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I love the part where she said she didn't have any proof, but was a billionzion percent certain šŸ™„


Thatā€™s how the Lord works. No proof, all certainty.


They gotta have faith, faith, faith




Religion is a hell of a drug.


Ahhh.. I wo der who set him up to greet the feds with "what is it officer, has someone been downloading some Child Exploitation images?"


One of my parents has worked with ICAC in the past. When I told them this they busted up laughing, ā€œwell thatā€™s some probable cause.ā€


Perhaps it was ahead-of-its-time AI? Deep state strikes again! /s


Such a doodlehead. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, one of Pest's BIL's wanted him gone so badly that he snuck into the car lot office, learned to infiltrate the dark web, bypass Covenant Eyes, created a partition, and downloaded unfathomably vile CSA. Just to get rid of him. These people are delusional. >I can't prove but I believe it with one bazillion percent certainty Yep, "I can't prove it but I believe it" is definitely more solid than a years long federal investigation with irrefutable proof. >He apologized publicly the 2 times he was guilty You mean the canned apology he only gave when he was exposed and his family needed to save face? >If he was guilty he would say so and apologize I don't like the way this reads. They make it sound if Pest admitted to downloading CSAM and a "apologized" it would still be okay? Because he's "sorry" like the last two times he was caught being a horrible person?


People are so foul. I would say, god forbid itā€™s their child or grandchild but tbh I wouldnā€™t be shocked if they acted the same way as they are now.


>learned to infiltrate the dark web, bypass Covenant Eyes, created a partition, A partition with his bank password as the password....


Yeah, I committed one of the worst crimes imaginable against a child...sorry 'bout it. Like wtf?


Critical thinking doesnā€™t exist for these people. Itā€™s a lot easier to sputter out, ā€œyeah, but, but he was framedā€ than it is to admit that they were had, and the Duggars are as far from perfect as someone could be.


I didn't know Josh had a French brother-in-law! /s


Jacques Duggar


I noticed sheā€™s not trying to explain away the Ashley Madison account and marital infidelity.


That was also a setup obviously /s


No no, itā€™s ok because he APOLOGIZED.


He REPENTED therefore anyone who still holds it against him is the sinner.






This is the PERFECT gif!


he always apologizes when he makes mistakes, and since he didn't apologize he didn't do it. simple as that folks!


Somebody should punch this bitch in the faceā€¦.and then apologize. Sounds like sheā€™d be okay with that.


Anna forgave him so we should too!


Or the adult film star he beat up.




Well, obviously thatā€™s all Annaā€™s fault for not being ā€œjoyfully availableā€ for him at all times, so she can accept thatā€™s true because she can put the blame on someone else.


Oh, it was the harlotsā€™ fault. Not dear Pest! /s šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


The mental fucking gymnastics


Daniel Keller. He offered to help Anna get away.


Good guess. I second this. At first I was guessing Derick but figured that would be a stretch. Derick doesnā€™t like the family but I donā€™t see him ā€œsetting Josh up.ā€ He would wait for the truth to come out (like it has). Then I told myself, ā€œno you dumbie, he has brothers-in-law on Annaā€™s side tool It is probably one of Annaā€™s brothers or someone who is married to a sister of Annaā€™s. Then I remembered Anna had a brother who offered to help her but I couldnā€™t remember his name. I think you are spot on with guessing Daniel.


Bless their hearts


Nah. Bless their pea picking hearts. Not just an F-you but "and the horse you rode in on".


I can't with these people. As a Christian I'm not wasting my time, or God's, praying for a convicted paedophile. They do know that there is war, suffering, loss and famine to fill their prayers. right?


Oh I *make time* to pray for convicted pedophiles, but my prayers are for them NOT getting paroled & that they learn a lesson while theyā€™re there from their cellmatesā€¦šŸ˜ˆ


Doesnā€™t matter that HIS SISTERS said he did it; to them! Computer aside everyone involved admitted he did it and has issues


Well, they were "JUST girls". In the whole scheme of things they really didn't matter.


It was the sisters' fault though, for having breasts while they slept. I have to add that the Pest- defenders always say, "they were asleep! They didn't even know what happened!". First of all, so what?! Second, Jill woke up and punched him when he tried it on her. So much for that "defense."


Ah yes, the old standby move of loading your brother-in-law's secretly partitioned hard drive with...well, you know what it was filled with.


These people are frighteningly stupid and wicked.




Thatā€™s who I think they meant. He is a criminal genius who took Jill away.


You know it. Jermy might disagree with the family but he hasn't made public statements saying as much.


They're talking about Anna's brother who said he'd support her if they got divorced.


