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I probably do get the sense she handles the editing and admin work of the channel, but many of these YouTube van life type couples have one person that handles one thing and another that a different thing. Their YouTube business is their couple hood and without it I'm not sure what they have. I commend and don't condemn his leaning into the tea business right now because he has a partner and new baby to support while Bec tries to get well. In fact their lack of YouTube may be directly related to her being unwell to handle the editing etc. and Eamon not having the necessary skills.


I thought they had an editor who just sent the final product to Bec? I may be thinking of someone else but I really thought they did.


Eamon can do the videos, Bec praised him in their vid leaving Morocco. The End. I'm glad for the Mega Thread.


And she’s entitled to 18 months maternity leave so everyone can back the heck off. Signed, a mom who recently made it past the infant stage.


i don't know why everyone brings that up - they work for themselves. not everyone in canada can or does take their entire leave.


Right but she is entitled to and that applies to the self-employed. You’d think people would have some empathy for a new mother.


everyone has empathy for her. the thing is, you can't make your audience a part of private moments and then ghost them. a simple update is all people are looking for, because the rumours go rampant otherwise. and seeing eamon post photos of the baby on the business page for clicks is bizarre, sorry.


Exactly. People going on about how they need privacy. All they’ve done is splatter their lives all over the Internet, and they had no problem showing episode after episode of Bec going through cancer treatment puking in a bucket in the kitchen, peeing red blood, and losing her hair. I’ve had cancer, too, it’s not pretty. But that doesn’t negate the fact that they could have given an update in December on anything instead of leaving viewers on a cliffhanger. Just bad form. And no sympathy from the masses. They’ve also imposed a gag order on all of the collaborators to make sure nobody mentions anything. That’s influencer narcissism right there. Dictating what others can and cannot post. After all of those influencers made an effort to support her during her cancer. Yet they also made a ton of money with videos about Lee after Lee died. They can’t have it both ways and think they’re going to keep their audience. Even when I was on maternity leave for a year, I still posted to my social media because that’s what people do. They made money putting their lives out there, that’s what funds their lifestyle, and then they punch the audience in the face.


I can't believe people actually truly believe two complete strangers care about them. They don't. You're just a viewer, borderline stalking (in this reddit, same for me) but I'm not entitled to them and they can never post again and it's still not something I'm gonna lose my head over. I hope they never come back cause it's funny reading how entitled people are to complete strangers.  




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Well said! I look at it this way, if you had someone in your life that you were attached to and had invested in their life but they suddenly stopped updating you on what was going on with them and neglected to respond to your reaching out to check on them, how would you feel? Then when you'd see your friend posting on social media when other friends or people visited, what would you think? E and B made us feel we were friends. Their videos made me care about them. I didn't only watch their channel as TV, I was invested in THEM as people. And if my pregnant "friend" shared an emergency message that caused me to panic then notified me their baby came and said about nothing afterwards that would be concerning and upsetting to me! They wouldn't (and shouldn't) ignore me, because that is not how you treat someone you say you care about.


But, they aren't your friends. Infact if you showed up on their property stating you were friends. They'd either put a gun in your face or have you arrested. They are friends with other influencers as business partners probably. But if you seriously believe you're entitled to them like they are your personal BFF you're delusional. 


Agreed. The caveat is that creating the illusion of "community" funds/funded their lifestyle, built their chai and tea businesses, and created one hell of a life for them. So you're spot on correct; we are not their friends. But those who believe a brief (even written) update would have been the fair thing to do are also correct; because their viewers are their benefactors. E&B will eventually reappear. And most of their followers will continue to follow. But others will have seen through the veil and understood that YouTube followers are, in the end, disposable viewers. And the ruse that we are "community" will be reduced to the simple truth that followers are not family but a source of income. Finally, everybody who follows E&B, Van Wives, Kara & Nate, Trent & Allie, et al, should remember that this is television, and in the end you mean nothing to these people. (They don't know your face, your voice, your personality, or your story.) Your presence before that screen is merely a data point that feeds their wallets and egos.


Didn’t they also say they weren’t going to be including the baby in their videos and business, or if they did so it would be minimally because they didn’t want to become family influencers?


At the time of that Q&A they said the baby might show up but as they got older and developed their own personality/uniqueness they probably wouldn’t. (Paraphrasing).


It’s worth considering that a simple update might not exist for her at the moment. It could open the floodgates to more questions and rumours and I am sure literally any other stressor at this point is something she’s trying to avoid.


They can actually do, whatever they want. Technically. They can and they could. 


Right the entitlement to people's lives because they're vloggers is unreal. Let them take a break. However long if not forever it doesn't even matter. 




