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We aren’t winning unless we realize we aren’t going to score highlight reel goals.


Nah surely they will bury that next cross ice pass through all of the Florida players




Underrated comment. Dirty goals win games.


Especially against a tough defensive team. Gotta get those greasy ugly ones.


Completely agree! Plus so many passes to the feet and not the stick.


Look, this isn’t over. Yes it looks bad right now, but let’s not be bad mouthing the team, calling them soft, losers, they suck etc. This is the Stanley Cup Finals, 30 other teams would love to be here. It’s hard to get here, it’s even harder to win here. It’s almost like you need to lose the SCF once before you in it. Remember the 83 Oilers getting swept by the Islanders? I do. Florida remembers losing to Vegas last year, makes them hungrier and more determined this year. We have plenty to be happy about this year, especially after what the team went through in October and November. We go home, win game three, then game four, its a new series. If we don’t and wind up losing, well, it’s a game, nothing more. We come back next year and do what Florida is doing this year, and what we did in 1984. So, go hug your kid, or your dog, or whatever, chill out, and cheer loud for the Oilers on Thursday.


I chilling wayyy out once I saw my son mimic my spazzing out. I've tried being more calm and also trying to validate his feelings and we're all doing better now...except the Oilers. Im so pumped to be in the SCF, one game at a time. Going to go cuddle with that sad kid now. See you Thursday. LetsGoOilers


That’s a bit of a reality check isn’t it?


For sure!


I remember Bill Burr saying he didn’t have the emotional maturity to watch the Celtics in the Finals in front of his children.


DAMN, now there's the perspective I needed


Nice to read some positivity.


Thanks for this. Genuinely made me feel a tiny bit better. I’ll cling to that.




Yup, this series reminds of the 08 Pens with Crosby and Malkin for some reason lol. Every HOF besides from Lemieux and Im sure a lot of others (just can't remember) all lost in their first cup finals, learned their lesson and came back next year with experience, vengeance and were more hungrier.


The reality tho Man is It didn't take thkse guys a decade to make it their first time. This team fumbled the ball for way too long, and it's probably going to cost them. But 2-0 isn't over. Its pretty dire, but it isn't over.


I like the way you think sir.


Now here’s an Oilers fan


How dare you be so reasonable!?


It’s really hard to win the Stanley Cup. 31/32 fanbases are disappointed every year


Just like tennis in a grand slam - you drop two sets, it’s ok, you’ll win the next three. Any champion worth their salt is a champion because they’re mentally able to be two sets and three games down and still battle back because they genuinely believe they can win it.


Both these games were winnable. There's nothing magical about the Florida Panthers. Oilers have the skill and work ethic to win the next 2 at home. They do that, and anything can happen.


Love this attitude. You gotta remember there's another team on the other side, and Paul Maurice knows how to play this game. He swept us once, out of the blue. And now he has a hungry, humble, healthy, high-skilled team willing to play any way to win. Everyone knows who the 'better' team is, but that doesn't mean that they will win the cup. Don't you dare fucking count them out yet, though. Game 3 is gonna be wild.


Well said. Any “fans” who wanna dog on this team can fuck off to Calgary.


MCDAVID IS EL CAPITAN. Fucking love his post game presser. Best of his career? Love this guy, love this fucking team. We have so much more, BELIEVE OIL COUNTRY






Don’t be positive , that’s not what this forum is for /s..good thing it’s a best of 7 and not 3 and I agree , oilers aren’t done yet 


That was the worst showing the Oilers have had all playoffs. Shout-out to Stu. He tried his best to keep us in it.


I'm really starting to think Skinner isn't the problem. Is he a top 5 goalie? No, but if we're just gonna let them beat him down he can't stop everything


100%, Skinner tracked the puck pretty well tonight but it’s not helpful at all when our defence puts the puck right back into the hands of the opposing team to set them up for a great shot. There were a ton of sloppy plays and passes that we got punished for too, there’s only so much an early career goalie with little playoff experience can do. And Skinner also made some great grabs/saves tonight too, it was good seeing him get to be a bit more aggressive tonight, even if we did lose in the end.


