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No player price check threads, use r/DynastyFFTradeAdvice or the daily mega thread instead.


This is just a trade value thread in disguise isn't it


Always is


This post doesn’t make sense, Warren wasn’t a good enough prospect to get drafted. You’re trying to compare warren the NFL player to the RB prospects of this draft which can’t be done


It can be done. It’s how people trade picks for players. But agree the wording is bad. Essentially he’s asking would you rather have Warren or Brooks/Benson/Corum,etc right now


If that was the ask then he’s being lazy and disguising this as a trade post which are not allowed.


No. I'm specifically asking where would he be drafted amongst this class. Not who do you prefer.


Alright guess I overestimated your intelligence. As u/barneko4 said, he wasn’t even drafted in the nfl and wouldn’t be in dynasty either. So right in there with the mix with 2024 undrafted running backs


If you do not think Jalen Warren would be drafted in a Dynasty in 2024 then I have a beach front property in Oklahoma to sell you. Enjoy your day on Reddit.


You’re very stupid man😂


I think you meant ocean front, plenty of beach front property in Oklahoma. How are you enjoying your Reddit experience?


The best part about this is that Oklahoma doesn't even have any beaches!


>The best part about this is that Oklahoma doesn't even have any beaches! False, plenty of people have beachfront property on Lake Texoma.


Damn, I can't even act dumb without being dumb


When Jaylen Warren was a rookie? No, he probably wouldn't have been drafted or might be a 4th rd flier by someone.


Uhh UDFA, exactly as he was






Not brooks?


Than current Warren now? Warren will definitely play more snaps and get more touches this season.


Ya this season… what about in the future though. Both Najee and Warren are set to become free agents after this year. Jaylen Warren will be a 26 year old RB that’s never been a true starter. Best possible outcome for Warren is they let Najee walk, sign Warren for cheap and bring in a rookie for a new 1A/1B and who knows who wins that. I’d much rather have Brooks/Benson. Corum vs Warren I think is a better argument and I’m leaning Corum.


Well, this year matters. I’d rather have Brooks or Benson, yes. But the other two could literally give 0 years of productive fantasy games, Warren will likely give at least this year and probably another flex PPR type year.


This is why I ask. Does his current value outweigh some of these current rookies in a lower RB class? Najee option declined. The thought is intriguing to think about.


You realize Jaylen Warren is also in his contract year right?


You realize teams want to win this year right?


Are you asking about Jalen Warren now? Probably not high because he’d be a 25 year old rookie. If you are asking about Warren before he was drafted, still UDFA because he wouldn’t have showed out with the Steelers yet.


I didn’t realize there was a cult for Jaylen Warren truthers until rn


Assume we are talking current value vs rookie RBs current value. Let’s compare: Warren - KTC RB26, age 25.5, high end handcuff with borderline RB2/3 value in your lineup this year, 50-50 potential to take lead role in backfield next season as Pitt declined Najee’s 5th year Brooks - KTC RB12, age 20.8, likely starter once knee is in order by 2nd half of season and going forward Benson - KTC RB16, age 21.8, starting as handcuff behind oft injured old Conner, assumed starter after that Corum - KTC RB25, age 23.5, likely to be high end handcuff with standalone value behind Kyren, similar position to Warren now behind Najee, probably higher upside if given the reins to Rams backfield because of McVay’s usage tendencies Wright - KTC RB35, age 21.1, RB3/4 off the bat in Miami, with aging Mostert and Wilson likely dust at any time, and small injury prone somewhat gadget player Achane the other guy to battle there, Wright could be the 1A/1B as of next season in an electric offense Lloyd - KTC RB37, age 23.4, RB2/3 in Green Bay, Dillon likely gone soon, Jacobs obviously the lead guy this season, but on what amounts to a 1 year lease, Lloyd has a shot at least to prove he could be the guy, but least likely of all these RBs to do so based on Jacobs potential to re-sign and Green Bay’s clear signalling they wanted to pay up for an elite RB letting AJ go for Jacobs upgrade, don’t think they’d be satisfied with Lloyd unless he hits his absolute peak upside outcome with them —— I think KTC has this all right except for Wright. Warren is probably about equal to Corum, in a similar situation, not that much older really if we are looking at RBs in 3 year windows max as we should be. But having Wright worth significantly less than both Warren and Corum is a mistake imo. Right off the bat he may not be playable for your lineup, but his age, potential to move up an aging depth chart, and fit in a dynamic Dolphins offense would make me probably choose him over both Warren and Corum. Think he definitely deserves to be in that conversation Conclusion: Warren is probably worth somewhere around RB3-RB5 in comparison to the rookies. Wouldn’t fault you rolling with him if a contender or Corum if you’re a Kyren holder or Wright for rebuilding/upside.


He would be a udfa like he was before, maybe a 7th. You can’t compare a over achieving veteran to a rookie


Literally just had this conversation with a few in my league a couple days ago. I think, if you get to pick a RB going into this draft and you have all the rookies and Jaylen Warren for this next season there’s one maybe two RBs who should go above him.


Given that the Steelers just declined Najee’s 5th year option, I’ll take Warren over every single back in this draft.


Najee's option being declined doesn't really say anything to Warren's skill or job security. It just means they don't want to pay Najee. Warren could easily be replaced next year


Have you watched the Steelers? Warren has been terrific for two years now. They’re not letting him go. This is just another data point to confirm that, and a big one.


They have not started Warren over Najee at all. At best this shows they’d rather pay Warren half the price to be a 1B than pay Najee double to be a RB1 or 1A. Warren will be 26.5 years old without ever being a true starting RB and you think the Steelers will just not look anywhere else and turn to Warren next year? You’re crazy lmao


Didn’t the cowboys do exactly this last year?


And it didn't work at all. Pollard’s value plummeted and he's not with the team anymore. Pollard was RB6 at start of the season and now sits at 31 on KTC.


It didn’t work out, but it still happened. Not crazy to think it could happen again


Yeah, it definitely could. I would assume they bring in extra competition though


Jaylen warren finished as RB 29 and has a current ADP of 94 overall. How are people still saying he's UDFA in dynasty? I'm curious?


Usually when threads are worded "where would X be drafted among [some other draft class]", the OP is looking for comparison as prospects, so you got a few responses like that. Then someone explained in a comment that you were actually asking for where you'd rank current Warren among the 2024 rookies, and you replied to him that he was wrong.


In PPR scoring


Brooks, Benson, Lloyd, Corum, Wright, Warren