Women want equality until they dont


Bec owns the channel. Eamon owned Chaiwala originally. They talked about this years ago about their different businesses and why they aren’t married. That’s why his dad manages the tea company


This is understating the skill gap. Eamon was not able to get a four year degree and admits that Bec can more ably read and write. If his ADHD is untreated then I hope he addresses it as I don't think it is impossible for him to step up.


Which is fair. It's not of moral failing of his. If he is not built the same way Bec is, and if he doesn't have the same skill set. That's why they were partners. And if she does not come back to the YouTube channel, then honestly that's her kind of letting their partnership down. Things change and she's entitled to decide to be a mother, but it is unfair to him that he has to take on everything now. Especially when he's not equipped. So if that's the case, I feel awful for them.


Maybe she just changed her mind like you seem to be implying and leaving him on the hook but have you considered that with her health history, her specific type of estrogen positive cancer, her earlier scare during pregnancy, and the sudden and wild need to abandon their cabin suddenly and move into an apartment nearly overnight to give birth early points to Bec having a serious recurrence of her cancer and needing immediate treatment? if my guess is even remotely accurate it would be a devastating turn of events because the prognosis for a recurrence of her type of cancer is much, much worse than her first battle... and to have a newborn at home at the same time is almost unimaginable. I could absolutely see why in such a situation she wouldn't want to necessarily lay her life bare for the world.


Genuinely curious, if Bec’a cancer has come back wouldn’t she be losing her hair? In the most recent pictures I’ve seen her hair looks about the same. I guess she could not be doing treatment…


Not if she’s had a mastectomy then put on tamoxifen


Who knows. Assuming it’s back (and I hope it isn’t) there are all kinds of reasons she may not lose hair… maybe she is having treatment with localized radiation instead, maybe she had surgery of some kind and isn’t having chemo, maybe she has a wig, maybe she doesn’t react strongly in terms of hair loss to a specific chemo etc. I hope I’m wrong about my fears, I hope this turns out to be “nothing” and we can grumble they aren’t making videos… but with that last videos of theirs and implications of their choices and behavior in that video I’m really, really concerned at a human level for what she is going through right now.


A bit late but just in case you’re still wondering. Some chemotherapy treatments don’t cause hair loss, I’ve had 3 different chemo drugs and my current one ( Kadcyla) doesn’t cause hair loss. Tamoxifen also doesn’t cause hair loss and it’s a major line of treatment for hormone positive bc.


I think Eamon is very capable of doing a quick video and updating people. Bec does not need to do it.


People need too stop putting them down cause they not on YouTube maybe something happened people acting like kids


Eamon complained on Instagram that he was “out of a job” because they’re not making YouTube videos. His job is to be the partner of Bec. Back in the early days, they were constantly fighting on camera because she was accusing him of hogging the blog. He’s always the attention seeker. Even during Bec’s cancer journey, he insisted on doing videos about renovation to make him front and center.


Regarding the Habit Community building, I think they’re realizing how big of a piece YouTube is in their lives and finances. After whatever experience they had, Bec isn’t wanting to film/share and is feeling trapped by it. I think they’re trying to switch/build their audience that is strictly business based vs their personal lives. So yes and no do they care about their YouTube audience. They care if you’re willing to switch over to be a Habit customer. But no they don’t care if you’re only around for their personal videos. It’s not worth it to them anymore


The thing is, they can’t give a simple update to millions of followers, yet they have no problem sending boxes of tea to other influencers and collaborators and encouraging them to mention it on their videos so they make money. Either the tea company is hurting or they really are just going in a completely different direction without any explanation. When they do make a video, the YouTube algorithm may not have it make as much money as they would expect. I don’t think I’m even going to watch it. I’ll just come here and get the synopsis.


I was annoyed that Kara and Nate were shilling for them and nearly said so then thought better of it.


They don’t owe us anything, but I don’t owe them anything either. I understand them wanting space and I will give them space in the form of unfollowing them. No harm no fowl. We all have choices. I’ve made mine.


This didn’t age well. 


Initially I was waiting for E & B to give an update and didn't blame them for taking their time or needing space. It is their choice. Everyone handles things differently, but I don't understand not giving a statement (unless I missed it) other than they just needed space and time to process, months ago. I'm sure from their perspective they think it's none of our business, but they kind of earn a living off of us. Again, I can see both sides. What turns me off is them trying to advertise their tea business, while not giving an update. They've shared their life up to this point and really left everyone hanging. Clearly something changed (I'm stopping myself from speculating). Something made them not want to film their life, but they should give a statement if they want to sell their tea. It almost seems like contempt or stubbornness, at this point. You can be a mama and write a quick statement.


And good luck having a successful tea business without the support of the channel followers!


They don't offer anything unique. The tea is expensive, the packaging is ugly and not inline with a luxury time out/wellness brand and they offer no taster sets. Their competition is doing similar but better.