Yeah. Tough to blame Skinner when bouch does a perfect tape to tape pass, when he's screened.


Skinner hasn’t been the problem since Game 3 against Vancouver


I don't want to hear any Skinner hate, both games have been on the forwards and our offense. 1 goal in two games is just brutal, let's hope the home crowd can get the boys going


100% - Skinner is doing what we can. Unfortunately the rest of the team is kinda doing what the Rangers did to Shesterkin and basically putting the weight of the team on him. Just only I don’t think it’s as bad as the Rangers (can’t stand the Rangers btw)


100%, Skinner did his job. Team is built to win 5-3, 4-2, etc, Skinner has gotten beat 5 times. That's his job.


I’d also like to blame Chris Cuthbert for jinxing the Oilers PK with his “they only have 10 seconds left to kill” comment right before the scoring play.


He’s actually a terrible commentator


He needs to call the play and stop trying to add stupid, useless stats into every sentence. "Here comes Smith - the former Moosejaw Devil - up the ice. You know, this is the twelfth time this year that a 20 year old from Moosejaw has more than 5 shots on goal ---- SCORES!" How about you just shut up and call the game.


I yelled at the TV, "you don't fucken talk about it!" Scared my wife.


Hahaha I thought the same damn thing , he was just about done saying oilers are 10 Seconds away from killing off ….florida scoressssss


Fuck Drake


They not like us


That guy cursed us.


Bouchard was an absolute disaster tonight with significantly increased minutes. Dug ourselves a massive hole here.


I almost laughed when he started skating backwards instead of going for a poke check when we had an empty net. Did he legit forget we had an empty net?


Bouchard makes alot of mistakes in the d-zone and gets away with them / hides them with good offensive play.


He's just trying to do too much, like the rest of our big boys. Sometimes less is more.


Yeah the two bad penalties and giveaway that led directly to a goal, he felt the lack of nurse out there for sure. Not looking good. On to game 3 at home, oil crowd will help but we gotta play better.




They should keep trying that cross-ice pass that gets tipped every time instead of taking a shot.


Should just be crashing the net at this point. Instead they're all spread out looking for the wide open one-timer from a cross-ice feed that never makes it through. So many loose pucks in the crease with nobody in reach.


When they do shoot they shoot for the glass behind Bob.


Yeah, I think of the probably 3 good chances Nuge had tonight and didn't get credit for a SOG.


And Draisaitl should definitely keep opting to make another pass when he is set up beautifully for a one-timer. That was looking real good tonight.


Well we do have another 10 or so guys that might score if they played more than 5 minutes a game.


You dust yourself off and play the next game, what the fuck you think? For a fanbase that idolizes people like Smyth and Hyman we sure give up embarrassingly fast.


How many of these tags are real Fans ? Would like to know how many alt accounts posing as oiler fans post in here ..or at least I hope that’s the case Lolol 


I've been checking histories and there are fuckloads of assholes from various rival subs


Apparently you roll around on the ice every time someone touches you.


I'm starting to think maybe the other team is a factor


Well first I tell kane that he sits for that performance if your gonna be in the lineup you better play to your potential or let someone else be mediocre


how many men do we sit? foagel kane ceci mcleod we can't sit an entire team


I honestly can't see the problem with starting Gagner at home game 3. This is past metrics and analytics and you need to go with your gut now.


Yep. Gagner won’t waste the opportunity.


At least Gagner will play like he cares


It’s the Florida defence man


Its the shit ozone strategy. Stop fucking cycling the puck, attack the slot and shoot high, get 2 guys down low for rebounds, its not that fucking hard. Panthers dont move in their dzone, which is why they let us run around outside and let low percentage shots through. We saw that theres openings to attack because theyre all flat footed, so go in with speed, shoot high.


Get this to Knoblauch immediately


Well they do let us cycle and clog the middle.


