• By -


Fight him 5 times in a row without attacking at all. Just dodge and heal until you die. Radagon is one of the easier bosses to no hit because all of his attacks have clearly defined tells and timings, just gotta learn them and doing what I suggested is very helpful for that


I will try it. I beat him but it’s just i don’t have much health flasks left when fighting elden beast 🥲


Don’t worry. You’ll only get better with practice, eventually you’ll be able to make it to elden beast without using a single flask


I think it'd be a win well before that point


By the time I beat the beast I was getting through Radagon without using a flask.


I think you're likely in the minority there. I feel like most people beat him/her after a slog of a battle.


Oh there were many slogs through both. Over a hundred in total, lol.


And Lordy does it feel good too.


Fallingstar beast jaw wrecks Radagon.


When the game first came out I tried telling people about the Fallingstar beast jaw but it seemed like everyone was sleeping on it. I haven’t played since it came out so idk if it’s still OP, but man did I feel wrong for beating bosses/mini bosses so easily.


Yeah I think the poise dmg has been nerfed a ton, but I think it was the best weapon in the game for a while. Deathrite bird in the snowfields was whooping me first playthrough. I used the fallingstar beast jaw second playthrough. Target head, zap zap zap, stunlock, 0 hit. Didn't even have to move, didn't hit any button other than R2. Retired the weapon after that, game wasn't that fun as an R2 spam simulator.


things to note is he is easy to poise break and is weak to fire


Huh then i will try using a great sword!! Thanks


Hey man, idk if you have the stats to use blasphemous blade, but I’d recommend that. It heals you upon dealing damage with L2, and it’s pretty good. You can use it in your right hand 2 slot, and just swap to it when you need health. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used weapons and still had BB in the second slot for when I need to heal. Good luck!


I have it and i will try it. It looked kinda disgusting lol so I didn’t use it yet. But will use it now. Thanks


It’s the best weapon in the game


Debateable, while it is strong it is also very clearly a fire weapon, meaning it is weak against fire giant and Mogh. A strong general purpose weapon like the bloodhounds fang is overall better, but the blasphemous blade is definitely one of the best.


Lies no way no how the bloodhound fang is better than blasphemous blade. N I took no damage against the fire giant with Torrent. Weapon dont matter against that chump. Just close the distance and hack. Blasphemous blade is the best weapon PVE. I've beat the game with 4 different builds and faith/strength with the blasphemous blade is the best. The fire damage isn't much compared to its physical damage. It's L2 giving u health back is the best.


Life regen + range + hits like an absolute truck


Personally, I don’t think it’s debatable. The weapon art on the blasphemous blade makes it by far the strongest weapon in the game. I think it would be the strongest weapon even if it didn’t heal you, and then it heals you to boot!




It is quite ugly lol, but if you can get past that, its probably the best weapon in the game. I’d recommend still using your weapon of choice, and just swapping to BB to get some health. But if you still can’t get them down, go full BB if you’d like


Noted 🫡


Oh yeah for sure. BB makes things too easy at times lol


Running through ng+ destroying everything with my FGMS and physick, and BB was so satisfying. I even beat fire giant with only L2, it was so satisfying because I got stuck on him for hours first go around


I actually did the opposite. I did NG using BB. But I wanted more of a challenge for NG+, so completely changed my build and weapon for it lol


Be warned its an "easy mode" weapon, pretty much cheese since the boss AI can't deal with it. They just stand in its weapons art and take massive damage over and over. I wouldn't personally use it but if you are getting desperate then maybe it's worth looking into.


Blasphemous blade is hands down the BEST weapon for PVE.


There is one ash of war where you throw fire and then slice through it. I can't remember the name but I used that and a ax to just shred through him


Flaming strike. It got nerfed unfortunately.


