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I imagine she is incontinent and suffering from osteoporosis.


I’ve only had two, one being a C-section, and sometimes I pee when I sneeze or laugh too hard. She probably has no pelvic floor left. I would be surprised if she hasn’t had any prolapse.


I have suspected since Jordyn that she wears adult diapers 🤷‍♀️. Not being mean but…for real


Why would she still be in diapers?? Is it noticeable?


The poster was referring to Michelle and adult diapers not teenager Jordyn.


Gotcha, thank you :)


I’ve had three c-sections and every time I laugh, sneeze or cough I pee a tiny bit. I have terrible osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well. I assume Meech has similar going on. BTW’s I would go back and do it all over again for my kiddos. Wasn’t complaining just saying what happens to most women after giving birth a few times. Lol.


Yes! Our bodies change so much when we have even one baby. No one really talks about it. My teeth also went to hell in a hand basket after my first kid.


My teeth were terrible after three pregnancies before 30. When I was 35 I had all my teeth pulled and got dentures. Lol. I’m 50 now.


I had my kid at 19 and less then year later had all of the top ones pulled. I couldn't imagine the damage from another two pregnancies. For me, it was the combination of poverty, genetics, pregnancy and being raised by very shitty parents.


I think you must've been prone to something already. Pregnancies don't necessarily 'cause it' but there could be some genetic factor maybe in your family? Pregnancy takes a lot from your body, as does nursing, so if everything's not top notch, it can go for shit


The hormones from pregnancy are actually the issue. My dentist said that’s why they recommend 3 cleanings while you’re pregnant. That’s why so many people have dental issues postpartum


Oof, mine weren’t that bad! I have two fake teeth though.


so did my mom.


I have had 2 live pregnancies, 8 miscarriages, and 2 stillbirths and on Thursday I just had the 5 remaining teeth removed so I could go with full dentures. All the pregnancies ruined my teeth to be certain.


Could be celiac disease too with the mcs. ❤️


What is mcs? I agree about the celiac. My mom had celiac disease that went undiagnosed for decades until she was over 60. She suspects that her bad teeth are related to that. She also had osteopenia starting on her 40's. It's possible that neither of those is because of the celiac but it seems like an awfully big coincidence. Then there was her having to have her gallbladder out.


Yeah your mom and I have similar symptoms. It affects teeth majorly, and unfortunately can cause miscarriages if undiagnosed.


My mom didn't have the miscarriage problem. She was pregnant 3 times and had three live births so at least that went fine for her.


People used to say "A tooth for every child." If you don't consume enough calcium your body will use what you have to grow the fetus, your teeth and bones.


Whatever happened to flossing/rubber tipping, brushing morning and night, and getting your teeth cleaned twice a year, not to mention taking a pregnancy supplement with calcium throughout your pregnancy and eating lots of yogurt, cantaloupe, broccoli and canned salmon? 🙄


I hate when people dismiss this. You can do all of these things and still end up with tooth related problems during pregnancy. I have perfect teeth - have never even had braces or cavities until my first pregnancy and then had similar issues in my second. I know lots of women who have experienced the same thing. Let’s not tear women down when you don’t know what the cause might be.


Same! Omg, I’ve had at least 7 root canals since having my first baby after going to the dentist regularly my whole life. 


JimBob probably has the lord helping her with meds.


I reckon the last 10 kids were holding on in there for dear life 😭


I assume at this point her uterus is hanging on for dear life, too


Geez I worry about what’ll happen to my body if/when I have children cause I already pee sometimes when I cough or sneeze 😂


Pelvic floor Physical Therapy!! It is for everyone, and pelvic health is so important. Peeing when you cough or sneeze is not “normal”, even if it is common. No matter your children or child bearing status.


Exactly! It’s common but it’s not the norm - no one has to just tolerate it. Unfortunately I think it’s so normalized that a lot of moms tell each other it’s just how it is. Normalization did create less shame which is great, but now we need to normalize pelvic floor PT.


Go see a pelvic floor physical therapist! Stress incontinence is a typical side effect of pregnancy (it is treatable!), but if you have it before ever having a baby it means your pelvic floor may not actually be strong enough to effectively carry a pregnancy. They can tell you if what you are experiencing is something they can treat or if you need more advanced care with a urogyn. 


Oh no just my luck. I already have PCOS and frequent UTIs and now a weak pelvic floor lol.


They may actually be related. The cysts can weaken your pelvic floor which causes the bladder issues. Highly recommend talking to urogyn because they may be able to help. 


