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Well done fella for standing up, that's some alpha shit. But yes, these scumbags are the lowest of the low miserable bastards. They've always been there but now they're focusing their ire on migrants as they see them as below them. Always on about paedos as well as they are probably the only people beneath them in society. My old neighbour in Coolock is a good for nothing lazy jobshy fucking lout who sells drugs and I see the fucker is on the news etc. at the protest in Coolock to keep asylum seekers out of a building. Never did anything but damage to the community in the past and now he's concerned for safety and law and order. Make it make sense. They have kids and pass on their hate. I've never seen people as bad as this outside of Ireland, we really have a rotten bunch of people here that don't seem to be going away.


That's the truth - the ones in Ireland are even more angry and vicious and violent than the racists in other countries I've been to. There's such a culture of fighting in Ireland, it's awful. These guys are foaming at the mouth with rage


Please don't use the term alpha. It has really stupid connotations.


Fucking hate passing that Nazi camp regularly. Bunch of fucking demons the lot of them.


Posted this on another racial abuse thread yesterday. If you see someone getting abused by one of these cunts, the best thing you can do is walk up and introduce yourself to the victim and stand or walk with them. This simple act helps the victim feel more secure and neutralises the worm like scumbag by showing them their behaviour is not ok. This is especially true on public transport or in other confined spaces. I would add that it is best to not engage with the hatemonger if you can help it, just stand with the victim, and if you can, get photos or video before you go up of the person, or ask someone else to record the antics to use as evidence.


That’s really good advice. I’m a foreign but very Irish looking and it makes my blood boil to see assholes being like that, so I was thinking i probably would start a fight with him but that’s probably much better.


Same here,I'm irish but I'm no bully iv got myself into trouble helping.it seem it's always some chap that's on their own that gets picked on by these muppets


Happened to a woman on a bus I was on recently. Another guy who wasn't Irish but was white when an sat in-between them and kind of tried to take the focus away for her. The guy still kept going on so I just told him to leave them alone so he clocked that I was Irish and didn't standby what he was saying. And then he was telling me to mind my own business but I turned that back on him. He kind shut up then and was getting out in a few stops. But you could see and feel the tension he created on a pretty full bus with many immigrants on it. I'm sure there was a collective exhaled once he got off. These incidents are horrible.


Probably just a typo, but I find the phrase "I'm a foreign" absolutely hilarious for some reason. 🤣🤣 You may be a foreign, but you're alright in my book!


it took me ages to realise what you meant hahah thanks mate!


Or just tell them you are calling the guards ... and call them if they continue.


genuinely good on you for standing up for him! i don't wear a headscarf anymore but once when i did, i was getting awful abuse and nobody did anything, and that hurt more than the stuff the guy was saying. Good man, stay safe though!


Thanks for standing up for those who need it. Ireland needs more people like you. 


I’m so fed up and angry about the behaviour of people on public transport. Racist behaviour yes, but also seeing just downright intimidating and pig ignorant behaviour towards Everyone, from a small selective few. I’ve had plenty spats with people over their bad behaviour the last few months because f*cking I’m tired of saying nothing while people abuse others so freely.


Some lad was giving a lovely man just out begging some cheek yesterday trying to play the funny hard lad. Pulled him up on it. The time of just standing by and letting casual racism survive is gone. Every single moment needs to be challenged.


100% agree


Well done for standing up for him!!! If only there was more like you! I’d say yer man was glad you were there!!


Well done for standing up and doing the right thing. I suppose just don't go down to their level and do anything to them. You did the right thing.


So we have housing which has over the years been made very expensive, unaffordable and even out of reach for an ever growing section of the population. A large amount of people can't even start families because of this. The housing situation is due to government policy. Previously unknown far right agitators started to tie the housing problem to immigration and this coincided with the arrival of Ukrainians. So during a growing homelessness crisis Varadkar never shut up talking about housing migrants/Ukrainians, he repeated it almost every day talking about seeking out more properties all the while this gaslight/enflamed a large amount of people who suffered from issues related to the lack of housing and homelessness. The far right protests hence attracted more and more followers and as their prominence grew on social and general media Drew Harris announced that he ordered a 'hands off' approach to these groups thus they were given a green light to continue doing what they do best which is agitate hate towards migrants. The more they grew the more scumbags became attracted to them, most scumbags never voted in their lives and haven't a clue about political systems, but they seen a movement that welcomed them and increasingly was going to allow them an excuse to act the bollix and cause trouble, all under the guise of politics/ 'we're patriots'. Huge uptake in abuse towards migrants and as scum beget scum so this will continue until there is a crackdown but we who have lived here for decades know they will be no crackdown unfortunately.


People like the one OP mentioned don't have housing problems. The protesters don't have housing problems. They are either in social housing or cheaply bought former council houses.


The wait list for social housing is over 10 years. No one is just walking straight into a council gaff.


They already live there. Where else would they be?


Plenty of lower income people in overcrowded housing or hotels. Also you're not handed a social house when you're a baby that you keep until you die. People grow up and need housing. Relationships break down and you need housing. Several reasons why you would need to seek housing. Then you've a 10 year plus wait.


Mate, the rowdy and violent protesters are not single mums living in hostels.


Single males have the longest wait time of any cohort on the social housing list. If you don't think poor, single men have an issue getting housing, you're on another planet.


They are last on the list as they should be. But they are living with their parents and we are paying for it.


