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if the g7 loss wasn't shit enough, hours after i start coming down with a cold talk about a bit of salt in the wound


What happens now though, I’ve heard things saying that the Oilers were in do or die mode, and that there would be substantial roster changes this off season, just curious on what anyone thinks will happen in regards to roster?


Out: 1. Campbell (Buyout) 2. Ceci and replace with Roy, Tanev or maybe an offensive guy like Montour, Gostisbehere or Walker 3. Probably Foegele/Desharnais In: 1. DeBrusk to help out Drai 2. A somewhat cheap 3C (Trenin maybe if Henrique doesn't stay) 3. A cheap NHL backup (Wedgewood, Kakkonen, Lankkinen, Jones, etc.)


I expect the Stars to re-sign Tanev if they can, and Wedgewood has been a good fit for them as well. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if Montour stays in Florida, and I get the feeling Gostisbhere and Walker will just move or whoever can pay them the most. It’s a shame about Campbell, he has a lot of potential. No idea about Foegele and Desharnais


Anna Kane has posted 47 times celebrating the oilers loss and calling Evander a loser. I genuinely can’t imagine being such a pathetic human being that your entire life is spent hating your former partner


She is embarrassing herself , surefire way to win custody back of her Daughter with Kane ..the fact the courts sided with him even with his bankruptcy tells me all I need to know lol 


Girls crazy


Gonna take a while to get over this one. Hopefully will get to see my first live game next year though, so looking forward to that


Hey at least you guys didn’t riot and burn down your own city 


That’s because there is nothing worthy to burn down


might've run out of alcohol, instead of water like Calgary (had to get a shot in at Calgary lol)


Honestly, if we played against their roster but they weren’t located in the hottest place in north america where there is shitty ice and travel, we would have won the series easily


Shut up with that loser talk


it’s not the ice’s fault that the players did not show up


Fault no, but it did a lot to neutralize the speed & skill. Not to say we shouldn't have won anyway (or we could have lost even with great conditions) but it was a factor against us.


2024-2025 season seats Just out of curiosity. Is it still possible to get season seats for next year or is it too late? Just wondering if I should get on the registry.


I think there was booths set up for a while in the playoffs begging people to sign up. There was lots of people who cancelled as they raised prices 25% for next year.


Did they really?!? Are they not the prices that are in the brochure?


Apologies it was 25% for the playoffs as conpared to last but had to renew to get your seats or pay full up front. My tickets went from $4900/seat to $5700 from 2016-2024. Next year they raised them to $6400. I heard a decent chunk of people cancelled before playoffs and there was a ton of team issued tickets for sale in the first 3 rounds.


Oilers 2042 SCC


17 Straight SCC 


I was at World Waterpark and watching the Copa game against Peru. If I hadn't done that, my brain would still be messed up from yesterday.


My condolences to Oilers fans, you guys were part of one the great Stanley Cup Series. As an LA Kings fan, you guys are very much my nemesis, but I have huge respect for the fightback from 0-3 down.


No offence but go away


Here's hoping our teams dont play each other again in the first round next year. I feel the Kings could give most teams in the west a very hard time, all our series wins sure very hard-fought


Next year will have a healthy Mcdrai and Kane as well as a few new guys for sure. Will be interesting to see what our new GM does. Also can’t wait to see if Bouchard, Holloway, skinner and Broberg can develop even further.


healthy Connor too, I hear he's going for some kind of abdominal surgery over the summer.


Hey guys, tough loss, was rooting for you. I just want to say I'm embarrassed right now to be a Kings fan. Their subreddit is so obsessed with the Oilers loss it's so cringy. Sometimes I hate being associated with that team and their fans. I heard the news Dri was injured and I figured, the guy is a gamer and he wasn't really himself the last few games. Can't believe McDavid also played injured. Guy is a beast. Good luck next year, I'm sure we will meet again round 1.


dont feel too bad, I think most fanbases would be pretty upset to lose three round 1s in a row vs. the same team, us included. I sure hope we get to play a different team in round 1 next year though, all our series wins vs the Kings were hard-fought and Id love to see how they fare against another team.


Yup for sure. I can understand the hate from LA fans. Same thing with Oilers and Stars in late 90s early 00's. Seemed they always met in first round and Dallas would knock em out. Absolutely hated Dallas back then lol.