And they're spending time nerfing things like flaming strike when rivers of blood and moonvale really need a PVP Nerf There's only so much you can do when a gank squad all has. Rob and moonvale


Use Blasphemous Blade


The beast is much the same strat as radaboy… telegraphed attacks that will reward patience. Many openings to strike that beast’s belly. I love the advice to just focus on dodging, especially if you’re trying to do it with summons. I think elden beast is an easy phase to do without summons, so If you’re using one feel free to let them just tank radaguy


A lot of all souls games is made easier if you focus on skill development. Want to learn to parry, just go parry for awhile. Want to learn to dodge, just go around dodging for awhile. I feel like a lot of players are trained on games where your skill doesn't really matter, and practicing the game isn't necessary, or the skills are basically just aiming and button mashing.


Also for most of his attacks, it’s safer to roll INTO them, stay close to him for most of the fight


This, I’m just learning this after rolling away from enemies like one of them goats.


This is good advice for most bosses but not for Radagon. His moveset expands as he takes damage, and you need to practice dodging all his attacks. @OP Keep hitting him.


I fought him for 6 hours straight and a total of 7-8 hours before finally winning both phases


Good advice! Also when he ground slams jumping will work a lot better than rolling. I know there were a few fights in the game where this was so, but it took me a while to get the hang of radagon because I kept rolling and getting wrecked


I told my wife this advice for % boss, now if I’m swearing at a boss she tells me now to stop trying to attack and just learn him. My wife called Pokémon “animals” and thought mariokart was hard. Now she’s a souls vet / vet of my soul


This is how I tackled a lot of Soulsborne bosses. First I wing it a few times, then I just play the dodge game attacking only when I know I have a clear opening and even then it's like two attacks at most.


If that is RoB in your right hand, you will want to find a new weapon. Radagon and the next boss are both immune to hemorrhage.


Thanks so much i just found out he has weak poise ima try other big swords. I use a bunch of them was just trying the new rob cause i just got it lol 😅


RoB is great for almost everything else in the game if you build around it. Good luck with the bonks!


Dumb question maybe but what does RoB mean?


Rivers of Blood. Late game katana that has a powerful weapon art for hemorrhage.


Thank you! Good to know for a new player


You can find it in the Church of Repose after traveling to the Mountaintops of the Giants


100%, staggering him (or parrying him) makes the fight much faster. I just recently finished my RL1 run and [getting Radagon consistent took many evenings, but he was still easier for me than the beast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BI2yAGs_5g) The bonks are strong. He resists every element except fire, but the beast is weakest to physical damage types and the water it stands in reduces fire damage, so I just went with big bonks a misericorde for ripostes. I died a lot, and always in one hit, so it was a process. If I can do it, I'm confidant you can too! Don't give up skeleton!


Have you considered big hammer? https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Giant-Crusher


Thanks will try it


Guess he now knows that's not the last boss


But RoB also does fire damage, which radagon is very weak to


Holy Damage Negation and Fire attack however you are going to need lots of physical attack for the elden breast so get you a weapon that does both well. Edit- im not correcting that. Good job people.


So get the Blasphemous Blade


That or duel wield maxed out R.O.B. and Fire Uchi


Just use BB. Much better.


Lol… the Elden Breast


Waves of milk is no joke.


Merika's tits!


Now we must all join hands and render our prayers unto the ELDEN BREASTS 🙌


Honestly the least enjoyable battle I the entire game.


I seem to be among the few people who did enjoy that fight, on my first playthrough with my quality claymore radagon took me 7 tries and Elden Breast took 3. People say he runs away a lot, which he did a little bit for me but not really that much. Not the most mechanically interesting fight but the boss design, music, and arena are all so beautiful that I forgive.


>People say he runs away a lot, which he did a little bit for me but not really that much. It really varies. Sometimes he'll sit in place and just let you attack him, sometimes he runes around the arena the entire time.


Yea I think I was just blessed by the rng gods for that fight. About to face off against him for my second playthrough so we’ll see how it goes.


Once you learn his attacks, you realize how him “running away” soon becomes him running straight into you. It’s been a while, but if I remember correctly, when he does his ring attack where you have to spring and jump over them, if you turn around away from him and sprint and jump over them, you’ll end up right where he’ll emerge.


