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A deposit is to hold your spot.. were you paying to hold a spot? Sometimes this is done monthly. Was it a registration fee perhaps? The confusing thing is you also called and didn’t hear back, that sounds super shady. The only time we “bump” wait list is when a sibling is born.


To clarify, I paid 1,400 as a deposit to hold our place. It was going to go towards first months daycare when we started. There was also a small registration fee of like 150. I don’t think it was a sibling being born in our case but I guess I don’t know about my friends case. But it was extremely distressing that they ignored our calls for so long. I strongly suspect they ignored because they weee scrambling trying to make our spot work still and didn’t want to lose us but by doing what they did they only ruined our chances of finding care elsewhere on time and still lost us and pissed us off even more


This is unacceptable then. I would 100% be going there and requesting a refund on the deposit. They did not deliver the spot you paid for.


Oh yes I did get it back! I’m just worried about it happening again cuz it was very upsetting. But thank you for responding because it seems like it’s not very common that this happens


I wonder if they hired a new staff member that has a child and gave your spot to the staff member


You and your friend should consider finding a nanny, and doing a nanny share.


If they offered you a spot and took a deposit contingent on that spot, they need to refund your deposit. And you probably dodged a bullet if this is how they operate their business. None of the centers/schools I've worked for ever did this.


They did refund after we really got upset but I was just so shocked that TWO completely separate places would do this. I’m happy to hear it’s not something you have heard of happening all the time though, must just be coincidence we both got so unlucky.


It’s illegal where I am so I’m guessing it was pretty common if they took the time to make a whole law about it.


Yes, because Canada gives a crap about families and their wellbeing. I used to work Childcare at the Y, it was just run by the nastiest old ladies and least caring management ever. I am still appalled by all they put me through...


I don't know where you are, but where I live, there is a priority of access that is required. A child in out of home care or identified as at risk has top priority, and then it filters down from there. Eg a single parent family with that parent working full time will take priority over a two parent family. It's entirely possible that someone with priority due to their family situation may have been entitled to the place.


It may be different in other places, but in my center (MA) if a spot has been offered by us and accepted by the parents and all fees/deposits are paid, that spot is theirs and cannot be rescinded or changed. It’s in our contracts. If I were OP I’d be looking at any paperwork they signed for any language about reimbursement or required notice for this sort of thing—because they might be entitled to more than just a refund (especially if they argue that they lost income because they had to quit their job as a result).


Interesting, I didn’t know that! In my case I know it was an administrative error as they confessed someone accidentally gave away some of my days… not sure about the friends situation though. Shouldn’t they at least call you back and be up front about that as soon as possible? I felt they waited to the last minute to see if they could still fit us in but then that really screwed us over as it took away our own ability to make a decision on whether to stay and hope they could make it work or look elsewhere when we had time. Like i legit do not know how we would make it work if we didn’t have savings to live on so I could stay home. All of the other daycares in the area are at least a year out for infant care. Are people just getting massively screwed over when day cares do this? Is there hope I can go back to work and not be screwed in the same way againv


I believe in most US states you can’t refuse a foster child if you have a slot, but that’s about it. I can’t imagine telling a couple just because there’s two of them they can’t have childcare at your facility. “Sorry, because there’s two of you taking accountability, one of you can just quit your job!” Are y’all dealing with the same childcare crisis we are?


I’ve know Head Start has to reserve a certain number of spots for foster children and those with disabilities, but I’ve never heard of that for private daycares.


I believe in most US states you can’t refuse a foster child if you have a slot, but that’s about it. I can’t imagine telling a couple just because there’s two of them they can’t have childcare at your facility. “Sorry, because there’s two of you taking accountability, one of you can just quit your job!” Are y’all dealing with the same childcare crisis we are?


That’s so weird. My center had an issue where a family said they were moving so directors filled their spot. Last minute there was a change of plans and the center bent over backwards to accommodate BOTH families.


my old boss would do this if they could get a full time kid in that would bump the parents that only wanted part time. but i think it was only a registration fee to hold the spot. not the whole month thats pretty messed up and unfair. but my old boss would also upcharge parents if they had good jobs like give them a diffreng price point and stuff. it was not a fun place to work.


I'm in Virginia and this just happened to my friend with two separate daycares in Charlottesville. And one of them tried to keep the deposit. It got me so paranoid I put deposits on two separate daycares. I really can't afford to not work, so I am nervous.


Probably. When I was trying to get my kids into a daycare, it really felt like the center was chaotic, and calling them on the phone was almost pointless. I'd call, someone who worked there would answer, but that person wasn't in charge of the waitlist or admissions. Then, I registered on their website to get on the wait list. But, after trying to confirm that by calling them on the phone, there was no record of it. I soon found out they "changed computer systems last month" and it was like I had to start completely over. But then I told my husband, and he had emails and stuff when we had registered 6 months prior so he let them know that. So, then I started taking names of exactly who it was who uses the right computer system to register for the waitlist, getting their direct phone number, and email address. Talking with them, asking questions, following up periodically, to make sure they didn't conveniently forget my kids. I think they let their brothers sisters coworkers skip the line sometimes. After 9 months of being on the waitlist, they called to say they had a spot for both my kids. and if I hadn't been checking my voicemails well enough, it could have been missed easily. I never had to pay a deposit.


This seems unusual, especially since it happened twice. We had times where we would register a family and secure their spot for several months away, and then never hear from them again. We would always try and contact them repeatedly to see whether they still want the space, and sometimes we ultimately would just give the space away. We never took a deposit though, only a $100 registration fee which we made clear up front was non refundable. Clearly in your case you were very communicative and they messed up.


I found an amazing sitter in my home for only slightly more than daycare. We did the daycare route for a long time, but when I switched jobs we needed hours outside of the day care. Just another venue to look at!!!


We have a 2 week policy or next available spot. If a family fails to show up after 2 weeks, unless booked for a later date, we exit them from our program. Parent handbook explains this also. I once had a lady once schedule 4 different tours, never showed for any & called again & expected to have a spot.