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If you look at the new Cafu SBC card and see the lack of defensive playstyles and how he is supposed to be meta and the best RB in the game. It makes you kinda question the whole playstyle system. Some players perform so damn good without some playstyles that are supposed to be needed and some have them yet they are pretty useless. In general I do like the playstyles but I feel then need some serious toning as in quantity and also how overpowered some of the pluses can be. It all comes down if EA actually cares enough to make the game better.


Yeah good point. Cafu doesn't have any defensive playstyles but plays like a beast, having used his Golazo card for the past two months. But some players just have their sliders maxxed regardless of stats and playstyles. There's just a weird aura that's inexplicable. Like Gold Van Dijk's pace for example. It sucks but at the very least the playstyle system makes certain cards and players that people wouldn't play, playable, because it boosts certain areas of the card stats wouldn't have changed.


Yes like 97 Saliba for him Raccoon might as well be Intercept+ and Bruiser+ he wins the ball almost every time.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who just calls it the raccoon playstyle


it's the only way. It's a raccoon and can't be ignored. I actually wonder if raccoons anticipate something IRL? I guess they couldn't use a cat because it's already a chem style


Well they anticipate the garbage so I guess they anticipate our garbage defending to help us out ?


Yeah 91 Cafu only has relentless+ yet hes a beast


You guys use fullbacks to play defense? I run them down to wings to whip in crosses. They just need relentless so I can run them back and forth the pitch the whole game


Who are you using to mark the opponents wingers who are doing the same thing you do when you attack? Or do you just select a midfielder and use the AI as a crutch


Which play styles are OP?


When you know how to use them, nearly all of them. But flair is just useless.


They’re great. They’ve made a bunch of different players and ways of playing more viable than they’ve ever been


the system fits into one of the two EA dev boxes “work on something for 23 but don’t release until 24” or “release in 24 too early and in 25 it’s fixed” like the chemistry change, it had a rough launch but what you said it’s it’s most powerful point. players play different, players have value and to be honest the surface isn’t scratched because people just YouTube. I don’t use any attacker without press proven gold/regular since I don’t skill…if I did I’d want trickster. neither of those are talked about much but those are the most elite half court styles. Back turned spins, skills come off faster and cleaner. the game needed different player styles.


half court?


Pretty sure he’s meaning attacking third possession. Those are both useful for turning a defender around the top of the box.


How do you do that? Is it just the normal LS and they turn wider shielding the ball cos of the press proven playstyle? Or there is a specific button you have to press to get it activated. I am new so don’t really understand


Just normal LS turns are more effective with pressproven. So either receiving and shielding (L2) with your back to the cb then just turning around them with LS or just turning with LS without shielding are more effective with the play style. Becomes even more broken if you just do a pinged pass (R1+X for PlayStation) into a striker with FirstTouch+ and just immediately turn the center back with your first touch. For trickster, it’s a little more complex but you can mcgeady spin cancel faster to turn people. I wouldn’t worry about this yet if you’re new.


I kinda like it. I think the introduction of playstyle and evolution in this edition is Great. Can it be better? Yes. The last major tweak to the game if I recall was the revamping of Chemistry, else I don't recall any drastic and interesting innovation from the game until now.


I think it’s good but obviously needs a lot of tweaking/balancing


Yeah I like the regular playstyles, they’re like an improvement on the old trait system but the plus is too much imo


I think early game PS+ was awesome, when every player had one skill they absolutely excel at, 2 worked well too. 3+ I think its getting a bit much, but at this point in the game everything always goes to shit anyways so who cares. Some of them just need tweaking because theyre a bit overboard


Why is this getting downvoted


People disagree with his opinion


Guess people don’t agree, which is fine I knew it would be split


That trait system was basically pure cosmetic and nothing else


that’s not true?


Imo it kills off earlier really good cards because they don't have as many playstyles as newer cards


Which probably was their intention when they added them


That's the point. Make similar cards even more meta so players are incentivized to grind and get updated players, or spend more money in store packs for updated cards. I think it's a great system, speaking from someone who's playing his first FUT year. Been a lot of fun to grind cards. Though I'll likely skip next year's game until its on some crazy deep sale halfway through the cycle. It's a crazy time sink of a game.