I’m about to lose my insurance for a few months due to moving so unfortunately I can’t :(


Then do kegal excercises


Pelvic floor health is about a lot more than kegals and doing them wrong can actually make the problem worse


Right? Hell, even doing them right can make it worse as a lot of postpartum issues come from too much tightness, rather than looseness of the muscles. That person’s been saying uneducated shit all over this thread though lol


Highly recommend seeing a urogynecologist. They have a ton of strategies to treat stress incontinence. 


I have so many other health issues right now, that is far down the list of getting checked! Maybe once I get my main issues under control, I can get the more minor ones looked at. I keep going at this rate, I’ll never be able to pay off my current specialists. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every time she genuinely smiles she pees a little. Good for her most her smiles are faked.


Yes this, probably deficient in a lot of vitamins in the early days they ate a lot of shit


And will lose her teeth


I’m sure her teeth are already as soft and pliable as corn starch.


Now I know what kind of dream I’ll be having tonight 😩


I (not by plan) had a baby at age 44. My teeth have deteriorated horribly. Literally crumbling before my eyes. I can’t imagine having 20 kids. But ya it does ruin your teeth that’s a fact that I’m living with now


And wearing some sort of hammock to support the loose skin around her midsection. There's no way she doesn't need a bra for her belly at this point.


Honestly she probably has to have a support girdle with how many times her core muscles have separated , for safety and comfort.




Oh she definitely has uterine prolapse.


first time I learned it in my international public health class I was like wtaf michelle how are you moving?!


I used to work in a nursing home and there were so many women who would pull the bathroom call lights. I’d go in and find them literally holding their uterus’s. I’d usually need to help them push it back in. Those women had usually had 5 or 6 kids. I don’t even want to imagine what happens when she even coughs 😬


In the last year, I’ve really perfected like this 2 fingered technique for pushing uteruses back in. Still not my least favorite part of the job.


Dear God in heaven….I’d give you a million upvotes if I could.


What a horrible day to be literate. 😫


The rectal prolapses were worse. Like a slimy elephant's trunk just dangling out of the butt. Would creep me out that it would be there in the morning but not the afternoon, like it got sucked back inside during the day only to creep back out in the night 😫


I wish I was in the handmaids tale so I wouldn’t have been able to read that.


I could have read it out loud to you like I did my husband when we talked about our day. He gave me a horrified look.


Do you wear gloves for this? Please say yes.


Oh god yes. I usually only do it when I’m replacing a catheter. So yes, gloves.


They used to scare me but usually you can just give them a little tap and they go right back in!


Can you tell their doctor so that they can get them in with urogyn and fit a pessary? 


The only time I’m in peoples junk is to change my chronic foley clients. So they usually have providers following them. I know one just needs a hysterectomy but she physically isn’t well enough for surgery due to her age.


…..I got to a fairly large age without hearing that I may one day hold my own uterus in the palm of my hand.


I’m 70 and reading in horror. 3 children


Go to pelvic floor therapy now. Get a good urogyn. They will help you and if you need more advanced care than pelvic floor therapy can provide there are other treatment options!


I don’t have any issues, such as peeling or prolapsing uterus.


It doesn't matter. They can assess and make sure that things look and feel OK and give you the all clear along with at home exercises to keep doing. 


What I don't get is why you would put it back in? I mean at that point, it's out. I'm done with it. Especially if it becomes a daily or even weekly thing of having to push your uterus back up your vagina, I think I would look for alternatives.


I actually asked the doctor who was working in the home why they didn’t have hysterectomies. He said that since these women were so old that the risks of surgical complications and difficulties with recovery would have been high.


I swear to god the more I learn about what my body could do, the more I hate it. I don't want to push something *back up*. Horrifying


Some people just aren’t surgery candidates, others may not be able to afford it. But some people just have this weird insistence that they’re not having a hysterectomy. I had a patient tell me “I’m leaving this world with all my original parts!” There’s a device called a pessary that works pretty well for a lot of women. It fits up into the vagina and keeps the uterus tucked up inside. It can be difficult or painful to get in and out. And let me tell you… the smell when one of those comes out is one of the worst things I’ve ever smelled.


That's so bizarre. I used a pessary for a year while I was on the waitlist for a hysterectomy and it never had problems. Are they just not capable of cleaning it properly and staff are not doing it for them? 


Yeah, the issues with the odor are with older women (think like 80s) who are unable to remove and replace, so they have to come to the clinic to have it done. I don’t know the typical spacing between those appointments but it can be quite some time. The only time I’ve ever gagged in front of a patient and I felt so bad because she was the sweetest thing.


