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I’m not getting career exp for rounds either. Just won my character’s first PGA championship and didn’t get any of the rewards


Same here


Can't believe this is still going. Is there any indication that they even know about this and are working on it?


Yep having the same issue. Tried to separate challenges and got nothing. Went back and redid both of them to make sure I did exactly what they wanted and still got nothing


Yeah, I defeated Spieth at Augusta nada.




Same here. Not earning stars or xp for career


Turn on full swing arc and be sure to toggle between your scorecard in the pause menu when playing, this has helped me be sure they are showing up and in most cases they did. Took forever to realize it needed the full swing arc to read your achievements.


Well that just seems more obnoxious than the challenges themselves.


I've completed hundreds of challenges without a full swing arc so it's definitely not needed in general. But maybe there's a bug where a handful do... I have a couple not popping right so I'll try this out and report back.


I honestly think it just stopped working. I was cruising along and then I just stopped receiving stars all of the sudden on all challenges. I'm on PS5.


There's recent threads of guys losing their tickets entering tournaments so maybe their servers are just jacked right now.


An EA server having issues? Unheard of.


I know right?


Yeah, didn't work for me unfortunately.


Dang, must have been me trying a few times and it finally working when I had it on, that’s where I saw success but everyone knows the game is finicky. At this point best guess it keep trying.. so annoying


Definitely. Hopefully the challenges are fixed in the next update.


Are there any workarounds that works for people? I’ve tried quitting the game, shutting down, and then booting up. There’s really no point to playing if you aren’t getting any xp for anything u do in the game


Ea servers?? Had problems getting on earlier and first time I have been robbed of my stars. Don’t know..I’m old only thing I got


Same issue here. No challenges/quests tracking and no xp for several rounds.


both challenges or career quests not working. won the amex just now and it wasnt recorded


Just beat Koepka at bandon and got nothing.


Sure you did…you beat Koepka at Bandon


Went -9 at the Players Championship. Nothing. Fucking hell, EA!!


Something weird I’ve found but definitely works. For head to head sponsor challenges, I.e. “beat Cameron Champ” in a 3 or 9 hole match etc. I’ve found that it will never give me credit at the end of the round for beating the person. But, if I toggle over to “view scorecard” at the end of the round and then toggle back, it will give me credit for the challenge immediately.


May 4th 2024 Whhhhhy is the force(challenges) still broken!!!!!


May 29th 2024. Here to say that it’s still not tracking all stars in any given challenge. Thank god they threw this game onto game pass. Sorry to anyone who gave ea their hard earned money


Yes, happening to me this morning too. I completed two of the titleist sponsor challenges - I’m Pickings and the Danielle Kang par 3 and none popped. Help!




Just tried two different PGA Tour challenges and should have gotten 2 stars for each but got nothing.


My stars are showing up and I have completely finished challenges but I did not get rewards for completing 15 stars for several of the sponsor challenges.


This is exactly whats happening to me. Getting stars on challenges but not actually applying the xp to my player and not getting the items. This is just bonkers. When is this going to be fixed?!


Yes same here. It was working fine then just stopped all of the sudden. Must be a global issue on the server side.


Not getting sponsor challenge stars either


Same. Just played one that involved 18 holes and I nailed it and got nothing for it…


Same here. And entering tournaments takes your money but won't let you play the tournaments


That doesn’t seem right


Same here. Not only that but you don’t even get xp for running tournaments. Zero xp smh


They’ll be times i complete a tournament and get nothing, I’ll back out to the main menu and update my attributes and it’ll start giving me the quest completed messages or it tells me i completed something and doesn’t give me. Points


I had the issue yesterday. I redid the challenge today and got two of the three stars. Not sure if it was being spotty yesterday or if I had miscounted what I needed to do


Career quests still not working for me.


Has this been addressed yet? I played three tourneys before I realized I wasn’t getting any XP.


It still seems to be all over the place. Yesterday did challenges and collected enough stars for two rewards, only received one. Also, the other day won the Florida tournament, but no XP, and under the quest for that tournament it shows I didn’t complete anything (should have gotten all 3). However, when I go through the list of tournaments on the career page it shows that I won it. Hopefully it will catch up at some point.


Just bought this game on sale. I won the USGA and it didn’t track. I get xp and lvl but it still has my Road to PGA challenge unchecked. I was suppose to get a rare driver and 775 reward points for Finishing the tournament par or better (-7), Finished top 80 (1st place) win the U.S Open as an amateur (again 1st place)


It's June. Challenges still don't record for me. Maybe Microsoft will fix it.


Still not working.


Challenges not working on Ping for me 🤔


Just bought the game for ps5 the first two pga coaching challenges awarded me with stars but none of the others work


Multiple challenges don't get stars. E.g. 3 gir which do but not given stars. System is completely broken - MANY features don't work. When are they fixing??? Worst golf game ever played with loads of challenges that need looking at. EA should sort this out b4 release- ridiculous


Still not fixed. Very frustrating.


February 6th 2024 this bullshit still isn't working. What a waste of fucking money