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Less starbucks and avocado for this guy I guess.


Came to say the same!


"Wah! Wah! No one wants to work for slave wages anymore!" -Billionaires


The worse part is these businesses feel like they are the victims for having to pay people a livable wage. He's still making a profit, he's just pissed he's not bringing in the high profits from not paying his workers a livable wage. All these companies react to wage increases by findings new ways to get them back to their old profit margins.


He is still making a ***huge*** profit!. Not *just a profit*.. it’s just that now, his buddies at the country club will be picking on him because he might have to sell off ***one*** of his several houses that he doesn’t need anyway and was using as a tax write off. I’m just guessing, btw.


They don’t want to have the most money in the world. They want all the money in the world.


right? i work in fast food and when i asked the manager why i was getting less hours ( haven’t been scheduled in several weeks) she told me that they were being “forced” to pay employees three extra dollars. i’m sorry you have to pay your employees a livable wage i guess.


He is still making a ***huge*** profit!. Not *just a profit*.. it’s just that now, his buddies at the country club will be picking on him because he might have to sell off ***one*** of his several houses that he doesn’t need anyway and was using as a tax write off. I’m just guessing, btw.


It’s government subsidized is how I think of it since healthcare, food and housing assistance is required for these people. Why should the government subsidize businesses that can’t exist on their own?


If You were able to be successful off of paying your employees jack-shit you deserve failure if you end up having to pay them more.


Denmark figured it out. He just can't milk his staff dry anymore


In and out figured it out and is across the street


Aww, poor baby. Did someone get addicted to cheap labor?


Won't anyone think of the rich 😢


Last year McDonalds made 14.5 Billion dollars in profit.


They could literally give an average of half a million dollars cash to every US location to bump up payroll and still be taking in 7.5 billion in profit.


Which for 20-40 employees is like 25k-12.5k each.


.. they didn't put it back into their workers, or their menu either..


Maybe take a slightly smaller share of the profits for yourself?


He'll be fine. McDonalds is all over Europe and pay their employees more than that.


He already is fine and would be if he had to pay more. The issue isn’t about him being fine, he knows he’s fine, he’s just pissed his profits dwindled *any value at all*. It isn’t about security or being financially free, it’s about maximizing profits at all costs at every given period.


Poor guy should get a job


McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase year-over-year. McDonald's annual gross profit for 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase from 2022. But yeah. SURVIVAL.


My favorite was when anothet multiple franchize owner, a woman referred to the 8 or twelve franchizes they owned as family businesses. "This law is coming after families. " she told the reporter.. LOL, Not my family you slave owner!


20 bucks is still nowhere near enough, I've literally seen the same 18-22 dollar ranges for hundreds of different jobs for over 5 years, across multiple states. You CANNOT tell me that oh we just all magically produce the same value for the economy whether you're a traffic flagger or a construction worker, or a delivery driver or a warehouse worker, or a cashier or a stocker, it all somehow all equals 20 bucks an hour. It's a lie, it's just the minimum amount that they can pay you without having unmanageable amounts of turnover. The minimum wage was established to support a family of 4, it's not even on the same planet as that.


Bull fucking shit! McDonalds makes $40,000 in day. That’s one person’s year long salary


He says that laying people off is his last resort, but reducing his profits is actually his last resort. What a pig.


An admission that he sucks at running a business. Lol


Idiot doesn't want to take a cut in his fancy Dancy paycheck because he's too used to living on a pedestal above everyone else.. he will fire people before he ever gives up a cent I'm sure.


How much is the increase averaged by the number of cheeseburgers he sells in a day? $.04 a burger?


>"Without resorting to layoffs, which he sees as a last resort" *Unfortunately, he couldn't think of a first resort*


It’s afraid!


"Looks like you overextended yourself."


It would only change by cents but the franchise owners, the CEO’s, the bosses will always push to charge more to ensure they maximize profits and punish those who dare ask for a fairer wage.


It’s completely affordable, he’s just not willing to lose personal profit. Scum bag being super dramatic.


He owns **18** McDonald’s in **CALIFORNIA** IMAGINE how much profit this dude is making per DAY. More than most of us make in a year probably.


It's ok, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps! If you go to a tech school you can easily get trained in a trade. Or you can just live within your means, don't spend more than you make! Duh... 🤣🤣🤣


Should probably move back in with his parents to save money.


Maybe he should learn to code.


So fast food chains print money compared to other restaurant businesses. Hopefully franchise owners will realize that they’ve been custodians of money printing machines for shareholders. And that the somethings got to give - is on the investment capital level. We’re over due for a contraction. It’s time for the 1% to collapse in to a depression without taking the rest of the country with it.


“Live within your means”


Anyone who has seen the food costs at any fast food type restaurant knows this guy is so full of shit. These places especially the well placed ones make tons of money.


Why isn’t he automating everything? He’s a genius business owner and they’ve been threatening that for decades


I am curious how many times the owner got a pay raise and his employees did not.


If the owner is really hurting, maybe he can eat at McDonald's.


He can turn around and demand lower franchise fees. Trickle up mofos.


Yet these companies break revenue records every year. By the billions. Fuck em


Maybe he should eat less avocado toast


Go to an AI order intake, close the doors to walk ins and deliver food to drive thru windows. Since no one needs to come in, convert all McD's to dual drive thru lanes thereby reducing wait times. Problem with paying too many people $20 an hour is solved.