I bought their chaiwala chai tea starter kit and was not impressed. Very bland. I haven’t ordered again.


I ordered from Habit early on and was as unimpressed. Not worth the extra charge for me. I unfollowed Habit after watching them ignore their community and try to build that one. I feel like they need to realize no one wants that tea over any other if they’re not invested in the E/B brand.


Agreed! They are literally millionaires because of their fan base! A statement would be nice.... but u can bet they will be back when the bank acct gets low! 


Yeah, their finances must be affected by this. I am actually starting to wonder if there is a legal thing going on...


If Bec and Eamon wanna pull a Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita, that’s fine. Just maybe let us know…instead of stringing us along. I had a preemie baby just a couple months before Bec had Frankie. I would have loved to know what their experience was like in comparison to my own. But at this point I’m tired of hoping for new videos, and would just like to know if there’s any intention of coming back. If I can get over Jenna Marbles, I can get over this.


I still really miss Jenna and her dogs and her plants...


Me too, man. But I know Jenna isn’t coming back, so I’m not wondering every week if this is the week she finally posts again.


Hello Sassy... hope everything is fine with you and your baby 👶....I think your experience was very different 💋 and 🫂 Don't know about Jenna & Julien but I'm new on Reddit HappyDays....


You don’t know Jenna Marbles??? At one point, she was the top female creator on YouTube. She still has about 20 million followers despite not posting anything since 2020, when she quit YouTube. Julien is her partner (now husband) who was heavily featured on her channel. They even had a podcast together. When she quit all public social media, he did not. He continues to post on YouTube and is a big Twitch gamer, but he rarely talks about Jenna and never posts any footage or photos of her, with the exception of their engagement and wedding. So, I was comparing them to Eamon and Bec. Bec can be Jenna Marbles and quit YouTube, while Eamon continues on with his own thing. (My baby and I are great! She was a NICU pro and came home after only 18 days. She’s 6 months now and a fierce little girl.)




Proof that you knew them?




Can you share how recently you’ve talked to them? Everything you’re saying aligns with pre-baby eamon and bec. But maybe priorities changed and their previous goals aren’t their current goals? Just curious if you knew them a while back, but haven’t spoken in years or if you’re currently in touch with them.


>I knew Eamon and Bec before they got YouTube “famous” Pretty much sums it up!


Yeah I guess the past tense “knew” implies they don’t know them anymore. But I was trying to get clarification on if they still “know” them. They’ve been decently famous on YouTube since pre-pandemic, so if they last spoke in 2019, then the comment doesn’t carry as much weight. But if they’re still in touch and this commenter knows for sure that the YouTube break is to drum up interest for business, then that’s a big statement.


From the way they were speaking, I highly doubt they're in touch... but if they are, I probably wouldn't mention it myself. I would expect to be bombarded with questions. 😅


100%. In reality, they’ve probably never met eamon and bec. It’s a safe and obvious assumption that eamon and bec wanted to be successful on YouTube. 


The cliffhangers are purposeful? You mean this one that has lasted 3 months while they’ve earned 0 dollars from new videos? Every YTer has occasionally used some sort of enticement to keep watching for their next video, whether it be a specific trip, a project, whatever. The fact that they have NOT posted a video shows they have prioritized something else.


They’re pushing their old videos out via FB in the meantime. That’s odd IMO.


This is exactly what they encouraged Max and Lee to do, so this tracks IMO. It was all about making the YT successful. It was E/B’s idea for M/L to make one and they went on and on about how much money they could make off one. I met Lee before I ever watched any E/B stuff actually. Lee and I talked about a lot of stuff, including how hard it was to keep up with the videos when her mental health wasn’t in the right place. She even showed that on their channel and later her channel. In one of my last texts with her I was trying to encourage her to step back, but this pressure to build up a (new) channel was so high. :( Such a beautiful soul lost to these pressures. I’d never pressure anyone to film if they don’t want to, but to cliff hang people who are concerned is just in poor taste.


I'm just gonna assume this doesn't mean personally. Like someone saying they knew of a band before they got on the radio. 




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Not resolving dramatic tearful cliffhanger after 4 months is just shitty.


Classic move of them to be away randomly on youtube so their next video gets more views. Honestly i can't watch their videos anymore....cosplaying this shitty cabin life.


