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Hit it to lower its HP pool, while dodging to keep your HP above 0. I prefer parrying them, as their attacks are telegraphed enough to parry but hard to dodge. Try using the buckler, it takes a bit of practice but once you got the hang of it, it is insanely satisfying.


I'll try.


Beware the tail in phase 2 if you try to Parry everything, he can mix you up


Staying close is a good strat against the tail. They will only do 1 swipe if you are close.


And roll *into* the tail, not away from it.


This is a good rule to follow for dodging attacks in general. Rolling away usually just puts you in just the right spot to be hit by the next attack.


at least for large opponents and with medium or light roll. some small enemies/invaders i often prefer to backstep. especially for players since i prefer heavy weapons and charge attacks that rely on correct spacing against other melee builds




If you want the speedy parries of a buckler while still using a shield that's worth blocking with, pick up the Storm Wall AoW from across the broken bridge north of Stormhill Shack. It'll make your parries cost fp, but the normal Parry AoW has twice the number of startup frames on medium shields compared to Buckler Parry, making your window to react a lot tighter.


The startup frames may be shorter but I believe your parry window remains painfully short on a medium shield: 5 frames, or 0.083 seconds (5x0.01667 seconds). That’s opposed to 11 frames with the Parry AoW on a small shield, or 0.183 seconds. The Buckler is also 11 frames, although it has only 8 startup frames compared to the medium and small shields’ 12 and 11 startup frames respectively. Carian Retaliation and Golden Protection on even a medium shield have a shocking 8 startup frames and *14* parry frames; however, they cost FP to use. Consider them the *Super Parry*: all the protection of a medium shield, with the best parry in the game. Parrying with a regular medium shield’s 5 frames demands absolute precision, which means you’ll face punishment more often, which negates the point of using a more protective shield. I’d say you’re better off sticking with the small shield if you’re committing to parrying; alternatively, you could carry both a medium shield for blocking and a small shield for parrying. It doesn’t require much extra weight. Trying to learn parrying with a medium shield probably contributes to the controller-smashing frustration many players feel. Lol


Carian Retaliation only costs FP on successful spell parries.


Ah, I haven’t used it and went by the chart, so I didn’t realize it was a spell parry. Does it also parry melee or is it magic-only? If it’s also a god mode melee parry while only costing FP for spells, then… that shit is broken, lol


It is also a melee parry but that doesn't cost any FP as such. IIRC it has the same startup/active frames as Golden Parry and buckler parry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOEcWX6cWeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX0mT\_NQh7k


As a parry fan from games past, who just picked up Elden ring this week, tyvm for your comment


You are completely correct. As I stated, it's more a recommendation for if you regularly rely on blocking, which I felt was more likely for a newer player, than going for constant parries. I didn't expound further because I didn't want my comment to get too long, but thank you for explaining.


Not sure the concensus but I like the Carrian retaliation more than parry


I think carian retaliation is the meta in terms of parrying, costs no fp if you dont parry a spell, tied for longest active parry frames and tied for best startup frames


To maybe elaborate a little bit on this: Parrying requires a shield with the skill "Parry", "Buckler Parry", "Carian Retaliation", "Golden Parry", or "Storm Wall". With these shields the skill/weapon art of the weapon you are using on L2 gets replaced with the parry skill. If you want to use the weapon skill instead, you either have to quickly two-hand the weapon or swap away from the shield to i.e. a staff or another shield. Parrying, or better the parry animation, is divided in three parts: wind-up, parry-window, recovery. A list of how long each part is for different versions of parry is here: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Parrying](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Parrying) The Buckler has a pretty good parry window and is therefore considered the most beginner friendly parry-shield. Now, how to actually parry this dude? * First, you will need to get rather close, closer than for just blocking. Think of it more as parrying the hand rather than the weapon itself. The Golden Parry skill has improved range, but we don't worry about this here. * Timing, which is difficult in most cases. With knights and banished knights and crucible knights in particular the moment to press the parry button is when they start the swing, NOT when they would hit. Remember, there is a wind-up for the parry animation. * Once you have parried successfully, you will hear an audio cue and the dude gets stance broken. Quickly walk up and do a riposte/critical attack on him. * A few observations I have made: * it is usually better to parry too soon, since this counts as blocking as I understand it. * Parrying consumes Stamina, so don't spam it as you can run out of it fast * not all attacks seem to be parryable, but which ones can and can't are hard to judge. Apart from trial and error my understanding is that basically magic stuff can't be parried, same goes for giant weapons or animals. * Some bosses can be parried, but take multiple parries before they are stance broken (like two or three). Stay calm, and don't worry about dying to this dude. The nice thing about evergaols is that your runes wait outside for you, so you can try as often as you'd like.


