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The amount of mindless delusion contained in this thread definitely warrants a trophy of some kind for this fan base. šŸ’©šŸ†


I feel like a hat. Hyman hatty tomorrow.


Oilers passing on Tkachuk stings more now


He wouldn't have re-signed here anyway, don't worry


So if the Mavs win tonight and we win tomorrow, does that mean we weā€™ve flipped the script?


they mirrored the panthers series in the cf so maybe theyā€™ll also mirror the mavs series


If both the Mavs and Oilers came back from 3-0 down 2024 would automatically be the GOAT year for sports. All I'm asking for is win one game at home for your fans, that's it.


Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking too. Just one win at home but 4 more wins would be nice


Pressure is a privilege. I think the boys will have a big game tomorrow. 6-2 final for the Oilers is my prediction. One game at home, that's all they have to do, just one game at home with last change. Easy.


Thinking about Ben lads


Will our series continue mirroring the Mavericks series?


Yes it will. Just win one game.


Mavericks are blowing out the Celtics right now to avoid the sweep. Hope the Oilers follow suit tomorrow


We've followed the Celtics-Mavericks series so far, so this is reason for optimism.




One thing I would like to see done this year is replace Dustin Schwartz from a goalie coach in the organization. The man has been with us since 2014 and quite possibly because of him we ruined dubnyk, Talbot and koskiken. When smith hired his own goalie coach i became suspicious of Schwartz work here and when it was confirmed Skinner did the same it hit the nail in the coffin. Replace Schwartz and let Skinner grow his game I think he could be a serviceable goalie for us. He's only 25 and I don't want to give up on him, especially since he's from Edmonton.


Yeah goalies usually donā€™t peak in their sophomore seasons. Skinner is trending towards being a great #1, and itā€™s not his fault heā€™s been given so much responsibility this early in his career. Weā€™ve gotta be patient with him, and get Schwartz tf outta here.


Fuck that. Trade Skinner. Patience doesnā€™t win cups.


We normally see our top guns scoring and putting up the numbers to inspire the other guysā€¦hold them to a standard. Now that weā€™re getting the depth scoring from guys like mclovin and broberg, I hope that also inspires the top guns to be better for tmrw šŸ™


Is it too much to hope for ONE win? Just one? Please


Drake cursed us. The only thing to do now is play Not Like Us and Euphoria on repeat until puck drop and maybe in the intermission to lift the bad juju. And its really fitting since Florida ā€œfansā€ and so clearly Not Like Us because if we win the Stanley Cup we will experience a type of Euphoria they just could never understand.


I wish they could win a game so I could ride that high and be in a good mood for 48 hours lol


This team won 16 in a row with their backs against the wall.Ā  I'm not counting them out even if Oilers haters are dancing on our grave.Ā  If the Oilers play the way they can there will be a game 5.Ā Ā 


Was anyone else inside Rogerā€™s Place and thought it was quiet af? No hype at all. Brasstatics didnā€™t play one note until the third period, Hunter was no where to be found until mid into the third period too. Only one ā€œdonair tossā€. In game entertainment and hype was so lackluster they lost the crowd so early. I get everyone was so nervous but cmon it was so quiet and the vibes were drained. No energy at all to support the team.


People aren't stupid. They cheer when it's warranted. No amount of shaved meat giveaways or brass bands are gonna make you feel better about spending a mortgage payment on that.


Are for you Fr rn. Donā€™t be in the barn if youā€™re not going to cheer.


I noticed that too. After they made it 4-3, youā€™d think everyone would be standing up for the last 5 min. I think it was much more noisy in 2006.


So what happens if we put Campbell in net next game?? I mean we'll still have Nurse and Ceci, but maybe it'll light a fire under Draisaitl's ass?


Skinner shouldn't even lose his net to Picks. He did enough to earn a win games 1 and 2. He fucked up on that second goal last night but he was left out to dry otherwise. It's ride or die with Stu now. Unless we win 7-6 and Stu looks like fucking garbage, you're not going to see anyone else in net, let alone Campbell.


Is this a joke? I see it everywhere but cant tell if its a joke. If skinner isnt playing it will be pickard. Anything else will not happen


It's a bit of a joke/gauge. My husband mentioned it to me last night and I wondered about it. I put it here to see the response. I agree, Pick if anyone else.




