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Anything that focuses a little too much on how pathetic Andy is. Pre or post manager episodes. I still watch them because I'm not a BABY. But Ed Helms is too good at making me want to look away.


The little soybean comments are needles in my ears


+= nails on a blackboard


Kinda weird to go back to the Baby Wawa audition and see Aaron Rodgers before he himself turned into the king of crybabies.


That brief period where Rodgers was everywhere and was gonna host Jeopardy.


Michael dumping Pam's mom on her birthday. Micheal being shitty to Pam's landlady because she's not a supermodel. Andy attempting to hit on Stanley's client, Julia. Andy faking pretending to be gay to break up with Jessica only to turn back around and go tell them he's just into Erin. Scott's Tots at least had a "heart was in the right place" aspect to it. The others are all just either insane or completely trash behavior.


Oh man I forgot about Andy breaking up with Jessica. I skip that scene every time.


Yeah, I skip that, too. We waited 3 seasons for Andy and Erin to get together, and I was very unhappy with how they actually did it.


and how they ended it too 😬


> Scott's Tots at least had a "heart was in the right place" aspect to it. He's made a lot of empty promises, but that was by far the most generous.


Well, and had he been able to keep this one, it would have been very admirable (not impish). It still stands to reason that nobody would have gone to actually meet those kids to tell them he couldn't put his money where his mouth had been, but, at least he owned it I guess.


Micheal’s goofy ass scrapbook is what does it for me. It’s so embarrassing


That’s actually one of my favorite episodes lol.


Prince Family Paper. It’s just too sad to watch knowing that they really do go out of business later.


I love his tearful voicemail greeting.


“You work in paper this long, you get to know the players” *calls a company he ran out of business* Classic Michael


Me too. Everything wrong with cooperate America.


We living in the same America? Because I see very little cooperation.


This 👆


Yeah, I skip this one every single time. The side plot was also pretty terrible and just made me hate this episode even more.


I know, that episode cuts me really deep:(




LMAO I didn't pick up that you were typing the Jaws theme for a second. I was like "Do they reference the movie Babe in that episode?"


Legitimately made me depressed


Michael yelling "Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. And Mrs. Bob Vance!" Early. I would move to uninhabited Canada and live off the grid in a Cabin if I did that.


That was so funny to me personally. I officiated my best friend's wedding. Pretty standard stuff, tell everyone to stand up when the bride is about to walk down the aisle. Except I forgot to tell them to sit down. Half way through the ceremony the bride gives me a little nudge and whispers, "tell them to sit down". I felt like Michael for the rest of the ceremony. I also tried to start walking away from the altar at my own wedding before the "you may kiss the bride" because I thought it was over. I guess I'm not very good at weddings.


That whole danny cordray story. How tf does one go so nuts about a guy you went on 2 dates with. They then proceed to bugger him for why danny didnt call back. Then danny gives an honest answer and what, jim thinks hes gunna floor him? Fuck off man, I really wanma punch jim on his nose there. Edit; no scrap the above. I am in rewatch #7383 and at the point where nellie thinks she can steal andys job. These episodes i truly skip because they are UNBEARABLE


"Hey man" so cringe


The Banker. I've been binge watching the show for the past 10 years, I don't need a flashbacks episode. Nellie taking over andy's job is also an awful story line


Agreed. I watch the intro with Michael on whatever he is riding around and all that stuff, but once the flashbacks start I change it


Automatron and the beginning of the episode are great! But yeah once its toby and the banker, I skip hahahah


Phyllis's Wedding. Basically from the time that Michael "walks" her down the aisle and then gets upset that her dad stands up. His toast is a little funny, but it's all-around hard to watch. Nepotism is also one I can't. When he spanks Luke...hard core cringe.


WHAT that is probably one of my most favourite episodes ever


The one with Phyllis or the one where he spanks his nephew?


Phyllis's wedding


Mine too. Michael's just so ridiculous.


The worst ep ever! Michael’s cringe level is out of character


I hate it too! Michael’s childhood is so sad. And I hate his toast to Phyllis in light of her having a baby in high school.


I did like where he provides the definition of welding instead of wedding, but yeah…it’s not a great toast.




Michael planning a trip to Tallahassee 




i haaate the nellie stealing andy’s job story line. almost impossible to watch. yeah, he deserved to lose his job, but come ON why would i root for her in that scenario? she just stole someone’s job and they all just accepted it.


I HATE the one with Andy's seminar because of that guy Jim went to school with. "Paper salesman...genuis." It's so awkward. Jim is such a coward about it and the guy is so upset still about something that happened like 20 years ago. And the seminar itself is weird, idk.


