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I would want Melina to be more active in your quest, and I would want to be able to throw my hat in for another Demigod instead of just killing them all.


> I would want Melina to be more active in your quest, This. A thousand times this. Hell, she's the one who's supposed to be leveling us, so at least make her appear to sit with us at sites of Grace and do her little leveling speech instead of just disappearing into the ether. Why this isn't already the case is utterly beyond me.


> Why this isn't already the case is utterly beyond me. Wasn't it a common complaint point having to go through BEER BEER SEEK LEST every time you wanted to level up?


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


[Bear Seek Seek Lest](https://youtu.be/ARFykpIcvtA) It was definitely annoying. I think Elden Ring made the right call by not making you talk to a maiden every time you wanted to level up. Edit: [This video is better. They show you what the dialogue is, then show you how it becomes "Bear Seek Seek Lest" when you try to skip the dialogue.](https://youtu.be/fqDxyZ-ClPE)


It was more annoying going to Majulla every time. As shown it was like 3 seconds and 4 button presses. Never felt like a big deal TBH.


She could be sitting with us and say something meanwhile selecting lvl. Without any king of pause.


Some of the games you dont have to do that, the leveler just talks over the level up screen


I dont think she should do her speech but it would be nice if she sat around the point of grace like the Firekeeper in DS2 Majula. Would love if Melina did small actions like pace around or maybe petting/ grooming torrent. Would add a lot of character and make you feel more sad at the end.


Also add in her responding to emotes like the ds3 fire keeper.


given all the delays and how much stuff there is in this game, i imagine they just didn't have time to implement her more


But she already does it whenever she appears to talk to you and you choose to level afterwards, and she can presumably appear at all graces anyway, because people can SL1 through the game and she always shows up at the third grace you rest at (there may be some she isn't coded for, but the vast majority are fair game). It was clearly a design decision to not have her constantly appear.


Honestly this, could you imagine if Melina just spawned with Torrent and was sitting side saddle just giving you flavor text on where you were occasionally. Or even just saying Geralt lines from witcher 3 like "Damn rain" or "Winds Howling".




I think they're talking about before reaching Leyndell since until then you're basically her Uber driver.


Like Mimir when you’re canoeing through Midgard. Giving you some lore stories on horse journeys would be epix


Could be good, could be bad. It's becoming a trend now in some games to have a character that just won't shut up ever. Constant yapping as they walk/ride around with you. How about instead of riding torrent we ride Melina?


Why is “Winds howling” my favorite line lol




I love that she’s still shrouded in mystery, cause it’ll make for a great storyline in the expansions.


Why didn't they just have Melina act as a summon for most of, if not at least half of the areas you're in? Like she says she will leave you when you start Lendyll only to come back as a summon and because you can't open the door but even then it's almost like as if she was never with you except only to tell you Marika lore in churches.


That’s a fair point. She’d have been a great companion with her healing spells


I always thought that it’d be a cool mechanic to have her give advice while testing at a sight of grace after you’ve lost to a boss a certain number of times


I just want fromsoft to let me change the color of armor sets. I’ve wanted this for years.


Would love some sort of transmogrification so we can we get passive stat increases without ruining the drip


I just go pure fashion - your great sword may one bang me, but fuck does the drake knight armor look good pancaked on the floor


Lol, same. The only meta is this months catalogue


I try to optimize as much as possible, but never at the expense of drip. I actually feel like playing a character that doesn’t look good like genuinely hurts my enjoyment of the game.


Yup. Drip above all.


TransMOHGrification!?? Now that’s a Wyn!


You have just Mohgged him


Then we’d never know who’s going full bull-goats or some shit. Transmog has no place in Fromsoft games


Thats what armor types are for. Wouldn’t expect them to allow someone to transmog a bull goats into a preceptors otherwise everyone would wear that. It would only work with armor in the same armor category.


Oh, you're not happy with having the option to have the cape on or off? These needy fans, man. Edit: It was a joke, man.


Defeated bosses instantly replayable like in sekiro.


Or alternatively: spend a remembrance to unlock the replay Would give you something to use remembrances for to unlock the boss after getting the weapons or instead of/ would encourage replaying the main story to get more


I really like this. Having to replay the game all over just to fight again a boss i like is not realistic


Oh i like this. The Remembrance could be used to unlock the replayable boss battles AND by defeating the bosses again you earn their loot.