But there is no real incentive to grind. Good promo cards have been CRAZY hard to pack all year, no matter how hard you grind. You'll of course always hear differently from people who have good luck, but the reality is that the vast majority of the playerbase do not have good luck. If you want the best cards, you need to put money into the game, and even then it isn't guaranteed. And that is truer now more than ever.


Imo the game would be a lot better if we just had the regular silver playstyles. Almost all of the plusses are just broken and way too arcady


Finesse shot plus makes scoring insanely easy, low risk with insanely high rewards.


Especially at the point of the game where all those attackers have 99 shooting stats. I have garnacho, Alvarez and smith up top and it’s unbelievable how a shitty executed finesse shot goes in but if you did a power shot, the keeper would be able to save those. Also it makes so much easier to score with one touch in the goal area, all you need is a decent angle, a bit time for first touch and then whip it with finesse, the opponent won’t be able to react in most of the cases because defenders don’t mark players tightly in the penalty area.


flick up powershot goes in at 30-40 yards easily, its also pretty broken


Finesse shot is balanced. It was broken at the start of the game. You need at least a reliable way of shooting.


Indeed And not only is it the only reliable shooting playstyle, but it is also relatively rare on strikers EA have done what they could here.


Even inside the box the regular finesse playstyle is really good. Hard to use a striker without it. Keeper movement is too good against other types of shots


I think regular playstyles go under the radar a bit, people tend to look more at the plus ones and utilise them. Would be cool to try a card with every standard playstyle and no playstyle pluses and see how it holds up


How is it rare? Every attacker gets it these days. Its not the only reliable one, its the only broken one that guarantees a goal outside the box


I’m not that good at the game but I’m scoring 2 or 3 long range finesses with Alex Morgan each game now. It’s a broken mechanic.


Far from balanced lol its almost a guaranteed goal from the the correct angles from 20-30 meters out


You can stop it by moving the keeper. It's a good counter to people parking the bus


In other words its a cheap way to score putside the box if you cant brake their defense. Anyway if i driven pass to the edge of the box take one touch and finesse you do not have time to move the keeper but the ball is flying in to the top corner. Worst case i get a corner and we know how those are in this game


Are the pluses really broken compared to the silver play styles or is it just that the gold icon popping up makes them more noticeable?


From someone who doesn't have the indicator on, most of the gold playstyles are much more noticeable than silver.


Definitely depends on the playstyle. Trivela was nerfed so heavily that I don’t notice a difference between silver and gold, so long as it triggers the animation then it’s solid for finishing in the box but almost never works from range. On the other hand, finesse shots are alright for close range finishing but far more impactful for long range shots, where silver just doesn’t cut it, but gold is great


Yeah this is what I think too, the normal playstyles are good but the plus system is too broken in too many areas I think


I like it, but I feel like the gap between non-playstyle boosted moments and playstyle boosted moments is too large. Like, a player with 99 long shots & 99 shot power shouldn’t be shit at power shots just because they don’t have power shot +, but the difference is just insane.


Agreed, finesse+ can convert Morata into Prime Messi.


This is the problem. Most Playstyles do not make any sense in this system. We have speed and acceleration but somehow we need three different speed types. The same for Passes and other stats. There are some styles like tiki taka that make sense in this system but most of them are just stats boosts.


Makes the game feel like Mario Football


mario strikers charged is a way better game than fifa so that should be their goal


It was great when players only had 1 plus.


Kinda agree. But at the same time it was the natural progression.


I feel like 2 was the best, and then 3 for futties


It makes too many cards obsolete too fast. A 94 rated card with 2 playstye + feels like fodder at this point.


To you, maybe. Golazo Drogba is still pretty decent


Ribery, Drogba & Lahm have carried me through rivals & champs until very recently, with Lahm still my captain & Drogba on the bench. As long as they have 2 good playstyles I don’t mind only 2; a lot of the tots cards have 3 but only 1 good one


Nah 2 s-tier ps+ are almost as good as those with 4 but shit ones but nowadays most players get alot of silver ones wich is way better than having dead ball+ and relentless+ on every cm


I really like the concept, but some are just WAY better than others. It really sucks when you essentially have limited slots for PS+, and you can't evo a card because they have a nearly useless PS+ on them. I also liked it better when players only had 1 or 2 at most. It made players feel more specialized. Just like at the beginning of the game, it is always more fun when players have more distinct strengths and weaknesses. It makes team building more fun and impactful.