Seeing the vid of the panthers walking down the street with the cup and barely no one knows what it is is kinda funny but also sad. Hockey lost last night


Man I laughed but deep down that shit hurts too. I know it’s “good for the game” blah blah blah but seeing these markets who hardly care about hockey win cups is brutal sometimes.🤣 You just *know* when the cup comes back to Canada one day, whatever team pulls it off will get treated like fucking royalty in their city. Did anyone see how the Raptors were treated in Toronto after their championship? It would be like that but tenfold.


Yea why do they even have a team lmao


Them walking around with the cup is how hockey is made. Hockey didn’t lose.


I’m working at the mall. Shout out to everyone still rocking their flags and jerseys 🧡💙


I wonder if any Oiler will actually turn into a Selke candidate at some point, just based out of having to fill a role and excelling at it. Maybe Nuge or McCloud at some point?


Clouder? No way. He's a fine two way forward but he's just not in that same level plus he needs to learn to use his body more. On Clouder, I'd hope they package him up to bring in a role player, an upgraded Carrick type. Nuge, probably will never reach that pinnacle but I can imagine him coming 3-5 in voting.


Very possible McDavid ends up getting some recognition the next few years if he keeps this up. He isn’t a Bergeron or an O’Reilly on that end, but his defensive game was amazing this year. Some more time under Coffey and him fully recovered could take it to the next level. McLeod has been pretty good defensively as well during the regular season. If he can fully transform into a top 6 F then I could see him getting some recognition, but he would most likely be on the wing. Nuge is also a good contender, and I’d say he should get some recognition this season for his defensive play as well.


McLeod will never, ever, ever be even close to a Selke. Soft soft soft when it matters. A complete ghost.


Australian fan here. I woke up this morning and honestly I'm just excited. If we keep up this form next season we will kill it. Nothing but optimism here!


There is no reason we can’t keep playing this style, we may lose a player or two but I really hope we keep our bottom 6 mainly intact


Gotta lose one to win one


While I share everyone's enthusiasm and believe they will come back stronger, that's just not true. I mean, there are quite a few examples but it's far from the rule. There's also a lot of examples of teams just making the cup and winning.


oilers lost their first final and then kicked off the dynasty


Heartbreaking stuff, but that's how she goes. They made it to game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, lost a one-goal game, while our two superstars were playing with grievous injuries that needed surgery. No shame in that. A HELL of a season, and a chance to do a Florida Panthers themselves and win it next year.


Ooh. McDavid was playing injured with an abdominal injury and needs surgery? Once the Panthers went up 2-0, I said [the series was basically a formality](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1dd4a19/comment/l84f0jv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) because everybody is playing at less than 100% health due to the compressed schedule and intensity of the playoffs .. and yet nobody would believe me. Told you so.


So you’re saying you’re really smart because you guessed the winner of the Final… two games into the Final? You also said McDavid or Draisaitl exploding offensively is unlikely, and that Florida wouldn’t let off the gas, yet McDavid exploded offensively, and Florida let off the gas. I wouldn’t be bragging about these predictions 😂 I’m going to make a prediction of my own. You’re either a Flames fan or a Canucks fan :)


McDavid and Draisaitl were gassed in Game Seven. Expecting them to be fitter and healthier and fresher and more effective in Game Seven than Game One - let alone compared to the beginning of the playoffs - is utterly unrealistic. You don't need to be smart to figure that out, but you have to be either delusional or really dumb to not see that either


They were gas in game 7 because they were absolutely overplayed in the final 10 minutes. The underlying injuries were just an extra component.


So your point is that… fatigue exists? You made three predictions after Game 2, two of them were off base/incorrect (McDavid and/or Draisaitl will not have big offensive performances, and Florida will not let their foot off the gas), and the other one was just about the safest prediction you can make in playoff hockey (the team up 2-0 will win the series). I guess I just don’t understand how the post you linked was a flex. Also I’m assuming I’m right about your fandom? Lol


You don’t have to be a fan of whoever to figure out the Oilers are in dire straits when Draisaitl has a broken rib and McDavid requires surgery .. even a week’s hiatus isn’t going to change much .. I knew something was up but I had no idea it was this bad LOL you’re funny, that sure came out of left field


Game 7 Cup Final loss by one goal is dire straits?


Yes. Playing with a broken rib or playing while requiring surgery qualifies as being in dire straits. No wonder the Oilers couldn’t score when it mattered I can’t believe I have to explain this .. but keep it up - the mental gymnastics are funny 😄


Very realistic situation where the Oilers win the Cup with those two playing as injured as they were - all things considered that’s a pretty damned fine result! Would hardly consider the second best result in the league (and only a hair away from the Cup, at that) dire straits but go off! I’m going to guess you’re a Canucks fan since you’re only targeting McDavid and Draisaitl. Canucks fans generally have it out for those two in particular after their loss this year, whereas Flames fans seem to have more of a begrudging respect for those two and prefer to shit talk the team/organization as a whole. But the main giveaway is that Canucks fans only show up after losses :) am I right?