This was a really informative comment. Nothing of importance to add here. Just thanks for the time. I'm 190hrs in and unga bungaing my way through slowly. I switched from shield play to medium rolling so I didn't know about any of this. Also. I'm dumb.


This is a really excellent comment, but I have a few things to add. 1. Parrying too early is worse than parrying late unless you don’t trigger the animation at all. The start up frames negate some damage like a block while the recovery frames leave you open to an unmitigated hit. 2. In regards to spamming, the stamina cost of a correctly timed parry or parrying the air is pretty negligible (especially since the enemy will need to recover after a successful parry, allowing you to regenerate stamina). However, a failed parry in which the opponents weapon actually hits will reduce your stamina by a large margin. If you fail more than two, back off to regenerate stamina. 3. If you want to maximize your riposte damage and optimize this play style, use a dagger with a high critical bonus like the misericorde on an elemental infusion. There are a lot of complicated reasons why this is the case, and if you want to know more check out Chrightt’s YouTube video on daggers. 4. With PVE enemies, it is difficult to know what can be parried without trial and error or checking the wiki. For PVP, jumping attacks on any weapon and two handed attacks from colossal weapons/swords can’t be parried. (One handed colossal weapons can be). Some ashes of war can be parried as well.


I tried to learn how to parry and it was a soul crushing 3 hours lol. What worked for me is laying down a marker on the map and moving on so and just coming back when I was stronger and more experienced


A medium shield has only a 5 frame parry window. A small shield with parry has 11, including the Buckler. A small or medium shield with Carian Retaliation or Golden Parry has *14*. If you’re like me and almost gave up on parrying because you tried it with a medium shield, there is yet hope.


Man, did not know this. I've suck parrying with medium shields now I have to test the small ones. Thanks for this!


Try the practicing godrick soldiers, when you have heavy armor, that way they do minimal damage. Go to the gate front garrison with a buckler shield and look for the guys behind the foliage in between the carriages. They only have a torch and straight sword so its easy to practice. When you get skilled at that look for knights with greatswords, those ones are fun to try and parry. Or go for the omen in stormveil castle, which you can parry every attack except its legs, including its punches. Become a parry god my friend. Its worth it


Do not parry, you can easily do the boss without cheese Way more satisfying




What’s the matter?


To piggyback, if you want to dodge this guy, you roll INTO his attacks. It feels contradictory but his entire moveset is about going forward. If you roll backwards, they will eventually catch you. If you roll forwards, you end up behind him and are able to land a strike or two.


The hardest things in life you cannot run from, only way through is forward Thanks miyazaki


Almost all bosses in the game this is the best piece of advice


move forward, gain two. thanks suletta


Until he gets the tail. That’s what I can’t find a work around for


When he tails, you jump


Cant put into words how important this comment is!


Telling someone to just use parry is like teaching a beginner the scholar's mate in chess and expecting them to be able to beat advanced players next. Sure it works againat a fellow beginner, or an easy AI in the case of ER, but what's OP going to do when he needs to beat a boss that can't be parried? Learn to abuse the gaps in the enemy's swings and timing instead and you can kill anything.


Totally valid criticism, and normally I would agree. Thing is though, Crucible Knights are very tough and getting the patterns for dodges etc. is imho as hard as learning to parry them. Plus, this particular one is in an easily accessible evergaol, which makes the fight nicely isolated from all interference by other mobs. And you can easily retrieve your runes when you die. So this dude might probably be the safest and most convenient way to actually learn parrying. Hence why I don't think it is unreasonable to expect someone willing to learn the game to actually give it a few tries or even invest a bit of time to learn this.


There's no easy way early game. Parrying is a good metod. (also is good for you to practise now if you don't know how to parry, believe me it helps a lot) If you're not comfortable enough with parry then you really just need to learn the best window for an attack, charged attacks are best for posture damage, also jump attacks. If you decide to parry, use a small shield with the parry AOW.


Just got to the capital, haven’t parried once..


I've beaten the game on 4 characters and platinumed the game. I don't parry


I’ve literally only parried in DS1, beaten all the games. But I’m almost always a strength build lol


I will only parry in bloodborne fuck you Dahk Souls


I made the mistake of not learning to parry in DS1 and then got to Gwyn and sat there for a week.


>doesn't parry >Because he uses great shields and just blocks instead lel


>doesn’t parry because I learned to dodge 70% of everything It just works.