I understand why there is concern about zero videos. Eamon made solo videos many times without Bec, especially during her cancer journey. He did the collab with Eva Zu Beck and her van in Mexico. Did solo episodes building the cabin. And he's out on the street selling Habit Tea. But zero content on the main channel. I unsubbed a long time ago, but am more concerned about the cancer, as well as the "journalistic integrity" of being an influencer, from providing info, showing their life that people relate to or don't relate to, advocating for something they may be going through, providing resources, inspiring, etc. As public figures splattering their lives all over the internet for the good part of a decade almost, they end up providing a public service to viewers whether they intended to or not (i.e. there is a reason people tune in, whatever that is... escape from cleaning house, hope for a different life, relating to a life changing event, interested in travel or just happy fun trolling). And they have a civic duty on how their content may affect viewers. What's most irksome is that they all talked about cyber bullying triggering Lee's suicide, yet they leave 1.3 million followers in the dark, many of whom might have tuned in during the cancer journey because they were going through it too. Or, viewers who had difficult pregnancies and delivered early. Or those raising children while battling cancer. The cliffhanger, no updates, bizzare posts, other collabs remaining hush hush, etc., and not an ounce of consideration for the subscriber base whose views funded their lifestyle.... yes, it's okay for people to say something. It's inconsistent to what we are familiar with, and inconsistency in the aftermath of something tragic creates concern.


I think the biggest issue is their last YT video was a cliff hanger. They said they would explain. A quick update stating that she’s alright and the baby is ok but they are not doing YT anymore would be courteous to all who have supported them. It’s allowing so much speculation. Yet Eamon is out there expecting people to buy their product. It just feels disingenuous to me. Of course, I hope all is well with them and their sweet daughter. That goes without saying. And before people say that they don’t owe us anything, you are right. But…they chose to bring us along and then didn’t finish the story.


I always saw E&B as sincerely enjoying doing videos. They do a great job of sharing their life on YT. They really had me convinced that they were doing something they love. They had me as a loyal follower. I cared (still do) about them. On a relatability scale, they were right up there with me. I loved to travel and at one time considered van life with my husband, I had twin premies, 28 weekers. I nearly lost a dear friend to suicide, lost another to cancer at a way too young age. The relatability, for me, was lost when they shared the last video. I can’t imagine sharing that kind of devastation and then walking away with no explanation - even to a stranger. It’s human nature, given that final scene to think the very worse. I’ll be all over an update video If one ever comes out. But, I’ll not see them in the same light. The way they ended their video was just heartbreaking I felt their pain. Im still concerned Bec’s cancer returned. When the pic of Frankie was taken off on Kingingits post, I couldn’t help but also be concerned that she has a visible birth defect that E$B didn’t want seen and published. It’s so nice to know my comments won’t be responded with one of those “they don’t owe you anything “ comments. I truly hope and pray, all is well. No cancer, no birth defect. That all of this drama is for nothing more than Bec needing that break that Eamon says she needs.


Exactly. They have a gag order in effect on the other collaborators. I think there was a birth defect or issue, and \[as horrid is to imply\] they may be ashamed of it, which in all honesty people with disabilities go on to live amazing lives and do amazing things. I have seen several influencers in the last few months who had babies and seemed ashamed, embarassed or defeated that the births or the babies weren't the magical instagrammable versions with unicorns and cherubs surrounded by rainbows and glitter, but were the real AF life versions. Complications do happen, more often than people realize. Almost like it was more important to portray an unattainable perfection. I dunno how to word it. The baby was having a failure to thrive and they were having a hard time finding breast milk, so formula may not be an option. Maybe an open gut or digestive issue? Heart issue? Genetic issue missed during scans? Who knows. I guess we will just have to wait and see. It IS bizarre that their entire pregnancy, life, cancer, everything was splattered on the internet and all of a sudden radio silence. There is no shame in explaining and updating. Disabilities and birth defects are a challenge for parents, however I am sure there are subscribers who can give advice and resources.


Bec sharing her cancer diagnosis and treatment was in many ways a community service. opened the door for conversation, possibly (not to sound dramatic) saved lives. If just one woman watching Bec’s journey went to the dr about a suspicious lump after watching her journey a life could very well have been saved. If these influencer parents of children with disabilities would just see the big picture! By showing unconditional love and pride in their little ones, maybe just maybe, the stigma would lessen. My own situation was one of those real AF stories. Labor began at 23 1/2 weeks. We were advised to allow nature to take its course. 28 years ago, viability was near 0%. If we got to 24 weeks, we had 5% chance with 95% chance of disability. We opted to do all we could. After 4 1/2 weeks in the trendelenberg position, we had two amazing babies. Not without complications, but life is complicated. Today, they’re healthy, happy, independent, loving young men. Are they perfect? Not in the eyes of society. One has high functioning autism. Are they a gift and am I proud to be their mom? Absolutely. I wish society would open their eyes to accept the 1 in 25 born different.