This series could easily be 2-1 Oilers but Bob has been God-like and Florida has been capitalising on their chances which they are getting less of. That's hockey but to act like Oilers are getting fucking hosed isn't very accurate.


But it isn't. It's 3-0. Could shoulda woulda doesn't matter


I kmow that and I never said so. Just pointing out the obvious.


>Ā refs are calling the game in favour of floridaĀ  Bro, Foegele got ejected for incidental contact of a player who flopped around on the ice and didn't miss 4 minutes. Wtf are you smoking?


look at all the uncalled slashes, hooks and interference and youll get where im coming from. i know its hard):


Just realized your a Florida troll. No wonder you don't know understand the rules of hockey lol.


Uncalled slashes, hooks, and intereference *for both teams*. Man, it's like you've never watched a single SCF game ever.




I see no lies lol


I have to admit I was a Broberg hater before these playoffs but boy has he proven me wrong. Iā€™m so excited to see how he continues to develop next season, so thatā€™s a positive at least.


Why were you a Broberg hater!?


Well shit. I hope they take game 4, I donā€™t want to see the Pantherā€™s take the cup in Rogers Place


Panthers will subconsciously throw game 4 because they want to win at home. Oilers win gm5 because. Then panthers will throw game 6 again (subconsciously) then game 7 belongs to anyone.


Brobyā€™s gonna feel like a superstar in the regular season after his trial by fire in the later round playoffs. So much open ice and lack of pressure!


30 (maybe not San Jose since they get Celebrini) other teams would be lying If they said they wouldn't swap positions with us right now. Still suck and there's no guarantee we will be back here, so just enjoy the game on Saturday. *I'll be bitching as usual tomorrow night, but until then I will enjoy the ride*


Exactly. Every other fanbase, especially the fickle bandwagoners to the south, would *love* to be in the SCF right now. Let 'em chirp all they want. It's all pretty transparent envy.


Chances of McDavid going nuclear game 4?


About as high as him going nuclear in games 1, 2 and 3


Not happening. If he did have another gear he would have used it yesterday. Too late now.


Iā€™m just not seeing it. Others have talked about how cohesive Floridaā€™s moving. They need to be patient and work as a unit.


I think what sucks about making it this far without no trophy is that you get a shortened run way to do it all again. Rest is shortened. Time off is shortened. In no time, they'll need to be back in the gym and gearing up for pre season.


We have a trophy and a new banner to hang. What are you even talkin about?


To short rest imo. Kane will not be 100%. He needs LTIR. Iā€™m also very concerned about Nursey. He looked hurt last game. Heā€™ll probably need LTIR next year too. Canā€™t wait to see em back in April 2025 though! (Iā€™m not joking. Iā€™ve whined about the LTIR loophole when we lost to VGK and everyone was always like ā€œhey, you could have done it tooā€ so fuck em letā€™s cheat!)


Iā€™m not worried. So many teams have gone to the final back to back. Why not us


Sure it could happen, but unlikely. If they did tho it would be epic


Where were you when the Edmonton Oilers pulled off the first reverse sweep in the stanley cup finals since the 1940s?


It is over...


Can the Oilers win tomorrow? Yes, they absolutely can. Can they win the series? Maybe, maybe not. But I didn't watch last place to middling Oilers teams for ~15 years, dreaming of a return to the Final, to stop cheering at the eleventh hour. Let's go Oilers.


I'd like for them to win one at home and feel the love the home crowd has to give them. After that, whatever happens, happens. I'm super fucking proud of this team and what they accomplished this year.


Exactly! And if we lose the series, that's 3 years in a row that we've lost to the best team in the league.


Even down 3-0, we still have a better shot at the cup than 30 teams watching on TV. # RECKLESS OPTIMISM!




58% not watching means 42% are. That's 15 million or so. Assuming 80% (likely more) is cheering for the Oilers, that's 12 million plus cheering for a team from a city with a population of 1 million. You're clearly a glass mostly empty kinda guy.


Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œCanadasā€ team lol, itā€™s just a marketing campaign. If anything, most Canadian teams are actually rivals. If Edmonton won the cup, why would I, In Vancouver, give a shit? Lol, some Canadian teams I have a soft spot for (jets) but other than that, I really just care about my favourite team winning.


Back in the 00's there was a decent amount of bandwagon jumping for Canadian teams (lots of Edmontonians cheered for Calgary in '04 and I'm sure many other Canadians cheered for us in '06 and the Sens in '07), but I think the internet has basically destroyed that sort of camaraderie with so much interaction with other fanbases.