Why risk a parry when you can just dodge


Dodge is life. I have not parried once and have beaten it three times. Dodge is everything.


I'm on NG+8 and have never parried, always felt way too risky. Plus, "don't fix it if it ain't broken"


honestly parry in this game is super good because it counts as a 80% block if you mess up the timing. not sure on actual number%


Don't most people dual weild in ER so never really can


I've beaten the game on 7 characters and platinumed the game. Parried the first enemy i encountered 🥱


We have a cool guy here.


I guess you could say that 🥶🥶🥶😎😎😎


I only parry out of spite




yes, you can genius.


No parry, only Unga Bunga.


This is the way


Beat the game on ng+3, haven’t used a shield yet


Same here, although I stopped after ng+2 because I had all the steam achievements


Beat every fromsoft game without a shield,except for ds1 where i used the grass crest shield but it was only on my back,needed it for twohanding my great club like a kitchen knife,big stick go bonk


try guard countering instead if you haven't already. hold block, then attack right after getting hit. for me the timing is easier, blocks the damage with less risk of taking as much, and with some good talismans can do some nice damage.


Why? You scared?


Used all my parries up on Gwyn




Only fight I’ve parried for so far, but I’ve only beaten DS1, Bloodborne and Elden Ring.


Beat the whole game without parrying.


He means for Crucible knight


It is funny how they throw this guy at you at the first (assuming) Evergaol the player encounters.


It's supposed to be second after bloodhound knight I'm guessing. The Troll and mini godrick soldier army is supposed to scare you away to start I think.


I think you’re right, because I ended up using Bloodhound Fang to defeat him


I just rode past lol I was like fuck that


Are there any tips for parrying ? I’ve beat DS3 without parrying because I always failed, thought I’d try on elden ring for a change but I literally can’t get the timing right ever I don’t understand how people are so good at it


The best tip is: keep trying! You'll get better the more you practice, also, small shield are the best for parries! You can practise at the Gatefront site of grace, near the soldiers camp (Gatefront Ryins), you have plenty of enemies there. Videos or guides are useless, YOU have to feel when it's right to press the button, many attacks are really fast or deleyed in Elden Ring, it's all about knwoing witch one is coming.


Buckler parry is one that has the additional frames. I’m still not great at it, but the advice that got me from 100% fail to, I dunno, 25% fail was to hit the parry button when the weapon is either highest if slamming down or farthest behind them when they are slashing. Ie when the weapon is farthest away from you. It feels so early at first, and took a ton of practice learning the moveset but it is so satisfying. And I only did it with crucible knights because of how long it took me to really get it right, I couldn’t do that for every parryable enemy. I’d love to know if anyone else has better tips.


I thought I read somewhere that Buckler Parry has the same number of Parry frames , but they come out faster. Not sure if that’s technically true.


For a split second I read that was "Praying is a good method" 😆😆😆 couldn't be more true for the first playthrough.


Now THAT is a good advice 🤣 "You need to pray bro"


Parry my downvote


Hit hard = big damage


First Unga, Then Bunga


Demigods in Elden Ring hate this *one trick*


Tarnished uses this one simple trick and becomes elden lord


Give 'em the old razzle dazzle.


The Unga Bunga is strong with this one.


It doesn't give much of a reward so you can always just level up and come back later, parrying can work nicely but if you can't properly then I think learning all its moves isn't actually that hard. Stay right up close to it and dodge it's swings by rolling to the side, preferably behind it and then attack once or twice depending on the size of your weapon. Whenever he does the big round swing he will always attack twice. Whenever he does the ground slam with his foot he follows it up with a vertical swing and then the circular swings which I mentioned earlier. In the second phase always roll earlier then you think you need to when he does the flying attacks. Whenever you fully dodge a combo always dodge once more as he will attack with this tail at the end of a combo. Whenever he does a shield bash dodge backwards at the last second, he will catch you if you dodge too early. ~~He can't be staggered by a hit so NEVER trade hits.~~ I have been corrected, he CAN be staggered but unless you are carrying a building as a weapon never try to trade hits anyway.


Well, he can be staggered by stamp upward cut or giant hunt ash of war. Added bonus is that the wind-up for both has you going in low which will go under some of his attacks, and then your hit will stagger him out of whatever combo he was thinking of and do a fair chunk of damage. Plus if you manage to get 2-3 hits in rapid succession you'll also get a free crit. You can even skip learning most of his moves using this as the run-and-stab that he likes to use to punish healing is fairly easy to bait out and is one of the attacks you'll go under on level ground or if he's slightly above you.


