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A calorie deficit is what you need to lose weight. If overnight oats are something you enjoy and keep you full till your next meal then it’s something that might help in weight loss. People add yogurt since it is high in protein which can help you feel full for a longer amount of time. You can mix it with protein powder if you don’t have access to yogurt.




Yogurt is not required.


No food is good for weight loss. Every food we eat contains energy (calories) that can be converted into fat if the body doesn't need it. There are foods though that make us feel full longer so we don't scourge the fridge half an hour after we just gulped down a day worth of calories. Any food that is high in sugar and refined carbs will make you less satisfied even though you've eaten enough which leads to overeating. Food with high protein and fiber content will make you feel full longer. Fat can also give a kind of fullness but fat is very energy dense food and small amounts can lead to excess calories, hence not recommended. Oat, given that it doesn't contain added sugar or fat, has protein and fiber. It is one of the healthiest food you can get. You don't have to add any dairy product to it. People ate porridge with water for centuries.


I’m screenshotting this to share with every teenager I know. (And also for me.) Thank you for making this so easy to understand.


Dahi is effectively plain yogurt - you can use it. Anything is good for weight loss if it means you eat fewer calories than you burn every day.


I dont use yogurt for my overnight oats as i dont like the taste (even though i love yogurt). I use milk instead.


Weight loss is about consuming fewer calories than you are burning, so the first step is to find out how many calories you are burning (your TDEE) and then eat fewer calories than that each day. I have lost 137 pounds (so far) and eat overnight oats almost every day for breakfast, so I can say that it's definitely possible to achieve a calorie deficit while eating this food daily. I eat overnight oats for their taste, their fiber content, their many health benefits, their price and their convenience. I don't actually find them to be very filling, despite the conventional wisdom that they keep you full longer because they digest slowly. I am usually hungry by late morning regardless of how much I try to add to my oats to make them heartier. I have a few different overnight oats recipes. I like to use Trader Joe's Ancient Grains oats blend, which includes quinoa flakes, amaranth flakes, and flax seeds. It \*is\* very calorie dense and I need to reduce the portion size and measure it out by the gram on my food scale or else go way over on the calories. I usually use 1% milk, but any dairy or non-dairy milk or yogurt will work just fine. It's just about softening the oats and tasting good, so whatever you prefer is fine. I also like to add a tablespoon of powdered peanut butter, a few teaspoons of mini dark chocolate chips, and a teaspoon of sugar.


In yt videos they add same amount of milk as the amounts of oats. Is it bad


It's all about what you like, so you can try different quantities. I use 6-8 ounces of milk per half cup serving of oats.




Yogurt is not required for overnight oats! I just use chia seeds, maple syrup, and oat milk and it is delicious and creamy


While everyone here is right about weight loss being a calorie deficit, Overnight oats are great for me in the AM because it makes me feel full for a good chunk of time at the office, and they're so versatile. Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake, etc. There's so many flavors you can work in. Additionally, they're so easy to fit in your calorie goals. You can make them for 200 calories or 500+ calories


My go too overnight oats atm is: 60g oats 150g Greek yogurt 15g whey protein (vanilla or chocolate) 125g water Sometimes 5g chia seeds Then in the morning I’ll add some fruit (banana or defrosted berries) + honey (10g) or peanut butter (15g) keeps me full until lunch time when I’ll have a meal Iv meal prepped. Good fibre/protein as well as keeping me full for about 450-550 calories stops me snacking


They said they can’t do yogurt.


OP's post mentioned dahi. I had to look it up. It's described as a type of yogurt, so I would say it should be possible to substitute dahi for yogurt, as long as dahi works with OP's calorie/fat/protein needs.


Ok thanks


Neither good or bad. High fiber and can be decent protein.  I personally don’t like yogurt in my oats even though I like yogurt.  My oats consist of oats, almond milk, PB2 or protein powder. Then I’ll add a sugar free syrup or some fruit 


Overnight oats can be good for weightloss if you make them high in protein and fiber. Of course its all about CICO to lose weight, but a well made overnight oat can for sure help you feel fuller for longer.