• By -


Price: 120-125K Playstyle+ added: Long Ball+, Slide Tackle+, Aerial+ Playstyle+ removed: Pinged Pass+, Block+ Playstyles added: Pinged Pass, Tiki Taka, Block, Bruiser Playstyle removed: Relentless


Shame we don't have a Chiellini to pair with him


Bring his 96 card back from fifa 22


That card was incredible my goodness


I bought a clean Chiellini off of the market during EOAE week hoping we would get this card, figuring Chiellini will eventually fit an Evo so I can pair them up one last time.


I still have my Evo chiello from day one: Packed Gold -> Pacey Protector -> TotY CB Prospect -> TotS Plus Protector -> TotS Plus Upgrade 92 overall, 86 Pace, 94 Defense, 92 Physical (70 stam, 99 everything else) Jockey+, Pinged Pass+ Slide tackle, bruiser, intercept, power header, some other offensive playstyles


or a hero barzagli


WE WILL BE THERE So happy EA gave him an EOAE, nice flashback to the 2020 Euros as well!


He was a fucking asshole at the end of his tenure with Juve but this still stirs up some good memories of him


Eh I think he was a bit annoying but it worked out in the end. He clearly wanted to play the Euros this year and thought he still had it, I think a lot of athletes go through this struggle. I definitely wanted to see him go out with us on a high note though, but definitely appreciate and respect for all the years of greatness he gave us.


Crazy that this man does not have 99 long passing… should have 90+ on his 75 rated base card 🤣


Primarily, it is seems like a cdm sitting inside the back line, his long pass is always the sharpest weapon for Italy to work with in his prime…I think ea should give him 90 vision and 99 long pass; physically, he has never been a strong bruiser, but he definitely should have anticipate plus…for some game balance reason, ea just give a legend random stats again…


Agreed, passing was always one of his best skills, should have 90+ vision and probably 99 passing in both since it's an EOAE card


To bad he don't got chem+


Only reason I don’t want to do that card


Vicario from season pass and he’s at least on 2 Chem


I tried vicario and he was really bad for me, surely worse than Pickford


he has 64 reactions, he was never going to be good


Idk do reactions matter a lot for gks since Pickford has 77 and he’s supreme for me


does reactions affect shot stopping or just on the ball movement?


Shot stopping mainly. Pretty much just the time it takes for a keeper to move towards a shot. Crucial against players who like to shoot from distance and also for 1v1s


Kinda clueless, where can you see the reactions rating for keepers usually? I didn’t think you could see it in game, only the reflexes stat. Can you see their other stats on apps like fut.gg or futbin? Edit- nvm, found out fut.gg.


I run a serie a I could probably fit him but idk im over this game


Makes no sense, EoaE cards are the one type that should have premium chem. Most retiring players play for shit leagues (some exceptions ofc like Kroos hazard etc), I can never ever use EoaE Chhetri because it's literally impossible to give him chem without a full icon team.


How do you know if a player has Chem+? I'm not following, I was gonna do his but holding back, does that mean I need to add Italian players in my team in order for him to have higher chemistry?


Yeah or what ever league he is


Not saying Bonucci doesn't deserve an EOAE but all the new cards for players who just got TOTS cards is turning TOTS into just another promo instead of something special.


My TOTS defenders are all getting rinsed by these new promo cards (even the ones made for players who didn’t make the euros). TOTS is just another promo.


red link to Moise Kean. i'll never forget the lunacy of Bonucci saying "the blame is 50-50" when Curva Nord racially abused Kean for having the balls to celebrate a goal in front of them.


Would've enjoyed some live content, for, you know, the tournament going on right now? Guess there aren't any big enough teams to warrant a showdown


What about all the cards they’ve brought out the past few weeks?


