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They switched to Acrobat just as she was learning Quark.đŸ˜«


Because she was going to the wrong classes and staying there lol


This scene makes me so angry at Pam. Like omg grow some balls and walk out of the classroom


Courage has never been Pam’s strong suit.


Yeah, on Van Gogh's first try, he drew the hands of the peasants


Oscar and Gil were toxic for so many reasons.


Probably why Oscar was willing to try women just to get out of that relationship.


Going to europe with Gil was the end of that relationship, I can't even imagine the ways he would ruin a trip like that.


Stands in the Louvre... "This is motel art."


Thats exactly what i was thinking!!! Well done


Kelly stands in front of her. “Yeah, that’s what I thought”


The professor frustrates me more than Pam. In university I never once saw a professor stop a lecture because someone got up to leave. I even found myself in the same situation as Pam a few times and just got up and left


I did have some that were so up their own ass that they wouldn’t let you leave but as an even more of an adult Pam should have just left.


If it’s not your class and they won’t let you leave, what are they gonna do? Fail you for a class you’re not enrolled in?


How would they not let you leave? Were they physically restraining people?


Nah she’d just just yell at you and since this was a 100 level freshman course no one realized this was not normal.


Especially not in the first week of classes


Lol well people get up in the middle of class in college all the time to use the bathroom use the phone whatever it isn't like HS where you have to ask but yea lol she didn't even have to reply, just keep walking lol


Tbh that was one of the weirdest transitions from hs to college. Just the ability to get up and leave


I did this once and didn't even try to leave the classroom. I wasn't in the wrong room, I had just gotten there an hour earlier than I needed to on the first day. Just sat there while they talked about their occupational hygiene. Then when this class ended I didn't leave while everyone else did. Just sat there until my actual class began. It's called efficiency!


Why was their hygiene so important for their occupation?


This scene also makes me annoyed at the professor. Like the students are paying to be there, don't force them to be there. How big is your ego?


Honestly I place more of the blame on the professor in that scene lol. She turned so confrontational towards Pam before even knowing or asking what the reason of her getting up was. If I got aggressively called out like that, I'd get super anxious as well and just plop back down like a dog with its tail between its legs.


She accidentally printed out her class schedule and Zapf Chancery


"Please sit down đŸ€“"


"I'm sorry, I don't speak Wingdings." *walks out*


God this was so annoying. Just get up and leave! Who cares what Professor Lecture-Much has to say? Its not like you re in her class.


I agree. Well for one a teacher would never act that way on the first day, this happens all the time lol but Ive seen this many times irl in college, usually the students know before the lecture starts but it wouldn't be a big deal plus ppl get up and walk out all the time to use bathroom phone whatever else lol


Since I saw this episode of the office well before I entered college it warped my child mind to think walking out in the middle of a lecture was a death sentence. But then I actually got into college and realized it’s not that bad haha


Yea it happens all the time they treat you like your grown in college where if you have to use the bathroom you just go or if something comes up you just go and come back and nobody cares everyone is focusing on themselves


Guess you’ve never had social anxiety


I had a professor that loved putting a completely different class in his welcoming power point. He loved seeing people freak out and think they were in the wrong class


I did that once on the very first day of class


She flunked her PDF Editing finale and then it was all over


That was always funny to me because I _did_ learn Quark in college right as everywhere was shifting to InDesign.


All true but partying till 8am didnt help


Sarakaya Komzin was her ultimate downfall


Who's Sarakaya Komzin?


Better question is where is she? The answer: jail


She stole her roommate's soy milk!


And smashed a light box


That’s hilarious


I've got a big box yes I do, I've got a big box how "bout you.




No! Sara Kaya COMES IN!


Damnit, Jim! She only has a few minutes!


She was in the wrong program. In the extended scenes, you see her sketches of people she draws around NYC, while being in art school. They are VERY good. She should have kept doing her art the way she wanted instead of graphic design. She probably went to the graphic design because that is where you get more paid work. This is why many of us go into fields in college and realize this isnt your passion anymore.


You must run a motel


In Hell? With Satan?


You’ll never guess their salary. Eighty THOUSAND dollars a year.


Can I get a late checkout?


Nope. You can’t switch rooms either.


What about getting 2 safes for the room?


What’s he hiding in there?


A map to a chandelier


What's that break down to monthly, roughly?


$6666.66 exactly


Akshually it’s a bit more than that


Around here, inFenceofFigment is known as akshually.


Actually you're speculating.


A little over $6600


come on it's their first try


As someone studying graphic design, it’s stunning how many talented artists join the program just to fail or fall behind. Being great at art can help but it’s definitely not what design is all about.


It's a different skill set than studio art. I'm no artist but I can use In Design.


