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Andy saying he was named Walt Jr until his brother was born.


Didn’t his mom remove the main diamond from his grandmas wedding ring (that was given to Andy) so Walt Jr could use it for his wedding ring?


The main diamond had more of a Walter Jr ring to it


The Andy as a family scapegoat storyline breaks my heart. They are truly awful people.


Andy starts off annoying but I actually love a good amount of his time as manager. The episode where they all work together to make him get a tattoo on my butt is so freaking sweet


Stanley's "You have to unleash the power of the pyramid!" slays me every time.


Andy's character peaked as manager and then became the worst overall character in the show starting with the boat trip storyline


This is absolutely true. Him quitting and coming back and quitting again and the whole audition episode? Ugh.


Him chasing Erin over and over sucked too. Dead horse.


I think you have to blame his blossoming film career. I think the whole stupid boat storyline was because he was filming one the hangovers at the time


Oh yeah that was totally for that. Also why Jim had that terrible wig for a season he had to shave his head for a movie


They should’ve had him go off to help his mom or something less douchey. He had a great arc as a character and they just completely ruined it.


Garden party is when it all started to go downhill for his character


Or when he says he used to jigsaw puzzles all the time while his family went sailing


threatening vase drunk imagine brave simplistic squeal disagreeable ripe dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yankee Swap, more specifically when Michael opens his gift from Phyllis and he acts like a child.


I’d love to get a handmade oven mitt from a coworker! That was actually kind of hard to watch Phyllis get visibly sad even though I can’t stand her lol


The way Meredith recovered that and asked for the mitt- made me realize Meredith was a pretty cool cat.


Merideth is such a solid friend! She even asked Pam out for drinks after the whole lice situation. Cool cat indeed


And she gave Kevin movie tickets that one time because she got too drunk to go


"If you've ever taken a dump in a paper shredder, let's get a beer sometime"- Merideth


I've always thought Meredith was the kindest character. Also, as I get older, I think she'd be the most fun to hang out with too. After work drinks!




That line makes me irrationally angry. Its so cruel. I wish I had coworkers who handmade gifts.


For me, it's the way he says, "I actually wanted someone to take it," like a snotty asshole little brother Great (infuriating) line delivery


Right! Like itd be so cool to know they put the time and effort in for you… and they’re just a coworker.


To bring this full circle on Michael’s last day he really panics that Phyllis won’t be done knitting the mittens gift she is making for him.


I love to knit things for people so this scene always makes me sad 😔


When they showed kid Michael talking to the puppet about what he wanted in life and what he said was so sad that the puppet was speechless. I have no idea how they managed to convey pity from a freaking puppet but they did.


“Uh, ah... oh, okay! Well uh, nice talking with you, Michael.” Seriously, though, thank you for pointing out the puppet’s appalled expression— that was very well done.


And then the kids in the office lay it on real thick asking Michael if he has any kids or if he ever got married. It was a sad video clip and even more sad when Michael had to face how his life didn’t go at all like his child self had hoped.


Ya, that wasn't played for laughs at all.


First one that came to my mind too.


“That’s my old teacher Ms. Trudy, and You can’t tell from the Costume , but she had the most amazing body” -Michael to a bunch of kids 💀💀💀 I CRIED laughing at that part, Jim’s camera stare at that scene is one of his best.


Exactly what I thought of when reading the prompt Give an Oscar to that puppet


Does it need an accountant?


A gay puppet accountant


Best we can do is give a puppet to an Oscar


That wasn’t exactly played for laughs, though. The viewers were supposed to feel bad for Michael.


When Michael brought in I think Robert Dunder and the man was clearly not all there, Michael basically kicked him out of the meeting when he started telling his stories, Pam had to help him get home. That’s was just sad.


Both he and Mifflin were tall guys


… Beverly?…


And her husband…Jerry. Jerry trupiano. From south Jersey


I was looking for this one. It’s the way Michael kicks him out, and keeps trying to close the door on him while he’s asking a question


can you order me a cab??