Referring to earning their armor and weapons?


Yeah, or spells.


Or in Dark Souls 2 with the Bonfire Ascetics


Best part of DS2 ftw






*laughs in night sorceries mage build*


Radagon and Elden Beast having separate Remembrances. Hammer and an incantation that Raddy does on one, and Wave of gold sword and something unique to the beast on the other.


That golden lightning shotgun that radagon does and the cosmic exploding smokescreen for elden beast


Yes please, I want to toss Golden lightning bolts.


Yes! And the smokescreen would be so fun in pvp especially with the exploding part


Being asked if I'm sure I wanna use a flask to bring torrent back


I’ve never once benefitted from it asking me this. The answer is and always will be “yes”.


Yes I don't do that by accident. bring me my reindeer


This ain’t Mario. If I can’t do it with Torrent alive, I don’t wanna do it at all.




> Me seconds before getting smashed by the Fire Giant contemplating whether I want to spend a flask to summon Torrent. 🤔


“Somewhere, a door has opened”.. meanwhile I get gangbanged by an imp trying to heal or roll.


Change it to a voice command, I’m tired of yelling at a tv!


I'd give radahn a proper legacy dungeon, not that shitty 3 room "castle" (i actually like the castles layout, i just think radahn deserves something closer to stormveil)


The totality of Caelid’s horrors are his legacy dungeon, so to speak.


I honestly thought Caelid wasn’t scary or hard enough to get through. Gideon says getting into Caelid is hard enough but it was really easy to just zip past everything on torrent. When I saw the swamp of Aeonia I was expecting something huge. I need more rot monsters.


Shut up before *he* hears you


We need a plus size rot lobster


Yeah it was completely underwhelming compared to the other legacy dungeons.


that's because redmane castle isn't a legacy dungeon, it's like castle morne or the shade castle


His battle arena is cool, but at least a 50% waste of space.


Horse armor


Ah, the armor that changed gaming monetization forever.


It just works... Let's be real though. People complained back then, but today something as simple as cosmetics for your horse would be the welcome kind of microtransaction.


Too many young people that don't even know Oblivion, a good reference wasted... 😉👍


FROM Software: "Oh, you want it like Oblivion? OK!" *Implements cosmetic horse armor as paid DLC.*


And just like Oblivion, it's completely cosmetic.


[also it is now impossible to kill rats due to fucked up hitboxes]


Torrent Armor


It just works


Give a morrowind style journal. I dont want handholding but being able to see what I was doing after a months of not playing would be very welcome. That's it


Just give me a summary page for what my interactions with each npc have been. Nothing more is necessary.


I'd even say just a list of all the NPCs you've met, that can be selected to see what they've told you (not specifically quests, then being semi-hidden is one of the great things about these games) But yeah, being able to remember what NPCs you have and have not talked to in a playthrough would be nice


I wish I could level up torrent. Get it tougher, faster, stomp some people. Also that base vigor is PUNNY


*”Look at me, look at me”* *”I am the Draconic Tree Sentinel now”*


Give it poise so it stops staggering to a complete halt at the slightest nick,


Torrent definitely feels a tad too slow at full gallop


I'd love more upgrades and more amor passives to give flavor to different sets. Plus upgrade shields with resistances instead of damage for instance


Unlimited respecs


I wish they had cross platform co-op, I’ve got ER on the PS5 so I can’t play with my friend because he has it on PC. I know there would be other people with the same situation as me.


PvP mass battles Like Radahn Bossfight but I am Radahn


Asymmetric pvp would be fucking *sick,* iirc they had a similar (not as cool tho) mechanic for a couple fights in demon souls where there’s a boss that can spawn as a real player, not just a clone of their build like some of those fights in elden ring


