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Pest and Josiah are confirmed. I think it was heavily rumoured that Jana had a couple of failed courtships? I also think one of the Lost Boys might have had a failed courtship with Claire Langdon?


I find it hard to believe Jana hasn't had at least a short-lived 'getting to know you' stage with at least one person at this point. Even if she is freely choosing not to marry, she is eligible enough to have been approached numerous times and I'm sure at least one will have piqued her interest.


The best way to avoid being a baby machine is not to start a courtship. Something about Jana really annoys me (she seems smug, and also sometimes mean), but she's worked far harder in her family, starting at an incredibly young age, than anyone should have to. She did much more work than Michelle apart from gestating. I admire that she has abstained from marriage despite the pressure she must have been under.


I’m convinced that years ago, JimBob told her God laid it on his heart for her to be a stay-at-home-daughter (a thing in their subculture; she raised his kids & will take care of him & Michelle when they age plus help with nieces/nephews). Then, he convinced her God laid it on her heart, too (or she decided it was better than being a baby factory after seeing Jessa almost bleed to death twice in home births or after seeing all the assorted turds her sisters have ended up marrying). But I think Jana being a SAHDaughter has been the plan for a long time. (And we can just hope Jana likes it that way.)


I think this is the case as well. I think if Jim Bob wanted to marry her off, then she'd be married now.


She’s said before that there have been a few guys that weren’t the one so I imagine JB tried to set her up a few times like he did with Jill but she either didn’t entertain the idea or she did but didn’t feel connected to them.




I remember that from time to time. He and his wife sound incredible, I wonder what would’ve happened to him if he’d stayed in that culture.


She did have one with I think with Hannah's brother.


Steven Wissman? Yes, that was heavily rumored for a while.


Yes! I remember seeing pictures of them together .. then I just stopped hearing about them altogether.


Jana has zero choice. All males must approach boob first if they're interested in one of the daughters, then boob chooses which daughter they may court. Austin wanted to court jinger, but boob selected joy. Whether or not Jana wants to court the decision belongs to boob.


Where did you hear that Austin wanted to court Jinger?


Didn't Austin have his eyes set on Joy when she was 12 or so?


I also heard somewhere that Derrick had his eye on Jana before he hooked up with Jill.


Jill and Derrick have both been pretty open about JB "steering" Ick towards Jill. I don't believe he'd take up JB as a "prayer partner" if he wasn't gunning for one of his daughters.


You call Derrick Ick for short? That's hilarious! Only problem is, I had a beloved cat named Ick. Except in her case it was an acronym for Incredibly Cute Kitty.






Oh absolutely, every single one of them has been abused in countless ways since the day they were born, brainwashed, manipulated & used since birth!


It’s so sad, because they don’t believe in therapy or psychiatry right? So she might have a totally different, amazing life if her parents and church weren’t so horrible. I really really feel for her.


We know that Pest and Josiah had failed courtships. It was rumored that Jana had a courtship with Stephen Wissmann that failed (as well as a couple more of courtships that didn’t work out), and I believe Jason had a failed courtship with Claire Langdon.


I think that courtship is the result of our collective hysteria when we chose to see that courtship but failed to see the one between the prettier bunk buddy and the older lady happening right in front of our very eyes. Jana seems to have chaperoned them.


IIRC Lawson Bates and Jingle went to a football game together and it made the Enquirer that week. (Granny liked reading the tabloids)


Lawson also had a Twitter meltdown on Jingers wedding day. I personally think they courted. Joe and Carlin is also all but confirmed I believe.


Joe's semester in college was the cover for him and Carlin... I didn't know Lawson was all in his feels when she got married but it tracks with the rest of the tidbits.


Yep. It’s a toss up between Joy and Joe for which is the dumbest Duggar (so far), there’s 0 chance that boy went to college for further education. And if he did, Crown College was entirely the wrong place to get it.