You're spot on. The Canada's Team stuff was huge during the '04 Flames and '06 Oilers runs, but I noticed that it died down during the '11 Canucks run as they weren't a cinderella team/run. Nowadays it's just seen as somewhat cringey to want to root for a direct rival or a team you don't even support.


I was too young for that, but I do remember the Canucks being hated in ā€˜11. As I think about it tho, I did cheer for the Sens then too, but I think ur right about the internet. My grandfather was a Canucks fan but loved watching Gretzky anyway, if it wasnā€™t the Canucks, he was rooting for Edmonton/Wayne.


The Vancouver fans were pretty bad. Dallas was noticeably better. It's always been pretty obvious to me why people hate on the Oilers or their fans - we have the best player in the world. They hate us 'cause they ain't us. If McJesus went to any other team, that team would start getting the same hate. As soon as McDavid starts leading team Canada to an Olympic gold medal, he'll be a national hero and beloved by all, at least for a few short weeks. Mark my words.


LA fans werent too bad cause it was first round, Van fans were insufferable(stillare), Dal fans were not bad, but now it feels like its everyone vs Oilers and their fans




If that was the "better fans" from Vancouver, they still have some work to do.


Hopefully the Oilers can find a real winger for Draisaitl next year. Tired of watching him waste away with inconsistent linemates that rarely produce off his efforts.


How about training Drai to stop turning over so many damn pucks? Tired of him and Bouchard competing for most turnovers in critical games.


This could be the deciding factor of whether he stays or leavesā€¦




Hope you don't like basketball


Took a break from Reddit when down 3-2 vs Van so I could enjoy watching the Oilers again. Then we won that series so I kept it going. Pretty bummed right now. But all I wanted was to take Dallas to 6 or 7 games, I didn't think we'd beat them. So everything after is a bonus, just would be nice to watch them win one more game. Who knows, maybe the Mavs and Oilers can pull it off and we'll witness history seeing reverse sweeps in both the NBA and NHL finals the same year.


The original plan was to win 4 games and take the Stanley Cup. Nothing has changed.


Just put Pickard in to attempt to save this run. If they win heā€™s a hero. And it will spark them. Is he really gonna do worse? Whatā€™s the worst that can happen? Let more in than 4? Oh no! /s Iā€™m hoping that in order for the Oilers to have the fire required for them to win the cup couldā€™ve only been found between these games. Tkachuk celebrating the cup in their barn after slaying the Oilers after they shattered his confidence in the BoA is gonna sting.


Agreed, put Pickard in and hope the team rallies in front of him. If it works out then hopefully Stu gets a reset like vs Van, and if not we end up where it looks we were heading anyways.


The difference is Skinner is not the reason we are in the spot we are this time. Sure he's had a couple bad ones go in but mistakes are being made at the worst times


Definitely, itā€™s not Skinnerā€™s fault that our defence is falling flat or that none of our top guys are producing. We clearly need to do something to spark some change throughout the roster, the only question is what.


Where is tits McGee?


I guess one silver lining is that there's about to be a lot of cheap Adidas Oilers jerseys on FB marketplace.


Gotta lose 3 to win in 7


I can't believe we are going to see Connor Brown score the Stanley cup winning overtime goal in just a short ten days! Can't wait! It is going to be fantastic.


Just win one


I think it's important to remember that this year did not go according to plan at all, and look where we are. I'm not just talking about the bad start either. Connor Brown was supposed to be a slam-dunk signing. He was expected to be a responsible middle 6 RW who could play with either superstar and put up 20 goals. Now, he's been great lately, but even then, he still hasn't lived up to that expectation. The team was banking on a Campbell bounce back (and to a lesser extent, a Ceci bounceback). Not only did that not happen, but he got worse. Pickard was a hail mary that worked out to an extent, but was not part of the plan. Kane was only healthy for like 30 games this season. His wrist still isn't right, and he played through a sports hernia for most of the year, and couldn't go last night in the most important game of the season. McDavid has clearly been fighting something for most of the season as well. He's still the game's best player, but he can't shoot. Scoring 34 fewer goals than last year made it easy for opposing teams to expect a pass from him, and it's insane he managed to put up like 130 assists combined anyway. Draisaitl, McLeod, Janmark, and Ryan all had down years compared to last season. Also, neither Holloway nor Broberg managed to break out until the playoffs started. Considering where we made it despite all this, there's no reason to think we can't get back here next season. Like, literally nothing went as planned this year. 40% better results out of free agency and some better injury luck, and we'll be a better team by a wide margin and right back in the Finals next year.