Crucible knights are (imo) the best designed enemy to test your skill. they have no bullshit move, their attacks are well telegraphed, theres a clear rhythm to the fight. If its possible, record your fights and watch them back, see what you did wrong. I guarantee after 30 mins of practice you will no hit every crucible knight in the game regardless of your level, good luck. TLDR: GIT GUD


That is, until you fight two at once 😄


That's when you gotta level up EVERYTHING to take them on


Ha ha ha ha. You fool. There's two of them, yes. *Summons Mimic Tear* But there's also two of me.


Double the fall then


you can spirit summon, coop, and it's relatively late into game, which means you can up your specs and upgrade weapons enough to cheese those two. The one in screenshot is pure 1v1 and normally fought early on


The amount of times one of those fuckers was one hit and I got screwed over is insane


At that point I just backpedal and spam Phantom Spear until I get a poise break, then run in for the crit and do it all over.


> I guarantee after 30 mins of practice Bruh, aren't you overestimating the average player vastly?


My early ER self hated this response, but only because it cuts to the core. Somewhere before finishing my first 200 hours I stopped trying to “weasel” my way out of learning how the game expects you to learn and spent the time practicing. I didn’t have to run like a maniac when the crucibles started showing up en masse. It was painful to learn, but joyous in the end.


Honestly, same. I breeze through crucible knights like they're another mob now. Both those and runebears no longer scare me now I know their movesets. The entire game is just one big Git Gud. There is no "bs moves" and such. You just haven't learned it.


I have played over a thousand hours and I still don't mess with the bears.


Though in phase 2 it DOES become a little more bs s since they can use the tail after pretty much every attack and with that lose nearly all of their usual attack windows


After fighting them enough, they do have a consistent pattern of when they use those tail attacks. Really they're more of a reaction time test.


I would say they're more a positioning check. Try and constantly hug their ass and they'll whip you with their tale. Know when to close and when to make space and you'll be much better off.


For some reason I always thought the tail made things easier. I had more trouble with his regular attack.


Honestly one of my favorite fights. I actually enjoyed learning what moves where safe to attack/parry and which ones weren’t. Loved it so much that I hunted down every crucible knight I could to make a crucible knight build.




This is the way.


Poke it with a stick until its dead


As a rule, crucible knights are weak to lightning. Dragon Cult Prayerbook gets you Lightning Spear which you can time right with its shield down (if you’re running a faith build). Alternatively there’s Ash of War: Lightning Slash. But both of these give you an edge, not cheese.


Current play through I started using dragon cult incants. I’ve been dropping these guys like it’s nothing. Previously they gave me trouble through the entire game.


That's the neat part


You don’t




Agree. You have to learn parry to beat it. It's the most effective way.


Ok, I've mastered parrying, it still won't die


try mastering the riposte part next


You don’t have to learn to parry the Crucible Knight at all. Is it really effective? Yes of course like against almost every enemy in the game but the Crucible Knight is like a mini Godfrey. Super simple and fun to figure out the move set and learning when you can heal.


have to? shield method weak


Do what I did . Lose a bunch to him at low level .. say f this guy and forget about him .. then stumble across the evergoal at level 140 and obliterate him like he’s just a soldier of godrick




A lot of people like to practice parrying on this guy, but I just can't get the parry timing down consistently against any enemy in this game, no matter how much I practice. It's just so unintuitive and finicky to me, I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I find the Crucible Knights much easier to deal with by just dodging. If you go that route, be sure to always dodge around/behind them to have the easiest time exploiting their openings and avoiding their next attacks. They hit hard, but their attacks are well telegraphed and relatively slow. The only issue is that like many enemies in the game, some of their moves have deceptively long windups followed by very quick swings. But that's something you have to learn to deal with regardless of your approach.


Just wanna chime in to say there must be dozens of us.. I cannot parry to save my life


Parrying was easy in DS1, similar to deflecting in Sekiro. Just press the button when the enemy attack is at any part of the downswing, and you're good. But then, I think what makes it difficult for me now is this: with DS3 and Elden Ring (and Bloodborne but I think it's a bit less of an issue there), they changed it to make it require a bit more skill and timing to pull off. Instead of just keeping track of where the enemy attack is at in its animation, they made it so that you _also_ have to keep track of your own parry animation because only part of the animation has an actual parry window, and it feels like it's a few frames or so after you actually press the button. So now you have to sync up your slightly delayed parry window with the enemy's attack window, and some enemies attack so fast that you have to straight up _predict_ when the attack is coming and press the parry button just before they actually do it. And then there's the fact that different tools can have different parry windows, which adds another mental calculation for the player to keep in mind. Part of me thinks this is a good idea because parrying was arguably too easy back in DS1, but now it's so difficult for me to get consistently right that it's not worth the risk.