The first time Josh was no longer at risk of doing jail time if he apologised and the second it was basically an affair that wasnā€™t illegal in the slightest. It simply went against every single moral standard he had and insisted everyone else convert to or they burn in hell. The third time he would go to jail for a very long time so strangely an apology on ABC news or TLC just wouldnā€™t cut it and he didnā€™t fancy spending decades behind bars if he could avoid it with daddyā€™s help šŸ™„ Itā€™s a good thing these two donā€™t work for any investigative purposes because they sure do ignore evidence and go simply on a person being guilty by if they fight a case or apologise. Oh how simple the legal system would be if that was true!


The first time, HIS VICTIMS went on TV to "help" family's reputation by toning down his abusive behavior and he... wrote an apology, right?


The sickest part is that he was there, off camera, watching them as they defended him. How horrible.


I wanted to puke reading this on Jill's book.




That entire appearance on TV makes me very very interested in having a talk with Meghan Kelly (idgaf how she spells it) alone in a room with just me, her, and a metal folding chair. Michelle is another story.


Yes Meghan Kelly was very quiet about her part in that apology piece once he was arrested wasnā€™t she. I hated the entire thing and that was before I realised he was in the room. I donā€™t know how any woman can claim she is a voice for victims (or a mother) and then let an admitted molester remain in the room while his victims recount their stories. I bet he was getting a thrill as they discussed it all, especially when poor Jill became so upset. Disgusting.


Heā€™s not going to admit to anything because he knows his parents canā€™t save him from the consequences this time. And he only apologized the first 2x after he got caught. And the ā€œapologyā€œ was a statement through their manager. But sure, some BIL is so slick that he can trick homeland security into thinking it was Josh šŸ™„


Theyā€™re probably referring to our Unfriendly Neighborhood Messy Bitch Derrick. Jā€™Lego has turned him into the Judas of the Duggar family because he helped speak out against it.


"ChRiStiAnS" are always competing in the Cognitive Dissonance Olympics. This broad just got herself a place on the team.


What do you gain for being ten toes down like this for a convicted sex criminal.


In the first slide, that person has rocks for brains! Like the kids want as much peace as possible even though they are fucked over emotionally and financially by Jim Bob.


And let's don't forget there were pictures of him holding one of the young m daughters and she looked very uncomfortable. I am not making accusations. I'm just speaking as a kid who was messed with and had some equally awkward looking pics with my predator. Just a look that made me sad. And made me believe the judges made the right decisions


>I am not making accusations. Me neither, but I understand you.


>If he was guilty he would say so and apologize šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It's crazy how dumb some people are


No proof but 100 percent sure? I can guess what kind of flag they have hanging in their house šŸ¤®


omg your flair.


One of the mods gave it to me!


Excuse me, sheā€™s a *BAZILLION* percent sure. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Imagine defending a pedophile, ew


I have a friend who was a public defender. He said that his only focus in this type of case is making sure the creep doesnā€™t have anything to appeal! Lol! So they hyper focus on the process and rights of the accused. I couldnā€™t do it myself!


I think they are referring to Derrick. Why else would he be going to law school if he wasn't planning on ruining the Duggar's life?


Wow! What a great brother Anna would have!! ...except that Josh going away just meant she was even more reliant on the Duggars and trapped in a whole new way.


Kate can legit suck my ass. The only thing that set Pestua up was his own sick and demented mind.


Mannnn these Facebook boomersā€¦


Wait you guys, which brother-in-law lives in France??? Thereā€™s your answer šŸ™„


What in the delulu is going on here!?!? Are they serious?? He seriously told the cops why they came to arrest him. lol!! He was the one that brought up the CSAM he downloaded. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøJesus take the wheel!!




Itā€™s probably the pest


I'll have to look for the post, but I remember it was 2 lesbian women that were protesting in front of the tin mansion, and they told a newspaper reporter.


I mean, does it matter? Theyā€™re also talking about watching things that *definitely did not happen*.


I always think itā€™s crazy when people would rather believe some kinda insane story than the most likely. Itā€™s usually the most likely. He did the crime. He is in prison.


I think the first conspiracy theorist with zero proof but a bajillion percent certainty actually means Derick. The second one means Daniel Keller. Both are wrong.


ā€œThe last time he apologized but now heā€™s fighting thisā€ Probably because he couldnā€™t go to jail as an adult for a closed case from his youthā€¦ and infidelity isnā€™t illegal. He sort of has to fight to try to avoid jail time. How does this give you evidence heā€™s innocent, rather than evidence of a lifetime of sexual impropriety?


I think theyā€™re talking about Annaā€™s brother Daniel Keller. Heā€™s the one who called Josh a pig and offered to let Anna move in with him.


Ugh how delusional on the fb comment. He apologized for the 2 things that had no legal ramifications. Of course he's fighting the one that will ruin his life. Prison, and hugely impacted work life post prison.


The one with the most French ancestry.


I'm guessing she's trying to pin this on Derek. What a dummaĀ§


They should read Jillā€™s book.


I think Maria Bakerā€™s post and the reply is all fake.