Team doctors should have put Kane on LTIR, so Oilers could have pulled a Vegas move šŸ˜‰picking up Tarasenko or another winger moved during trade deadline.


100%, plus Kane could've had surgery and been good to go for playoffs. I doubt JJ and the new GM make that mistake again.


Last game proved you can score on Bob. McLeod should have tied the game up. Start with 1 win and go from there


Yup that was the playoffs MVP save right there. I'm sure we would have won the game if it wasn't for that save. Clinched the series.




Flames fans ā€œplannedā€ Floridaā€™s parade? Lmao what kind of insane cuck shit is that hahaha man those sad idiots have zero shame


%100 copium


Like Canadian hates Canadian, wtf is wrong with them.


Small cuts (maybe a couple larger ones) is the difference this series. 2 out of the 3 wins we played well. Itā€™s team losses right now. The fact we turn on 2 to 3 players shows how fans want one reason why we are losing.Ā  Goaltending hasnā€™t been able to steal games.Ā  Defence has been giving up some less then ideal goals.Ā  Offence has dried up. Our top 6 needs to produce.Ā  Powerplay has been dreadful.Ā  Penalty kill has been solid.Ā 


For real though, itā€™s a little insane to me how many fans, media, etc are writing off the Oilers despite this hole weā€™re in. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m the only one watching this team. Whatā€™s kept us from winning games 1, 2, and 3, has been 90% the Oilers not finishing on absolutely golden opportunities to raise the fckn puck, shoot instead of deke, or hit the goddamn net. Even game 2 we shouldā€™ve been up 3-1 after the first. Iā€™m not trying to just sip copium I can accept results are results. But youā€™d be a fool to believe Oilers canā€™t beat this team one game at a time, and it may be in such a fashion where the floodgates finally burst open with one momentum swing


Oilers were not winning game 2


You think it's insane people are writing off the oilers being down 3-0? A lot of this is coulda shoulda woulda. It didn't go that way and it's over. That's not a doomer take. Still a great season.


Alright if you believe the Stanley cup finals are over before itā€™s over and we canā€™t beat them in our own barn and their lame ass empty one, itā€™s a doomer take


Yeah brother. I don't believe this group has what it takes to do something that's never been done in the modern NHL. Onwards and upwards next year


Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t believe weā€™d be in the cup finals in November then too, not trying to diss Iā€™m just assuming. As much as itā€™s a safety net to avoid disappointment, pessimism ā‰  logic especially with this group of players. I counter your belief with my belief haha


Sure didn't. Impressive they climbed out of that hole. Sadly this time it looks like they've dug one hole too many. God I wish we'd stop digging holes to climb out of. I promise you I probably will never be happier if your belief comes true. I just can't get there mentally.


What kept us from winning games 1 and 2 is that we scored a combined 1 goal in Florida.


Yeah doi, like I said Iā€™m not arguing the results


Why did they do the player intro again but not bring out the Stanley Cup? (conspiracy theorist)


Stauffer and Brown made a good comment on the post game show last night: donā€™t play to win the Cup on Saturday, play to go back to Florida


Sorry, meaning Florida throws Saturday?


Meaning we beat Florida Saturday


Ah, thanks.


Reasons to win just 1 game: 1. Avoid being swept 2. No one raises the cup in our barn* except us (especially not a Tkachuk!) 3. It shows we can beat the Panthers. And we just need to do it 3 more times *Except in the bubble playoffs but there were no fans so itā€™s fine


1 more reason to win 1 game: it's the first step to winning 4.


So McDrai both said cup or bust at the start of the yearā€¦ what does bust mean exactly? Canā€™t wait to find out!


Yall are thinking to far into it. But in this situation they really meant "get to the CUP then BUST"


Bust a nut?


Mcdavid is going to trash Draisaitl's Lego millenium falcon.


Nooooo he worked so hard on it šŸ˜­


There will be other millenniums... There there. I'll get the sign. It's been: 1 day Lego-smash free.