Really? I like that one. I think Darryl and Michael getting Andy to push it over the goal line is kind of heartwarming. Plus Nein! I'm Greek!


That's true, the ending does feel good, but I can hardly get that far lol. Besides, I'm not a huge Andy or Holly fan, so I don't get super invested


I'm a Jim hater so I love seeing him experience things that are unpleasant.


Sadly, I am too. When I first watched the show I loved Jim I wanted my husband to be more like Jim. I was over the moon with him! As the years went on and I kept watching I eventually came to the conclusion that Jim is a big old baby! Boy did I dodge THAT hypothetical bullet. 😂


The episode with Erin and her brother being way too close


Formative years...


Agreed, that plotline felt kind of meanspirited towards foster kids if I'm being honest. I'm not saying creepy stuff like that doesn't happen, but I think it's over-represented in media because people like to make jokes and plotlines out of not seeing foster siblings as "real" siblings. And when people do use the "foster sibling" dynamic as an excuse to creep on vulnerable people irl, it's far from a laughing matter.


Yeah it felt like "Well they're not blood related so obviously there's going to be some sexual tension between them" It felt like a cheap porn plot


I don't like the episode where they have Peepee Halpert baptized/christened. That's usually a skip for me.


That episode is kinda meh, but I do love the scene towards the end after they get off the bus and Erin comes to pick them up. Erin: Hurry, get in quick. Michael: Why? Erin: So it's faster I know Erin comes off as an airhead, but she's got some good bits here and there.


That's a great Erin line. I always wondered why the most of the missionary group was just trying to sleep right away. It can't be much later than noon, you're on a multi-day road trip... just doesn't add up for me.


I agree completely. I love Erin and that scene.


I use the line "what if the moon was your car and Jupiter was your hairbrush" probably a few times a month all these years later.


What if the moon was your car and Jupiter was your hairbrush?


Me too! I think this episode is extremely overrated!


The Christmas where Phillys is Santa. Michael is at his most selfish and insufferable.




S8E20 Welcome Party is one where I always skip the Andy breaking up with Jessica plot line.


The pool party at Robert California’s. Gross. Best part is Jim just flooring his car through the lawn to get the hell out of there!


I love that episode. What scene is hard to watch in that one?


Everything about Robert California, the wine, the lost ring…I just find the episode cringey.


It's probably top 3 post Michael eps for me.


Can't wait to see the Superfan version of Pool Party. 🤘🔥💦


I laughed so hard on my first watch when I saw how Jim left


Jim also definitely should have gotten a DUI that night.


That’s my favorite Robert California episode.


The Deangelo episodes are horrible. That being said I really enjoy the rest of 8 and 9.


Not a fan of the Deangelo spin. Just seemed a weak way to send Michael off


And a strange waste of Will Ferrell, who is a good comedic actor otherwise.


I feel like they wrote an anti-Michael. Them at the Dundies emphasizes that quite well


The Glee watch party is excruciating


But don’t you love Dwight being able to force Jim to feed him?


But you married my worst enemy I know Weeeellllll i think we have a charming back and forth I do love that exchange. But thats it.


Beer me, Jim


I would prefer he think of it as degrading.


Michael's interaction with Erin outside is one of the sweetest moments in the whole series.


I have to agree with Mafia. The guy just trying to sell insurance and they're all acting like cringey idiots makes me cringe so hard. It's too hard to watch


I’ll have the gabagool


If the salad is on top i send it back


Bring him the gabagool


I think the point of the episode is to make it legitimately unclear if the guy was just selling insurance or if he was actually part of a racket.


What did you see as an indicator he might actually be mafia?


The threat on the warehouse fire, the coat rack, the own the place mentality at the restaurant.


My whole thing was, does Scranton even have organized crime?


I'm not saying it made sense, my point was that the writers kept the character vague so that there was nothing to confirm either way, which is why the characters are split deciding


It didn't really seem vague to me, I thought the joke was that they're overreacting to an Italian guy doing otherwise fairly mundane things. But this is why it's fun to discuss!


I mean, yeah, it is on the face just supposed to be a mundane Italian guy, but I always felt they made thr joke even better by keeping it possible that he was in the mob. Like, if it showed that he wasn't at the end it kind of spoils it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufalino_crime_family?wprov=sfti1# Yessir they did. Never a large family but active til the late 2000’s. By 2010/2011 they were deemed officially defunct & if there is any remaining mafia element they’d be aligned with the New York Families


I kind of agree but Andy as a mechanic is hilarious


You've got a leaky spark tube


The Fight ( I hate the cringe part with Pam and Jim) A Benihanna Christmas I would watch these but I skip them a lot on my rewatches.