When Daryl's grandma died but Andy thought it was his birthday. And he is punching Daryl as a tear goes down his face 😭😭🤣🤣


“You deserve this”


It's so ironic because if Andy's grandma died he would have killed himself


Not Gam-Gam😭😭😭


My maid died


So good hahaha. Also when Kevin can’t figure out how to answer the phone and when he does, it’s news that Andy’s maid died lol


Birthday Punches!!!




Toby trying to enjoy his life again only to break almost every bone in his body in an accident


Yes I was going to say probably one of Toby’s scenes, he is the show’s tragic character


Does anything good happen to Toby, at any point? The best thing I can think of off the top of my head is that Michael gives him his watch, and that was only because Holly was there


he got to hear and read parts of Michaels diary, he had a good day then. apart from not being able to eat his lunch, I think


He also had a grest time growing that mustache that one November


"Smile if you love men's prostates!"


His business card was drawn by Alfredo’s so he got a week of free pies.


He had a good laugh when the lawyer was questioning if Michael and Ryan were in a relationship and not Michael and Jan.


He was invited to Ryan's wildlife retreat and he had to say: "No more smores, no more smores" And Michael wasn't invited


In the finale when everyone invites Toby for a drink because they like him :)))


All of the girls he brings to office events are entirely out of his league


Idk if it’s a deleted scene or not but in fun run Michael asks Toby if he has violated any Indian burial grounds recently and Toby responds by saying he’s had good luck and his name got picked out of the bowl at Alfredo’s for a week or month of free pizza


Thank you! I sobbed at the "thanks for visiting. I haven't had a visitor." 😭


Michael's vasectomy story sadly angily yelled at Jan, followed by the perfectly improved "snip, snap. snip, snap". That shit is real.


The writers have mentioned that it was really difficult to make that scene funny. All credit to Steve Carrell and the addition of the ‘snip snap snip snap’ for helping pull it off.


I bet that took at least five takes to get through without anyone breaking


man I swear I would've needed 200 takes to do the plasma TV scene when Micheal pulls it back and I'd still be breaking like it was the first time


The bloopers for that scene are hilarious, they broke so many times hahah. Dinner Party is my fave episode hands down


If you rewatch it, notice when the camera pans back to Jim and the others, Andy or Ed Helms, is having a bit of trouble keeping a smile off his mouth.


The dinner party at Michael and Jan’s, when Michael shows Pam and Jim his bedroom and how he sleeps on the bench at the end of the bed


“He fits perfectly!”


When they find the note in the suggestion box of the guy who asked for better mental health support. It’s a very short moment but it’s actually quite a sad and dark scene.


Especially considering the idea of the original concept for the show... Not sure if it's officially canon but ait was the office where an associate had committed suicide or something like that, iirc


It’s official canon. I think they mention it in Company Picnic.


One of the founders shot themselves and the camera crew is there cause someone from that branch also died from suicide


Ugh that guy was weird


Michael is kind of pathetic but hilarious when he vomits at the end of the run they all go on for Meredith. If someone wants to quote the full name of the run please go ahead.


Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Fun Run Race For The Cure!


………..for the cure……


☝️ Pro-Am


Pro-Am Race For Th- they hung up.


I ran out of breath just trying to say that in my head! That episode always makes me lightheaded by proxy lol


That was enough reading to earn a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut


This episode really chaffes my nipples.


Michael as a kid at his mom's wedding as a ring bearer, which was replaced by the dog which peed on every person.


Some how, Michael’s pants became wet




The tortoise that Kevin thought he was saving but was already dead.


And who can forget his famous chili?


I get so sad watching the chili scene!


Me too, he's so distraught. He was so excited to share the thing he does best with the office.