> She probably went to the graphic design because that is where you get more paid work. That, and wasnt DM paying for the whole thing? It tracks they'd rather have someone with graphic design skills that works for them.


Her logo designs were pretty awful, too.


Like cheap motel art


It's probably the only program dunder Mifflin would pay for.


She was a really good painter, too. Her mural in the finale was incredible. She struggled to make that little logo in Local Ad, but the sketches that she did just to pass the time looked professional. But Dunder Mifflin and that guy at the job fair recommended graphic design, because corporate can monetize those skills.


That mural wasn't very good at all


It was better with the butts 


I wouldn't say Pam "struggled" in regards to the animated logo - speaking as someone who's worked with frame-by-frame animation like that, it IS a very time-consuming process (especially if you're not taking any shortcuts, even with digital software). She wasn't unable to do it, she was just on a very strict time crunch.


What kind of fields? Corn fields?


Ehh, I think she failed because she was taking graphic design. It was established that she was not great with computers, and she definitely was not a quick learner for operating systems. If she had taken classes for more physical mix media, maybe she would have been successful.


As someone who is in art school, I‘ve seen people like pam fail. They enjoy watercolour and collaging, bit when it comes to doing graphic design with photoshop or illustrator they‘re a lost cause. Never understood why pam would go into graphic design instead of painting.


On corportate america graphic desing would have better carrer choices, I understand why she tried that


Exactly this. Her character was stuck as a receptionist in a failing industry. Going into something like graphic design was probably a way for her to make her interests more of her career, working with art but at the corporate level. But as we all know, it doesn't always work out, and what we think we want isn't so. Hypothetical, she could have also gone into teaching, maybe even just as a sub, but major in art. This would have made more sense based on her interests.


I've always thought that she and michael should've opened an ad agency, not a rival paper company. They both seemed like they'd be good at marketing.


It’s a great idea - Michael could do the pitches to clients (sales). Pam would take care of the artwork and Ryan would handle the business. The three of them could collectively make decisions on the “creative” side of the business. That would’ve been fun!


And they could even be a client of dunder mifflin


Maybe Jim's brothers' dumb joke had convinced her after all


It was probably the only way she thought she could earn a living as an artist.


At the end of the series, Jim and Pam decided to move to Austin. I'd like to think that she joined the local art scene.


She would’ve failed painting too. Have you seen her painting? The building? There are shadows coming from two different directions. Are there two suns?


> Are there two suns? Shut up about the sun. **SHUT UP. ABOUT THE SUN!!!**


Didn't the guy at the high school career fair plant the seed? She liked the job opp but didn't have the experience needed.


Jan planted the scene first during Women's Appreciation Day


Kevin planted the seed in Jan


By the IHOP?


She needed a studio art program


What all these comments are forgetting to mention is that it’s possible Pam was attending Pratt through the Dunder Mifflin training program she was considering in Season 2. That program would have likely had course requirements that were based on classes that would be applicable to Dunder Mifflin’s business which would be why she was studying graphic design instead of painting.


Definitely. I actually liked that idea and wish it was explored more.


That makes sense and her working at DM part time / being an RA tracks.


Michael got her that part time gig.




Love ya kiddo.


Being an RA probably covered housing, and they tend to assign that role to older students


And meals. Terrible, truly terrible cafeteria meals.


Not forgetting, it just doesn’t fit. Pam showed Jim her acceptance to Pratt and he mentioned work she submitted to get in. She ran out of money so Michael got her the corporate job while Jan said the DM program would allow her to keep working with just a few weeks in New York.


Maybe 12 weeks is "just a few" to Jan


The Dunder Mifflin program would make allowances to help her in pursuing career-furthering training. We don’t hear the specifics of those allowances. Pam would have to still be accepted to a school’s program by submitting her work. The submission process doesn’t always consider what courses you’ll be taking when determining admission based on your submitted materials. Jan said Pam could keep working at Dunder Mifflin Scranton while in the program, but this must mean she could keep her job while away for the program in New York because otherwise how could she work 9-5 in Scranton and complete any kind of art program in New York? Jan does say it would just be a few weeks in New York, but that may depend on how one uses the program. Jan may have been using the example of someone taking one accelerated course in three or four weeks, but there may have been options to take more courses at a full summer session like Pam did.


Good points. I personally think we don’t have enough information to know whether it was the DM program Jan mentioned or not.


Isn’t there that deleted scene where she’s showing Jim her graphic design work from her classes and they are all terrible? And then she has some hand drawn stuff that Jim thinks is good.


Yeah. Was supposed to design a logo for “Coffee Grounds” and it was skewed because she couldn’t get it print out right. She got an F on it.


That scene gave me flashbacks to when I was a paralegal and couldn't get some exhibits to print out right. I think giving an F because she struggled with the printer is a little overboard.


Sounds familiar


But she made the animated logo thingy for Michael's director cut of the local ad.