The episode with the Jack Black movie. It's so fucking boring I literally skip past all the fake movie stuff. It may be the least funny thing Jack Black has ever done.


You don't like Dwight's fire drill cold open, or the CPR scene?


Is that the same episode? Who knew. I like that stuff, but all the movie stuff gets instantly skipped. I couldn't have told you what episode it is because I skip the parts as soon as it comes up and forget about it.


Yeah I don't really like the movie stuff that much either. I guess Andy thinking Jim and Pam are talking about the movie when they're talking about Pam's parents is kinda funny, but that's it. The whole reason for the fake movie is that NBC wanted some big name guest stars for the episode since it aired right after the Super Bowl, but then they just put them in a fake movie where they don't interact with the main cast at all.


The fake movie he was in on 30 Rock was much better.


Mafia is just plain boring. I skip most of season 1 because it’s painful to watch Michael just be a plain dick. Get the girl - I actually liked most of the Florida episodes, but this one was annoying.


Date Mike… it’s nice to meet me!


The Groti one...worst Carell led episode of the show. When Nelly takes over and Andy returns. Yeah Andy effed up but holy shit I hate bully characters like that, it's not that they physically act against someone, they just pretend they're in the right. Pisses me off.


The Banker.....becuse I hate clip episodes


Angry Andy. I think I’ve only actually watched it twice. It’s an automatic skip for me. In fact, I skip most of that arc after Tallahassee and go straight to Season 9


I don’t watch Goodbye Michael. It’s too sad.


The Will Ferrell episodes. I always have to remind myself that besides him there are actually enjoyable bits in those episodes.


Was going go say the one with the employee of the month plot where Dwight rigs the votes to get Jim in trouble and I realize that was Scott's Tot's B Plot


See THAT'S the reason I can't watch that episode, I can stomach the A plot just fine.


The whole of Season 1. So many cringe moments and mainly there for character development. I start with season 2 on all my rewatches.


I skip the pilot but nothing more. The other episodes are all at least on the right track even if they’re nowhere near the peak of the series.


Scott's tots isn't even bad, there are so many episodes that are harder to watch and cringier. Phyllis and bobs wedding Michael going on a date with Pam's landlord All of dinner party.


Dinner party is one of my favorite episodes! I will go as far and say it's my favorite.


The Benihana episode, but only *after* they've returned from the Benihana.


Personally Scott's Tots is fine with me there are rather situations that I tend to use the good ol 10 sec skippers, gonna edit my comment when I think of any xD


Enough with the tots slander!!


I Don't understand why people hhate Scotts tots episode. I've seen a lot of posts, comments about people not preferring it but why


Not a full episode but the scene that makes my skin crawl is the Toby and Pam scene right before he jumps the fence and leaves for Costa Rica.


Currently watching the St. Patrick’s Day episode. So much second hand embarrassment. What bothers me the most is that apparently no one can leave because Jo stays? Bugs me every time.


I’ll watch Scott’s Tots every day until I die. I will not watch “New Leads” or whatever it’s called. There are so many little things that bother me but I cannot get past the idea that Sabre would send these expensive leads on paper like they were postcards instead of emailing them or just uploading them to their CRM. Also, the horrible CGI at the dump.




Haha, most of the eps mentioned are ones I always make sure to watch if they're on. Unpop opin but I cannot stand the one with Bob Odenkirk "interviewing" Pam.


It was disappointing. I'm a big Bob Odenkirk fan but he just isn't funny. And to think the producers almost cast him instead of Steve Carell.


Boom mic guy can take out his suck it and suck it as far as I’m concerned.


I normally skip over over the Charles Minor episodes, but Scott's Tots is one of my favorite episodes, so that's a never skip.


The Fire..very tedious


Absolutely the episode where Andy tries to hit on Stanley’s client. Random tries to kiss her and then asks her out to go walk around at a mall. Andy sucks.


The "did I stutter?" episode. It's so uncomfortable


The Charles Miner arc. He’s insufferable and Jim turns into a fucking idiot for those episodes.


Last time I watched Scott’s Tots I had to skip all those segments. I can’t do it.


Moving On was pretty horrible


Episode 2 diversity one of the funniest and cringiest if you have been a salesperson at all. Just cringe when Dwight steals Jim’s best customer. Also Michael prioritizes his diversity over making sales. Yikes


I have a hard time rewatching the episode where Michael holds the pizza delivery kid hostage. That could have turned into a huge issue in real life. I also cringe when Michael uses word association to remember names when they visit other branches while trying to win Holly back.