I have a company that helps disabled and adaptive adventurers looking to get out to the outdoor space. So much of the confidence and inspiration comes from watching travel adventure blogs, especially inter-abled couples and those using adaptive technology. As much trash that’s out there on the Internet, there is so much good out there. Yes, as influencers, they do have a responsibility when it comes to content. There are many irresponsible, influencers like Eva Zu Beck, if you go over to her Snark Sub on Reddit, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. When I had cancer 25 years ago, I had no resources available. I was in another country as well and did not speak the language. My child was born with a small hole in the heart between the left and right ventricles. Thankfully it healed but I prepared for a very different parenting journey and was thankful for YouTube videos by parents of a similar situation


As someone using “adaptive devices” to get around (I have a rare neuromuscular disease similar to MS), I thank you for doing what you do. ❤️


I have traveled all over the US to bring awareness and get outdoor adventures trained on how to accommodate and assist those with modified equipment like adaptive mountain bikes and of someone has a prosthetic. Like how to safely out on rock climbing harness and how to put an adaptive bike on a ski lift at the downhill bike parks, etc. making the able bodied world accessible.


So nobody owes anyone anything regarding filming their private lives, EXCEPT when they are making a living by doing so. At that point, if they decide not to post anymore I believe they should have the common courtesy to tell their followers/supporters, especially those who have spent real money! I don’t doubt for a minute that content creators are in it for the money. It’s exhausting to create interesting new content, and I get that. We also really don’t know what is going on in other people’s lives. Putting yourself out there on the internet does come with some risk as well. I just think it’s terribly rude to string people along and then disappear without a word. A simple “I/we have decided to take a social media break and won’t be uploading content. I/we may or may not be back. It’s been a great ride and thank you for all your support.” There. I even wrote it for them! 😇


I completely agree. I respect a decision to stop social media and/or keep a health issue private or keep a child off social media. In fact, I've stopped watching a couple that now shows their kid every video because I think kids should be able to consent. But just say something. Your language is perfect. Even could appear as text on the screen and no video. Or, take the most recent, cliffhanger YT video down.


THOUGHTS (happy to hear agreement or dissent): 1) IF... just if Bec's cancer came back during the pregnancy, per the photos we have seen after the birth, she hasn't lost her hair again, which makes me wonder that if she had a recurrence, it may be too aggressive to treat with chemo. If I remember correctly she had stage 3 or 4 before...? 2) Or, the issue was with the baby, maybe a medical issue. Per the breastmilk request photo they posted, it looked like the baby had a failure to thrive. They are definitely already exploiting the baby on the Habit Instagram 3) Or, they are just ghosting their subscribers without any regard for the thousands of hours people contributed to growing their channel with views, subsequently funding their lifestyle. Pretty jerk move and bad customer service. Sure, she's on maternity leave but not from a 9-5 corporate job. People still post to social media on maternity leave. An update would have been considerate 4) The gag order among the other influencers is still in place. Not a single one of them congratulated E&B or posted anything in regards, yet many of them do an ad break in their episodes to promote Habit


I’m confused about the gag order. Max still has Frankie’s pic up on his page. Eamon’s bro has 200k followers on his public cooking account and still has Frankie pics up….


Max probably gets a pass because he was in direct relations with Lee and Lee is the middle name. The others are only YouTube friends


Right, but there’s just no mention on any videos whatsoever from any of the collabs, even the ones with babies and kids


How are they "definitely exploiting their baby on the Habit Instagram"? 


My opinion for what it's worth, after reading many of these posts, especially the ones who claim that their followers don't care about them, is as follows: I've asked myself, "Do you care about them, or are you just looking out of curiousity?" And the fact is, I do care. If something terrible happened, I would feel awful. And the awful feeling wouldn't go away after a day. I'm sure many others feel this way; they should know that a lot of people do. So, they can do whatever they want, granted, but if they cared at all about their followers in return they would give SOME kind of an update. Anything. Reassurance for us? Asking for our prayers? Donations if they need help for those of us who would like to do something? It's their choice, obviously, but people like me do care. E&B, we DO care.


Thank you for this! All the bickering is boring, hopefully keeping the negatives to one thread will stop the same posters with the same comments coming up all the time. We are allowed different opinions! I'm very much on the fence about them right now. I think they handled the last YouTube video incredibly poorly, the Instagram reel was a mess and they let the speculation run rampant. I don't know why they didn't just cut the end of the video and not say anything at all. Now all the speculation seems to be regarding Becs health. If there is something going on then my sympathies to them. Lots of the people posting have decided it must be a return of the cancer. But what if all the comments about grieving are just regarding the birth not following their plans?


The bickering is boring, but honestly what else is there to talk about? With no new content there’s basically nothing and they will fade away. At least people are still thinking about them and their channel.


Exactly! I guess the page will be empty because it’s not like there is anything new…except the tea they are trying to sell!




Came here to see if anyone else saw their email. Maybe we’ll see an update from them like we did with Kingin It.


Why is this a rule out of curiosity? 