I think that's a good point but I guess the animated logo was still hand drawn frames, while vector logos and stuff have less of that free-hand quality. So maybe that's why she didn't prefer it. but tbh I so think she could've done it if she was able to do an animation haha. even if she didn't enjoy it I would thought she could at least pass haha


You ever been on a motorcycle?


Yes, she did. It's not really a plot hole, but doing that 5-second animation is probably something most people can do. Even my daughter in 4th grade was learning code, doing stop-motion and animation. For arguments sake, she was probably talented at physical media. It was kinda shown that she could do it at some level. Going to school is a different thing than just a hobby.


lol I’m not gifted in graphic design at all and I could make that logo for sure.


Post it here when you are ready :D




U could, it’s very easy in Lightroom. In highschool it was a one day lesson lol


What are you on about? Lightroom is a photography editor, it has nothing to do with animation or drawing.


If she put her heart into it like she did with the new printer, she would have graduated with honours


She was NOT going to let that copier beat her like the stupid wireless router did!


This never made sense to me because Pam seemed better than average at computers. Setting up a new copier is no joke, she did that amazing animated logo, and she’s always troubleshooting tech issues in the office. She’s shown to be smart, creative, diligent, and able to figure out complex problems. And yet she FAILS a basic graphic design course? I really think the writers were lazy with Pam’s arc and it irritates me.


Copiers are not at all difficult to setup. And what tech issues did she troubleshoot?


She couldn’t even get bigboobz right!


With knowing that she’s bad with computers, it always bugged me when she said reception’s computer was so old that its IP was 1. Like, that doesn’t work like that.


It bugged you that she said something wrong about computers, because she's said to be bad with computers?


Nah, I always got the vibe that she failed art school because she couldn't learn the techy side of it that well, like the graphic design programs and stuff. She liked art, and was decent at it, but not when you mix it with computers.


I felt so bad that she gave up. I wish she got to finish and not fail so that she could go back to Scranton, but not have to abandon school.


Agreed, and wasn't it only like a 3 month program to begin with?


God that’s not that much time she definitely could have done it.


Her asking Jim if they could handle 3 more months of this 🙄 They still saw each other and talked often. Most people in relationships don’t work together.


She failed cuz she switched her alarm clock setting to zapf chancery


I thought she failed because her art wasn't the prettiest art of all art.


How dare you! Pam’s art is the prettiest art of all the art, even my brother agrees


She realized she didn't like graphic design. Lots of people go to school with an idea of something they'd like only to discover they don't like it. She likes drawing and painting, so she starts getting mural commissions in Scranton. She's paid for her art, the definition of a successful artist


She dared to dream that she could achieve the success of Tracey Fleeb, and she was right!


It’s really annoying how they had multiple plotlines of Pam being a failure
and then never had any pay off. The only thing she could do right was marry Jim I guess. It just seems weird to me.


She did scheme her way into a job that she was ultimately okay with (receptionist -> saleswoman -> office administrator) and by the end she is making money on her art on the side as a part time muralist. I'd say that's payoff, and it's very realistic for a lot of artists.


Scamming her way into a job is not success or payoff in my book, realistic doesn't equate to satisfying storytelling. The muralist thing was barely even mentioned so that isn't satisfying conclusion either, and most people probably forgot about that. I'm not even sure I remember it. I remember she had her studio in their house but that's it. And being a saleswoman was another failure.


Her office administrator role was needed with Erin as receptionist and their series of incompetent managers and HR reps. She was picking up their slack and folded the party planning committee into her role, so company time wasn't wasted. At one time, they had an HR rep, a branch manager, *and* a corporate liaison, and they **still** had issues running the branch. Once they promoted Dwight, they were probably okay without her role. An office does need someone to order the supplies, coordinate with maintenance, and plan the Christmas party.


Of course


Because she was unexceptional. Not everything is a lesson, sometimes you just fail


But everyone else had something to hang their laurels on at the end. The ending presented Ryan and Kelly abandoning a child, and Nellie admitting her intent on human trafficking as a happy ending. The final tone was a happy note, and it'd be nice if Pam got something.


That’s true, but definitely not what the show was trying to convey. It’s just weird writing. Again, not a satisfying conclusion made by the show.


There are lots of people who never really find their niche and thrive professionally. Some people just survive and get by which I think is a good thing to show. If you only think you can be happy by being the best and succeeding at everything you will more than likely be let down. A positive you can take from Pam is that even though she isn’t successful professionally she has a happy and fulfilling life.


That's not what my issue is. They set up a lot of plotlines and never paid them off. Even what you're saying wasn't what the writers were trying to convey. They started her art stuff as early as season 2 and had her fail over and over and then the series ended. Your take is fine but doesn’t really address the problem.