I mean, there's 3 matches a day at the moment, it'll be double that when Copa is on. We should be getting a showdown a day, at a bare minimum. During WC (when we had the FIFA name), we got daily content related to the competition. We don't at the moment, it's embarrassing. Yes, Bonucci is a good release, but it should be in addition, not as a replacement. >cards they’ve brought out the past few weeks? Give me a break, the MYM card selection has been comically poor SBC wise. Toney won't see minutes, VDV (probably) won't get a single clean sheet, Mendes is difficult to obtain and a shit upgrade. Guler and Posch are good, not expected many upgrades, but they are smaller teams. And then MYM team 1 is basically TOTS cards that are in the Euro squads, a chunk of them don't even play. It's so poor.


Are you really that starved of content that you need something new from every promo everyday?


No, it just shows EA don't care. They had to care when they were attached to the FIFA name, but not anymore For a lot of people it provides additional interest, and gives basic player engagement. But all it shows is EA want us to buy FP. I don't personally play the game enough anymore outside of Rivals once a week, but I'd do the England SBCs if they came, or ones that matched my club for a bit of fun.


> No, it just shows EA don't care. And *this* is what made you think that? They don't - and haven't - give a shit about you or anyone else that plays the game as long as they keep playing. That's not new.


There's an entire gulf between new promos everyday and repackaged tots cards. How does EAs dick taste?


Is there? Because there have been a lot of new cards. Are people even using them? I never see them. And they’re all usable. So why exactly do we need more?


There is 3 games a day in euros and 3 games with copa. Surely there is something more interesting to add than a flashback of a tier 2 defender.


I mean they’ve been adding near daily sbcs and weekly releases. It’s impossible to do them all as is. If they add more top tier cards, people won’t have the fodder and they’ll complain. Rightfully so mind you. If they have lower cards, people complain. So what’s interesting mean?




EA hate Portugal 💀 no player sbc for so long and a troll obj card


It's absolutely criminal that Chiellini didn't get one, but we will be there.


He had one in 2022 right?


As a Milan fan I hate him but 83 passing on his EOAE card? You can tell they don’t actually watch people play. Should be 90+


i mean he has 90+ in short and long passing its the crossing/fk accuracy that brings it down i'll admit the vision is a little low but i dont think youll notice it too much


Long ball plus he could be blind and with that playstyle he will still do a ridiculous 50 yard pass 😂


Bro he has 98 long passing and 94 short passing what more you want lmaoo


I’m saying the overall stat is brutal. It’s an EOAE card.


He has 90 pace and 96 defending and physical. With passing in 90s for what matters to add to long ball + and pinged… basically perfect passing just stop complaining.


If Jamie Vardy had an EOAE card with 87 pace, but 98 acceleration and 97 sprint speed, what would you say? Relax. People are allowed to have opinions.


I mean, a 98/97 Vardy wouldn't have 87 pace as because those are the only two IG stats they affect the face stat.


I’d say that’s good lol


Bad example, because that would be impossible


But that isn’t the case he has great passing. Is Bonucci knows for putting it top bins from a free kick or whipping a cross in if so then yes complain about them pulling overall passing down but it isn’t true so stop complaining. Unless they give him higher in them stats then he won’t 90s passing


Just look at individual stats, he good


He has 90+ on the actual passing stats. Which are way more relevant for a CB than crossing, FK accuracy and even vision. In FC vision just tells you how accurate a player will be passing to someone who they aren’t facing. Bonucci as a CB obviously wasn’t needing to do that a whole lot, so even if his vision as we think of it irl was good, his “vision” as it corresponds to FC isn’t something he showed much. He also has long ball +, base tiki taka and base pinged pass. His passing stats are very realistic to how good he was in real life.