You must be a gaming prodigy. It took me 65 attempts to beat Radagon the first time and then I only ended up beating the whole fight after 185 attempts. So even though I managed to beat Radagon on my 65 attempt I still kept dying to him over snd over after that. I managed to beat Elden Beast on the 26th try


I too really enjoyed these last two bosses. Radagon was hard but telegraphed, so you can learn his stuff and feel good at the game. The Elden Breast looks impossible when you first get to him, but it attacks so slowly and dodging it feels so cool due to its size, that it's actually pretty fun - and you get to do long combos of damage when you do get close. After spending many hours on Malenia, Maliketh, Horah Loux, I really enjoyed these two slow, hard hitting bosses to finish the game. And as you say the setting is gorgeous.


That bitch ran scared from me almost every time but when I finally beat his ass he was running around with a shred of health for a few minutes


I hated running around in that kiddie pool, chasing that schlong with wings. Such a let down, IMO


But ya can’t deny that the everything else about that fight looks really beautiful, it’s a shame that he’s kinda brokey mechanically though. I think it’s just rng, I got lucky and he actually fought me haha


Honestly, I think it would have been better if you fight Elden Beast first then Radagon the GOD......seems like a more EPIC ending


Well technically Elden Beast is more powerful than Radagon. Radagon/Marika are only gods because the Greater Will says that they are. Greater Will, Rot God, Fell God, The Moon, The Sun… those are all the real gods that are unknowably powerful. Elden Beast is a vassal/avatar of the greater will itself. I really liked that reveal, you think Radagon is the god, and then some giant golden winged fish comes out of the water and turns his corpse into a fucking sword just to prove a point on who the real god is haha. I agree though that the fight could have been more mechanically interesting, I got lucky and he didn’t run away so I was satisfied, but even then it’s not a super interesting boss.


It's awesome the way you describe it. Design wise, I hate that giant blob with wings. I expected better after bosses like Radahn, Placidusax and others


Elden Beast looked smazing to me. So otherwordly


Marika’s tits aka Elden Breasts


My best attempt against Radagon/Elden Beast was with Morgotts cursed sword and it’s even better powerstanced


Shit i was equipping lightning attack negation 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ thanks a lot kind sir


lol his exploding holy spears might as well be, but yeah all the higher ups in the Golden Order use Holy Damage. Lightning comes from dragons and fire to them is heretical.


>elden breast Marika's tits!


If I remember correctly, Elden Beast fighting in water adds a bit of resistance to fire attacks. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, but it’s definitely good to focus on physical damage for this fight. Black flame weapons such as Godslayer’s Greatsword bring at least good DoT while also being super strong against Radagon too. The wiki page for Elden Beast has excellent information on in-depth strategies as well.


General tips: Find the Haligdrake Talisman +2 in the blood lake by Mogh’s area. It’ll increase your holy damage resistance *a lot*. More specific tips: We need to know your stats, weapons, talismans, play style, and if at all possible see a video of you fighting. Once we all know what you're working with we can help you a lot easier. You got this!


I am gonna try all the suggestions all u kind people gave and give it a few more shots if not i will ask again for help with video😁🫡


I’ve never seen that chest piece it’s so cool, do you happen to know the name of it?


Beast master set, finish bernahls quest in farum azula, opposite direction as maliketh on the great bridge


There’s a slight delay in his attacks, when he brings the hammer down dodge INTO his attacks. This works for his jumping move to. Also most of his damage is holy, so used holy resistance tailsman’s to reduce damage.


Holy damage negation works wonders




Crucible knight armour carried me in this fight first play through


Remember hesitation is defeat




[If u need any help](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeyondTheFog?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Wow, thanks. This would have made my first playthorugh so much easier.


Trust me those games are much better when played all by yourself, use this only for desperate times


Everything remind me of her


Probably time to respec and Unga Bunga. But seriously, if you fought him for that long you should have learned the mechanics by now, if not, make sure to pay attention during the fight, elden beast is also pretty easy mechanics, if you are still struggling, you can always try and summon help, or use the mimic ash.


That's how I did it, mimic tear and SMASH. Works wonder. Kind of too easy even.