No one there for any rebounds all night. As a Bruins Fan living in Canada rallying behind the Oilers this team annoys me as much, if not more than the Bruins. Two of the Best Players on the Planet are on your Team. Stop trying to be fancy and score some shitty goals.


Just give Sam Gagner one fucking game in the playoffs in an Oilers sweater. We're fucked, the odds are against us in every way imaginable. Just let him get a game in. Please. He puts it all out there, he could even score. I give him a better chance than most


What do you do when McDavid, Drai, Bouchard, Hyman, Nuge, Kane, Kreider, Zibanejad, Pasternak, Marchand, Stamkos, Kucherov, and Point can’t produce shit? There’s only one solution for that.


This is okay. I lived through the 90s, the 2000s, and the decade of darkness. I can handle losing two games.


Kane and Nurse are dead men walking out there. It’s hard to see, I respect the fight to stay in it though. They really, really, really need to start producing on the PP though.


Tchauck was in a similar situation last year with his sternum. He played one game and couldn’t get it done and then Maurice told him he’s not playing anymore. Tchauck played because he wanted to know for sure that if he didn’t play what could’ve been. I see the same for Kane. He’s got heart but it’s time to shut him down. Nurse, that’s a tough call


Tough to watch. We can bitch about bad calls or missed calls all we want, but how we played isn't how you win a stanley cup final game. I hope the boys can get their heads together for the next 2 at home and comeback strong, it's a 7 game series for a reason so let's show them why!


Momentum shift penalties have a huge effect on the game. It’s not just about the 2 minutes


Yeah this is my issue with the bad calls, sure the Oilers had their struggles... but all the soft calls and embellishments are a joke. Then not calling blatant penalties on the Panthers is just unacceptable. It ruins the momentum of a team, and anyone who has played a sport knows how much of a mental hurdle that feeling of needing to overcome bad reffing is. How there was no call on that McDavid breakaway is beyond science and absolutely embarrassing by the officials.


That play, the delay of game that wasn’t called, the chokehold on Bouch, Sam Bennett getting two minutes for literally the exact same thing Foegele got ejected for. The list goes on.


People who have never played  don't understand how momentum affects games, and how easy it is for refs to put their fingers on the scale.


That missed 5 on 3 would’ve been huge for a momentum swing. Our PP hasn’t been great but I feel really good about our chances with that amount of open ice.


This game was totally cursed by the officials. I'm not saying they're the reason we lost, but I am saying I'll forgive this one. I don't feel like they've played that much better than us so far.


Whine and bitch about the refs all you want. 1 goal in 6 periods wins nothing.


I think it’s 1 goal in the last 8 going back to the Dallas series. Not a recipe for success.


One really really soft goal at that


If nurse is out they have to go: Ekholm Bouchard Broberg Ceci Kulak Desharnais Not terrible imo


I can handle losing, but not like that. We showed in game 1 that we can beat these guys, then no-show tonight. There's no defending that game.


I know Florida made adjustments. They play much better defence in general than they did last game. My frustration this game was going the first 10 mins without any shots. Without any scrums in front of their goalie. Just the most passive game from our forwards from start to finish.


The difference between Game 1 and Game 2 was unbelievable. We must have had 25 high danger / grade A chances in Game 1 and like 3 in Game 2.


Gotta lose 2 to win at home in 6


embarrassing shit. hyman and mcdavid are not in sync rn and it is horrible to see. also drai is in the office, receiving a pass, and bouncing it back to bouchard. shoot the fucking puck.


Absolutely hate to say it but we have to give credit to FLA also. This isn’t just a breakdown on our part. They are disciplined and aggressive. Oilers have to adjust.


They did it to the Rangers too.


Something is seriously wrong with Draisaitl, he's looking like a shell of himself this series. I guess we'll find out at the end of the month.


Remember folks it’s easier to go 4-1 than it is to go 16-0! To quote our captain, “ we brought ourselves back from the fucking dead,” and we’re going to fucking do it again!!


