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I was very excited that they would make some major gameplay changes, but it still looks like a Madden clone to me, gameplay wise. I mean the 7 yard side step juke is egregiously Maddenesque. I did not see any OLB or ILB 20 yard route jumps, but don’t let EA pull the wool over your eyes yet, have to wait and see!


There seemed to be a lot of missed tackles but that's probably just them cutting up the footage and showing the big plays


Sike, the missed tackles are absolutely ridiculous


the QB looking towards the sideline when u call an audible is so 🤌🏻💋holy shit im so ready


Is that ref wearing leather pants?


From everything I’ve seen, it certainly seems like they have taken full advantage of the 3 development time for this game. They could have easily phoned this in knowing fans are clamoring for any college football game but it appears they didn’t do that and I’m pumped.


That was my biggest concern after the announcement just knowing how EA is. Could have seen them just putting out a Madden reskin and enjoy raking in the cash. Looks like the development team actually cares about the game/sport


Looks pretty good so far. Defenders pursuit angles to the flats look kinda bad and i could see the pitch mechanics being kinda cheesy, but i like the new throw meter and blocking looks way better.


Ok. That's it. I'm all in. This game looks amazing.


My only complaints were the snow didn’t look good (maybe that was on YouTube?) and I wish we got some of the in-game commentary. Other than that, looks great!


I’ve noticed that but, I feel like it’ll be better on your console than a YouTube video


My favorite thing was the crowd. At 13:22 when Donovan gets on a breakaway you can see the crowd start cheering even before he gets the touchdown.


Yes, pretty cool… But the stadium was full even given the blowout


I’m still extremely pessimistic about this game and the video does not impress me at all. I do love the hurry up offense tho, and how they actually scramble to the line.


I'm gonna get downvoted just like I have every time there's something new and I point this out but: it looks like Madden. Saw a few of my least favorite Madden animations in there for sure.


It’s a football game for fucks sake. Of course it’s going to share things with Madden.


What's with the head to body ratio? Heads look so damn small


Bordeaux did say he wished he played more madden to be better at this game because it plays more like madden than NCAA14 which is obviously a slight concern but I’m not letting anything ruin my hype for this game. Not until I get my hands on it to make my own mind up.


Easily the difference between a current game and one that is 10 years old


Yeah I’m hoping the same. Until I get to play it I’m always assuming the worst from EA after the last few maddens and last decade or so of FIFA’s. But like I said I’m not letting that ruin my hype for the game. Even if the gameplay is a bit shit and madden like I just want the management side to be great and I’ll be happy.


That was just an excuse bc he was getting his ass whooped


I’m not sure he really cares tbh. He’s a single player guy and says in more than one video he knows people don’t watch him for his gameplay and it’ll always be kinda bad.


The passing game looks hard?


Needs to be 4K


YouTube didn’t do it justice, game looks crisp


Frame rate looked weird when I watched it. Really hope that was just a YouTube compression thing.


You can go watch the full gameplay on Bordeaux's channel. It's super smooth. Idk why EA can't record their own game well


So many Madden animations bruh......


i saw a ton of new animations




I know everyone is excited about the game. I am too. But guys have the blinders or don't play madden if they dont see a lot of the same animations. Glad you agreed


it looks nothing like madden




The first passing play was literally the same cut tackle play....


passing looks a lot better.


The coverage shells feature is amazing. Base align was really dumb back in the day, so it's awesome to see that they've got a strong evolution of the idea.


Do we know if the shell coverages affect CPU opponents? A really cool feature but I’m worried it’s just for online play


It's hard to know, but I had Jalen Hurts picking my defense apart in the Madden 25 beta, then disguised my cover 2 with a cover 3 shell and he threw up the seam right to my nickel who got the pick. Could have been a coincidental pick there, but it at least gave off the impression I fooled him given what the shell I showed was and where he threw the pick. There was no pressure to force the throw either, he let it rip at the top of his drop.


Thanks. That seems to be a good sign. Also sidenote: does Madden seem better? I didn’t play the beta


Many parts of the beta are better. The new animations are really really good. A lot of contextual animations that just make the game look like it had actual care. The way players tuck the ball in traffic on their own, lean around contact, throw their arms up when cutting, it all looks great. The player movement also feels more momentum based without feeling any less responsive. It's nice. Unfortunately, the CPU play calling is still busted and the CPU will literally throw the ball 45 times a game with 6 runs and 2 of them will be scrambles. It's not realistic in that department at all. And the CPU still calls plays seemingly at random leading to silly situations where you're clearly running it on 3rd and 2 and they're in a dime look vs your condensed set you've ran out of all game. A lot of areas of that game are solid in the beta I think. Madden is just at a point where they need to heavily invest in the logic of the game so that teams and players behave like a real human would so that things like the play calling get fixed, or things like QBs having 20 yards to run free ahead of them and they scramble parallel to the line of scrimmage just to throw it away on 2nd and 3 when they could have easily gotten the first and then some with their legs.


