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Can you imagine if they did a study on our long-term health after being in this field for a few years, ESPECIALLY since COVID, and ESPECIALLY with unvaccinated children getting measles? We would have even fewer people willing to join this field. Measles can cause "immune amnesia" -- your body "forgets" how to protect itself from other diseases, even ones you've been vaccinated against. [https://hms.harvard.edu/news/inside-immune-amnesia](https://hms.harvard.edu/news/inside-immune-amnesia) And don't even get me started on repeated COVID infections/long COVID. They simple do not care about us, or the children. Capitalism rules everything.


Thanks for stating this. I feel like this is the dirty secret of the industry. We ruin our bodies and our health permanently for minimum wage.


I feel like the whole industry is a dirty secret with story after story of mistreatment by employers. Anyone who thinks for a moment about taking care of a room of toddlers can recognize we deserve a living wage and some respect, but it feels like we are invisible and forgotten in society. Maybe that is changing though. Maybe.


When I was pregnant I found out I wasn’t immunized anymore against measles 🥹


Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, that's scary!! When you're about to have a baby, the last thing you need to worry about is getting measles. It's also why herd immunity is so important!


I’m lucky enough to live in California where preschool children must be vaccinated so all the children in my care are vaccinated I’ve been thinking about getting the MMR but I actually have vaccine damage from a vaccine a few years ago so now I am super sketched out on getting it And making my condition worse


Please talk with your doctor, they're there to help you make an informed decision for your health!


Me too! Only it was after I gave birth and they did a blood draw panel and then they checked my records and didn’t see it there. I got it right then. I asked my mom about it and she said it had to of been my pediatrician cause she never told them not vaccinate me for it. I’m surprised it never came up before in my life.


I’m honestly scared to continue working in this field cause of it. After I got Covid like the 4th time every time I get sick it’s just a lot .. I have lasting symptoms that don’t go away out side of this let alone always being around sickness.


I believe being so short staffed has led to me being stressed out and leads to me being sick. But I also get it from my son. Since October we've had rsv, covid, flu, pink eye, the flu again, and I currently have pink eye. My husband has not gotten sick so it's just been me.


Omg same for me with the pink eye. Currently miserable at home with it and my job was trying to guilt trip me into coming yesterday while I was still very contagious. I'm so tired of it all.


Same. And they tried that same trick when my son had it last week.


>My son's elementary school sent home a notice that children can come to school with pink eye. We kept him home because he had the pandemic illness, and after a few days we got a letter stating everything that should **not** be stopping him from missing school...including a pink eye infection. I was revolted. Yeah, cuz everyone wants pink eye.


Fuck no I'd rather be home.


It would be hella interesting.


I left the field 2 weeks ago after being sick for what felt like 6 months. I’m only just beginning to feel like myself again! I’m sure now I’m properly recovered my immune system will be peak but constantly being sick and fighting something just gives your immune system a battering all the time and to be honest I was knackered. I feel much happier and healthier now x


Fellow person leaving the field for health reasons. I was sick constantly and recently got an upper respiratory infection that permanently damaged my vocal cords. I’m looking forwards to not being sick anymore


There was a post a little while ago that had a lot of info about the damage covid can do, and how to test if you think you’re having immune issues from an infection: https://www.reddit.com/r/ECEProfessionals/s/dPyccr1gGW Lots of viruses can cause post-viral issues like me/cfs, POTS, or immune issues, sometimes even years down the line. Covid just seems to be really, really good at it, especially with repeat infections. It feels pretty disgusting how teachers are almost forced to sacrifice their health for the sake of profit (be it profit for the owners of the schools or the owners of the companies kids’ parents work for). When I was working in schools, I’d wear a tight fitted n-95 or kn95. If you can get ahold of one, a hepa filter or Corsi-Rosenthal box in the classroom will also filter germs from the air.


I actually think my job has made my immune system stronger. I’m almost never sick.


How many hours per day are you with children? I see it says play therapist?


I work in classrooms, so I am in a full classroom of children basically 9-3 or 9-5 every day. I was also a teacher for several years and never got sick much then either (after the first few months).


Thank you! I’m sure some people just don’t get sick. We have one or two children like that every classroom, but the rest of them are getting sick back to back too But this is exactly why I would love a study so many people believe that getting sick time and time again is gonna make you healthy so to speak but there’s no real research behind this idea and also no research on people who are continuously exposed versus just exposed in childhood.


I’d love a study too! My first few months teaching, I was sick ALL THE TIME, but then after the first year I just stopped getting colds/cough/flu. Now I only really get sick once a year, usually in the spring, but when I do get sick I get REALLY sick. I dunno if all those little exposures actually boosted my immune system or what. I’d definitely like to see more studies on this


Agreed. Sure, it wasn't great 2020-2022, but, I feel pretty good with my immune system again.


Same, I was sick at the beginning of October and that’s it. I’m with the kids the entire time and often have multiple kids cough and sneeze in my face most days. I’ve been waiting since than for my kids to get sick and even though my youngest is in both school and daycare they haven’t been sick once this school year. I was sick a lot as a kid and my kids were sick a lot when they were younger but we don’t seem to get sick much anymore. I feel like our centre also doesn’t have lots of sick kids aside from colds. If someone gets strep than it’s usually just that one kid or possibly one other, hand foot and mouth has only been in our centre about 3 times since I started working 15 years ago. We try to be outside as much as possible (not always easy in winter in Canada) and we sanitize all our toys every day.


Glad to hear you’re not getting sick all the time either! I feel bad for those who post about constantly being miserably sick. I mask all the time, too, so that probably has something to do with it as well; certainly helps when I get the open-mouthed-directly-in-your-face little kid sneeze.


I have POTS, which sometimes can be caused by a virus, however I’ve had it my entire life and was diagnosed well before every working in ECE I do notice worse flare ups when I’m sick though


I got covid 6 times working in childcare during the pandemic and today I have severe heart problems that are still unexplained despite months of appointments and dozens of specialists. All I’ve been told is that these problems could likely take me out before my next birthday. I think about this question a lot. Could it be how sick I’ve been the last 3 years in childcare? I don’t know ☹️


I’m so sorry that you’re going through that. My first Covid exposure. I had heart palpitations and what felt like an exploding heart I think for about a year I’m still alive and to my knowledge don’t have any heart issues, but I’ve never been to a cardiologist only had a few EKGs done because I’ve been sick with other things that caused a lot of chest pain.


I’ve had pinkeye for the first time last November, and it’s been reoccurring for the 3rd time (all with antibiotics). I don’t know if I’ll ever fully recover from this. It looks and feels horrible


This is why I'm never going to work ece again without a k95 mask. I don't get sick as often, but I watch my kids and coworkers get sick over and over and get sicker every time. There have been studies showing that every time someone gets infected with COVID (and other virus infections) it causes your immune system to work less effectively. I highly recommend that you consider protecting yourself, because the CDC sure isn't going to protect us. Also, the babies I've taken care of have talked more by 16 months than the classes before I worked with them (masked). It's about how much you talk to them, not just them seeing your lips.