I'm zen. Pulling for a reverse sweep but also still feeling good about the team. Don't love the Panthers but this looks like the WCF against the Avalanche - they have all the answers and we don't. Holland left a lot of stuff in the cupboards for the next GM and we have cap space opening up. Just need to retool the roster in the off-season, make a splash at the trade deadline, and go all the way next year. Now the core has Finals experience. It's our Gretzky walking past the Islanders dressing room moment - this team is learning what it takes to win. Window's not closed yet boys.


one of my favourite things about this series has been how toronto fans have managed to make it about themselves with ā€œthe atlantic division is sooooo goodā€ in order to make them feel better about themselves but they literally have the sabres red wings canadiens and senators in the atlantic. thereā€™s only three good teams in that division and toronto isnā€™t one of them


Panthers are a great team. Not going to lie though, itā€™s annoying me a little how much praise they are getting for their ā€œdefensive structureā€. Edmonton is getting high danger chances left and right. Edmonton has got more breakaways this series than the rest of our playoffs combined. Floridaā€™s ā€œdefensive structureā€ has been Bobrovsky standing on his head so far. I think more credit is due Floridaā€™s way for their clutch offence. They had 54 seconds in the offensive zone last game to score 3 goals.


You're exactly right. Everyone keeps talking about defense, depth, etc. There is one difference, and that's goaltending. Skinner is good, but Bobrovsky is the best goalie this playoffs, and the only person close is Shesterkin. He's saving everything, meanwhile when we make mistakes and give up high danger chances, Florida is clinical and scoring on them. We have the o-zone time, we have the high danger chances, we have the shot numbers, it's just that Bobrovsky is saving everything that he's not expected to save.


Not looking forward to the Olympics (if Russia is allowed to be there). Shesterkin Bob and Vasi gives me meat sweats already


ill never see this team win will i


Depends how old you are. I'm nearing 40 and this series makes me feel like I never will


Their comeback to make it 4-3 restored some honor, now if only they could learn to play with urgency when they're not desperately behind.




Regardless of what comes, Iā€™m proud of the team for pushing to the finals. Theyā€™ve rallied and played well. Thereā€™s so many players like Holloway, Broberg, Yanmark, and Skinner who have elevated their games and show much skill and promise. Theyā€™ve fought hard, and in so proud of how far theyā€™ve come. Win or lose on Saturday Iā€™m cheering for them to the end and beyond. Go oilers!!!!


Well at least Broberg has shown signs that he should be a regular next season. Good thing they didn't ship him out.


I'm torn. What would be the most Oilers shit to do after that crazy season? Make it to the finals and get swept or make it to the finals and pull off a reverse sweep?


Sadly the most Oilers thing to do is exactly whatā€™s happened. Crush our souls with a start that makes it look like we should blow it up. Then go on a crazy heater to give us hope. Give the Canucks a series we should have easily won in 5, but drag out to 7. Surprise us by beating Dallas easier than we expected. Get the hopes up by having the top 2 goal scorers in the playoffs, top 3 point getters and then score 4 goals in 3 games of the Stanley cup finals to get swept. Itā€™s the full rollercoaster. Experience Oilers hockeyā€¦. Having said that we pulled off a great year, regardless.


No it would be tieing the series 3-3 and then losing. Iā€™ll take a sweep over tying it up and not getting it down. Feels like that would hurt more


Iā€™d rather be swept than lose another game 7 like 2006


No that's what the Leafs do.


I have firmly moved in to the acceptance phase of grief. And if they go and win 4 in a row I won't even know what to do, I'll probably justĀ emotionally shut down and start crying or some shit like that. Prepping for the worst, hoping for the best.


Tbh Iā€™m not even getting that ā€œhey making the finals is still impressiveā€ bump. Mcdavids gotten some assists but otherwise our best players have done nothing. Hyman: 0 points. Drai: 0 points. RNH: 0 points. Bouch: 1 point. Kane: 0 points. Skinner: < .890. Nurse and Ceci are bums. This is a public spanking. Itā€™s hard for me to get pumped because Holloway has been decent.


Sucks that we're in the Dallas Carolina & Rangers family and not the Vegas Colorado and Florida family.