Nah. It’s not realistic at all when they managed only five goals in all of their combined losses .. and now we know why. It was obvious key players were hurt two weeks ago. Here’s a suggestion, quit being so butt hurt so easily. Nobody’s talking shit about anyone playing bad because they’re hurt .. playing with a broken rib FFS .. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone .. give it a rest


Couldn’t possibly be less butt hurt. Got to see my team go to Game 7 of the Final, one goal away from the Cup, and almost seeing a historic comeback. I’m quite pleased. I *do* however think it’s weird to come into another team’s subreddit after such a loss to come say “I knew this would happen” like you’re some kind of prophet, and then get crotchety when people tell you that’s wack behaviour lol


Want a cookie? A high five? The feeling that you were right when apparently the whole planet didn't believe you is what gets you going? We all knew it was a longshot   Get bent.


I feel bad for McDavid, who knows when or if he'll get another shot. I leave you with the following quote ... cheers *You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality - Ayn Rand*


I bet McDavid isn’t feeling sorry for himself after his performance in Game 7


Get. Bent.


Wow .. I just read that Draisaitl was playing with .. a .. broken rib and a broken finger ?!? I suspected something, but I had no idea it was this bad. Massive props to Drai but he had no business playing .. no wonder the Oilers couldn't score when it mattered


Next season Knob need to keep McDrai’s TOI under 20 mins for every game


He needs to hold off stacking McDrai until much later in the game, *if* *necessary*. The last 5 minutes are fine but not a whole period.


Does Paul Coffey continue to coach?


Definitely. Solid coach and good name recognition.


I agree. But his choice. He basically said he didn’t want to when first instated


The way he talks about being behind the bench and with McDrai tells me that he will almost certainly be back.


When are the Oilers at the airport?


Ched said quarter to 5 private air Canada flight from Kansas city I think


Doh yup. CHED said Stauffer landed


Regardless of the outcome, still proud of the boys. Hell of a season. I’ll catch all you beautiful souls at the start of next season. LFG Oilers.


Need the news of Draisaitl signing asap now


It probably won't be announce until we'll into July. I'm sure they haven't really been negotiating until now.


Its obvious hes gonna sign for a discount. He was so close to sniffing the cup and he will be hungrier. Expect similar aav to what he is getting right now with maybe a slight raise


If you have the athletic you can read Chris johnstons article on there about it, but it's not ideal imo.


CJ isn't an insider. All he did was speculate on different outcomes and the teams decisions they'd have to make. I'd encourage you to go back and listen to Brian Lawton speaking to Stauffer on the matter. He said it without saying it. He's going to re sign but don't expect it to happen right away on July 1st.


Yes I did hear that. I wonder why they stopped having him as a regular guest lol


What CJ said isn't anything surprising. It's so vague and obvious that it doesn't give an indication whether Drai is signing an extension or not. Just that the organization would be prepared to trade him if an extension isn't going to happen as opposed to letting him walk at the end of next season for nothing.


That's fair,


I mean he’s not saying anything concrete in the article. We’ll just have to see in the next few months about Drai’s status


Calgary fans celebrating the Oilers loss is hilarious to me. Their franchise is literal shit and have no future for at least the next 5-7 years. What a bunch of cuck fucks to cheer for Tkafuck winning the cup. He left them because Calgary sucks dick.


Imagine we cheered for Pronger because he was facing the flames in the playoffs. Have some pride. Geez.


Fuck Chris Pronger


Yeah let’s cheer for the guy who wanted out.


Just be the bigger person and take it on the chin.


did sum productive today and was able to get over the loss. this season was just historical for the team and for the players. it’s time to make most of the summer and looking forward to the next season


Anyone else who is kinda already getting over the loss? Especially consider how injured McDrai were.


No, I mean it hurts a bit less and I'm already looking to next season but it still stings. I still think about 2006 and what could have been. Opportunities missed.


I am slowly. They are very close to getting it. It will feel that much sweeter when we do. We just need to make the playoffs with home ice advantage throughout. That would be very helpful. Best PP and best PK and healthy McDrai. Plus the experience we got.


You never get over a loss of this magnitude if you don’t win anything after with the core


Ya man. You get over it. 2006 we got over it. Hope springs eternal.