Just win game 3 and go from there. Forget about what the history says, each series is different and no one thinks it can happen until it does. When Lebron James and the Cavs went down 3-1 people said you couldn't come back from 3-1, it's never been done before (think it was 35-0 for the team up 3-1 in the NBA finals). But did Lebron give up? No way, you can't give up when you've fought that hard to get there. They came back. Yeah hockey is a lot different than basketball because one player doesn't make a team, but the point is it can be done. And we have 2 examples from the cap era of teams that came back from 0-2 in the SCF: 2009 Pens with Crosby and 2011 Bruins, both of which lost two games on the road and came back home and won 2 games to make it a series. You're not in trouble until you lose at home and even if if takes OT to get both wins at home, a win is a win.


Skinner looked great again. Broberg can fill in for nurse. Ekholm and McDavid played amazing. Vinny was great. We played with 11 forwards and 5 d most of the game. AND we’re headed home with last change for the first time. Gonna be very interesting to see how we line match. Let’s win two at home and make this a series. LETS GO


I'll buy a jersey and donate it to charity if we come back


1st to four for a reason. Series isn’t over until you lose at home


We won 16 straight in the regular season. We won 3 straight against LA. We won 2 straight against Vancouver. We won 3 straight against Dallas. It ain’t over.




I am not here to defend THAT effort, but don't go completely feral on Bouchard. Ek and him got absolutely nuked in minutes when Nurse went down and he made a crucial error as a result of being gassed. You can argue it wasn't great minutes management imo. I know it sucks, but we have two dmen who have averaged like 18+ minutes on this team going a combined like -20 while producing nothing. Bouchard has largely helped to give this team a legit top dpair (if not elite). He is easily one of the major reasons the team was able to take the step and even make it to the finals this year. I am as down and frustrated as anyone, but don't take it out on one of the best players this backend has seen in years.


We were also down 2-0 vs Carolina in 06. Block out the haters and see where home ice takes you


Boston opinion here . . . You got to shoot. You guys have forwards that any team in the league would want at a high price. Stop passing and shoot the puck.


It's pretty simple... More Shots = More Goals.


I've been yelling 'shoot' at the TV all night and it's not working


This guy gets it. 💯


Need two good solid games to get it even and get our confidence up and it's anyone's cup. Stay optimistic don't give up quite yet!


Way I see it - we were always gonna lose a minimum of two games in this series. It reeeeeally fuckin sucks for it to be the first two, but these were also two of the least likely for us to pull out. So on to game 3 folks, we saw a lot of good stuff (I know, a lot of bad too, but you could say the same about FLA).


So much glee towards the oilers losing today. I fucking hate all of the other fanbases lol


This team has gone through so much adversity this year and this will just add to the story line. We’ve had an incredible run and the good news is, it isn’t over. Let’s show the boys some love when they come home and help them finish a season that will be talked about for years to come.


Take Kane out of the lineup, he's more than useless. Put in Ryan and Sammy, fuck it. Our third line is an absolute liability.


The third line has just been an utter black hole this postseason, it seems no matter what we do it’s always awful


I get it. Team doesn't look good. Stats don't look great. History looks even worse. But how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Start on Thursday- win there and see where the rest goes.


It's not over! I believe that we have what it takes to win. We are at our best when we have our backs against the wall. We will win the next 2 home games. I believe in the boys! Let's go Oilers!


Gonna be a HUGE game 3 at home. LETS GO OILERS!!!


If the Oilers win next game, then how is it any different than any other series where they go down 2-1?


Connor better be wearing a new suit on Thursday


Oilers in 6


Oilers need to learn from the Panthers and go down when they get touched and not come back up. Broberg ate Bennett's (?) entire elbow at one point but just popped right back up.


I thought they were gonna address that “embellishment” shit


Yup if you just lay down and be hurt the refs feel they have no choice but call a penalty, regardless if they were going to initially. Florida learned this a long time ago, stay down and make them confer and you'll get the call


You think the Refs give a shit about that? They just won't call it still anyway. We still fucking sucked ass tonight, but Jesus Christ.


