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Please do not discuss leaks for the game or the DLC


Elden Ring official twitter page is not helping by warning the players about the leaks and spoilers... as if semi-confiming that the leaks are indeed real. That boss fight maybe an early build but the concept can remain the same in the final build.


ER pagr doesn't refer any leak, just ask people to not spoil what was shown in the events held by Bandai. People are losing their wits... There is no way any of that material be real footage of the game. Is shitty, sloppy, it lacks polishment... There are no cutscenes, no voice... There is nothing epic about the footage... The hp of dlc bosses are so low... Messmer has 20-25 k HP. Radabeast has 35k HP. I don't believe. This is a bad joke. Very bad...


its probably real but lacks polish. messmer looks amazing though. that boss fight is definitely real. same with Bayle. Its the final boss that seems janky to people but then again the person fighting the final boss used a mimic tear with the scarlet rot rapier and then just black knifed him to death. may have been overleveled as well. there's a lot we dont know but i think it's real.


what a damn clown


Yeah, there are legitimate leaks however like the Messmer fight and some cool-looking dragon.


Don't get me wrong, I am not against a Miquella boss fight, hell I welcome the final boss being Miquella's Consort... But Radahn??? Wtf? We know Radahn is needed to access the DLC but Godwyn is literally the perfect candidate for being Miquella's Promised Lord with the lore implications and all if Fromsoft wanted to have Miquella's Consort as the final boss. Plus, many players are itching to fight him... Why Radahn of all characters...


That’s why I’m 99% sure it’s fake. No way fromsoft would butcher one of the most anticipated DLCs of all time like that.


Plus Miquella on Radahn's back and throwing light powers. Has Fromsoft ran out of ideas??? That's literally Lorian and Lothric. I refuse to believe that Radahn/Miquella boss fight. God Miquella escaped the clutches of his brother only to end up being banged by his other brother. Lord have mercy.


Yeah that’s another reason it’s fake, the Miquella is on Radahn is almost exactly like Lothric and Lorain. What’s worse is that Radahn literally uses Pontiffs move before he dies. Definitely modded with DS3 movesets


Whelp this aged badly. Unfortunately the leaks were true. 


yeah 💀


doubtful. i know you want it to be different because youre disappointed but this might be it. leaks are never fun. its just impatience and curiosity that brings people to look for them and it impacts your experience. i could be wrong but i think its legit.


nah the thing is people are hating on it, but we dont know the loe connection and haven't even seen the full fight. it might jst be the perfect final boss.


idk man you say butcher but that's a personal opinion. we also have zero context. its just some dude cheesing the fight with no buildup, skipping the dialogue. we dont know anything and for some people prime radahn is a dream fight.




haha… aged pretty badly 😭


there are probably things we dont know about miquella and Radahn. as soon as i saw him i knew some people would be disappointed but their were already weird things about Radahn. His portrait never matching his appearance even before he was nuked in Caelid. Malenia marching all the way to Caelid to fight Radahn? for what reason. we assume it was because they were warring for the elden ring but their might've been more to that story. maybe the final boss is fake MAYBE but i doubt it. the other ones are real. the rest of the stuff is real. I just want to know if this is the current build or some older build. i can see why they are giving the game a patch right away.


i know some people will be disappointed but i want to see the entire dlc. this was the worst way to see the end and we did it to ourselves. no one to blame but yourself if youre here complaining about being disappointed already with zero context, zero buildup. as for me, i chose to look for these leaks. Radagon was also known to me early on accident. I'm still sure the dlc will be amazing because literally everything else looks incredibly polished and well made. final boss looks goofy because the person cheesed it with the mimic tear. the mimic tear breaks every boss fight lol. But i guess we'll see how it feels once we actually have the experience of playing it all the way through instead of just dismissing it from watching some reviewer rush to get their playthrough done or something. I doubt most hardcore fans will fight like this.


I also thought the same, but there is already another leaker and another who played the preview confirming it They have confirmed 3 endings and the main one is that of Miquella and Radanh, it seems that Miquella gives us the opportunity to join him and if we reject it he joins Radanh The other 2 are ,Midir Lord of Chaos and St Trina. Metyr mother of fingers


The same leaker stated that Miquella was also confirmed to be Melina. (I’m pretty sure). This absolutely butchers Melina’s character and doesn’t sound fromsoft-like at all- so I’m calling BS on his entire leak.


I don't want to believe the part about Melina being Miquella, but Melina is the one who gives us Torrent, and in the promotional image Miquella rides something similar to Torrent I still don't want to believe it, I wouldn't know how to connect it


I doubt it a lot. Melina has her own character and backstory, with several lore points that you discover about her. All that would be useless if she were to just be Miquella. That would also be quite tedious, Miquella is Miquella, St Trina, and Melina? We’ll see however, on friday. I’m willing to bet my soul it’s all fake.


Believe me on this I am 100% with you, I do not believe, nor do I want to believe that Melina is the feminine part of Miquella, because as you say it has its own story, and very related to Marika, I also just read other question posts and one He specifically asked about Melina, and the leaker responded that they had not found anything related to her, at least for now.


Interesting. We’ll see on friday I suppose. If it’s actually all true, I’d be super disappointed 💀