circumstances! Wishing you safe travels and the best of luck in both life and love, sincerely! I was supposed to be in Dublin for N2, but my dog died...I would have met you for a drink!


Try the meet up app, there are loads of meet ups in pubs on a Friday and Saturday night with a variety of groups




Now come on, what did you do?


Really no idea, we spoke so lovingly the night before. Regardless, leaving me stranded and not responding isn't cool at all I think.


I’m don’t mean to imply anything by this question, but had you met her before ?