I think because there was some stalker level of digging going on and people were posting photos that family members had put up.


Well the baby’s pics are up on these public accounts. It’s not a reach for people to think that if E/B allow the pics up publicly they could share them from there. Not saying it’s right or wrong but it’s public, just like their page is.


I think that eventually they will come back to YouTube and eat some huge humble pie. The reason I believe this is because they have started this tea company and put money into it and want it to be a success….. and without YT it’s going to flop. I believe that there is something that Bec is feeling shame about. (Note — I DID NOT SAY bec has anything to BE ashamed of.) The only reason that makes any ‘sense’ to me for them to walk away from this channel is that she is embarrassed to come clean on the story at this point. I don’t know what, but I suspect it is something to do with getting pregnant ‘too early’ and a negative outcome (or an outcome Bec perceives as negative) of that. I think we saw the seed of that planted by that one nasty medical professional in that one video months ago. However - going back to my earlier comment I would bet money they will come back BECAUSE they will realize that their tea is a lifestyle brand and won’t be sellable without THEIR lifestyle. (Think about every other product sold by a celebrity - insight into the celebs thoughts and life is what keeps the sales going. If the celeb dropped off the face of the planet - eventually no more sales.) I was in advertising for many years and paying for advertising is VERY expensive and often does not drive sales. They’ll be spending a lot of money and working hard and they will getting more and more in debt. So they’ll come to realize that walking away from their yt channel was a really bad financial move and they’ll come back and market the $hit out of the tea to us on there. That’s my prediction. My guess on timeline for that is between 9-12 months after they started ghosting us. They’ll be getting very worried about money by that point. When they do come back they will put some boundaries in place so we don’t see their lives quite as much within their home. Initially there will be a big tear jerker video with apology (whatever one does after ghosting a ‘friend’ and then realizing you need them for something after all. But generally, there will be more of a psychological separation from the viewer and we won’t be let in quite as much.


The medical professional wasn't nasty. She was honest and it's something that had to be said whether or not Bec was going to follow that professional advice or go with her heart. I had to wait 13 years to have my baby after having cancer. It's not something to play around with. Once your body goes through that, everything is a calculated risk. Personally I think they should have waited and taken all precautions. Waited another year or two. Stopping Tamoxifen cold turkey so soon after being in the clear was a bad decision, but they had to since she was pregnant. Eamon is as much responsible as Bec in that decision. Now he's mad he's "out of a job" with YouTube because Bec is taking a break and potentially has additional health issues. Doctors take an oath not to cause death. The hippocratic oath: With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Eamon and Bec are very "woo." They believed vegan lore over science. AG1 will heal everything, etc. I thought after she went through chemo she would have realized the importance of modern medicine, but she even stated on an episode that she "wasn't supposed to get cancer because she was vegan." Ridiculous brainwashing. I hope during the time she's had off, she has a change of heart and will get the best professional care to be around for her baby. I lost my dad to cancer when I was 22. His was preventable and he wouldn't listen to doctors until it was too late.


I was shocked they purposely tried to get pregnant so soon. It seems to defy reality about stopping the hormone blocking medicine. There may be shame involved,but they did it, they need to own it, and move forward. The medical professional was stating the obvious to Bec. You have to live in a reality of risk post cancer treatment. They seemed to ignore it all. Of course I hope everything is ok with both of them. Their silence does speak volumes.


The “ not supposed to get cancer because you’re vegan“ really threw me for a loop too. As much processed soy as they eat for one thing, but also just WHAT? You really think vegans can’t get cancer?


They made a big point on the channel that their lifestyle is the right lifestyle but what the narrative should’ve been is that anybody can get cancer. Even if you drink Athletic greens every day. And there are many reasons why people get cancer. I had cancer 25 years ago that wasn’t caused by anything other than cell mutation. My father died of multiple cancers because he was exposed to chemicals in the oil industry. There was a lot more social responsibilities that they could have done on their channel to help those hat joined the channel when she got cancer. Likewise, there are most likely lots of people that joined the channel when she got pregnant after the cancer because they related. But the cliffhanger slap in the face to viewers is like a reverse form of gaslighting. It’s almost like they’re so far removed from their subscriber base because they are so big that they just have no concern. I don’t know. It’s bizarre and it is not the behavior that I see on other channels that have gone through the same thing. They don’t even moderate their REROOT Facebook page anymore and that was created specifically for listeners of the podcast to discuss and get feedback from them


I agree. And I’m sorry about your dad and glad that you’re still here.


Deff a strong possibility! Its really risky ( to her & the fetus ) getting pregnant right after chemo, i suspect the baby has some kind of health or developmental issue and bec doesnt want to suffer the questions or even blow back! 