For an FYI, the doctor recommends removing and cleaning at least every week. I was never comfortable going that long and always took it out at night to clean and give my pelvic floor a break. If they weren't removing it for long periods of time I can understand it being awful. 


Surgery is expensive and dangerous even if you're in good health. I had the option of a full hysterectomy vs removing a cyst on my ovary and even tho I'm done with babies I didn't want everything yanked. I want to keep all my original equipment if possible. It belongs there, ya know?


Well, the surgery would probably kill them and walking around with your womb between your legs all day isn't exactly comfortable, so shoving it back in really is the best you can do.




Me just learning this with my 5 kids haha


Look into pelvic floor physical therapy and you’ll be good. I highly recommend it. I’ve had at least a dozen sessions because I peed when I sneezed lol. I only have 2 kids, but I have ms. When I went to regular physical therapy, the regular Physical Therapist who I went to for balance issues told me that she always recommended pelvic floor PT to every woman who has kids. Said that she thought that it should be routinely recommended by OB’s when women are discharged from the hospital after having a baby. I hadn’t even told her that I peed when I sneezed lol. Edited cause I posted before I was finished


Pelvic floor PT is considered standard care in a lot of places now, just not the US


It really should be.


Europe sends women to pelvic floor PT as standard post partum care. 


I know women who had only 2/3 kids and have a prolaps. Then again my mom had 4 including one set of twins and didn't have it. I't hard to imagine meech doesn't have aprolaps, unless she had it sown back in/or removed at some point.


A lady I worked with had one child and had to have surgery twice due to prolapse. The docs finally took her uterus out completely. I’m sorry, the first time would be my sign to get a hysterectomy. I have no kids and I’m praying that this will not be something I have to worry about. Edited to remove duplicate word.


Same boat! I’m 46 so I’m getting closer to the finish line!


I had one and had both uterine and bladder prolapse because my pelvic floor was destroyed prior to pregnancy, the urologist I saw insisted it was fine and I didn't need pelvic floor PT before having a kid, and I had HG so my abdominal muscles could no longer do the heavy lifting. I had to have mesh surgery to treat the bladder prolapse and a hysterectomy. 


Well I mean, it’s obviously not removed, right?


After jubilee until now it could have been removed, am I wrong?


I suppose, but aren’t they not allowed?


I literally just did, those poor women!! absolutely mind blowing!! ![gif](giphy|ZUkausLsSMJpu|downsized)


Ok, I’m barfing, but also thank you for helping these elderly women.


Wait, what? You’d have to push a uterus back in???


Yes. Some of the women could do it themselves, others couldn’t. The doctor gave the employees instructions on how to do it.


Ewww, I didn’t know that was a thing…


So, how *painful* would it be if your uterus fell out? 😮‍💨


jesus CHRIST I’m childfree and just started physio for my pelvic floor; thank you for this revolting image that I will use as inspiration to continue indefinitely


If pelvic floor PT isn't working there are other options. Talk to a urogyn if things are not getting significantly better after a few months. 


Thank you! I’ve started due to pain during sex/arousal (turns out I’m always clenching), so I’m not sure I’m at that point, but I’ll keep that in mind!


You don't even need to have kids. Also, nuns have the same rates of urinary incontinence as women who've given birth. It's just the price we pay for being built to deliver big-headed babies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17138771/


This is so terrifying. Off to find my kegel balls


WHAT AND YOU JUST SHOVE IT BACK IN?????? I swear I learn something new about being a woman every month and I am so jealous that my wife won't ever have to deal with that. 😫 Lucky for me, I suppose.


Not just uterine prolapse. After 2 large babies (9.5# and 11#) I had a bladder prolapse. Just had it surgically repaired last August.


Solidarity sis, hope you're doing better! It's "a thing" on my maternal side and I'm crossing my fingers.


The surgery has been a great success! I highly recommend it if needed.


My surgeon said that 95% of women who have the surgery would recommend it to their AFAB friends. There's about a 1-2% risk of a couple of different really unfun complications. I would HIGHLY recommend it though if you are in good overall health, have tried pelvic floor PT and it has failed, and still have stress incontinence/bladder prolapse. 


I had it after 1. Mesh surgery was a requirement for me. I was really glad and really lucky that it was a super simple recovery, and so far so good with no exposure!


I would be more surprised if she *didn't*


She must have


She might have had a hysterectomy. Unless she has had one, she definitely does.