She failed because she didn’t complete the course. She came back “the wrong way”.


Well she failed because she didn't complete the course, but she chose not to complete the course because she was failing it in the first place.


I never understood why Pam couldn’t just get her certificate, combined with the way they put her in sales is just so weird. I always thought she should have opened her own design business/print shop out of the space for Michael Scott Company once they were bought out. Then she could have been a Dunder Mifflin client and driven Dwight insane.


I mean I know it's established that she's not great with computer programs for art, but it's definitely possible that if she took studying more seriously and wasn't going out with her friends a bunch she could've passed


I think a lot of people underestimate how hard it is to go back to school. Several of my professors warned us that once we entered the workforce, we would get addicted to steady paychecks and lack of homework, so if you know you want a masters or a PhD, do it now. I'm at a point where I really want to make a major career change, and the thought of being in school again is terrifying to me, even despite the fact that I absolutely loved school. Pam was pretty well established and in her late twenties, and presumably her last time in school was high school. I think it's very believable that she would have a hard time becoming a student again.


I always assumed it was just that she was a small town girl in over her head in NYC. Yeah a part if it definitely was she was too concerned with making friends and going out til the wee hours but she was also going into the wrong classrooms/not standing up for herself and just making all the classic flunking out of college mistakes. Also washing her lipstick and not realizing that she could just take a couple steps outside away from the machines to talk to her fiancé for one freaking minute. She was just such an anxious spaz in NY there was no way it was gonna work.


Attending Expressive Typography in New Media was her downfall đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


She wasn’t partying until 8am, Jim was listening to a voicemail.


> Yeah, I'd say she's happy. I mean she loves her classes, loves the city. I mean last night she was out with her friends till like, 8 AM. Jim, talking to Roy at the bar.


"partying"... Pam the college mattress


Pam's a chump.


Probably hangs out with that other chump, Darnell.


Probably because a shitty fine artist thought “hey, I guess Graphic Design?” as if it’s just that easy. Plus it’s a tv show I suppose. And their attempts at graphic design humor was brutal. Source: Graphic designer jaded by the debt


Should've used more Zapf Chancery.


*Angry eye twitches


This will be a controversial comment but by the art show episode we can conclude that Pam really isn’t a talented artist. At least she never found the right inspiration. Of course if she had been the events of the show would have gone a lot different.


Anything that isn't I love Pam is controversial comment lol this page is crazy about that opinions are not welcome here


Not rly, there are a bunch of posts shitting on Pam


I think the majority of the people on this page is really young and if someone says something against their character they get mad every other page you can state an opinion one that sticks out is someone said how p was acting during the ping pong episode which I agreed she was acting childish and it got like 200downvotes and a ton of hate lol like it's just someone's opinion


I do agree, i notice that opinions on characters can usually go about one way or the other on this sub. You either worship the character or despise their guts.


Because she couldn’t measure up to their star pupil 
.. Erin. Ahhhh. She just won a art contest


Pam’s character from the original UK series was of someone with good looks, bare minimum education with talents for baby sitting & reception along with an inspiration to be a happily married woman. The US version struggled to move that needle, she was pushed into silly quests to keep her role in the office (web design, painting, office admin, saleswoman). All those ambitions had no legs and didn’t align with the character, which is why nothing ever matured. In the end, they tied it all back to her being a homemaker which truly was her real quest.


They could've just said that she was a small town girl who was content with being a homemaker


My headcanon she was preoccupied with that NY fella


Lets hope she doesn't get involved in the world of politics


Adolf Hitler - 1908. (colorized)


No she just wasn't particularly good


Boom! Roasted! Right, Michael?


Nah, she’s so MEH


Boom. Roasted.


Maybe she just sucks


She failed because low-key she is really a lousy artist who only thought she was an artist BECAUSE she had a good connection with the art teachers in her high school who gave her false confidence...


She failed because she’s a talentless “artist.”


Man. I always hated that Jim supported her leaving for school but when he wanted move for athlead, she sunk the idea. What a trout


She failed Kuz she simply not an artist.


Keep her out of Austria!


Too busy cheating on Jim with Harry Crane 😏


If history has taught us anything, it’s this: don’t fail mediocre art students.


There’s not always a lesson to be learned sometimes you just fail.


She failed art school because she has no imagination or creativity


From my college experience, likely.


She def cheated


It was because her art fucking sucked and was Philitsine I think. Roy could have done better đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


I hated the way this storyline played out SO much. They made a pretty big deal about Pam and her art since S2. And when she finally goes for it, we see her act like a stupid teenager, preoccupied with nonsense while she's in NY and fail spectacularly. I have no problem with her failing. That's life sometimes, but the way she failed made me lose so much respect for her.




Yes, she’s a crazy party girl who used college as an opportunity to break away from her overly strict parents who never let her cut loose.