But I love Creed's summary at the end of the episode - "a strongman crushed a turtle"


Dwight sobbing at night or on the stairs when Jim talks to him, then he goes to reach out to Jim but he already left lol, I feel Dwight’s pain. Or Michael’s “I am dead inside” funny but sad too 😔


Dwight ❤️‍🩹


Great scene... not sure it was mainly played for laughs though


One of the Jim/Dwight “played for laughs” scenes that actually made me sad was in the Hot Girl episode when Jim set Dwight up to ask Katie out knowing he’d get rejected. Doing that knowing it’s gonna be a blow to someone’s self esteem seems kind of dickish. Love Jim. Think he gets too much hate. But man I thought he was a son of a bitch there. Especially when he walked on right after to ask her out It’s probably not one many other people think of but as someone who grew up with self image issues it struck a nerve for me lol


Prince Paper's voicemail greeting indicating they had gone out of business.


Definitely not played for laughs - that's supposed to be Michael's turning point against DM's predatory practices


Michael’s improv night. At the end when everyone was going out and the group sped walked away from him and the guy said they’re going out together with another friend.


To be fair, Michael ruined improv night by wanting to pull a gun on everyone over and over again.


You’re not wrong. It’s just hard to watch him try to fit in with people and inevitably go over the top


It really explains why Michael loves work so much. He has trouble fitting in everywhere else.


He has trouble fitting in at work too, but he’s got a captive audience.


I wish he could’ve stayed at the lipophedrine company. They really liked him there…


He's at his best when he's not trying too hard to fit in: see Date Mike


Nice to meet me.




YES. That was rough.


Stanley saying he feels like he's working in his casket.


Ditto a few seasons later when he says the next boss will be his last and will be at his funeral. And then Ryan mocks him for contemplating his own death. Which admittedly is really funny but is also incredibly cruel


Noo Stanley you'll live forever 💀


Andy asking Erin if she needed to get her toothbrush when he picked her up in Florida and her responding that she doesn’t have one and never has. Like I get it’s supposed to be a joke about how out of touch she is with everybody else and it’s supposed to elicit disgust. But man does it make me sad thinking no one ever told this girl she can have her own personal care items. No one was really watching out for her. Not to say I assume this about all people who are/were in foster care as she was.


Former foster kid here. My ex wife was heartbroken when we first moved in together. She had boxes upon boxes of stuff to move in, multiple car loads to move. We moved all of her stuff first and did mine last. She didn't believe me when I stepped out of my car with a black garbage bag filled with everything I owned. It's all I ever knew and was raised not to keep things because you never know when you'll be moved to another home. Being a foster kid sucks ass and unfortunately Erin is the most relatable on the show to me.


Former Foster parent. Warm hug. Hope you're doing well.


I grew up as a foster sibling. My parents were foster parents and I still keep in touch with almost every single foster kid we ever had. They really became my friends/siblings and I love watching them become adults and parents now.


Thank you, I am for the most part. No offense to you, but all the foster parents I knew then and know now are just in it for the money and not for the kids. There's a few that pleasantly surprise me by actually caring for the kids, but more often than not, foster kids are just viewed as walking paychecks for as long as you want to deal with them. People think the relationship Erin has with her foster brother is weird, but that's the only family she has ever had and no one has ever taught her the right way to be around family so to her it is normal. I know her pain all too well.


We did our absolute best, and definitely spent more on the kids we cared for, especially at Christmas and birthdays, than we received in stipends. One still visits us every other weekend; others, not as frequently because they are older now. The most difficult one for me was with us for 2 yrs (1.5 to 3.5 years); her bio mom effectively cut us ff by making some very bad, MADE-UP, accusations against us. I think of that little one every day.💔 And that's why we only do respite care now. Of course, the bio parents don't have to keep us in their lives. But we have such good relationships with these families... Sorry about the tangent. The little one just turned 6 and my heart still hurts.


Erin hiding behind her hair in the restaurant 😭that was not funny that was awful “in the foster room my hair was my room”. Poor girl is doing weird shit bc she needs a moment of privacy and this is the coping skill she learned.


I’ll have what she’s having!


