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Holding a crying child would give them deeper pressure and a better sense of security. Maybe they are calming down once being buckled because they are looking forward to going on a walk. I dunno, I don't like it.


I don’t like it either and I won’t be participating in it. My supervisor said for children who aren’t calming down from snuggles it could be a useful tool however my coworkers will use it if they are just tired of done holding a baby or if they are off and want to go home instead of asking for help which is what really bothers me.


good for you, I don't know too much about daycare regulations, but in public school if something like this happened it would be considered mechanical restraint and you would have to fill out paperwork, have witnesses sign that paperwork, have your principal (or supervisor) sign that paperwork, and then send it into the state for them to keep a record. If the state notices you are restraining too often they can do an investigation and suspend licences. You also need yearly training on how and when to restrain. Parents also need to be notified ASAP when it happens. It isn't something that should be done until all other options have been utilized.


That’s nonsense. Deep pressure? She’s just making stuff up. Sure, buckle them for safety in a stroller, but never for behavior an adult finds challenging.


A stroller harness shouldn't be tight enough for deep pressure therapy regardless. It's just there to make sure they don't fall out of the stroller during travel.


Yeah I get pressure can be soothing but you do it by squeezing their arms / sides mostly, not their abdomen?


I’m in Ontario and that’s a HUGE no for us. I really want to hear what your ministry has to say about it.


Absolutely not. In my center it would be considered restraining a child and is explicitly against the law (Massachusetts US). I’m an administrator and if one of my teachers was doing this I would have a massive problem with it, as would licensing. There are so many appropriate ways to respond to crying children, but this isn’t one of them.


PA, USA. Our state licensing would never let us. Barring an emergency reason or major safety reason, this would be restraint and illegal. (As said in the last post, if, like, someone vomited everywhere or we had to do CPR and use the AED and we had nowhere else to put them, sure, stroller. Ideally first jumper/ exersaucer, pack n play/ crib, or the buckle in table, we’ll work our way over from absolute least restrained to most.) But our state licensing board? They’d be all over us for restraining kids. Heck, we cannot have an awake kid in a pack n play/ crib for over 15 minutes. Even if they are happy and content and just about asleep, they have to be removed for us to be legal (we can remove and hold and get them the rest of the way to sleep if that doesn’t overstimulate them out of the near asleep and into the awake zone, we have to watch how long a kid is in a high chair/ strap in table before they’re cleaned up and free after lunch, etc


Harmful actions not permitted 52   (1)A licensee must ensure that a child, while under the care or supervision of the licensee, is not subjected to any of the following: (b)confinement or physical restraint by an employee, except as authorized in a child care's plan if the care plan includes instructions respecting behavioural guidance; (e)separation, without supervision by a responsible adult, from other children; I took that from [here](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/332_2007) It is not ok.  It's frustrating to have everyone tell you you're wrong and difficult for expecting that children aren't *restrained and left alone*


it's against licensing in bc.


100%. This is how Arto Howley died in Coquitlam. Licensing will have a field day with this.


would the staff like it if they were restrained and strapped down when they got upset ?


Wow. Where are you located? That would be considered restraint in my state.