The other side of the equation is Carlin and Joy being super similar in wattage levels, so Joe may have felt like he was pretty evenly matched.


Honestly there’s a solid chance Joe was punching down in the intellectual arena with Carlin.


Since Joy and Carlin established The Sisterhood of the Traveling Brain Cell, some weeks he may have had the upper hand. Especially if it was Joy's week.




Joe only went to Crown for their “One-Year Bible” program, which shouldn’t even count as attending college.


I need more details on the twitter meltdown!


I can’t remember the specifics because it’s a while since it came up but he was like a 14 year old girl who just got dumped from what I remember!


Because the Duggars want the world to think they are perfect, so having a failed courtship out in the open would be a tragedy. I think the only ones that are confirmed are Josiah’s and Josh.


Yep. Baby r@ping by one of their own godly men is fine but god forbid a less well-known performative Christian gets to hold one of his daughters' hands before marriage.


Bingo. It is all about shoring up power for Christian white straight men. That’s all it’s ever been about. It’s why the rules are all about obedience, surveillance and punishment of the females.


It also might look like they are dating around rather than courting


I think they were kept hidden well. Rumors are Joe courted Carlin and it obviously didn't work out. I imagine Jana's probably had a few over the years as well.


I think we all but confirmed Jana with the guy from one of the Dakotas, right?


I'm trying to picture Joe and Carlin together and, yeah, no.


Wasn’t Jana crushing on Chad Paine but he went for a Bates?


Yes! Thank Goodness Jana dodged a bullet. Chad doesn't come off as Prince Charming anymore.


Back when Joe was at Crown, the rumor was him and Tori.


I thought it was Carlin? Pretty sure Tori was already married or courting at that point


I've also only ever heard about Carlin and him and not Tori.


Tori met Bobby in the fall of 2015. They got married in December 2017. Joe was already at Crown in January 2015. That's several months before Tori and Bobby met. Again, it was a rumor at the time. Not confirmed.


Why I think it was Carlin instead of Tori is that during Michaela’s wedding, he is sitting next to Carlin with joy on his side and one of her sisters on her side. if they weren’t courting, Carlin would have sat next to joy over Joe in a heartbeat.


Jana and Steven Wissman


Johannah and Carver Bowers. There was a rumor about it in 21. But he is now married now. Thank God That rumor was not confirmed. His new wife is a hot Saw it on Instagram.


Meant hottie.


Rumored, never confirmed and that was before we knew about Jeremiah and Hannah.


I'm listening to the Digging up the Duggars podcast, and Whitney said at one point that the Bates have a different view on courtship and dating. The Bates parents believe that if you're going to get married, you need to have the skills to have discussions and make at least some of your own choices. The Bates recognize their kids as actual human beings with feelings and wants and needs, rather than "providers" and "birthing machines." This is not a direct quote from the podcast. Just my take on it. Also my take, Kelly Jo Bates is much more a participant in mothering and running the household than Michelle is. While I'm sure the Bates children help out a lot, they have more time to be children and think about their own futures.


On Bringing Up Bates, when Brandon visited them, Kelly explained some of the rules. They couldn't be alone in a room together, no going off alone, basically they needed to be within eyesight of other people. Bates kids are allowed to hold hands during the courting phase. Tori, Carlin, and Josie all called their now husbands their boyfriend before they officially were courting. Duggars seem to keep things on the quiet side/off camera until they're officially courting. Bates show the relationship during "special friends" phase.