Amazing how lads that contribute nothing to society are now punching down on people trying to make a better life for themselves. Fair play for standing up for him. If we all did that, those scrotes would have to retreat back into their caves




Because they know it does damage and they know they'll face no repercussions


Peace loving immigrants like us who came to ireland just to see how life is here and see how the country is needs more people like OP. I thank you for standing up and being an out an out decent person.


Straight to the bus driver and complain.


What can the driver do? Drivers are alone on the bus. No backup.


Stop the bus and request AGS.


And wait an hour for a response?


And????? The scote might think again about racially abusing a random person on the bus. They are The Guardians of the Peace.


They would just walk off the bus before the gards got there and likely increase the hate they have Unfortunately the only useful option it to call them out on it


You're living in a fantasy land. In the real world the bus driver considers it his job to drive the bus and the gardai barely do anything about actual physical assaults let alone verbal ones.


Maybe letting these tracksuit scruff bags living in the city centre wasn't the brightest of ideas after all?


Here's a free room in dublin city centre and €200 a week to spend on drugs, have fun - love the taxpayer xoxoxo


Good on you for sticking up for the victim. 👏👏👏Something drastic really needs to be done in Dublin to stop this carry on.


Seems like this is a technique all the racists have been using recently. They just accuse any non-irish appearing person of being a pedo or whatever and hope everyone will believe them (or pretend to) and then just tear into them. Some poor fella got the shit beaten out of him recently because someone just shouted that he was trying to steal a kid, with absolutely zero truth to it. Its just fucking sad to watch the hatred that’s filling this country.


It's open season on migrants. All stirred by the govt, media and then you have the guards ordered not to intervene by govt appointed Drew Harris. Blame the migrants, splits opposition voting patterns and gets the govt off the hook for the deliberate mismanagement of the country. Neo Liberalism baby.


They have free reign and it's getting worse. It's gonna head towards vigilantism, it's inevitable. Ordinary people must be getting tired of it. I certainly am. How can any reasonable, decent person sit around and let the place spiral like this. The knacksuit wearing, free house brigade and dole merchants have the run of the place. I'm sick of it.


A few years ago, I would have brushed off what you are saying as exaggeration. I never really witnessed any sort of hatred towards non-Irish people. I have since started working at a multinational workplace. A scary number of my Indian and Asian coworkers are regularly reporting that they are getting dogs abuse in their day to day lives, including physical altercations. Most of them have gone to the Gardaí, nothing has been done. I was in Croatia when that Croatian man was killed here, the anger there was palpable and I don’t blame them. Between the riots and events such as those, it seems Dublin is picking up a nasty reputation amongst my friends and colleagues abroad.


I've seen a fair bit of it recently myself. Never seen much of it before and this is the first time I stood up to a feral little jack Russell when up in a fellas face threatening to rip his throat out and some of things he was saying. Calling him a pedo and saying all foreigners are pedos. The whole thing was sickening. Really made me mad they my tax is keeping this guy in a handy life.


Driver should have thrown him off the bus and refuse to move until he got off. I've seen people being put off for much less.


dublin is the only place i've heard security guards being called the N word by children, many many times


part of me wishes it did lead to vigilantism but that's not going to happen as most people do not want to get involved in violence at all and are not willing to put themselves in danger to stop these scumbags. our useless police force is all we have unfortunately.


I have seen a lot of abuse towards asians recently. Bad one too, if it had been towards a friend or a girl I sleep with I would have had no choise but to knock the person out. But since it was strangers who where abused I just carried on with my day.


You're absolutely spot on. It's no coincidence that Sinn Fein support has fractured and these people are shouting Sinn Fein traitors at protests despite Sinn Fein never making a decision in tjis country. Most of this is the work of government and Drew Harris if I was to guess. I would be quite interested to see a map of where migrants are being housed and if it in anyway stacks up with where Sinn Fein had strong support. Have a look at the Sunday World website (where most working class people would get their news online) and most days it blasted with pictures of foreign people that have committed a crime and you'd think the world was like armageddon, whipping people into fear. There's a concerted effort going on to divide and conquer IMO.


Bullshit. It's stirred by scumbags themsleves acting like pricks.


yeah they were scumbags anyway but social media is working on them to believe all foreigners are rapists and paedos and this gives them someone to punch down on


What?? The hatred for migrants comes from social media and stupidity. Who in the government or media is advocating attacking migrants?


It's not as simple as advocating attacking people. But look at what they've been doing to tent encampments, which they caused in the first place.


Sorry but you're wrong, you're just excusing the behaviour of scumbags.


Thanks bruv. Genuinely, from an immigrant. :)


They will shout... Just don't make eye contact...throw slaps if ya need to.. I hate the town and city centre... Feels like yer in the trenches and yer gun is jammed..... No point talk to aggressive fuckin idiots ...


The 27 is one of the scruffiest buses in the country; a heap load of strange characters get on it (not to mention it’s constantly crowded too and it doesn’t go through the nicest of areas in Dublin) , but that story was unique for the wrong reasons. You did what you could , and I commend you. Well done.


27, the real Dublin hop on/hop off bus experience Connecting Jobstown (most ironic name in Ireland) and Darndale and going through some of the poorest parts south-west of the centre.


Fair play.


Good fucking man. Fair play


Proud of you for standing up. If I were in that situation, I'd feel so much safer with someone like you


Thanks for doing that. If we don’t stand up to them they will get worse and worse


Need more like OP, fair play you did the right thing.


Man people fucking suck 😖🤢


Sir, you dropped this 👑


Hold me back, hold me back hahahahah “I’d have done” yeah you didn’t so I doubt it. He’s a lucky man hahahahahhahahaha




Did you find your handbag in the end?