Uterine, and bladder I’m sure.


It’s possible that nothing will happen to her. My great grandmother had 14 live births (idk if she had any miscarriages or still births) she died 2 months before her 95th birthday. And she didn’t have any major issues that I know of. Her death wasn’t super sudden but she went down hill fast. She hosted 50+ for Christmas dinner, was hospitalized in April, moved to a nursing home in May and died in August.


I know of a woman who turns 100 later this year had 14 kids.


My grandma had 12. She is 93. Also no major issues although we worry about some dementia but at 93 I don't expect her to be super sharp but she is still going strong.


Sometimes they sew the cervix shut - my friend had only one child, and fairly young, but she ended up with a hysterectomy from a traumatic birth (she and kid are fine now, he just turned 18) and they had to stitch her cervix so her uterus wouldn’t basically fall out.i don’t disbelieve you, every body is different. It’s just possible she didn’t talk about it. ETA I worded that strangely - she had her cervix sewn shut first to help avoid prolapse, but the birth injury didn’t heal as hoped, so THEN she had a hysterectomy. And I think they sewed it shut after that procedure as well. Not sure if that is standard, obviously I’m not a doctor!


My great aunt just passed away at age 98 and she had 15. I don't think she ever had major health issues.


I’d bet all my money that Michelle has some dysfunction. So many women do after less kids. I don’t think pelvic health is something our grandmothers knew or even talked about. It’s still relatively new in the scheme of things here for women to get help and pt after childbirth and not just accept the problems that can happen.


I gave birth in France and here pelvic floor and abs strengthening is prescribed to every mother and fully covered by social security until the child is 3. Per my midwife, you need to use your abs when you sneeze, laugh, shout, etc. to relieve the pressure on your pelvic floor. No way Michelle received that advice or did the exercises for any of her births, at least until it was too late. If her internal organs don't all come out her vagina then they'll poke out between her separated abs. She must have diastasis recti to the point where her abs are saloon doors. I don't know if she breastfed but I'd say she did. Meaning it's a question of what will hit the floor first, her uterus or her boobs ? And yes, it feels horrible to talk about a woman's body like that but the Duggars lied to everyone. They had a breeding cult where all they talked about was the kids and why it was wonderful to have them. They never EVER addressed the very real consequences of pregnancy and birth on a woman's body.


You’re so right! I’m sure many/most fundie men don’t even know the consequences of pregnancy and birth on a woman’s body. A woman’s needs are never, ever prioritized In their cult. Their women are taught they must continually sacrifice their needs, their lives for the sake of others, no complaints! They are never allowed to get real! They must always present to the public that their life is ideal, because they have to make their religion look good. Even tho it’s a sham!


I’m going to put this [NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/17/well/move/pelvic-floor-exercise-kegels.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) article here with a great explanation of the causes of pelvic floor issues as we age and a set of exercises recommended to strengthen the pelvic floor and alleviate the issues. Women who have not had children and also men can have pf issues as they age. My sister who had one child has experienced marked improvement since starting to do these exercises. It’s behind a paywall but the NYtimes gives everybody a couple free articles a month.


That’s a great article. Here’s a gifted link for anyone who’s paywalled: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/17/well/move/pelvic-floor-exercise-kegels.html?unlocked_article_code=1.300.ChaT.F_9rGsmto-G2&smid=url-share


Thank you!


I wonder what her teeth are like? After just two pregnancies my teeth went to crap. I had so much dental work since having my first in 2005. 


Pregnancy and then chemo killed my teeth. I’m getting dentures at 43 next year when the cancer is officially behind me.


Glad to hear the cancer is behind you! 🫶 I assume dentures might happen eventually. I’m too poor for all this work. 😞


My doctor told me that after three kids, my risk of breast cancer was extremely low. I don't know how accurate that is, since it runs in my family, but of my direct female line, I've had the most children, so IDK. During my C-section with my third, he kind of moved my bladder up and "back into place." My second pregnancy produced a 10lb baby, and I would pee a little when I sneezed or coughed, especially if I was squatting (and I taught preschool, so I squatted a lot). But that went away when he moved my bladder, so that was nice. So, possibly her risk of breast cancer is lower, and maybe during one of her last pregnancies they moved her bladder back. She seems like she's pretty physically active and has been her entire life. I don't know exactly how healthy her diet has been (years of canned/cheap processed foods, and as moms, we sort of get the short end of the stick when it comes to actually getting to sit down and eat). She seems fairly healthy? Idk. I guess it would depend on other genetic factors and predispositions.