You got over 2006? Tell me your secret.


I’m still not over 2006, how am I gonna recover from this??


Not at all.




Your coworker is probably just speculating. Imo I doubt it's an ego thing, Janmark is generally a pretty quiet guy, probably moreso they wanted mcdrai out there.


Is your coworker an insider?


No but my uncle works at Nintendo


Can you tell your uncle we need a switch remake of Star Ocean: Till the end of time already?


There’s no way.


That would suck.


Sun came up, world still spins. Still an Oilers fan, still have hope to next year.


There could be worse things than the oilers losing.


Gotz billz to pay


take me back to yesterday and let me live there forever. I wanted nothing but the weekend to end and for Game 7 to come, but I’d rather live in that compared to how I feel today


I totally agree with this guy!!! https://www.youtube.com/live/jVRfCP_pTd0?si=uSaUazhgIiIx_O3I


I'm hoping NOT winning this year actually helps the team's chances of re-signing Drai, McDavid, and Bouch. They know the core is there. They know they're good enough, so why leave when they're so close to winning? That's what I'm choosing to focus on and hope for right now. Because pain. Lemons to lemonade and all the fucking shit.


Oilers need to get some younger talent because this roster is already one of the oldest in the league with no draft capital and a cap crunch coming soon


The issue is we need to upgrade half the D and add grit to the 4th line. The Lightning used to be similar to us - fast skills team that had no physicality and marginal grit. So they went out and got bargain basement guys who'd been bought out or didn't fit in with their teams. Players like Maroon, Shatenkirk, Coleman, Goodrow. That got them over the hump and 2 cups. Our front office needs to do similar. Players like Ceci and Kulak need to go to Utah. We need a big body in front of their goalie. We need depth/grit players to augment the core.


I think this is going to be good motivation to the team to come out hard and fight for home ice advantage next year.


if we had defended our ice this year we win the cup. Game 3 was ugly.


So much this man. Starting 3/4 series on the road and having no home game 7s was awful. The team needs to get 110-115 points next season and ensure that only a couple of teams (or fewer) are above them in the standings.


Thats what happens when you screw a charity out of 5 million dollars you promised them. Oilers wont win a cup until the Boyle Street curse is lifted, or Katz ODs. It was an amazing season and run, historic by all accounts.


What does that have to do with the players on the ice?


Nothing, its fucking sports lol. Curses and superstitions have nothing to do with anything because they're in peoples heads.


Screw it, it was a fun season. I'm playing La Bamba anyways


It may not feel like it but winning 3 straight and pushing it to a game 7 will only help us next year. They know they can comeback and have experience to fall back on. 


Problem is all the team we see in playoffs likely get better so experience only goes so far. And teams on the outside get aggressive too. Ottawa just got Ullmark from Boston for example. We can't stand pat, yet the crap contracts we need to eat hamstring us.


You were probably crying about those contracts this season too. They're the exact same contracts. The Oilers were able to make significant moves with the same contracts, and they got to the SCF. Same thing next season. The salary cap won't stop them from getting better.


This. I think all the experience will be very useful. Skinner getting the playoffs experience he needed. The team’s defense strategy and penalty kills are vastly improved as well.


Skinner is obviously super legit starter now for sure


One of the best things to come out of this run


The fan park was insane. ya’ll are the best.


That 2nd goal is gonna haunt me for a while.  I knew in that stretch of non stoppage that something was going to give and we end up giving up a cheap goal that should've never happened.  If we kept it 1-1 or had a 2-1 lead into the 3rd I guarantee the pressure would've been insurmountable for the Panthers. All they had to do was play defense in the 3rd. 


Yea it was a really lame goal against. Not sure what Kulak saw on that play but he gave Reinhart too much space. If the Oilers were leading 2-1 in the 3rd the panthers would almost assuredly tie the game since their forecheck and cycle game gave us fits all series. At least we would’ve had a chance to win it all in OT though.


[Holland's future to be clarified in the coming days, will not be at the draft table.](https://x.com/DarrenDreger/status/1805695112590115028?t=wSSBTV0C6ywQQbV96bUViw&s=19) Not really a surprise, Holland's impending retirement seemed to be the worst kept secret this season.


Good, as much as Holland made some good moves a lot of his decisions are going to handicap this team. Drafting has been terrible, yes Holloway and Broberg are looking positive, but our picks outside of those two have been abysmal. Bad contracts, such as Nurse and Campell will continue to limit our ability to add quality pieces. Honestly, had our drafting been good a lot of our upcoming issues would have been mitigated, but alas we are here. Going to take an aggressive and smart gm to navigate their way out of the mess Holland has created moving forward.