Dodge left side into him.When he starts combo, hit two dodges, then wait for a finish and jump R2 after dodge. After his jump attack or charged hammer attack that leaves long ground effect you have time for fully charged R2. When he does hammer special at the beginning of phase 2, I roll first two slams and jump running over third (I keep distance). When he starts teleporting, roll away asap, when you see he calm down, run to him so he doesn't start another crazy combo. He's tricky with timing but you can do it :)


Thank u for the tips i was having a hard time with the two rolling thing lol 🥂


Yeah I had tough time with it on my first playthrough. Seems like third slam is supposed to catch a roll so I jump running because of longer animation 😂


Git gud and gud shall help you git


Power level at moghwyn palace, level vigor, get the bell bearings and level up your weapons and summons.


i was stuck on this boss for like 4 months tho and finally threw my ego away and asked my friend to join to help me. took us 3 hours to beat . all worth it in the end you just gotta go through the trials and tribulations 😭 learn literally his entire move set. you’re gonna have to anyways so you can have as many flasks as possible after. do not be hyper aggressive, just attack, dodge over and over- be patient! after his big wind ups you typically have time to do a small wind up of your own to counter after dodging his. remember that his lightening strike is fast and not delayed like most of his attacks. also do not roll backwards for his ground attacks. try to use any healing summons (i didn’t use healing ones but my offensive one- bloodhound floh took tons of damage from him as well as separated me from radagon so while he was beating him up i could barely catch up to hit him to stop him from doing that so i’d imagine a healing summ would be better and not take away the aggro.)


I feel u brother ima try for some more time if not i will get help lol 😂


I refuse to even try final boss before I beat Malenia... I dont think it's that good of an idea anymore xd (I am not sane anymore, send help)


Git gud? Also there’s no shame in using spirits


Black knife aow + Frostbite + FIRE 🔥 = Dead champion Black knife aow + black flame Tornado aow = Dead god


Got it will try. Thank u kindly 🫡




Thank u kindly this kinda gave me confidence in a weird way lol 😂


Some of his combos, specifically ones that end in a diagonal downward slam with his hammer and his stomp shockwaves, can be dodged by walking backwards and jumping. I’ve timed many jump attacks right after he finishes a combo that way. But if you’re not a melee build, this may not be as helpful. Though I could imagine it would still work if you did the same with the quick spells you can fire off while jumping.


When you master the roll you master all combat, it is the ultimate shield


Dual Magma Blades worked for me


I beat him with blasphemous blade and maliketh's black blade incantation use blasphemous blades aow it easily kills radagon


Learn to no-hit Radagon so you’re full for Elden Beast. Radagon isn’t actually hard, he just does a lot of damage. Notice how he holds his hammer up for 15 minutes before he swings? Dodge when he does that


If your stuck on Radagon then I recomend using something like the raptor of the mists AoW or bloodhounds step, and use fire and blunt weapons, those are more effective against Radagon


And be sure to use the holy damage negation spell that the bell bearing people sell, if I remember correctly then it should negate like 60% of all holy damage, which is what Elden beast mainly uses


Thank u very much i was using lightning negation lol 😂


Thank u sir i shall try this


What is your build and talismans? I would give the general advise to use more defense, hp and holy defense talismans. Give yourself more chances to make mistakes. Radagon is pretty aggressive, you gotta learn when it’s safe to punish.


Godslayer Greatsword +9 or +10 works wonders


Dodge into his attacks. Sounds ridiculous but he will smash the living shit out of you going to the sides or backwards. Try and hit him with something that does stagger damage, greatswords work well. Are you using a summon? Whats your build?


Don't know if it will help but ... I used the blasphemous blade and lightning spear/ black flame with Black knife Tiche when I killed him. The AOW deals a lot of damage and, best of all, heals you while Tiche's special attack reduces his life. Meanwhile, I used Lighting spear when Radagon began to deal serious damage to my summon to take back the aggro. His attacks are strong but he leaves a lot of space to allow one spell or two (usually, a non-charged black flamme). Black flame is strong as it deals damages over time and proportional to his health. ​ Two tries and done, including the Elden beast (I must confess, I simply spammed the blasphemous blade against the beast until I won \^\^")


Radagon is susceptible to fire damage, so any weapons you have with a lot of fire damage will do a decent amount, I used the nightriders glaive +25 with black flame tornado on it


Only two data? You're lucky.