I had a C-section 7 weeks ago after 2 vaginal births. My doctor also moved my bladder up. I have not peed my pants since and I’m pretty happy about it.


I didn't know that was a thing! I always heard about women peeing when they sneeze/laugh and bladder leaks after birth. And I heard you were supposed to do kegels, which honestly I've been doing since I was like 13. But I didn't know it could be fixed just by moving the bladder back up, lol. I guess I never really thought about those organs getting shifted out of place during pregnancy. I'm glad you had good results. Congrats on the new baby!


I didn’t know if was a thing until after I woke up from my C-section and they spoke with me. He told me that it was short term solution but I eventually will need a bladder sling, especially if I have another baby.


Honestly, get an appointment with urogyn and get the sling as soon as you feel that your children can manage. I HIGHLY recommend it to the women for whom pelvic floor PT has failed. 


That’s my plan! One of my friends had a sling done and it really improved her quality of life.


I went from needing a pessary and adult diapers to full continence because of it I can jump on a trampoline, which is a necessary part of my life because my child needs it for sensory reasons. The testing they have to do to determine how they need to attach your sling is super unfun, but the end results are amazing. I'd put surgical recovery at 5/10 for difficulty. 


They make a stitch that pulls the neck of the urethra up a bit. Sometimes it works and lasts permanently, but it usually fails later on unless you go to pelvic floor PT or use mesh. 


Just in my family two of my aunts and one of my grandmothers had breast cancer. One aunt had five kids, the other had nine, and my grandmother had nine. The two aunts aren't related to each other. I'd keep up with your cancer screening just to be safe.


Edge cases aside, the odds suggest her body and overall health are ruined. You can tell from photos just how much her frame seems to have shrunk. Not sure what this mens for her life span, but it couldn't be good for her overall health. Time will tell.


She doesn’t seem to work out and I know they stopped posting, but last I checked she was still eating casseroles (just not much of them) - I’m imaging she’ll keep shrinking and pissing herself until she has a mighty hump on her back. Just get smaller and more brittle and more hunched over until she poofs out of existence. *imagining, not imaging.


Can not hold in a fart to save her life. 💨🍃


For a few months after I had my first kid a fart would escape if I laughed.


I had 4 kids in 5 years and it took its toll. Just my personal experience from rapid firing babies- if I even think about sneezing, I pee… I developed adenomyosis and just had a hysterectomy… my mental health was absolutely shit wrecked. The exhaustion, stress and constant swing of hormones changed my brain. I had PPD after my first 2, developed a phobia/panic disorder/PTSD after my third and had severe depression during my last pregnancy. My youngest is 4.5 and I’m finally starting to feel stabilized. I imagine Michelle’s brain is a nightmare land of untreated and unacknowledged mental illness.


Hugs! that sounds horrible! Glad you're finally getting stabilized.


She likely has osteoporosis or osteopenia right now and is or is going to be 100% incontinent in regards to urination. She will likely lose mobility before her youngest has children due to the osteoporosis, but I don't think Jim Bob would like her using any kind of mobility aid (for appearance's sake) so she will just stick around the house and have Anna or Jana take care of her. Her teeth are probably brittle as well, but Jim Bob may pay for a lot of dental work. My grandmother-in-law had 14 kids, she has osteoperosis and most of her teeth have fallen out, but she also did not have access to healthcare for a good portion of her life and does not go to a dentist.


>I don't think Jim Bob would like her using any kind of mobility aid (for appearance's sake) so she will just stick around the house and have Anna or Jana take care of her. They can push her around in a cheap office chair


like they did with Boob's father?


Exactly 😂


There’s no way she can jump on a trampoline. That pelvic floor won’t be holding anything in anymore.


She had sex. She got pregnant. She died. And Michelle actually went to high school so surely her gym teacher taught her that important message.


My grandmother had 13 of 14 pregnancies and 10 living children. She had gall bladder surgery at 53 and bled to death on the table. Every time they clamped one bleed another sprung up — all her organs were so depleted that there was nothing they could have done to save her. Her youngest children were 9 and 10 at the time.


The thing is, Meech will NEVER admit to anything negative regarding childbirth. In her narrative, it's always perfect. Meanwhile, she has no teeth, bladder function, or hair. Fuck these assholes. Meech, stupid cum dumpster, deserves it.


I don’t know if she has regular pap tests. Fundy men probably have some weird stupid pseudo-science rubbish they spout to prevent women getting such tests. They would not like being usurped by the speculum. That’s their turf!