This is pretty much my feelings mate, the concept is good but some are just really overpowered. The 4 playstyles now just makes every player feel like they’re on speed


I wish there were evos that only add PS+ and no stats, would create so many possibilities


Needs a bit of tweaking, but overall fine. The only.major issue is that cards get dated much quicker than before, because they'll only have 1 or 2 playstyle+', while the current ones will have 3 or even 4. So TOTY's and general endgame cards fall off the power curve, when they would have been usable until the new game came out.


I'm of the opinion that cards sans icons should only have 1 PS+ at most until TOTY. TOTY can have two PS+ and if they wanna rock 2+ til TOTS that's fine and then you can do 3 and then continue on further as the game cycle ends


Thats what theyve done mate


I’ll be honest I thought they did two before TOTY oops


Just fill your team with incisive pass+ players and it makes life a lot easier. In general quite like the system but needs a bit of fine tuning.


Some of them are just ridiculous like finesse


They good. Some might need to be nerfed and or removed but it's much better than every striker having the same level of finesse shit etc. Makes team building better


I would like to display the effect they have on the cards stats, in the stats screen. They’re essentially just buffs


I like the System simply because I used players who help me and support my playstyle which I'd have never ever chosen because they were undesirable for me. But for me it's also a luxury problem to upgrade players because I got to dependend on certain playstyles. I couldn't use any other striker than Drogba because I were too bad to not rely on aerial+ and his aura 😅


Balancing aside, I love it the way it is


I hope it’s more balanced in the next game, it was never gonna be perfect with it being the first year of them I just feel like some of them are so overpowered


I think PS+ should feel more “special”, for example I can totally get that KDB has Incisive+ or Pirlo has Long Ball+ (random examples), but it should be more limited to those players who really have superhuman abilities at those things. Giving everyone 4 PlayStyles+ feels dilutive


The Gerrard card in the season not having power shot+ really irked me, some players that were/are known for certain things not having the respective playstyle is another thing that I don’t get


I agree, anything above 2ps+ should be left until futties imo


Every card released has 90+ in 4 face stats and at a minimum 4*/4. Playstyles are just another level of this so cards being diluted isn’t new


I’m not talking about July I’m talking about the whole year round


These Playstyles were always there, they just got visible in Eafc.


sometimes they don’t make sense sometimes they do


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


It sucks, if you’re to good they make your defense useless. If you’re not good you stick out 3/4 of the game you’ll make a comeback


It makes the game feel more like an RPG in some regards, utilising players for their PS+ to get the most out of them rather than just doing the same thing every match regardless of players you're using


I think they should just have silver playstyles and let you choose the + playstyle. It’s sad when a card doesn’t have a playstyle you feel you need for your own playstyle (like the golazo Xabi Alonso vs gotg with intercept +). I feel it’s fine just needs some tuning. With this rework you could keep a card longer and even react to the meta. Imagine if you could change playstyles in halftime. It has a lot of potential.


a +1 overall and +1 playstyle plus is not an upgrade for a promo card over it's 2 month earlier version other than that i love how it adds variety to the game


I love it. If they were trying to find a way to make players feel unique this did it. Adds a bit of strategy to team building as well. Do you want a winger that can cut inside and rip finesse shots or ones that have whipped cross? (There's probably a few that have both ps+) What combination of CBs do you want to go with? I've been going with one Aerial+ and one Anticipate+ with ideally one having Intercept+ as well


I feel like they are cool, but also bad on that they too greatly affect the power curve. In this game more than ever so month old players feel obsolete. Have a favorite icon from Golazo, a barely 2 month old promo? Chances are he's no longer viable.


Yeah I agree and the way they've implemented the Playstyles seems made for making your players obsolete so you will keep playing and buying packs. Like even some top TOTS players are almost falling behind. Before it was just stats that were most important, so once a player had 99 short pass in January for example, their passing would be as good as anyone until the end of the game. But now a 99 passing player could be completely overtaken in passing if another player has Pinged Pass+, Long Pass+, Incisive Pass+ or whatever how many playstyles+ they give them.