You guys are progressing every year. A true contender with the exact same arc as the Panthers. Only you guys made it a highly competitive series unlike them the season prior. It's an easy lock to bet on you guys next year.




What an absolute disaster game 7 turned out to be. I've never been this disgusted with the team, they let down the city and the entire country... absolutely shameful.


See you next play offs when you punch your ticket onto the wagon again


I’ve been watching this team since they were winning cups, dipshit.


And you still know nothing about hockey? That’s impressive


Please stop and leave the fanbase. Thanks.


Found a bandwagon jumper


Again, I’ve been watching this team every year since the 80s, so go fuck yourself with this bandwagon shit.


Get a life dude, it’s a game - and one you couldn’t be in if you tried. To think our stars were playing with grievous injuries just to have fans talk shit about it afterwards lol.


It’s a game 99.9% of people couldn’t be in if they tried. All the same, by the end of his career, I suspect myself and McDavid will have the same number of Stanley Cup rings.


Shit like this doesn't work in your favor while claiming "I'm a long time fan". No one gives a shit about your negative outlook


God forbid that they make it to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Shoulda just tanked for a draft pick instead of putting together that run.


I commemorated the loss with the 2024 Stanley Cup Finals patch pressed on my jersey this morning. A run I’ll never forget, thanks Oil Country 💙🧡


I’ll be getting mine sewn (professionally, because I can’t do it properly myself) on my Skinner jersey in the coming days. We made it to game 7 of the final. There is nothing to be ashamed about. We have an amazing team, and if we keep going forward, we can take the cup next year. 🧡💙🧡💙


the Oilers Store will press it for free just so you know, mine turned out great


Honestly, watching the game last night I had the takeaway that the Oilers just got outplayed. Can’t really blame anyone - Panthers just played better. Here’s to a good 2023-2024 season!


"I had the takeaway that the Oilers just got outplayed" Only in the first period. Honestly, the 2nd goal that Florida scored was a softie that Skinner should have had in a game like this. Otherwise, Edmonton played well in the final 40 minutes.


I agree and disagree. 2nd one was a bit of a softie, however all I could see was that the Oilers were getting shut down with their plays and Panthers ran circles around us at times. We did come alive near the end of the


Yup. Every time fans of either side said their team played trash and didn’t show up or didn’t want it these playoffs I’ve been like no, the other team just played better. That to me is what happened last night. One great team slightly outplayed the other great team. And no one will ever convince me our stars just “didn’t show up”.


Yeah pretty much. Like the previous reply said, the goals were lucky but I do think the Panthers played a little better. Same thing with the Hurricanes against the Rangers - sure, there were things the Canes should’ve done better but over all the Rags played better


I don't agree. I believe it was shit luck with a lot of the open net chances and weird bounces. I think the oilers played better but ultimately it's the hockey gods who decide.


I would agree with that I forgot about the goals. Especially that first one that went in. Panthers defense was insane, however


It was insane but we really made them scramble hard quite a few times. We just couldn't get it through. 🤷‍♂️


That’s true, for sure. I thought we were gonna score right at the end of the 3rd


All I ask is I hope I don't have to wait another 18 years....


At 18 I could easily recover from game days At 36 it was definitely harder I'm not sure how it would go at 54...


My oldest will be 22 years old then. That’s a reality I just can’t fathom. Considering I was 15 in 2006.


Guys trying being 14 when they last won the Cup in 90… that’s a reality because some days it feels like yesterday


Flames fan, but you'll find no chirps here. Just want to say that your boys deserved it. Pure force of will for this series to go 7 - can't overstate the level of grit. I never want you to win, yet somehow I would have been 100% happy to see it after that push. Stick taps.


They learned some hard lessons early on in the final and I think we are all somewhat consoled with them taking it to game 7 with 1 shot away from OT. Hopefully they get another chance but you never know. McDrai resigning or not will chart our path to continued success or rebuild. Our org is finally seeking to be stable and I hope yours is good enough such that it doesn’t take as long as ours did to rebuild.


The one thing about Oilers playing this late is when I went to pause my sportsnet subscription its going to be resumed on October 8th, right around when the next season starts.


We'll be right there again next year. Plan on watching F1, Olympics and euro cup. Enjoy the summer folks.


I'm hyped for Team Canada Basketball during the Olympics. Really feel like they could medal this year.