Still no Chiellini EOAE despite retiring in December


So perfect for my baloteli


an evo for him would be amazing atm


FB to Euros vs Germany


really great card but we need him up in the 94-95 rating he has been moved to bench for me atm , maybe an evo for him would be amazing


Who did u replace him with? I red him just for looks. Plays like a demon for me still


I'm using 95 immobile and 95 suker in a sere a / italian build with bonnucci and donnarumma, but it was very hard to bench ballotelli I might even put him back


I see immobile but Balo clears Suker. Just based on nostalgia alone hahah but i get it. Cheers


What a card


Friendly reminder that there’s the ptg Vicario in the season pass for links. No idea if he’s any good though


He's not the best but might be my only choice for now. The tots Bonucci was my captain and best centreback for a while.


Sorry new to game. Why Vicario gives him good links? I see with him alone he gets to 2 not sure why


Path to glory and make your mark cards give extra chemistry to players of the same nation


64 reactions make him utter shite




Getting TOTW cards is so much easier than getting high rated golds. When will you realize this?




Totw SBC is calling then. 


You can do the TOTW SBC form the daily garbage you get. You don’t even have to touch your high rated golds


And here’s me over here with 331 TOTW’s and wondering what the hell I should do with them! Lunacy it’s got to this number (should see how many dupes I’ve put in the exchange, equally crazy 😂) but the upgrade is basically a slow burner money printer… with the occasional huge win like the buffed Vidic during Golazo and recently a tradeable Militao of all things. Make between 50-100k a day just doing my exchange/upgrades cycle.


What value does having 311 totw at this point in the game whilst still doing the picks?


Best way to look at it would be like this really…. I’ve done the TOTW SBC over 600 times in the months I’ve been doing this. Now say you get what I think is the lowest return from packs you can get once you’ve quick sold the rare golds, sold non rares and hell even quick sold all the silver/bronzes etc. Say 4500 coins. That’s 2.7m coins, with things at their absolute bottom prices, which isn’t going to happen every pack because yeah… it just doesn’t. Had a couple non rares sell at 3k yesterday, Hegerberg, few 84’s and loads of 800-1000 coin cards. That’s the value :) All whilst still sitting in over 300 TOTW’s. All comes back to being prepared to stick at it over a period of time, you keep it going and it will return for you.


The value pretty much comes from the packs you get back in return for doing them… you’re still turning low rated non tradeable cards you put in into coins. So far as the totw’s themselves are concerned… still trying to figure out what to do with them all myself tbh 😂


Yeah I agree with the value from it but now you’ve put the work in just chill and enjoy having all them totw.. coins now who cares games almost dead 😂 when I get enough coins I buy the big pack anyways, tradeables you just get hosed on anyways haha


That’s exactly what I do man… Literally spent the 3.2m I got from Militao on store packs. Shafted on each and every one of them but like, no worries.. all just go back in to the grind 😂 It’s the main reason I keep going tbh. Especially during tots, was able to open one of the big TOTS guarantee each week this way. Will do it again whatever the next promo batch is too. Like don’t begrudge anyone spending money on the game, is a main hobby for many and I totally get that, but just enjoy doing it this way :)


What cycle is that?


Ahh I’ve been doing it so long it might take a little bit to get going (or I used the term cycle wrong lol) but I literally just take everything I get from gold upgrades, player picks, exchanges etc etc and put absolutely everything 84 and below through the totw upgrades and anything 85+ in to the exchanges, which in turn gives you so many more cards to filter through the totw upgrade (with occasional banger) that you accumulate so many packs you then sell the content from (keep silvers, they’re a minefield when the time is right to sell particular ones) and so on so forth. Transfer pile is always full, and always sitting on a stockpile of those packs to replenish it each cycle. Nothing more to it than that really. And rinse and repeat. Endlessly. I probably exchange 10+ dupe totws a day just to keep things ticking along. Get a dupe one I don’t sit for a day waiting for something or looking for another sbc to put it in to. Back in to help the cause he goes. I’m pretty ruthless/lazy with mine - like I don’t care if I’m using 84 dupes instead of 83’s and stuff like that. Pretty much everything 80-84 rated has the same value in my eyes. Same with dupe rares going in to player picks. Get so many think of them more as individual cards as opposed to rare/common. Same applies to totw’s really. 91 Lewa Totw holds no more value to me than the standard 90 rare gold card - use that example because threw one in to the 89+ exchange earlier.