Honestly everyone who followed habit only bc they were E/B fans should unfollow so they can see just truly what the actual interest in tea is.


Why would anyone be a reddit monitor? Genuinely just curious?


Do you mean moderator? I think control and power can be appealing for people. We see this in lots of roles like law enforcement, politics and in online communities.


I have had this question too over the years!!!! Genuinely curious! What’s the appeal?


I know they don't owe us anything, I would really like at least *some* sort of update. Even just a "we need more time". I haven't really watched them religiously for a while, but the way the last video ended really made me worried for them.


They posted an update on Instagram and their community page on YouTube


I will say that I feel like where they are postpartum (2 months iirc) falls roughly into line with maternity leave timelines in terms of stepping away from your job - but there are no real boundaries in things like maternity leave in that kind of job. I’m not a parent and I feel like I want to give them grace in this period of their lives just because I haven’t lived through most of the major life events they’ve experienced lately. I think it’s jarring to us because it’s such a huge departure from how they normally communicate with their viewers - and when I try to consider why that would happen, I just keep thinking that unfortunately they must be in the thick of some real pain and are struggling. I can’t imagine why else everything would shift so quickly.


Just over 3 months postpartum. Baby was born around November 23


Stepping away from the job is one thing but a total blackout on social media regarding the baby is why people are concerned. Every single person I know including myself while on maternity leave updated our social media channels. There is a gag order imposed on their collab influencers not to mention anything, not even a congratulations to them (if they do say congrats, they aren't allowed to mention Eamon and Bec). There is a legitimate concern for both Bec and the baby yet no updates (sure, we are aren't "owed" anything but that's not about that.... they splattered the world with their lives, and now the most important addition to it is under a gag order). They have some pretty hefty legalese on their website regarding content use and so forth. Sure, step away from your actual job for a few months, that's fine. But they have a video editor. They have had one for a long time. They have a dozen people to help them with everything. Zero updates on anything is concerning, and at this point I don't think it's a PR stunt. Sure, people will tune in when they do come back to YouTube, but totally going dark with no explanation yet there's dozens of Habit tea posts.... it's all very strange. Viewers give tens of thousands of hours in watching their channel which translates into a nice large income that has funded not only their businesses but their lifestyle, cabin and their luxury of taking months off (which down here in the States, only two states offer minimal maternity leave; the other 48 expect you to come back to work Monday morning). It is not only customer service (since viewers are customers) but basic human decency to update the fan and customer base, especially as they would not have this life without it. If Bec's cancer has come back, since she hasn't lost her hair this time around, I'm thinking it's possible the cancer is too aggressive for treatment. I've had cancer. They are influencers and do have a the ability to educate and help others (as some mentioned, her first cancer journey helped those going through the same thing). I dunno... we shall wait and see, but totally going 100% dark is a concern. If they ARE just doing a PR stunt for "comeback clicks," I think a lot of people would be pretty furious.


I appreciate your take on this - I can see that your life has overlapped more with theirs than mine has in terms of shared hard times (really hope you are doing well health wise!) and so I largely defer to your opinion. While I partially agree with your social media take, I do see how having a highly monetized social media makes this very different from posting life updates on a personal social media account that only friends and family (or just a generally small audience) follow. And if I wasn’t personally ready to share something on social media, I’d also ask the people in my life to not share it. If it was really bad, I might even ask my friends and family to refrain from posting anything about me at all to not invite questions while i try to process it. But social media is so personal and I think my opinion differs from what e&b would have said/done pre-baby. I guess I just want to give them the benefit of the doubt a little bit longer - I agree that some decisions look questionable. I especially agree that going from a well oiled, multi support staff content machine to a hard stop is strange. I think the somewhat understandably parasocial aspect here is real - they shared their lives with us like they were close friends for years, and now they’re sharing like they’re total strangers (even less so than a vague acquaintance, since then you could follow along in little bits from people in their circle, and even that isn’t happening anymore). It’s especially understandable given how many of us (myself included) started watching them during the pandemic, when vlogs felt like the closest thing you could get to being in the day-to-day lives of people outside of your bubble. Like you said - we shall wait and see. Hard agree that this would be a really twisted PR stunt, but I would be very shocked if that’s how this panned out.