I have two, and both of them feel more like oversights in the game. 1) Fix bow scaling. Having completed a bow-only run on NG and NG+, I have come to realize that I'm not entirely sure a truly "bow-only" run like my last two are going to be possible at higher NG+ levels. I simply don't have the damage output or the ability to carry enough arrows for the current damage capabilities. Some of the larger bosses aren't terrible because Radahn's Rain can at least dish out some damage across the larger hitboxes. However, the smaller/faster bosses become virtually impossible at higher levels because your damage output is far too low to be able to beat them without having to result to melee at some point because you've run out of arrows (purchased AND crafted). The best bows in the game never get past D-scaling, which is absurd when every other weapon class has at least one variant that can achieve S-scaling 🙄. I've helped a few dozen people with bosses on my bow character and they always laugh or are stunned by the end of it because I tell them to just let me solo them, but it won't be possible at higher NG+ levels without an increase in arrow carrying capacity or an increase in bow scaling... 2) please, Please, PLEASE fix it so that we can Deathblight normal little enemies. It's completely absurd that we are strong enough to become Elden Lord and can be Deathblighted, but a shitty little soldier in Limgrave can't be. 🤦😒🙄


I feel you for the bows, too. It's such a pity because jump-arrows are cool and actually fits the increased mobility of elden ring, but From really wants bows to be a tedious secondary weapon. plus input reading completely screwing you over for certain enemies


That's what I'm really not sure about though. Like, they put a LOT of stuff in for bows by the time the game was released, which makes me feel like they STARTED to consider pure bow builds, but ended up forgetting to give them decent scaling after they put all of the other stuff in. Even with the shitty scaling, I can still put down 1/3 of the damage as some of the better melee builds I've seen, and that's without depending on procs and whatnot. Honestly, I'm not even asking for an S-scaling bow. I'd be thrilled with an A-scaling on the Black Bow or B-scaling on the Composite Bow. Radahn's should ABSOLUTELY be at least an A-scaling weapon in strength, or maybe a B-scaling weapon for both STR/DEX. There are just so many missed opportunities with bows, which is mind-boggling when you look at the crazy amount of work they put into them in every other regard 🤷.


I thought you could only deathblight tarnished, are those soldiers tarnished? Also, wouldnt weak footsoldiers die to the attack before the deathblight could build?


Make coop seamless and an invite button.


The hoops you have to jump thru to play with a buddy are too damn many


This. Easy buy recommendation for my gaming group if they changed this.


More seamless please. It could be worse (looking at you ds2 soul memory) but it's still overly complicated.


I wish we could just put down a special summon sign that was like "anyone wants to summon me anywhere in the game idc". It would make it so players have access to player summons for any boss/area they want. Placing summon signs in front of bosses is already super boring compared to the first 3 months. Activity has dropped a bunch for me. I took 9 months off and it's shocking how much worse coop is. I can get summoned regularly for the final boss and Malenia, that's pretty much it. I have waited for 10 minutes on so many bosses that I used to coop with these same characters (I have different characters of varying levels.) I mean, PVE coop isn't as dead as Dark Souls 1 or 2 or Bloodborne. But all the souls games would benefit from making it easier to do coop.


I would love some kind of sandbox place / arena / instance, where you can freely shift your attributes, have all spells, ashes and weapons. There could be few target dummies. Any change made by this feature would be **temporary**, changing back to original character. No weapons, ashes nor spells could be transfer to original game / save / character.And it would be accesible **after finishing the game**.


The bottom level of the roundtable hold


Somebody would find the way to transfer that to the main game lmao


Visual changes to your Ashes as you upgrade them. Wolves go from puppies to big movie werewolves, for example. I'd also like to be able to upgrade Torrent, with his appearance gradually changing, say, from a pony to a 2000 pound rodeo bull.


Fully grown fallingstar beast torrent


Regal Ancestor, it even has an upgraded double jump.


Even if his appearance doesn’t change, I’d love to be able to spend ghost glovewort to upgrade him


Make it so the "a door has opened message" doesn't lock you out of combat. I have so many times died because that stupid message was stopping me from using attack


Boss Rust mode. I don't want to slog through 10 hours of tedious drudgery to re-fight Melenia and Godfrey.


I don't think adding rust to the fights will make it any better.


If Malenia's arm rusted away it would in fact help me greatly.


Question is, how would she attack then?


Oops! All Scarlet Aeonias


Wait until you get Curse 2: Tetanus


You don't have to. Just archive copies of your save file before the bosses. When you want to fight a boss again, just reload that save.


Would love to be able to re-fight bosses , just make it a selectable option when resting at their grace…


A better parkour system, if your gonna make me do stupid jumps then at least make it smoother. I hate landing on a platform just to slide off it


Same. The physics are what make getting to the three fingers so difficult. You do all that work just to slide off a coffin at mach speed because you landed weird on half a pixel.