Tbh i love the system and some players, plays better with them for me like Henry wasn't good at any fifa before but now in ea fc one of the best, but the big problem with them you need them to get most of the players let's say the tall guys you can't even beat that meta areial + its so annoying ot finesse they need to be toned a bit


I generally agree that they’ve been an improvement and added diversity of players. Though some of the PS+ are too strong. Tired of giving up goals from outside the box where no player would even contemplate a shot. Gave up a goal yesterday with 0.00 xg.


It's a good idea until they started giving out 3 and 4 to everyone minimum. And then you have players who aren't even that good at certain skills that are better/as good as players that are famous for it. They also should get rid of certain playstyles or amend them for next year I think. particularly Chip Shot - most players IRL can hit a decent lob, but now it's like they can or can't, and Anticipate - it's too important for defenders, basically deciding if they can tackle or not


Too arcade-ish. If finesse shots didn't have the same sweet spots for over a decade, it would make sense.


They make the game more interesting, but they really need some balancing. Some (Racoon+ specifically) are completely overpowered and some (Flair+) are useless.


I’m ok with everything except aerial+, because it can sometimes be nearly impossible to stop a header if the attacker has aerial+ and the defender doesn’t, you can be right infront of him in the perfect position and your guy will just stand there like a fool even tho your telling him to jump / block. Aerial+ definitely needs a slight nerd imo, other than that I like them


I feel like they should’ve capped it at 3 PS+s tbh


I honestly hate it. The way it makes cards with fewer play styles from previous promos quickly outdated seriously sucks. The game already had power creep problems but this only expedited it. Not to mention that some of them are either completed overpowered or completely unnoticeable. Furthermore not having them makes a lot of basic game elements miserable. Crossing with players who don’t have whipped pass+ feels awful. I would much prefer if they ditched playstyle+’s and just did normal playstyles next year. The minor boosts that these give still improve a player, but don’t feel overpowered in my opinion. Also this change would make older cards more viable into the late game as raw stats will be more important than number of playstyle+.


It was a decent upgrade on the existing traits system, but it definitely needs some kind of tweaking. Feels like it negates the importance of stats in some cases and some playstyles are contradictory to players’ stats in other cases For example if a player has really high shot power, then why do they not have power shot? If a player has high standing tackle, why don’t they have anticipate? Also, what is better, a player with 90 stand tackle but no anticipate or a player with 85 stand tackle but anticipate+? I think some playstyles are wholly unnecessary and should essentially just function as animations that ‘unlock’ based on certain stat thresholds, like standing tackle animations with anticipate.


The game would be weird without them, but it's changed the game too much for me. A players stats are virtually irrelevant unless they have the playstyles to match. With playstyles, EA can change the entire game and meta with just 1 promo team or 1 patch. It shouldn't be like that. It also means that players from just a month or two ago aren't at all usable because they have less/lesser playstyles. And while older cards would normally be totally out by now anyway, there are so many useless cards it's insane. If I pack a CRAZY icon or promo card in November, I expect them to still be able to keep up at least a little in June, but there isn't one.


I think it offers a ton of variety that hasn’t been present previously. In the earlier games the only real differences in players who had similar stats was their body type and how they accelerate. Now every player feels more unique IMO.


it is just rebranding for the older traits in a way that supports stats creep so they can generate more promos... same turd in a different package


Absolutely love them, wish they'd implement more playstyles and explain how each playstyle is impacted by a player's stats. Part of me even wants them to introduce bronze playstyles.


It’s shit, there will be a point when play styles simply rule the meta, it’s sort of like that at the moment but it will be worse. Oh you have - 6”3 defender oh wel my striker who is 5”8 with jumping trait will out jump him every time. We don’t know what half the stats do in game and yet they add more in to the mix.


I think it’s a great system that diversifies cards beyond just “how they feel”, but EA are ruining it by being EA. I think a good example is how after Bacha became meta for having whipped cross every single fullback from Davies to Cafu started getting a card with whipped pass. When the game launched it allowed some less popular cards like Phillip Lahm become slightly more meta by virtue of having a good playstyle, but now they’re just giving cards that have always been mega the meta play styles regardless of wether it makes sense or not to make them even more meta.


imo its use in ultimate team is a mess but i like how it emphasizes certain players’ elite skills in a certain area, single playstyle+ is great


It's okay I guess, not great, not terrible, it's just annoying that some cards and EVO's get dumb PlayStyles that don't fit their position at all, most likely because EA doesn't care and they just give random ones. I don't think they should be too OP because then you just add another broken thing to an already broken game, the way they are now it's decent, maybe they need some fine tuning but that's about it.


