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Dr. Numbers Hombre here: $18 x 40 = $720/wk \* 52 = $37,440/yr Generally recommended housing budget in US is 28% of gross income. $37,440 \* .28 = $10,483/yr rent budget / 12 = $874 suggested maximum rental expense. Generally recommended housing plus all other debt serving budget in US is 36% of gross income. $37,440 \* .36 / 12 = $1,123 suggested maximum rent plus all other debt expense. Deducting rent of $874 leaves $249/mo suggested maximum all other debt payment. If you earn $37,440/yr and pay rent and debt of 36% of that, then you have $23,961 to cover all other costs and expenses, which is $1,996 per month for.... * car insurance * fuel * maintenance * health insurance * uncovered health care * food, wine women and children * clothing * entertainment * internet and cellular phone * etc Hombre's Conclusion: You can do it but stay within the guard rails or you will fall off the cliff. Google El Paso Apartment Guide for a good array of available apartments around the city. Because of budget limitations, avoid long commutes to work due to gas costs and wear and tear on mechanicals.


you get by, the times where you survive with 8 dlls an hour are over.


You can get by.


This question has been asked many times. Comfortable is subjective. I consider how I live to be comfortable. Other people would disagree with what I consider comfortable based on their spending habits. I haven't eaten at a restaurant in over a year. I haven't bought new clothes in probably 5 or 6 years. I take good care of what I have & live a pretty damn frugal life. Truth is I hate spending money. I do without so I can save as much as I can to invest rather than blow on frivolous things other people believe they can't live without. I see neighbors have already turned their AC on. I have yet to start using my AC this year. Not hot enough. I keep the lights off in my house most of the time. My electricity bill is around $30 a month. My highest last Summer was in July at $104. Natural gas is around $25. Internet $55 of course you can shop around. I only eat at home. But that's me. You have to take inventory of your lifestyle what you spend money on to get a better feel for what is comfortable for you. That also entails being honest about what are truly NEEDS rather than WANTS. Alcohol isn't a NEED. Bar hopping isn't a NEED. But maybe others consider it a need. I don't know.


I guess a woman isn’t a need either! Lol!


Been there done that. Once you've been with enough women you realize it's all the same.


Acceptable (for El Paso), if you are single.


This has to be by far the most common post to this thread.


Of all the places in the world, why El Chuco?


Great art scene, for the cost of living it seems like it has a lot of culture and underground scenes that are very active. It just feels better than Wichita Kansas in every aspect as a guy from Chihuahua, El Paso feels more like home by a lot. The only downside is the wages seem a little bit lower.


!Es paraíso!


this is question i am always asking too! seems like people are moving here, not sure what the data is to back that tho. I mean I love el paso, my family lives here, but I haven't seriously considered moving back


Exactly! I wonder the same thing. As soon as I can, I will be moving outta here. Been here all my life, El Paso is not the same city.


Familiarity breeds contempt, El Paso is a mid size city so is kind of hard to compare with LA or NY. But is way better than a lot of cities of similar size like Wichita Ks. If I had tons of income I would pick Boston not El Paso


YOURE going to LOVE the trees and all the grass. :)


Better than flat lands




Eighteen an hour is pretty good for this area. Fifteen is okay, but anything lower than that, and you're going to need to live in the Second Ward or NE on Dyer, or eat Ramen/Mac N Cheese almost everyday. It all depends on what you define as comfortable. I've seen people here get frustrated about wages being low, which is understandable, but then you find out they only have a high school education and want to live in a luxury apartment with all the amenities. It's going to be hard to afford something like that when all you can get are service industry/warehouse jobs. Live within your means and budget your income and expenses. Another poster put an excellent breakdown of that in this thread. Good luck!


The rampant single mother epidemic has turned my quaint lil city into every other democratic metro area in the US. Grown children wanting kids instead of families, no disciplinary structures nor accountability to speak of. Truck was broken into twice within a week and I just had to shoo off ogre looking fucks just now wanting to take patio pavers from my easement. Hope you like fat chicks and alcohol cuz that's all there's to do here.


LMAO, Wichita has double the property crime rate and almost triple the violent crime rate. I think I would still be doing better


Rarely is coming to El Paso a move up, unless your from Juarez. George Jefferson himself Sherman Helmsley retired here before passing. Good luck, and be wise... Don't marry up a single mother... There's no pity for self inflicted wounds.


Think about moving to anywhere else, where at max occupancy. 


That’s not a livable wage. Focus on finishing your schooling before moving here so you can have a good life.


not a good advice.


Agree! Better yet explore the world!