Just being in someone’s line of vision seems more reasonable than having a 10 year old go on your date with you. 😖


> Also my take, Kelly Jo Bates is much more a participant in mothering and running the household than Michelle is. While I'm sure the Bates children help out a lot, they have more time to be children and think about their own futures. Absolutely not. I think Kelly Jo might be more involved with her children once they got older, but she was definitely hands off when they were babies. Unlike Michelle who was a baby's "buddy" for the first six months, the Bates babies were assigned a "partner" before they were even born. Carlin was even brought along on their wedding anniversary trip so she could take care of the still nursing Judson. And of course let us not forget the time Kelly Jo d[eclined to name her own children](https://abcnews.go.com/US/evangelical-bates-family-20-children/story?id=12648595) >When asked to name her children, Kelly said, "Oh, Daddy's good at that. His memory's better than mine." Gil Bates easily rattled off all 18 names.


they even joked about how kj is a more involved grandma than mom, and even then, I don’t think she is that involved with most of her grandkids.


I noticed the Bates teens/young adults would joke & tease each other & show a sense of humour. Not so much the Duggar teens/young adults. Just something I noticed.


Jana was seeing someone until the s*** hit the fan about Josh ! I’m sure that scared a lot of families away


She was forced to watch Anna’s children allegedly which led to her ending the relationship with Stephen


Jana is such a tragic figure imo. A lifetime of sacrificing her own happiness to the demands of others just because that’s what’s expected of her. It’s all she’s ever known. She’s never had a life fully her own. She’s always been a helper; but I’ve never seen anyone help or advocate for her. Not saying she’s a perfect angel and has only ever done good. But I will say she is definitely tired of watching and mothering children that aren’t even hers cause that’s literally all her life has ever been. She probably doesn’t even want kids of her own at this point and knows if she gets married she’s expected to get pregnant on the wedding night itself if not while on the honeymoon to maximize what “fertility window” she has left. I’m not gonna speculate on her sexuality but I will say that if I was in Jana’s position and knew only what she knew about men; I would be avoiding marriage as well regardless of if I was attracted to men or not (that doesn’t matter in their religious circle anyways the couple is just expected to breed regardless of attraction and if they want to live the rest of the time as roommates that’s perfectly fine as long as they have at least one child to prove that they did do it).


Wasn't that rumour kinda put down when Jeremiah announced the engagement to Hannah Wissmann? We kinda figured Jana was lurking around that family to *supervise* her brother


No. She confirmed in a previous post that she had a courtship with Stephen.


Where was this confirmed?


She mentioned it in her vlog


I read a few stories about that & one was that his family was extremely upset when that happened & that was it . He since got married


I think the Bates are allowed to “date” a bit more casually and aren’t pressured to marry the first persoj they meet.


I never knew that Pest had a failed courtship. What a huge bullet dodged for that lady!


Yeah, he courted kaeleigh holt when they were like 14 and it ended when the family found out about his past. Her parents are interviewed in the shiny happy people series. She’s married now with a few kids and I agree, dodged a bullet big time


He was betrothed to the daughter of Jim & Bobye Holt. When they found out about him assaulting his sisters, the relationship ended. In Shiny Happy People, the Holts said they asked Jim Bob and Michelle when they were going to tell them. The plan was for Josh to confess once they were married.


OMG how slimy!


She was the bait to try and make Josh behave. Jim and Bobye Holt have their own problems. Don't get me wrong. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are just worse.


She has 5 kids now. 4 boys & a girl.


I’d believe that they only intended fess up after he was down the aisle ==> based on the girls (jessa, jill) not being allowed to have unchaperoned phone conversations even tho engaged. JB wanted to keep a lid on Josh’s a*use. Imagine not being able to talk to your fiance about that if you wanted to. Jessa says she called Ben every night despite the rule. I gave a silent cheer when she said that. Probably had to hide in the prayer closet.


She’s fortunate to have not married Pest


I don't know much about the Bates. However perhaps when thier children court they're actually allowed to have private conversation with their potential spouse. So they can see if they're compatible; opposed to boob deciding who their children will marry.


They didn't used to be so reasonable, but Zach had a particularly bad end of a courtship very publicly before he met Whitney and the Bates were smart enough to change their model after that. Whereas I think the Duggars actually boomeranged back to an almost arranged marriage style of courtship after what happened with Jinger and Jill and Josiahs failed courtship.