My gfriend died at 64 she had 16 kids. Her body just shut down


My grandmother had 16 and is 88 and still going strong. But she does admit that she was lucky. The only major issue she had was keeping the weight off from being constantly pregnant, having her last kid at 50.


I have had zero pregnancies but had a hysterectomy at age 25. Still, I have a prolapsed bladder and possibly more. Female pelvises are full of design flaws. Pelvic floor physio was a godsend for me. Highly recommend. It was worth the remarkable awkwardness.


She's wearing adult diapers for sure at this point , I've has two kids and my bladder is not the same I can only imagine what it would be like with that after that many pregnancies.


I'm surprised her uterus hasn't prolapsed, yet.


We don’t know that is hasn’t. She could be rocking a full time pessary and we’d be none the wiser


Incontinence and osteoporosis. And her teeth will be dentures.


I also bet her breasts are like two of those balloons they use to make balloon animals and reach her knees. Her pelvic floor is probably non existent, I know she had one prolapse, I’d be shocked if she didn’t need a hysterectomy as she gets older.


Uterine prolapse, incontinence, osteoporosis. Add in depression now that her life has no 'godly purpose' since she can't have any more children.


I can’t imagine her pelvic floor is in great shape.


I don’t even understand how this woman is still walking.


Michelle will probably start having back pain again especially after having had so many children. She’ll probably need a wheelchair to get around and she will probably rely on Jim Bob, Anna, or Jana to help take care of her.


We all know that JB won't pay out for a wheelchair. Meech will be wheeled around in an office chair too. Weeee!


Maybe they could blanket train her!


She probably has an autoship of urinary incontinence pads delivered on the regular.


Well.. Jim Boob will tell you it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.


I doubt it. He’d make sure she got a husband stitch during one of her repairs 🤢


And  u just know that J’Boob probably still requires her to b joyfully available to him - don’t ask me how but u know she is 


I am going to guess Michelle in her delusional state still stocks pregnancy tests and prenatal vitamins anticipating a star in the east ⭐ and her womb re-booting for a miracle pregnancy


Those 2 —- enough with ‘as many as possible’ the after issues are too great! I am thinking of all these nuts … KJ and Giggles and her mom


A shorter lifespan.


Uterine/bladder prolapse. For sure.


She’s likely incontenent. And has horrid teeth. (I had 7 pregnancies, one live birth and both problems. So a woman with so many more? Likely suffers from both. )


My grandma was pregnant 19 times, she lost a lot of teeth due to not having enough calcium although she never had problems with incontinence until much later in life


I’m surprised her uterus hasn’t fallen out.


Uterine prolapse is flipping wild. Also, the surgical mesh that was once used to treat/repair uterine prolapse has received heavy criticism in the past decade due to an increasing number of patients experiencing debilitating pain post implant. 🫠


She’d be too stupid to get it repaired if it actually prolapsed. She’d probably pray about it and carry it around with her in a bag.


I assumed she'd had a revolving door fitted on her crotch at some point in the past, which has burnt out from constant use. It wouldn't surprise me though, if she's one sneeze away from flooding the big house.


I would never wish a forced c-section or vaginal birth on anyone. But if knew how often I would laugh and 😳…I would have respected mine more.


Uterine prolapse, incontinence.


I have been pregnant eight times. Four live births, one being a C-section. I am 60. I NEED Poise pads....as a type 2 diabetic, I can pee if YOU see water and the time between needing to pee and actually peeing is very limited. I also have arthritis as well. If she makes 60 without being in a wheelchair and in Depends I'll be surprised. I bet ol' POS has a replacement lined up hoping her body gives out and he can start churning out more babies with Meech 2.0.


Do these people even have insurance or social security? How would they even pay for Meech's medical issues, whatever they are? I know Boob's got multiple sources of income, so I hope that they DO have insurance, so that Meech can get what she needs. She's got to have SOME issues, having had 19 critters, so I would hope that Boob at the very least would take her to a doctor and have the insurance kick in. Then again.....this \*is\* Boob we're talking about, here.


I bet her uterus is hanging down about her knees and whenever Jim Bob gets the urge to merge. She has to tuck it in before the deed


I think it will depend on her genetics. I've had 6 kids, my youngest is 6. My teeth are still perfect. I can cough and sneeze and jump without peeing. I'm one of those mycology ones that was built for it...I didn't even get stretch marks in any of my pregnancies.


I’ve read that each pregnancy takes 4 years off a woman’s life so…