End of the day two of those goals were on Bouch, we already knew it was going to be tough with the refs. Unforced errors/not completing hits has cost the Oilers all season. Onto the next. Let’s go!


I BELIEVE. Even if we don’t win the Cup, I am very proud of our team coming from being last in the league to making the SCF. Thank you, Edmonton Oilers.


Yeah these games are good to separate the men from the boys. Stand behind your fuckin team on Thurs. 


weren't we tied for last at one point?


Yes. Edited. Thanks.


Tkachuk throwing his head back acting like he is the star of a bukkake scene all night.


Embarrassing. Florida floppers


Get the next 2 at home. This is a winnable series!


2 posts and it's a different game. 5 on 3 when it should be called, different game. Slashes called every fucking drive to the net different game. Yeah it wasn't a good effort but for fucks sake, you'd think they weren't on the ice at all by the GDT "fans".


Everyone in here is acting like the Panthers dominated the Oilers for the past 120 mins. Oilers killed them in game 1 and Bob is the only reason this series isn't 1-1. Regroup and win them both in Edmonton


Obviously not a good game all around. But for sure the missed delay of game call by the refs that could have given us a 5 on 3 in a 1-1 tie game was the turning point of this game and you can't convince me otherwise. Good news is in the SCF's that happened in the cap era, the 2009 Penguins and 2011 Bruins have shown us the model the Oilers have to follow if they want to turn it around. Just need to defend our ice for now - the split was always a bonus if we could get it. Win game 3 and go from there.


1 goal in two games is not something I ever expected.


Well, we’ve chosen the hard road, so be it. There’s nothing left but to hold fort with banged up boys. Let’s show them the spirit in Oil Country! On a side note, twice in a row post season we faced a lumberjacker and now an mma player. I was surprised there wasn’t called on that and it looked tight.


i want 2 die


Win game 3. Mitigate mistakes, get a save off a mistake, take advantage of ice that won't be garbage. Sell out for the win. Take it from there.


I'm pissy.


Oilers gotta bring it on Thursday. There's hockey left to play, and this team can win it. They just gotta get more shots on that net. Bobrov can be beaten, they got one and the puck made it to the post a bunch. They also gotta start playing like a team that's in the Stanley Cup finals. That's it. Get the hustle back, put the puck on the net.


Is it unacceptable that McDrai and co aren’t scoring? Yes. Do all the uncalled slashes to their hands contribute to this irregularity? …


Bouchard with 3 crucial mistakes (led to 2 goals)


Turns out Nurse not putting in minutes is a negative factor. You could tell Bouch was tired from the extra ice time. Some time on the bench watching the game will hopefully give him a different perspective, and he come out improved for next game.


People have rightfully shit on Nurse a lot this post season, but we need him out there.


and basically refusing to shoot the damn puck


Mavs are down 2-0 and they have Luka and a reborn Kyrie. They're gonna come back and so will we.


So far we’re following the nba script and I don’t like it


I personally think it’s stupid blaming the refs when your team plays that bad. It just doesn’t make any sense. Let’s be real, they would have just passed it around forever on the 5-3 until they turned it over. Sometimes you need to be punched in the face and have your back against the wall to find your best. I hope this is the case. LETS GO OILERS!


This is giving me serious PTSD from Colorado in 2022. Oilers looking shell shocked and ill-prepared. Let’s hope the 2 days off and return home works as a bit of a reset and we can get something going. Tough times boys but even getting here is pretty remarkable. Regardless, I won’t lose hope until it’s over.


Fans get loud! 


I thought the oilers needed to capitalize on their chances. Seemed like they were looking for that perfect shot way too often and not getting pucks on net when they had the chance. Getting completely outclassed tonight. As an aside, the panthers baited the oilers well tonight. IMO several penalties were the oilers retaliating to panther shenanigans (injured cats were suddenly picture perfect health for example). Can’t be taking those penalties when the offence is dried up. It’s uphill from here. But it’s the SCF. Anything can happen


Let's be honest here. They didn't play well tonight. They have a bit of time to turn whatever's going on with them before Thursday. I know we said we're content with them being in the SCF, but man, not like this. I still have faith in them, though.