I found them during the Morocco episode when Eamon, Bec and Lee were on the phone trying to get a ticket out of Africa. I had just been to Africa the year before so I assume the YouTube algorithm assumed I'd be interested. I actually initially thought they were a "throuple" and I was like "oh, three people in a van.... that's different." I watched the rest of the Morocco episodes and then their quarantine van build but then went back to watch their Hello Mexico collab with that weird couple Aubrey and Zoloft or whatever he changed his name to (they also quit YouTube but did a hairflip toss goodbye episode). I then continued to watch because I was heavily concerned about Lee, having lost friends to depression and suicide. E&B totally exploited her by constantly having her on their podcasts and episodes monetizing her depression instead of just letting her be with her family offline. Eamon was a passive aggressive prick to her, clearly jealous of her friendship with Bec and the attention the vlog gave them both. He even admitted he didn't like her when he first met her because she owned the room when she walked in. He didn't like her outgoing personality. He talks about this on the podcast and some episodes. But that said, I stopped watching after she died. Occasionally if there's something on this subreddit, I'll check it out on the channel but as incognito mode on my foreign VPN not logged into YouTube and using an ad blocker :-). I actually called it out on Reddit that they would have the baby's middle name be Lee. Anyway, maybe they are following Lee's family with their gag order on no mention of Lee or acknowledging the anniversary of her death. Lee's family imposed that after all these other influencers were doing their "Lee" episodes right after she died when they didn't even know her. Again, we don't know; we can only educationally speculate and infer


Hobestly THANK YOU for expressing those feelings of exploitation of Lee. As a friend of Lee’s I had similar thoughts, but I’ve not had a safe space to fully express them since she’s been gone.


Why do you actively monitor this Reddit page if you've stopped watching their content just out of interest?


My company advocates and helps travelers with PTSD, trauma or survivors of domestic violence and assault, plus veterans. After Lee's death and the exploitation of her by several in her circle, I keep an eye on YouTube content of not just this channel but others that tread dangerous waters when it comes to "influencing." I also had cancer (not breast cancer) so was concerned about Bec. Too many people get all their info from YouTube. You have people like Eva Zu Beck gaslighting her audience and creating false narratives of places where people end up going and getting in trouble or danger (i.e. Pakistan). I meet a lot of fanboys and fangirls of influencers who only want to see the lyrical unicorn version of content. Look at what's happening with Bald & Bankrupt now that he's been exposed (you can find those subreddits).


What is E & A? Do you mean E & B?


Use your imagination lol, I had to type a lot of words and try not to offend anyone, and it’s too Friday 😂😂


I don’t know either. I was about to ask the same thing.


Taking away the freedom to honestly talk about E & B is censorship. It seems as though the mods of this sub only want “happy/fun stuff” without the opportunity for constructive criticism. This mega thread doesn’t make sense to me


I feel like doing this just opens the door for people to make a separate snark page


Yeah now I’m just waiting for the snark page


Two unpaid mods will bend a 3.5k subreddit to their will ???? Profit


How have they taken it away? I love this. There was so much repeating of the same thing on separate threads. This makes the sub much more readable to!


What is there to read? This was a subreddit where youtube links were posted


Thanks, Bec was a huge help for me during cancer treatment, she literally was one step ahead of me at each video so I knew what was coming my way. Therefore, I have a special place in my heart for her and the way people have talked about her in this sub recently is insane.. I'm glad atleast it's restricted to this thread, for now.


I guess I don’t read the same things that you do as I really haven’t seen anything  mentioned other than concern for her. There is some criticism for how they have handled the cliff hanger but I have not seen any negative things about Bec personally.   


@moderator could you create another ‘potentially negative comments’ thread? This one is so long it takes a year to scroll to the bottom. Thanks.


Comments have heavily slowed down. We will reevaluate if they pick back up.


Thank you!


Has anyone actually kept tabs on how their follower count has developed since the last video? Sure, a lot of their followers got pissed,  but they alo got a ton of views on it. So how has their development in net followers been since it was posted?


Social Blade says it plateaued but I don't know how they pull in that info [https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/eamonbec/monthly](https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/eamonbec/monthly)


So interesting. Thankyou for sharing this site.


Just paid actors ?


Some comments in the E&B subreddit are disgusting. E&B are obviously going through some serious shit right now and all you care about is yourselves and how you’ve been left in the dark or that you’re not entertained by their videos that they literally put online at No cost to you… they are free on YouTube smh. You all need to go outside, go for a walk, smell the flowers, and give E&B the privacy that they want and deserve. They owe you absolutely nothing. For anyone that feels differently about this, I seriously pity you.


Pity away, people are allowed to feel differently to you. Most of the comments are fine, I don't think a little criticism is "disgusting". How do you know they are going through "serious shit"? There was so much speculation about the baby, they chose to not let everyone know that the baby was alive for around a month. Now the speculation has shifted to Bs health. Maybe she's fine too? They've got the privacy, none of us are camping outside their home. But people can be critical of the way they handled the situation, discuss it with others on here and make the choice to continue supporting them going forward.


How's the view from up there on your high horse?


They owe you nothing. Leave them alone. They are obviously going through something serious and they don’t owe you an explanation, they don’t owe you anything.


People on this Reddit page *are* leaving them alone. This Reddit page is for their fans, not for/run by E&B. 




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