Imo, regular online games now feel a bit like mystery ball since the 3 and 4 playstyles came into play but I kind of like it to some degree. Although in champs it seems to be the opposite. The mystery ball bullshit seems to work against me. Currently div 2 in rivals, yet I struggle to get more than 4 wins in champs.


I don’t like the system, it feels like builds in RPG games. A good defender should not be horrible at slide tackles just because he doesn’t have that play style. If the human player is good at slide tackles, the in game player should perform the tackle. This playstyles system makes the team more like an RPG build. You cannot be good at free kicks if your player does not have dead ball ability. I understand them building it into the base player, like Beckham being good at free kicks and then getting better in subsequent versions. But not things like some random player getting an ability like a new weapon in RPG


Idea is great. What i hate is that sometimes even with a 90+ stat in a category, without a playstyle that fits that stat - it doesn't feel like a 90+ stat. 95 cross feels bad without whipped cross. 95 speed is meh without the two speed playstyles. Through passes feel slow no matter the rating unless you have the playstyle. And so on...


Haverts tots sbc was a ridiculous LB with no defensive playstyles


IMO, trash mechanic. They literally nerfed stats across the board and gave you “playstyle+” that brings it back up to pre-nerf conditions Case in point, the spring “update” literally made moving worse


I like the idea of them but it pretty much overrides the purpose of having stats imo, the same way accelerate defeats the purpose of pace stats.


I rather prefer the slower online seasons game play and attribute it to the players who sometimes have big rating differences anyway so there is enough realism and even more so the non-existence of chem styles and even the playstyles make that PS+. Just look at how many boosts to already boosted cards there are. The game has turned into the NBA Jam version of NBA Jam.


Well, I have 94 Drogba who isn't supposed to have technical + but he definitely does. This game is utterly broken from top to bottom. Nothing is beyond EA. Absolutely nothing! 😂😂


Not really got an issue with them, but Finesse+ and Aerial+ need to go.


yea some need serious adjustment, they just feels like players having super power


As a long-time Fifa player, I don't think playstyles are a new system at all. I think EA has used this system for a number of years to make different players and even different versions of the same players play better in certain ways. They just didn't have a way for us to see it. If that's the case the playstyle system is a massive improvement as we can now see the tuning they are putting into a player and know more of what to expect from that card. I can at least see that they took intercept + off the latest version of a player so I know why even with higher defensive stats they aren't performing the same in that aspect of the game. In the past you would have a FutB version of a player that could do something really well and you'd upgrade to a newer Tots version with better stats yet they would do certain things worse and there would be no way to understand why.


I like it. But the headers are too damn strong


Playstyles render attributes useless and the pluses are overpowered and arcade-y. The game is unfortunately getting less realistic every year.


Some PS+ really make a difference like Aerial+ which is a lot better than normal Aerial. Its a nice system but sometimes players are given PS that isnt quite the nature of their real life counterpart. For Example Birthday Raul, he is given Technical which is essential for dribbling and Raul is not much of a dribbler IRL. IMO besides the already existing Finesse+ he should be given Chip Shot+ and First Touch+. But in the end its FUT after all. The card stats and PS itself is tailored so players are attracted to pack it. Similarity to players IRL isnt quite important


Very cool idea to make players unique, but when every player have "every" possible playstyles it looses the meaning for me atleast. But the game have never been and will never be about players being unique or "mirrors" of themselfs from realife so its just another way for ea to make money. The idea that with changing tactics and getting players for that specific tactic/style with right playstyles and stats sounds so cool... and i dont think it would require too much effort from ea either but it doesnt caters to their brain dead fanbase who wants to copy everything and meta spam all the time.


I love it hope it stays full time and we see it in every edition going forward 


How is it mystery ball? You know the play styles the players have


I mean the boosts it gives them are akin to the boosts you get on mystery ball


Kinda useless


I think it’s fun but wish some weren’t so broken. But I like how they can make players unique traits more prominent


Really hoping they tone some of them down on the next one


They should combine the chem styles with playstyles. No chem style = no PS+


I don’t understand which ones do what and which ones are meta and I’m too old to figure it out so I hate it.