Dallas won two in a row, Edmonton came back to win three in a row. It’s possible. But I’m getting ahead of myself. One game at a time. I could use the next two days off.


Kane has got to sit. Poor guy can’t do anything.


Still nothing to be worried about. The worst is over and now they get to reset in a city that loves them.


After the last game I wasn't mad because at least we put forth a good effort. I'm mad after this one.


This is giving me vegas series flashbacks. So many turnovers, bad calls from refs, cycling pucks for way too long and playing like they've given up.


They'll get it done on home ice and take that momentum back to florida


Kane playing hurt needs to be sat. He is not better than a healthy somebody else. Nurse likely needs to be sad as well because he couldn't play. Being 3 man down so early was not good. We have healthy bodies and need to use them in game 3.


Kudos to Reid Wilkens and Rob Brown taking the post-game calls on the radio. The trolls are out in force the longer the Oilers are in the playoffs. The guys on CHED are doing a good job handling it.


Alright fellers, we got beat, and convincingly. Such is sports. We've made it this far, keep some hope. On to Edmonton. Let's please not make the next few days on this sub insufferable.


The most dangerous lead in sports is 2-0. We have Florida right where we want them to be.


Oilers. In. 6.


That wasn't very discouraging. There's not many moral victories you can take in the playoffs when the stakes are so high. Look, this series probably deserves to be 1-1 right now but it's not. Bob stole game 1 and that's the way it goes sometimes. Sure, we know historically teams only have a 10% chance of coming back and winning after being down 2-0 but fuck it, dude. It's not insurmountable. They win the next 2 at home and we're looking at the best of 3. We've seen like 3 series these playoffs where teams lose 2 then win the next 2 at home. Hopefully this lights a fire under their asses. Gotta pray Nurse is fine. Will need Skinners best and McDrai to go supernova. If any team can do it, it's the Oilers.


5 on 5 goals for the oilers this series: 0 Total goals: Edmonton 1 Evan Rodrigues 3 This has been absolutely brutal so far. Outmuscled, outbattled, outface-offed, outcoached, outclassed. The boys play like they don't want to be there. The offense is pathetic. Literally everyone standing around waiting for McDavid to make the play, and florida knows it, so they just smother mcdavid and we get 0 good looks. The reffing didn't help, they call little stick taps and then ignore blatant calls like when mcdavid is on the breakaway. It's also frustrating that there's no calls on the play, but the panthers player goes down injured, so they get together and make up a call out of nowhere. Like I get it might be the right call, but idk how you can go from no hand up on the play to a 5 minute major. Draisaitl has been bad. No offensive production, and can't even win face-offs as our main face-off guy. Gets tossed from the circle it feels like half the time, and is average the times he doesn't get tossed. Powerplay has been dogshit. it honestly looks like 4 guys coasting around slightly while McDavid tries to make all the plays. I get that the series isn't over, but if nothing changes, we're getting swept. Hyman hasn't produced, Nuge hasn't produced (hit a few posts, but that just means you missed the net), kane and our bottom 6 haven't produced. It feels like McDavid is the only one actually interested in winning. All the shit penalties we're taking have to stop too. I know our pk has been good, but even if they don't score, that's still 2 or 5 minutes where we have virtually no chance to score. We are taking more penalties than the team that had the SECOND MOST PENALTY MINUTES IN THE REGULAR SEASON. And these aren't even good penalties that fire up the team. They're garbage, sloppy, good for nothing penalties. Like if you're gonna take a penalty, at least make it like a fight or something. I love this team but I'm fuckin fuming right now. Clean it up and play like you actually belong in the cup final I still believe this team can do it. It would be less upsetting if they were playing to their potential and were just outclassed, but they're not and we all know it. Hopefully they can pull it back at home.


On the up side ticket prices are dropping and I hope every scalper looses their shirt.