Stood in line for the Ford Tailgate Party (Moss Pit) for 5 hours then when it was time everyone just jumped in line and it was mayhem. Next year they gotta do something like sell tickets for it or something. Police were brutal why have one lane for people to get through it was nuts.


They need a fan park in the whyte ave area. Would help relieve some pressure downtown.


I had kinda thought it would be neat to setup a fan watch party at WEM using the rink area. (Would probably be absolutely crazy though)


Parking lot by the farmers market?


What a ride everyone, a cup would’ve been the icing on the cake but that was an unreal playoffs. They’ll be back next year


You guys fought like hell. I think a cup is definitely within reach next year for you. Edmonton has proven that they are no joke, it’s a huge accomplishment to make it to the finals and it’s an even bigger one for it to be that close.


Thanks buddy, enjoy the win and have a good summer, see you at the draft and then in October. :)


Nucks fan here. I hope it’s not too soon but I just wanted to pay my respects to you guys today. I was born in Edmonton and my father is a die hard Oilers fan so watching Oilers and Canucks games together throughout the season has been our thing for awhile now. This was undoubtedly one of the greatest post-season runs from any team I’ve ever witnessed and seeing them fall short by inches was gut wrenching… I know there’s been a lot of toxic exchanges between our fanbases this post-season too, which sucks, but internet trolls aside, you guys have one of the best fanbases in hockey bar none. Seeing all those super fans and die hard Oilers supporters lighting up the city game after game and believing in their team against all odds was beautiful to behold. Even when it was 3-0 in this series, you could just FEEL how many fans never stopped believing or doubting for a single instant. That feeling was so contagious. You guys really did deserve the cup and I’m sorry it didn’t shake out that way. Try not to despair too much though as I am certain this group will be back next year and hungrier than ever. Florida ran it back so why not you too? Whatever happens, thank you Edmonton Oilers for a remarkable season, a thrilling 2nd round playoff series against my team, and a post-season run that my Dad and I will surely remember forever. At the end of the day I’m a hockey fan first, and that was some excellent hockey I must say. ✌️


You're a Class Act!


Time to clean out our lockers for the summer.


Oilersnation.com reports McDavid has an abdominal injury and may need surgery and Draisaitl believed to have a broken rib and finger going back to Game 1 vs Vancouver Hate to use injuries as an excuse but if they had been 100% for the final the outcome may have been a lot different https://oilersnation.com/news/the-day-after-25-0-the-oilers-were-right-there


A healthy Kane would have been another great asset as well. Oh well, every team has injuries and it’s just unfortunate it happened to be our 2 best players. Amazing McDavid got the points he did with that abdominal injury.


What would be a reasonable recovery time for a potential oblique muscle surgery? Are we looking at McDavid not being available for the start of the season?


I think the turning point in the series, the game we shoulda won, was game 3.


We should have won game 1


I get it but Bob played unreal. It happens. But game 3 was winnable. My humble opinion. One game swinging our way was the margin


Game 3 was winnable but they couldn’t rebound from that 5 minute collapse Panthers defence plays superb shut down hockey with a lead - Tampa, Boston and rangers can vouch for it


Oh for sure. I'm pointing out my opinion on the turning point in that series. Which was razor thin. The Panthers are a deserved champion. But if we win Game 3, all else equal...but perhaps it's nothing more than a losers lament. Still very proud of this team.


IMO, the difference between this run and ‘06, is that ‘06 wasn’t supposed to happen. We kinda knew once it was over that we might have to suffer for a while after that. Especially once Pronger wanted out. Never thought it would get as dismal as the DofD though. But suffering seemed expected. After yesterday, I feel none of that. I honestly feel that this team absolutely has what it takes to get to the summit. Sooner rather than later. We have the two best players in the world, competent coaching and front office, elite complementary players, youth on the rise, etc. The pieces are falling into place. I truly believe Florida won this year because they lost last year. And this is the bitter taste that the Oilers will use to fuel them for the next campaign. Chin up lads and lasses. The future is super bright.


The mcdavid and drai injury news is yikes Especially if McDavid has needed surgery since the start of the season


Guy probably gets 8 goals in 2 rounds if he enters healthy in the future.


Unsubbed from this sub and the hockey one for the summer, time to enjoy the nice weather. See you all on the fall!


We don’t care


And the exact reason I’m unsubbing. Go cry more lil boy


You’re the only one crying here 😂 the irony is crazy




We're not losing anyone big and Broberg, Holloway, Skinner, Bouchard will all have an extra year of experience next year.