6 player open worlds.


Decent source of rune arcs offline




I feel like it would only work on paper or exclusive to offline pve, I don’t wanna fight some guy wearing a robe and sandals only to hit them and find out they’re a brick wall with max poise


Yeah I dont necessarily want full transmog, but for the armor modification system they started to be expanded. Let me get Vykes armor without the burns, or Makenias helmet without the hair, and some basic color options as well (blonde malenia?).


Make a co op setting that allows you and a friend to move through the game together that way I don’t have to do everything twice.


Photo mode


The coop system wouldn’t suck. Have it so you can rest at grace and not have to use those summon things after every death or boss kill.


Plus cross-platform, plus unlocked fps, plus SDK. I wish.


A game as beautiful as elden ring should have a photo mode


Matching armor sets for torrent


Some sort of bonus passive if you’re wearing a complete set of armor


not really change but add cooking and expand on altering armor 😬


I'd love something similar to bonfire aesthetics for Zones.


Jousting DOES sound pretty fantastic


I agree that you should ride torrent while doing co op but I don't think you should be able to while invading or being invaded because its already annoying when people run away and I could only imagine that if they had torrent with them


Stop resetting time of day when you die. I missed almost all night bosses and resetting to fight them is a pain.


Let me use Wormface’s 2x4


Stake of Marika at every boss fight. It gets so annoying having to run back to the boss over and over when you’re struggling.


Having Spirit Ashes of the bosses you’ve slain, i’d love to summon Radahn during my Malenia fight


I would love to summon Malenia during any fight XD


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Make Malenia follow the rules, no more fucking animation canceling and infinite poise.


Sometimes I feel like the bosses are having more fun playing Elden Ring than I am.


I can't name every weapon. But I feel the scaling choices on a good amount put a dimmer on a few build ideas lol


I want covenants or something like them to make multiplayer more fun


That you give smithing bell bearings to hewg instead of twin maiden husks.


Just let me push a button and pause the game.


I was so surprised when Nioh 2 actually let me pause the game. I was like "See From? Is that so hard to recreate in your games?"


Nah, it’d be easy. But then Miyazaki wouldn’t have enough tears to bathe in


Passive FP regeneration that doesn't require killing an enemy.


Torrents double jump saving you from fall damage


What, you want *gravity?* in *Elden Ring?* I don’t think that exists in the lore.


Fuck I just want to customize Torrent


I would have loved if there was a mimic tear ending that got triggered if you used the mimic tear summon many times throughout the game. In case you summon it on the last boss and won the fight, the mimic would betray you and trap you inside the erdtree, becoming the new elden lord while you are eternally stuck inside the tree.


I'd add a height slider. It isn't fair some of the coolest enemies are literally twice or height. Makes wearing their armor look goofy ahh. Looking at you, Cleanrots. ​ Also 699 arrow quiver like Dark Souls 1. Probably more important than height.


Diplomatic solutions for bosses that didn't have to die.


Me next. Make it you can ride Torrent against the Elden Beast. Perhaps give the noble steed some invincibility frames because any homing attacks an enemy might have are almost a guaranteed hit.


I want to make "sex the maiden" possible so that guy who left that steam review could be happy


Allow players to turn off great sword scabbards. They look goofy, especially in motion.




I can definitely see that. A low-Faith (12-15) incant called like "Sense Evil" or something.


Boss rush or a way to refight bosses


Torrent can fly


I wish we could put armor on Torrent. The man deserves to be fancy.


Swords that could work as less powerful seals or staves. Active spell would replace heavy attack


Better armor customization and overall better armor sets. Just have more parts of the armor set be removable, like the dragons from the top of the banished knight and Draconic tree sentinel heads, or the big spike from the top of the drake knight helmet. Also removable jousting plates from the knight armors. As for improving armor sets, just make bull goat no longer have those giant horns on the chest piece. The rest of it is manageable, it’s just those damn chest horns. Simplify a couple of the over designed armor pieces. The frogmouth knight helmets I would just make about 10-20% wider so they look way better. And I’d add a golem set and a couple more basic knight looking sets to just make the game overall more well rounded with good looking heavier armor sets.


malenia can (very rarely) start the fight instantly in phase 2 while retaining her phase 1 and 2 health it's balanced towards the player trust me


Too easy, her clones should have the same health bar as her and be permanent


Online co-op without invasions It really breaks the immersion when me and my friend are just messing around and some sweat comes through with bugged min max garbage and wipes our new characters


3 naked wretches vs Tree Sentinel. Fun times at Level 1. In comes a guy in Lionels gear, incantations and sorceries, wipes us fairly quickly and we have to redo the entire summoning process. So annoying.