How is the presentation in the game and pre game etc, are there big improvements or are you not allowed to say?


Most of the presentation wasn't in the beta.


OK cool, thanks for the response. 


The gameplay deep dive blog which was published a month ago stated that CPU teams not only will use coverage shells but also that the CPU now has access to and uses all presnap adjustments available to the user.


I think he was asking if the CPU can get confused by the user using shells


probably not. the madden cpu knows your play before you call it and can audible accordingly.


Love it. Only thing I’m a little sad about it seems we’ve still got some pretty janky hitches or awkward running animations. The breakaway running animation looks good though.


It’s EA. The players are moving with sticks up their butts and sliding around like skaters still, but awesome looking game lol




Yeah he throws a pass to a guy in an orbit motion and he just stops to catch it instead of continuing to run... and yeah for some reason players run Hitches so bad and they catch it and take a whole second to get upfield.


oooooo this looks so Mcfrickin good; gameplay looks crisp, big Don is OP, and Bordeaux is trash!!!!!


What does a city in France got to do with this


you see I'm having trouble rn trying to figure out whether ur be sarcastic or retarted


Right over your head


i’m so confused my xbox says the 15th but every other source says the 16th for deluxe pre order


Gotta catch that flight to New Zealand my guy


my playstation countdown says i will have exactly 7 days left at 4 pm EST as well


bro same hopefully it really is the 15th that extra day gonna feel so long 😂


It is the 15th at 4pm EST


Is that for just the preload?


No, for playing.


Super excited, but I noticed around the 16:00 mark on Don’s interception there were two #1s on the defense. Hopefully a minor bug that’s an easy fix


Im pretty sure I saw Michigan had a 7 on defense as well


Edwards looks like he plays a lot of Madden, I trust his comments about the graphics and gameplay.


The irony is he said he doesnt play games very much lol


Yeah that was bullshit considering guys grasp of the controls


Bro doesn’t want the Kyler Murray smoke, but he gets around defenders pretty effortlessly.


God Edwards was annoying to listen to


What was annoying about him? His enjoyment of the game?


Probably annoyed it was a black man having fun


I’m gonna cum


Do not “cum”


Sir, this is a drive-thru




He can drive thru my legs if the game is as advertised


I watched it on mute. Gameplay looks so freaking smooth.


Why..? The developers added a ton of great context to things that were happening in the game.


I liked that the developers dudes, legit seemed excited to talk about everything... you can tell they're passionate and proud of it. Game looks amazing. Those cuts were NASTY!


Is auto passing in the game?


What’s auto passing?


Computer passes the ball for you.


If you mean without the meter system, yes you can toggle that


Mean I push x and the computer throw the ball to a receiver


Each receiver has a button assigned to them and pushing the respective button throws to the respective receiver assigned to that button. Is this what you are asking?


No, asking like in ncaa 14 if you have auto pass on you can throw it to a receiver ( assigned button) or just press x and the computer will choose who to throw to on its own.


gonna be honest after hundreds and hundreds of hours playing NCAA 14 I had no idea that was a thing so you’ve educated me today. I can offer no help on the answer you are looking for (obviously). God speed


Thanks, I don’t have twitter, instagram or facebook so I can’t even ask ea on their social media. I guess I will find out in 11 days.


So this isn’t coach mode where you just call the plays and then watch the sim result of the play, right? If the answer is no, what’s the appeal of playing this way? Not knocking it just curious.


Why the hell would you want to use that lol


I see a lot of YouTubers do this for the old ncaa games. The guy playing Donovan is one of those guys.


I watch a lot of Bordeaux and I’m pretty sure he plays normally


Yeah he sims a lot but when he plays his three games a year he plays them for sure.


Some people used to like to call the plays and then hike the ball and hands off, like a coach mode.


The exact opposite reason you choose not to…


The last thing I want in my informational video is a trash talking online player. I'll pass and read the blog instead.


You sound like a miserable person


Idk if there’s a blog on this one as it’s literally just showing gameplay.


Bordeaux is definitely not a trash talking online player. He makes amazing rebuild vids on his YT channel.


He is mostly a single player youtuber lol


This wasn’t supposed to be informational really, that was the deep dives. This was to strictly show how gameplay flows and the marketed mechanics in action