Take a break I beat one boss first try after a break


Lord's divine fortification basically nullifies all his holy attacks but you would still need to dodge to swings


Godskin peeler art of war


Change your entire build to be a Blasphemous blade, Faith buff, Fire damage super sayian and smash him to death, same with Elden beast.


The Haligtree shield which has 100% protection against miracles is what you need. Makes both him and the beast a piece of cake...ish. At least I believe it was that shield. Been awhile. Just look up the shield with 100% physical and miracles.


Are you playing online? Don’t be afraid to use the summons.


It doubles the difficulty


He/she is weak to fire...use fire...


Do what I did, rage quit for 6 months and then come back older and wiser and try 60 more times.


Holy resistance armor. Holy resistance buffs. All of them. Potions, etc.


He no like fire at all.


Shhh no one mention the second phase…


Could you remind me of what armour you are wearing? I don't remember that cape


Nevermind I realise it's the beast master set just unaltered sorry


It’s called beast champion cape or something like that. I got it from farum azula by defeating a volcano manor knight invader.


Keep suffering and when you beat him feel free to suffer some more. #Iykyk


Light roll


Don't try to use any status builds like bleed or rot just bonk him


Yes sir 🫡


If you’r really desperate I have a scripted strategy for radagon I used in my rl1. It does involve the starfist tho. Basically you go with golden vow and innerflame. Heavy starfist with cragblade. One jump attack and one cr2 in the opening. Two more cr2 when you can. Cr2 than ri post than cr2. Jump attach the holy foot stomp. Dodge his jump attack, cr2. He will teleport to initiate the three holy slams. Jump attack as soon as he start the animation. Repost and cr2. He will be done in a minute. Cr2 stands for charged heavy attack. This has alway worked for me.


Damn that’s some smart work i will try this if I can’t beat him by a week lol. Thank a lot 😁


Greatly Holy negation for the entire 1st and 2nd phase. You’ll notice a huge decrease in damage. When you heal against radagon I suggest running a bit further away and timing your heals after his strings of attack. He’s programmed to swing the moment you try to heal after getting punished. If you are struggling even more then I suggest whipping out the blasphemous blade and spamming weapon art (if you don’t care about fighting the normal way). Do keep in my he can easily reflect it if you spam way too often so space it out if you choose this route. Another option you can do is bloodhound step or use the bloody helice weapon. It’s weapon art allows you to dodge and deal damage. You can even roll after the weapon art cause there’s not too much of a delay. Hopefully what I suggested help if not. Just summon a bunch of dudes and let them handle it I guess.


The blasphemous blade works well against him plus you get health from it so you will use less flasks


Haligdrake +2 and dragoncrest great shield talismans, and if you summon in phase one and keep that summon alive (faith builds have this easier since they can buff and heal summons), then it'll come with you into phase 2.


If you're not opposed to spirit summons, Tiche is really good against him


Fire infused weapons and attacks, and hoy resistance buffs.


for radagon specifically, roll past him, not away from him. You can jump the ground slams but be careful because if you jump too close to him during some attacks (e.g. the one where he flies into the air and comes back down with a slam) his hammer can still catch you even if you jump the ground AOE, personally I prefer to roll a lot of his ground AOEs, since they spread out in front of him you can just roll through him and behind his back to avoid them. You can avoid the holy lightning spears by jumping to the side as well and it gives you more iframes, or you can roll forwards and past the spear to close the gap on him (personally I prefer doing this) - just dont try and roll backwards and away from the spears or they will probably clip you.


Lords divine fortification for sure, I used mimic tear after attempting for a few days solo. Very helpful if you and mimic have BB and black knife to drop health or even the black blade sword.


Git gud!!! In all seriousness starscourge greatswords work great


Melt his icy heart with the power of Jim Beam


What armor is that?