Been playing since DeS, and I love the invasion mechanic, but this game just doesn’t do it for me. On top of everything, there is no incrntives to invade of stave off invaders gameplay wise. I suggested awhile ago here make invasions optional BUT have it where if you and friend can stave off invaders, you get covenant items for ranks or other covenant benefits. Also, these covenant rewards must be pretty decent too. This would really incentivize players to try invasions.


Give katana's a parry, even if it's locked behind the unsheathe ash of war or something else.


You can summon players and still send out mimic tear


Haven’t played in a while, so maybe this has been changed. But yes, I’m fucking sure I want to revive my horse when he gets one shot by the Draconic Tree Sentinel


New items marked as "New" in inventory. I'm playing the japanese version and I speak no japanese, so it's almost Impossible to find the new item I Just got. By the way, and most importantly: allow the english text in the asian versions of the game, this is so obvious. I feel like I'm missing 90% of the game because I can't read anything


The ability to be friends with melina again after i cure the frenzied flame.


A "join game" for multiplayer instead of summoning


Respecing cost runes over larvel tears


Having some random item spawns and some variability would be great to improve replayability and make the world and it's exploration better


Have a broken straight sword


Increase the player count, make exploration reward you with more than 5x mushroom, bring back covenants and involuntary solo invasions, widen or weapon matchmaking brackets and just downscale them instead, remove the stupid 180 turn animation where you can't do anything that's been in the series since DeS, armor for torrent so he doesn't get me stunlocked to death (usually when he does that 180 turn because he has it too), allow us to dye armors with reasonable colors, more knight armor with hoods, give royal remains a cloak/hood (how do you make a grim reaper set and NOT give it a fucking cloak come on), more varied movesets because so many are the same and it gets boring, more pyromancies early-mid game, less over-designed armor that belongs in a chinese mmo, nerf bleed again (as someone who has primarily used bleed since DS1), more pure dex oriented ashes of war, *let us disable chromatic abberation and vignette* and stop capping the framerate at 60, allow us to buy *all* crafting materials even if it's a merchant/bell bearing that only appears once you've beaten the game, *bring hexes back* and so on


To actually see Marikas tits.


Co-op is available everywhere and is completely seamless.


I would make the cross-naginata able to be power stanced with the nagakiba


Damn torrent is thicc.


Torrent looks caked up af here 😳


Spell/charm/rune effects that can actually change the size of your character


If I avoid talking about game mechanics like the majority I would love more in-depth NPC quests (Ranni's quest was awesome XD)...I wish they had kept in the Merchant Kalé quest. That certainly had potential...




3440 x 1440 to actually work.


More personality on the NPCs


I'd like climbing like BOTW


A spirit summon ashes of bosses/big enemies that do one of their signiture moves then dissappear for balence. Godrick uses dragon flame, giant uses jumping stomp, and so on.


I would like to change my personal skill level


I would like to swap out torrent for his cooler looking older brother. Current.


NG+ but the world is affected depending on the ending selected.


Summoning spirit ashes in evergaols


Having torrent during pvp would probably just turn invasions into neverending chases. However, if it means I no longer spawn MINUTES away as a hunter, as I always do, I'm all for it.


I'm new to the game but I'd like some more horse based armory. I'd like a nice lance or spear and shield combo to be able tof further decimate enemies on foot while horsed. Maybe I just haven't gotten to that level yet.


Taunter's Tongue should only be useable at a Site of Grace.


I’d take out invasions (at least limit it a lot), and make co-op seamless.


Torrent for co-op yes, invaders don’t get torrent


Melaina= no co op as I did it before


I’d like to be able to play coop seamlessly. Being able to play with people in every area while also able to get graces/share boss progress


So many comments I agree with but one I didn't see was when we respec I wish we could de-level. So annoying I can only join peoples games for the late game bosses now.