Think the key to sticking with this is not to think short term… it’s a long term thing. Many many packs will have nothing more than golds you sell for 400 coins. But don’t look at it like that. Rather if you’re selling 100 cards at 400 coins each that’s 36k right there. And selling 100 common gold cards when player picks are live etc in a day is pretty standard fare. Just keep relisting. Then take in to account the rare golds - majority I just quick sell, don’t clog the TP with stuff like that which won’t sell… good 10k a day there no doubt. And then there’s the other stuff. The gold commons that are actually worth more, the silvers you stockpile and sell on demand, the 83/84/85 rated cards you quite regularly get, the even higher rated (got a hegeberg this morning for instance) and anything else of that nature. And then, over time, you might just hit big. Open so many it’s not guaranteed but becomes more and more possible to happen as time passes. All whilst creating your own stockpile of cards to go in to other SBC’s meaning you never have to worry about buying totws again. Hell, you could even just throw some higher rated ones in to SBC’s in place of gold cards if you don’t want to spend coins buying them. Why not eh, just replace them later down the line… it’s all good. Takes patience as said but honestly it’s just a coin printer for me.


how can u farm with this trash 81+ PP?


I find it relatively easy, but then I’ve been at this for like 2 months and already have a stocked club etc. Can imagine starting from scratch right now would be tougher but certainly not impossible. Agree though the new PP certainly eats in to cards a lot quicker. They’ve been… middling to poor for me for sure. Yesterday was actually pretty good, but today (shock horror on rewards day) they’ve been tragic. Depends what you’re willing to sacrifice in to exchanges to get going really. This late in the game may not be the best time to start if you’re looking for that instant big return, it takes a little time to get fully in to the swing of it. Took me a couple weeks to fully grasp and find my preferred way of doing things for instance. But definitely doable. Wouldn’t still be at it if it didn’t work.


On Militao - sold him next day for like 3.1m. I did not foresee his rise being quite so drastic haha. 4.6m right now. Tis all good though, done a lot in that time… like spunk it all on store packs filled with discard priced dupes 😂😂


This card gives me Vietnam flashbacks to his Juve special cards


So I’ve theo tots, evolved bisek and him. Nice.


Union legend


No new evo’s, AGAIN. how hard is it to make them


If you haven’t noticed they all come from Friday to Sunday


And all suck Literally the summer and not daily evos


As a Middlesbrough fan how did you cope when Southgate was your manager?


As a Middlesbrough fan how did you cope when Southgate was your manager?


Not much as I was a infant


His flashback card last year carried me for so long


I currently have a dupe of his tots moments at in unassigned. Might as well chuck both into this.


Lol I had to choose between Garnacho TOTS Moments or Bonucci TOTS Moments earlier today for my Rivals rewards… And now both have an SBC (I went with Garnacho TOTS Moments bc I won’t do the 96 Garnacho SBC).


The Garnacho SBC is the one to do given it’s a live card


him or van de van?


How is van de van? Probably going to do it just to make a spurs squad.


Didn't do any yet. Want some input from people who have done either.


Did VDV and I really like him, played 25 games with him so far and he’s super solid. The tiki taka playstyle he has equals out his lack of composure / reactions, he’s benched TOTS Ramos/Rudiger/Bisseck evo/Saliba, not sure why but he just feels much better than the rest


Would you rather Play him or Thiago Silva 95


GET. THE. HELL. IN. Spaghetti mafia!


Do you think he can replace toty Icon Ferdinand?


Looks good but how to link for full chem


Reminds me of his flashback from last year


wicked card. easy to link too if you have dimarco. 2 icons and he is full chem


Am I dumb or should his pace be 89 not 90 there


Bro every card every year feels like a truck 😅 fastest way to a heart attack


No anticipate+ I sleep.