What failed courtships did Jill and Jinger have?


Jinger and Jill have husbands Boob does not approve of, Josiah had the failed courtship. It was a badly structured sentence on the previous post.


Any failed courtship with a Duggar is a victory for the other person


Sure is Marjorie Jackson Josiahs Ex dodged a huge Bullet not marrying him now work at the White House Kaleigh Josh's ex now married have 5 kids 4 boys & A girl. Her married name now is Tull.


Marjorie doesn’t work at the White House. She worked for the Family Research Council (a far right group), and now works for, from what I can find, Representative Bob Good (far right scumbag).


The Bates are more public in the cult than the Duggars. Zach's failed courtship aired on TV and 19KAC was canceled before Josiah's courtship could air. It also probably would not have failed had the events leaving to the show being canceled not have happened.


Wasn't there a girl named Marjorie who courtshiped one of the boys? Sorry if it was already mentioned


She was in a courtship with Josiah which failed.


Ok thanks. 85 failed courtships and counting. Smh


Marjorie now works at the White House.




I’m so curious how a failed courtship is ok but dating and breaking up means giving away pieces of your heart. Like they didn’t give away pieces of their hearts when they courted but it didn’t lead to marriage? It’s just the same thing with a new name. And a fast track to the altar so no one accidentally front hugs.


Lauren Caldwell was engagement to Titus Hall For awhile up until there was a rumor that JB & Paul Broke up there engagement. Not so sure if it's TRUE or Not.


That may have been a blessing in disguise for her


I think you kind of hit the nail on the head there. To them, any kind of physical contact is “giving away pieces of your heart” aka wh*ring yourself out. So their logic is no physical contact, your heart is still intact, I guess.


Jana PROBABLY has been introduced to many young fellows, just a handshake and simple surface-level small chat, but obviously nothing of significance has happened yet.


James and Lauren Caldwell?


Suspected, never confirmed.


Thank God. Johannah and Carver bowers rumored Courtship was never confirmed he is married to Someone else & a close friend to the Duggar family.


I remember everyone being horrified because Hannie was so young at the time.


Didn't Jana court that pilot from Nebraska for awhile? Wissman? Wiskman?


I don't think that was ever a confirmed relationship. Stephen Wissman is his name. His sister Hannah is married to Jeremiah.


Not enough


The only failed courtships that have been confirmed are Josh and Josiah. There aren’t any failed courtships from any of the other Duggar siblings as far as I know of.


I here rumor courtship about Jana & Stephen Wissmann. Also rumor courtship in the year of 21 Johannah & Carver Bowers never confirmed But he married someone else. Josh's first courtship did failed due to what Josh did. She is now marry with 5 kids 4 boys and a girl Jim & Bobby Holts daughter Marjorie Jackson Josiahs first girlfriend did not Work out now works at the WHITE houes. Both of These guys dodge bullets with these women.


As stated above, the only *confirmed* courtships that didn't work out are Josh with the Holt girl and Josiah with Marjorie. We can speculate all day long about many others. Some might even be true. There's no confirmation.


No names or specific but in some talking heads on CO Jana basically said there were a few people she gave a go and it didn't work out. So basically just dating. But more than a lot of the siblings seemed to have even attempted.


Josh had one.


He did. But the courtship did not last due to what He did to his sisters.


Wasn't there a rumor that Kendra was in the get to know you stage with Jed before eventually marrying Joe?


Internet rumors. Not confirmed.


Josh, Josiah and Jason


Jason had a confirmed courtship that didn't work out?


Claire Langdon, not confirmed, rumored.


What about Johannah and Carver Bowers? That courtship was just a rumor. Iam the only one That remember that from last year? Seems like it.


Rumor, never proven, rumors stopped when his engagement was announced to someone else before Johannah turned 18.


Joy has a very controlling husband. She is the most like her mother. In time Joy's husband will leave her. That will be hushed!😳🤣