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It got on your arm but you feel your eyelids sticking? I feel like I missed something




Man I must be doing something wrong, I’ve never been high from skin contact. Maybe it’s a genetic thing. I’ve made ointments, bath bombs, soaps, oils, butters all without gloves and have never gotten high from touching them with my bare hands.






Definitely think it’s a genetic thing though. I make ointments for my mom’s arthritis. Even when I first gave it to her I told her it was a home made icy hot and felt fine. Now I tell her I make it with hemp like the Lotion she buys and she’s okay with it but she’d kill me if she knew I made it with my home grown 😂


THC cannot be processed through skin contact, only CBD. This person is tripping themselves out


THC cannot be absorbed through Skin Contact to produce a high. You are experiencing a Placebo effect Edit: see my subsequent comment for further clarity


THC can absolutely be transdermal you idiot. However this person touched edibles not topicals. Don’t say uneducated shit if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


You’re right, albeit an asshole. I simplified it for length’s sake. THC binds to the CB1 receptor to produce a High. Having THC absorbed through the skin skips the Kidneys/Liver like in smoking/ingesting, which facilitates the absorbtion into the bloodstream. THC is fat soluble, which means it will move into the fatty tissue in your body. At no point is enough THC moving from your fatty tissue into your bloodstream, then the blood/brain barrier to produce *any* psychoactive effects whatsoever. The benefits from a “THC Patch” is actually the full spectrum of cannabanoids acting on tissue in the body to compliment endocannabanoids. This only produces relaxing (CBD) and pain relief effects. You cannot get high from THC skin contact.


Thank you for explanation preesh 🤙


Looks like you needed the explanation.... preeeeeeeeesh 🤙


Hot water would be my best suggestion take a hot bath or try to go somewhere warm and wipe your eyes with some paper towels after you feel hot enough or put your head under some hot water seriously doubt you’d need to go to the hospital just give it some time


I did the pepper towel thing and my face just burns now why would you tell me to do this


Where did you get your pepper towels? I've been looking all over for them.


Out of my ass, like this post. I've actually been sober for 6 months and came up with this in bed. I knew people would flip. You can't even get high from edibles through skin contact. At least not with regular cooking oil. Idk how THC skin patches work. Thank you for for participating in my farce. Much love.


Tepid water is best for rinsing out, just FYI, especially for the eyes


100% placebo effect with a bit of paranoia we’ve all been there you good




"I feel like I am drying/curing" 😂😂 10/10 troll post


Much appreciated.


Hopefully this isn't real. Touching a 10 m.g. Gummy give you a Contact High... ![gif](giphy|6BDGwOfHeBA6sw3huG|downsized)


I figured, that's why I said 10 gram oil on the skin. Seems believable if you don't know the science.


I assumed you meant 10 m.g. as that's how edibles come in. 10 grams would be 10,000 m.g. What Science do you speak of. I know there are thc topicals that you apply directly to the skin, but those are different than edibles. Maybe I didn't read your post well enough.


That's the science I'm talking about. Have you ever tried rubbing CBD oil on your skin to see if it would help? To the average user, the only difference between medicated oil and medicated lotion is that one is edible.


Hopefully you are all better now.


It was a troll post but thanks anyway.




Lmfao sorry for the typo


At least it was just halpeni I put peanut butter on my face and it feels better now my neighbors think I'm crazy now


Now try some jelly. I prefer concord grape.


lmao this has to be a shitpost. Next you will say you forgot you have a peanut butter allergy and almost died. Be sure to rub that crunchy peanut butter into your eyes! Don't forget to add the orange marmalade, as this neutralizes the sticky eye syndrome. Rub it hard baby.. hard. 1000% placebo effect.


Lol orange marmalade sounds absolutely heavenly. But yeah, you figured me out!


What is trolling


If you feel stoned chew on some pepper corn. You shouldn’t feel stoned from oil making skin contact. Your skin doesn’t absorb THC like your gut does, so you really can’t feel “high” if it got in your arm… unless you licked your arm after it touched… 🤔Anyway go take a nap you’ll be fine.


Skin absorbs wet stuff like oil when it comes into contact, and the contents of which get into the blood stream. This is why CBD and THC creams & lotions work. So yes, they are high from handling the edibles without gloves if they were gooey and oily. Remember: they have no built-up tolerance for THC. It's their very first exposure to it, and apparently they're one of those people who are also extremely sensitive to it, like the kind of people who can't even handle 1 mg as their first dose.


Paper towels are too rough to be scrubbing your skin with if that’s what you did. Especially your eye skin .Just taking a normal shower and put some lotion on afterwards should be fine. Don’t pay attention to physical discomfort, do something to distract yourself to not think about them. Go for a walk, sweat it out or take a nap.


Amazing advice, you're a diamond in the rough my man.


In all seriousness, you're just high, hence the dry eyes. The only thing you can do is wait it out. A few hours and you should begin noticing that you're on your way to returning to normal fairly soon after, in total maybe 5-7 hours before you can say you really aren't noticing the effects much anymore. Later on, you might find yourself wanting to be high again. Go do something fun while you're high.


Thank you for being so positive and helpful! I was in fact trolling though. I'm sorry you got a couple of downvotes from the sticks in the mud. You're a good soul and deserve better!


It's ok. Bullies have been taking advantage of the way I am my whole life. 45 years and counting. You should see some of the things that were said to me in this post.


They'll always try from what I've heard. It's important to stay positive and keep your humanity. Much love man.


Indeed. Thank you.


You got it on your handarm and now yiur eyes are sticky ? Am I reading this correctly


Well I was saying that I was so high, I could feel my eyelids pulling apart when blinking type of thing, like body dysphoria when you get too high.