Ellie Kemper has beautiful teeth so it wasn’t believable enough to think about it that way for me lol


I thought the idea is that she would just use whoever’s toothbrush she found in whatever bathroom she would be in, but maybe I read too much into it


To be fair, if you’re going to make this mistake I suppose you’d prefer it be with your spouse, but I was still once pretty horrified to see my wife pick up and use what I thought had been my toothbrush for the previous month. She thought it was hers for that entire time too.


Michael pretending to be Jan's baby daddy illustrated how sad his romantic life has been.


That baby could have been anyone's. Well except Michael's


More likely Kevin than Michael. Weird statistics


Kevin getting lost in the maze


Or passing out from heat in his car




*honk* *honk* *hoooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkk*


Kevin spilling his chili.


Michael remembering his worst birthday ever, where his mom rented a horse but he got a rash and all the other kids got to ride the horse, and by the time he went back outside the horse had left.


At the mall when Michael confesses that Jan rapes him. He says the safe word and she pretends not to hear it. In that era of TV it was hilarious for a guy to be sexually abused by a woman because it wasn't something that there was awareness of. Why? Because like Michael, if a man ever said he was raped or sexually abused by a woman then he would be made fun of. Still that way today for the most part.


I was just thinking this. Def played for a laugh but not funny and fairly disturbing


Idk if it’s played for a laugh. He kind of laughs it off iirc, but everyone else is rightly horrified by it. That whole subplot is about Michael putting out feelers for what is “normal” and on almost every one being told that what he’s going through isn’t ok.


Good point


“Like maybe, the real reason they left was because there were things they wanted you to do in bed, that were, foreign, and scary?” This was after Carol dumped him. What are these women doing to him. Of course “foreign and scary” to Michael could mean a lot of things, but he definitely had boundaries violated.


Carol definitely tried to peg Michael.


Holy cow, this needs to be higher up.


To the extent they want you to laugh at some on-screen characters not knowing what the main characters and audience know... and the amount of stalling that goes with it... Michael visiting Scott's Tots


Micheal not having 5 friends for his cell phone plan.


Too far


Angela's cat being killed by Dwight. Losing a pet like that is legitimately traumatic and the way Dwight killed it is genuinely fucked up. But the show makes it out like we're just supposed to laugh at her for being a crazy cat lady.


I always loved Michael’s reaction to hearing the news.


“Sprinkles?…” 🥺😢🙇🏻‍♂️


First, the computer crashes with the porn…


“Prinkles” 😭


Michael seemed more upset about sprinkles than Meredith


I don’t remember that being how they framed it at all? It wasn’t “haha Angela is so crazy for being upset about this”


I always felt the same way; I know it was supposed to be funny but it genuinely disturbed me to think about, and then to have to show prod you into laughing at her? Through my tears maybe 😗


I always thought that Michael confessing that jan does manipulate him is very sad and concerning but then they laugh it off?


Do they? They encourage him to dump her and he almost does.


All the ppl that turned down meredith not realizing she's the catch of the show


You ever had sirloin?


she’s got like an emma stone thing going on


In the weight loss challenge episode when Kelly is trying to lose a bunch of weight. She looks sick, tired and miserable and then tries to hype herself up by saying she just bought a bunch of size two bikinis online and she’s going to look amazing. The self-loathing, the lose weight at any cost, the unrealistic expectation of what size she should be… it hit close to home.


“Love inside jokes. Love to be apart of one someday…”


*girls gone wild*


Dwight in the stairwell is first to mind, but I think Michael hijacking the nuptial ceremony for Phyllis & Bob Vance was the most pathetic, which is a category of sad.


*Hey Mr. Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do, make our dreams come true!*


Given that I just watched this scene/episode again last night, when Michael is reuniting with his ex-girlfriend to tell them he has herpes and he calls Holly, who accuses him of romanticizing their relationship, and he later leaves an emotional voicemail saying how real their relationship was to him, and he ended it by saying she should go to the doctor since she might have herpes as well.