Beast champion from farum azula


Blasphemous blade for Radagon. Pest threads for Elden Beast. Thanks for keeping my chair warm, Radabeast.


Took me a few weekends to finally beat that bastard. Try some different builds that might compliment your play style for that fight.


Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman and Holydrake Talisman +2 and overleveling. Those will make you very hardy because overleveling in vigor with those two major talisman buffs will make you tanky enough to last a lot longer than you are. Now—you shouldn’t need this though. Go and fight him patiently without even trying to win but just seeing how he fights and learning the timings. You will eventually be able to no-hit his fight but you don’t even need to take it that far just get to the point you can win with a good amount of potions for the next part of the end fight. If you are still struggling and neither the talismans or overleveling or learning are working then max out the Mimic Tear summon and redesign your build to make use of the Blasphemous Blade and then do everything you can to make your Mimic Tear heal and defend himself so you can tag team the boss, should be easy to respec if you’re overleveled. **Edit**: Just wanted to add that your armor is absolutely great I love that set (*except the helmet*). If you’re really struggling though then look for the best holy defense. The Tree Sentinel armor is pretty well rounded with good holy defense. The Crucible Tree armor is very good against holy, I can’t remember if it’s the best but very good. Any of the Godskin sets of armor pick whatever weight suits your build best and let the holy damage melt away perhaps just enough, they are so ugly and lore wise gross though. Also I didn’t mention the Pearldrake Talisman +2, the Crimson Amber Talisman +2, or the Erdtree’s Favor +2 because I personally don’t think you should need all four talisman slots dedicated to defense and health but if you are struggling that much then by all means stack defense and health in whatever combo suits you best.


Yeah can u suggest any other helmet to go with it I couldn’t find any lol 😅


Not a perfect colour match I’m afraid. It’s kinda annoying as it’s a sweet set colour included but the helmet sucks and has no replacement. Like unaltered Banished Knight set but replace the helmet with the Veteran’s Helm as the colours match and bam it’s a perfect fit. Why can’t the Beast Armor set have something like that.


This was ur comment lol. Urs is the one i read the most times 😂 thank u again 🫡


Take a shot of whiskey and try again


Focus some attempts in evasion only. Radagon has a unique rythm. You'll start noticing the best windows and gaps in his animations for attacking. You should be able to finish him without using more than 2 heals.


You have to remember the 5 D’s


I hate to be vulgar but pucker up because the boss after him is even worse


Mimic tear black flame tornado


Fingerprint shield at max level and a thrusting weapon. GG easymode


Just avoid all his attacks and hit him when it's safe You need to learn his moves basically


Man just described how to play any fromsoftware game


He probably thinks he gave the best advice too


It is the best advise Learn the fight , that's it


Try finger But hole


If you’re dying in phase 1 for 2 days straight you should rebirth, change/lvl up your weapon, or lvl up yourself.


Sry I wasn’t clear i am able to beat radagon but don’t have many flasks left for elden beast 😅


To stop using a bleed weapon on an enemy that doesn’t bleed would be a good start…


Yes i just found this out lol. I just got the ROB and wanted to try it i use great swords mostly😅


Radagon isn't the final boss bro...


I mean, he is technically the first phase, so he is part of the final boss🤓


I really dislike that decision lol. The music and radagons aggressiveness were awesome. Elden beast was annoying








Come oooooon, this is a FromSoft game, two days is literally NOTHING. I remember spending 3 weeks trying to kill a single boss in some of the Dark Souls series






Two days is still the intel gathering phase for me lol


Do you know about next boss after Radagon, the Elden beast?


Yup but i am out of health flasks at that point lol


"Final boss" 👀


Ok so there’s more got it 😅🫡


Lol, let me guess, are you that OP bleed build ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Not really lol I mostly use great swords 😅. Just got this ROB so was just trying it out to see what the hype is about!!!


isnt he called elden beast?


U have to git gud


Try bleed. *wink*


I have a game breaking tip Keep your hp above 0 and get the boss hp to 0, i cant imagine how broken this tactic is