I'm already not looking forward to all the Barkov praise about how he shut everyone down. It won't stop if it happens.


it kinda feels like when we got beat by colorado, ya we made it to the final four but we werenā€™t good enough to make a series out of it, iā€™m hoping they salvage some pride and win a couple but winning the cup looks pretty doubtful now


Remember when the analysts called the west a "gauntlet" and whoever won the WCF would smoke the ECF winner? šŸ˜‚ What a sad day it is


Well although this series is pretty much over Iā€™m choosing to believe this is the start of a great oilers era - our new head office will be smart and make good moves, led by our new GM and Jeff Jackson. Knobby is a young coach that will use this experience to get even better, Stu will improve, Holloway McLeod and Broberg will be key pieces moving forward with valuable playoff experience, drai and Mcdavid will resign, everything is looking up. This deep run is exactly what we needed to put belief in this group, everybody was dooming about Drai and Mcdavid leaving if we didnā€™t make the playoffs, and now look at us in the finals. If we win a couple games and avoid the sweep thatā€™s even better, but this Florida team is just too experienced to choke badly enough to lose this series - but that could be us next year. LETS GO OILERS




We didn't need to know that


Someone might have already posted this but you gotta play Pickard next game no? Or the strong 3rd period means Stu is still our ride or die in Knobā€™s mind?


The one brightside of the game yesterday is the 2nd and 3rd period showed that the Oilers have figured out how to breakthrough Florida's system. Edmonton modified their spacing at the blue line so the defenceman could activate more and create more opportunities for an Oiler to pickup a rebound. If this holds true then there is certainly a chance for the Oil to win a game or two, but perfect play from Skinner and the Defence is required for 4 in a row and I have little faith. Excited to see if the Oilers can really abuse the hole they found.


All of our chances are off rushes/breakaways, or from point shots that are screened/deflected/tipped. We need to put our ego aside and stop trying to McDavid/Draisaitl line dominance cause it isn't working, and they're being kept to the perimeter. We need to sit back and counter off the rush, and when we are in the o-zone, go for dirty, greasy goals. Of our 4 goals, 2 were off a rush (one 2v1 and one breakaway), and two were tipped (one deflected off a Panther and one tipped in front). That's all that works, and I really hope Knoblauch can admit that and try to adjust the playstyle of our top 6.


Yeah we also have to be a tad cleaner on our breakouts. Put all these together consistently and we have a chance


> Excited to see if the Oilers can really abuse the hole they found. šŸ˜³




After 16 years apart ,oilers' final games' chances are mostly ruined by low confidence Skinner as regular season , he has more chances to polish the stats, in finals, the stronger the winner.


Welp, Panthers are just an overall better team. Better forward depth, better defensive depth, better goaltending. They're also a lot better at playing the game within the game with the refs, something the Oilers have never been good at my entire life. I'm proud of the boys for making it to the SCF in a year where in November, it looked like we were done. I'm pretty nervous going into next year. We have the oldest team in the league, 2 of the top 5 worst contracts in the league, no prospects to speak of, Bouch and Drais contract probably price out Holloway and Broberg. Idk gang, I'm not seeing the path forward, feels like this year and last were our 2 best chances to win a cup with this core.


Yup so true. I hadn't watched much of the Panthers before the series so after Oilers dominated them in the first game, I had high hopes - just have to solve the goalie. And with the firepower we have they would eventually break him. Unfortunately it was a mirage and it turns out game 1 was just a really bad game for Florida and they are clearly top to bottom the better playoff team. It really sucks, all I hope for now is a win on Saturday so they can avoid the sweep. I don't want Ratchuck hoisting the cup in our barn.


how would we get priced out of two guys with less than 100 games of NHL experience who have done basically nothing lol what the fuck. both of them are getting, like, a million at most on bridge deals Bouchard and Draisaitl are up next offseason and not this one anyways


Have you not been watching the playoffs? Broberg is easily our 3rd best defense man. Holloway has more goals than anyone in our bottom 6 these playoffs, he will get top 6 minutes next year and I'm betting him and Broberg combined will be making at least 6 mill on their next deals. That's great, Bouchards agent will point to Nurse making 9 and a quarter and say Bouch won't take a dollar less, and Drai will he getting a 4 or 5 mill a year upgrade. That's about an additional 10 million bucks right there. So, it's awesome that we don't have to spend that this upcoming year, but that bill is coming due soon enough.


holloway and broberg are due for contracts this year, thereā€™s simply no world in which theyā€™re getting paid like top line players