Is it cliche? Sure, but you’re not fucked till you drop one at home.


Oilers in 6


Can't win if you DONT SHOOT. Don't even say that the panthers didn't give chances. The team elects to pass one too many times.


Come out with the lead after the first after dreadful hockey. Do not step it up at all. They were right we found another level. We lost due to our effort. That being said reffing had some key factors in the game. 


Oilers are going for maximum drama this year. We had to set ourselves up for an epic comeback


well boys, honestly just happy to be here, it’s nice to have my team in the finals. We need to get back to our game, and not engage in theirs. We knew these games were gonna be like this, we have got to wake the hell up or we’re gonna lose as home!


That was roughhhhh. But they say series not over til you lose at home. Now we have to win both at home. Gotta figure it out quick tonight was ugly


I will cheer for the Oilers til the day I die but these Panthers are a ridiculous tight team.


The Oilers decided to play Florida's game, muck it up instead of playing their high flying style. Absolute killer


That Tkachuk no call was the most egregious of the night imo. But regardless… we played like absolute trash. All around. Uninspiring performance and doesn’t make you feel hopeful as an Oiler fan man…


i will not smile for a very long time


Love Drai but man he's been bad the last two games and even going back to the last few Dallas games. Passes are not on point like usual and man he's just not shooting the puck when he's got a chance, always going back to Buch or throwing it around the net. He's got to get shooting if he's going to make an impact


boys like to keep it interesting like they said, weve came back from behind this WHOLE season, now its time to comeback from the hardest thing you have to come over this whole season.


McLeod needs to ride pine again. He’s ineffective and makes costly mistakes.


if we want to beat em we need to use the wristers and shoot from the slots.. either that or play the long pass.. yes its lame.. but Boston almost beat the Panthers with it.. pray that the defense can handle the cats for 15-20sec during their forecheck.. hope for a turnover and throw the long pass to a waiting Nuge or Kane or Draisaitl.. I think trying to end a game 4-4 or 5-5 is better for us cause Bob is not used to those meanwhile its basically the oilers playground




It’s alright let’s pack it up get a bit of rest and attack em again. We got one past Bob tonight which means we can get more oilers in 6 100% blind faith


Hope will never die.


Frustrating but gotta play thru their bitch ass flailing https://youtu.be/JmJOJ9Ak0M4?si=JPAl99rMcMqXGeLT Jobs not finished. Race to 4. Rogers Place Moss Pit get loud Thursday Saturday show the WORLD what Edmonton fans are made of!!


Panthers playing to win, Oilers playing scared and trying not to lose.


kane is hurt, nurse is hurt, drai is hurt, ceci lost his spot to vinny and broberg - not much you can do


Everybody on both sides is hurt at this point in the season


Rooney effect


No point in being pissy tbh. They still gotta beat us 2 more times and if the Oil actually play well, that ain’t happening.


Boys are going to win both games at home. I feel it in my balls


Well, I member the last time we were down 0-2. Vs SJS in 06. Then we won, 4 straight.


I came across a post on my feed from the canucks subreddit and they're already coming out with the "anyone think we could've been a bigger challenge to the panthers than edmonton is right now?" I saw the same comments when we were playing Dallas too. Man canucks fans are the literal worst they are the most annoying idiots I've ever seen of a fan base. It is annoying that reddit knows how to rile me up by suggesting their posts to me.


I mean to be fair, we beat them in 7, they had a 3rd string goalie, and there 40 goal scorer was out with blood clots. Not saying I agree with them, but it's not as if we walked by them. 6 games were 1 goal games in that series.


I’m  annoyed about the chokehold 


The uncalled embellishment from the panthers players on every play is almost as insufferable as the overall attitude of r/hockey.


I don’t think for a second any of those panthers players writhing on the ice for their alleged injuries were actually all that injured.


We’re winning 2 at Home. Oilers home town energy will power us to 2 wins. Florida gonna be shook. Keep believing Oil Country. McJesus needs us right now to have faith.