When darrol ask Val to be in his family photo with his daughter


The fact that Jim has to buy his parents house for them to retire. We meet his brothers and they’re kind of a-holes but they’re older and more established, so why don’t they buy it or help out in some way? It’s not the saddest, but it is a weird thing that i think speaks to Jim’s origin story. I think he is the scapegoat of his family and that’s why he tends to bully those he finds to be less socially adept.


The weirdest part is the clown painting that can’t be removed. What kind of people are his parents, anyway 😆


Phyllis getting flashed is pretty fucked up and the aftermath is somehow worse


I know what you're thinking, won't that just shine more light on the penises




Basically the whole Roast episode


The footage of Michael sitting at home by himself in the Halloween episode after firing Devon. And how sweet he is to the trick-or-treaters. He wanted so badly to be liked by his employees, and corporate made him do its dirty work. You could tell he was hurt by it.


Not necessarily sad, but when they fire Jan. She’s clearly having a mental breakdown post divorce which corporate is noticing, but instead of trying to provide support they aggressively fire her while already searching for her replacement. It reminds me of the note in the suggestion box asking for more metal health services


Kelly’s sister’s funeral


The bird funeral. My own personal experience with death and loss has shown me that processing grief and death is really difficult and it’s hard to predict what might push you over the edge or make you sad. I liked that they had Pam be kind about that in response.


Michael trying to get Meredith into rehab in Moroccan Christmas


I felt bad for Martin, the ex-convict who was quietly trying to start a new life in a new office. Then Michael found out and outed him to everyone. He was last seen carrying his box of personal effects with a sad look on his face .


Little Michael talking about having kids so that he can have friends is the absolute height of tragedy.


When Dwight is crying in the stairway and Jim is being supportive but when Dwight finally turns to reach out to Jim he's gone. Like if that were real life that would be so sad.


I can't believe no one said Scott's tots! I know it's recognized as one of the most uncomfortable/funny episodes, but realizing that some of those kids kids' lives and dreams are totally upended and their families hardly have any time to work something out is devastating. Michael did a lot of stupid stuff, but that was so cruel.


Michael dumping Toby's tray in the cafeteria at the deposition, when he was just trying to empathize.


So it’s Kevin, he’s the funniest saddest lmao


It physically hurts me to watch Kevin spilling his chili.


When Micheal started "laughing" about how he couldn't think of anyone to add to his friends + family phone plan. I know it's supposed to be a *little* sad, but, I shed a tear or two


When Michael breaks up with Helene on her birthday and she realizes her life is basically plaid out. The existential terror is real.


‘So you’re PMS’ing pretty bad, huh?’ Always felt like that scene would’ve been so much more poignant if they had cut away just before Dwight said that line.


"My maid just died"


Daryl's grandma dying.


The whole baby shower episode is fairly sad until the very end.


[The clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_Ecf0qzENA) where Michael says "I'm crying and nobody can hear me, because I am terribly, terribly... terribly alone." Gets me every time, Michael's a real one for saying that out loud.


When Dwight hits Jim with his stick in German fairytale Christmas party, because deep down Dwight was sad because Jim was leaving.


The ones that come to mind for me are Dwight crying in his car while listening to Everybody Hurts, and Michael singing Goodbye My Lover on the verge of tears


The body shaming sucks. Just rewatched "basketball" and feel really bad for Phyllis. Similar the landlady, Michael acts entitled to a certain kind of woman and we all know guys like that.


And when he wasn’t interested in dating her friend because he automatically assumed she “couldn’t fit in a rowboat.”


But could she? Could she fit in a rowboat? You're not answering the question.


Pam’s art show. Now this isn’t necessarily a humorous moment but either way, I still get a little lump in my throat every time when Pam and Michael hug. One of the few moments when Michael shows that he’s actually capable of being a great boss and even a friend.


When Stanley said “be careful Jim, it gets easier and easier”


When Daryl’s grandma dies but they think it’s his birthday. The zoom in on his face as he tears up and they give him birthday punches is priceless.


Maybe it was left by an elegant old lady, who only kept it if her grandkids came to visit, but they never came.. and she died.. I’m gonna make myself cry


Kiddo Mike and the puppets