That really doesn't change my point. Like I said to the other guy, fine, they make a million bucks a year each. Now we have 8 mill in cap space, 0 bottom 6 guys except old Derrick Ryan and cardio master Ryan McLeod, the same 6 D that are currently getting pumped by Florida, and the same inconsistent goaltending.


if youā€™re not creative enough to come up with ways to find contracts that can fit under our 10 mil of projected cap space combined with moving existing contracts, youā€™re not smart enough to be a GM let alone have a valid opinion on anything


You are out of your fucking mind if you think Holloway and Broberg are each getting like 3M this offseason


OK, let's say they make a million each like you say. That leaves us with about 8 million going into next season, with a top 6, Derek Ryan, and Ryan McLeod. You think our bottom 6 is gonna be better next year than this year, where we need to find an entire 3rd and fourth line for like $1.2 per player? And that's assuming we are running back the same D except Broberg instead of Vinny.


If we have a front office of potatos who are incapable of doing anything besides signing free agents, sure, yeah, youā€™re right. Great analysis


I just want a W. For the fans. Saturday.


Letā€™s go Oilers!!!! Oilers in 7!!! Believe oil country!!! We got this!!! Another 16 game win streak coming, 4 this playoffs 12 to start next season!!!


Stanley Cup will be in Rogers Place next game for the wrong reason :(


Credit to Florida. They're a good fucking team. Of course there are things on the Oilers side to be disappointed about, but the Panthers (particularly Bob) have been playing like they've been there. I felt like the Colorado loss in '22 was a great learning experience in what it takes to win the Cup and I feel the same about this series. There are levels you have to get to to win it all and Florida is clearly showing that. That being said, they don't hand out the Cup after 3 games. It's not over yet. Fuck it, OILERS IN 7


Just win one damn game. Getting swept in the final will be a huge embarrassment.


Time to make history! LETā€™S GO OILERS!!!


Just win a game at home for the fans.


As a women It feels like the morning after you sleep with the only guy with a fat ass you match on tinder who puts it in the wrong hole.


> As a **women** Uhhh sure


Maybe stop doing that.




I mean, we did have arguably the best free agent signing in years in Hyman. Also, Florida is a well-built team. They get lucky with their location with free agency and NTC's, but that's only part of it. Why didn't the Oilers sign Verhaeghe in 2020 when he was under the radar, trade a 3rd round pick for Montour, or claim Forsling off waivers when he was available?


How exactly have the oilers been screwed over by the league? 4 #1 picks in 6 years, one of which being the best player in the world


Just downvote and let em be. Lmao. Sometimes comments are just too "wtf" to even respond.




"No excuse for abuse" is what my boss said this morning.. dont let this series ruin your day. Hey we're still playing in the middle of June. thats new


Losing in the cup finals isnā€™t the end of the world. My only concern is the timing. After this potential loss, what happens with the Draisatl contract with one year left? Does he request a trade? If Leon leaves, what happens with Connors extension? Iā€™m worried we may be waiting a long long time for another run like this if we lose them.


If we got swept by Dallas maybe he leaves but I donā€™t think thereā€™s another contender that can afford him while giving him a realistic shot at the cup.


Only two teams made it to the finals this year so unless heā€™s somehow going to Florida I donā€™t think so. The real worry would have been if we flamed out in the first round.




I think the whole team is psyched out. They are so afraid of losing in the finals with all the pressure, they are doing exactly that. Self fulfilling prophecy.


I donā€™t blame any of the players for cashing the season in


Yeah, the 1st line hasn't exactly been scoring, this round.


One thing that really pisses me off are people saying we had an easy route to the final. Does anybody remember that like 91% of NHL analysts picked Dallas to win that series? And Dallas is now favoured to win the cup next year? An easier route than Florida yes, but there is no ā€œeasyā€ in the Stanley Cup playoffs. Gimme a break.


Yeah just ignore that shit. It most certainly wasn't an easy road. L.A. has retooled their team over the past couple years specifically to beat the Oilers. Then they played Vancouver who looked unstoppable and finished almost top of the league. Then Dallas who were a cup favorite. It's nonsense.


If the Oilers somehow win the cup, I will donate $100 minimum to the Ben Stelter Foundation.


Iā€™ll double it


Unless we have some yet-to-be-seen secret weapon hidden someplace, weā€™re cooked.


Just gotta win one game at home. Treat it like a game 7, if not for a comeback, at least for your fans. One game at home, that's it. Surely the players know they can do that.