I can't watch Nepotism either but for a different reason; when Michael puts Luke over his knee and starts hitting him, it brings back bad memories. :/


I hate the Christmas episode where Pam is trying to flirt with Jim by gifting him a prank on Dwight and he’s like “ummm yea no I’m taking myself seriously now”


Morroccan Christmas


Inner circle through finale


Season 1


The one where they drive the car into the water


The one with the koi pond


Phyllis's Wedding... honestly, it was the most cringe and overly awkward episode for Michael. Also, it's where Pam and Roy start up their dead-end relationship once more before it explodes. Which would bring me to my second most cringe episode... Cocktails. Roy and his brother are the worst.


For me, it’s when Michael buys the most expensive gift for white elephant after not only telling everyone a specific dollar amount but to personalize the gifts and then gets mad when Phyllis worked really hard to knit him oven mitts. The look on Phyllis’ face breaks my heart every time. This show is still my ultimate favorite of all time, BUT. That part of that episode is hard for me. Because I know how it feels when you work hard on something and someone just shits all over it. Poor Phyllis.


as much as i like jim, his character and john krasinski, any episode that jim is co-manager. just doesn’t work imo


helene and michael. i am all for michael being happy, but any of the scenes where helene and michael act like nothing is wrong with the 2 dating IN FRONT of pam (and jim too), just makes it feel so awkward


Phyllis’s wedding 😭


Mine is Diwali. Pam dancing, Roy all sad and Michael absolutely giving Carol the worst memory of her life. Also A Benihana Christmas is hard to watch, also involving Carol and Michael being a complete weirdo with the Christmas card and then his used bike donation. I think it is the anticipation for what is going to happen in each of these that’s the crime of watching them for me.


Pretty much everything post Michael But when it comes to unbearable cringe, Phillys' wedding comes to mind. I like Phyll and Bob and seeing Michael being Michael here is just so raw it almost hurts


Angry Andy. I haven't watched past it yet, but they did Andy so dirty over Nellie in this episode. He's my favourite character thus far, and it just really upsets me how awful they treat him here. Robert California may be an enigma but he had some sort of humanity and rationality and it was thrown away. Erin starting to scream at Nellie was warranted, but handled so messily and it just threw away all of her and Andy's development. He had such a great season up to that point, and it just irks me so much seeing all that development wasted. It's so painful for me to even think about it sometimes, Andy and Erin deserved so much better.


What bugged me about this scene is how easily Nellie seduces Robert. He goes from a guy who seems to have actual mind control powers to "Durrrr me like getting boners."




The rest of the episode is funny but I agree that the roach trap scene in the mafia episode is rough to watch. I always have to look away from the screen and remind myself that it's a prop 😭


I'm not being an internet tough guy when I say I would respond physically if someone did that to me.


Most of the episodes that involve Holly I tend to skip.


Michael handing out his desk toys and him and Jim’s conversation before setting up a lunch date on his “last day” gets me every single time.


this is probably an unpopular opinion but I skip dinner party a lot. it’s like the one episode I only really needed to watch once. it’s just a bit too cringey for me. I don’t have the same reaction to any other episode including scott’s tots!


Chair Model. It has both Pam’s landlady and the cringey American Pie in the graveyard. No thanks, I’ll stick to my jerky.


The one with Dwight’s speech. I think it’s called that but don’t remember. My god I can’t sit through it I cringe so hard. Tbh any speech episode cause I know Michael does one as well


Dinner Party - it just gets too uncomfortable for me (Scott’s Tots doesn’t make me feel that level of uncomfortable in any way) Nepotism is ALWAYS on Comedy Central when I’m traveling for work. I’m sick of that episode.


The Banker is the only one that is acceptable to skip. People skipping anything else ain’t the real ones that’s fo sho


There are none. That's the beauty of the show. If it you don't like an episode because it invokes an emotion, then you're missing the point.


? There are plenty of episodes that are just objectively bad, not because they invoke unwanted emotions. This is a sitcom. It's there to make you laugh first and foremost.


There are plenty of sitcom episodes that don't make you laugh. And where did I say, unwanted emotions? I said emotions. If it ends up being an unwanted emotion, isn't that a welcomed surprise? I've watched the entire series as least 30 times. I don't skip any episodes. And I don't think any of them are bad. They each offer something different.


PDA. Horrible episode. Michael and Holly are in my top 3 worst characters and this episode makes me wanna puke


Any Holly episode. Can’t stand her.




I don't get it!


He treats her like a perfect 40!


Imagine being so nerdy and pressed as to down vote someone else’s opinion about a character on a television show…


Did I stutter. Brutal! Stanley getting mad makes me terrified! And I love the way they resolve. But it’s rough. For me. Gah!




None? Getting "uncomfortable" over fictional events is silly