Reduce its HP to zero, while maintaining your HP above zero. But in all seriousness parry them


Some options other than parrying: If you're running an Int build, this won't be much use where you are, but the Carian Piercer spell ruins the Crucible Knights with greatshields. (The ones without shields should be easy for sorcery builds.) If you've got a heavier weapon, or at least one with decent range, two-handing the weapon will let you stance break them faster and prevent you from bouncing off. Jumping heavy attacks have the best time-to-stance ratio, IMO, though they chew through stamina. Reaper-type weapons (aka scythes) ignore part of shields' damage reduction; there's a decent one for faith builds in the western half of the Weeping Peninsula. If you've got a fast weapon, attack it *while it's stomping* and the shield is to the side, then roll forward and to the side to dodge the earthquake it causes. Once it starts flying, it's vulnerable for a window after it dive-bombs you. Run up behind it and punish.


Git gud


That’s Mr. Scrub to you


it’s not worth killing early game anyway because the runes it gives are pitiful (enough for like one level at level 14/15) and the incantation has a high Faith requirement and also sucks hit them during windows when they’re two handing, they’re hard to kill parrying I heard works too


So worth it to learn how to parry early though, it makes the rest of the Crucible Knights and Bell Bearing Hunters wayyyyyy easier.


Roll into his attacks, timing is key




Just watch a video on YouTube of someone who is good at the game to understand the dodge windows


Kick his shield. Funniest and easiest way to beat all shield Crucible Knights.


Thank you! Was scanning the dozens of parry comments for someone that knows the true tech vs Crucible Knights. Kicking them is hilarious! I hope OP tries it.


They are great to practice parry on.


Hit it with a sword


Hit it very hard.


Parry it.


Hit it till dead


Git gud


Go back when you're ridiculously over-leveled. After dying 40 times, I just went back at level 70 or so and slapped him down easy.


Damage him until his hp bar is empty


Hit it with a weapon.


pro tip: don't die


learn to parry or learn to roll, parry is popular but i’ve 100%ed all of the xbox available fromsoft game and i’ve never parried a boss in my life


Step 1: get buckler shield Step 2: buckler parry Step 3: git gud


Show him some respect. Crucible Knights are badass af. You have to flow with the music. Dodge through his attacks and hard smack those cheeks.


Night Maidens Mist or whatever it's called shreds them for some reason.


With hopes and dreams….


By getting its health to zero before it gets your health to zero.


Easier way is to Kick him, if he decides to block your kick it’s an instant stamina break


Oh yes my top first real boss 🥹 the memories! It took me like 40 tries until I finally did it I think I was underleveled when I hit him . I learned to dodge all his attacks and hit him one per combos took me a lot of time since I did no damage and he was a tank.


Make a sign and I'll rescue you. I'll parry the sht out of him


When the knight swings the sword, dodge TOWARDS him. You will have a short window to land a light attack before the next swing starts. If you have enough stamina, you can do this again. Otherwise, dodge away.


Try parrying.


That's the fun part, you can't... Until you get stronger, it's a warning from the game so you can see how tough these guys are from the start.


You do not swing more than once, ever. Dodge to the side, hit them ONCE, then prepare to dodge again. Settle in for a long fight.


Skill issue


Patience or level up.


Leave, Become broken, then comeback and stomp its ass


Crucible Knight's tough, particularly for melee. Some tips for the melee people: 1. Don't use slash weapons. He's resistant to them; it's slow and low chip damage at best. 2. Chip damage is your friend. I actually recommend something like Rogier's Rapier; if you can forge it up a little bit, you'll have an easier time because it has a faster attack animation, which allows you to get out of the CK's range easier. Bonus with Rogier's Rapier: the Glintblade Phalanx can break up some of the CK's attack patterns and give you some breathing room. 3. I absolutely SUCK at parrying (I just *cannot* get timings right), so I prefer to dodge. As with many enemies in ER, dodge INTO them, rather than away from them. CK has a wide and somewhat long reach, so dodging back/sideways will usually result in punishment. 4. If you have a long range sorcery, excellent. He's got some high magical protection, but not as strong as melee. Just watch out for the second phase; his tail attack can screw your fight. It's honestly a fun fight once you're patient enough. Very challenging, very rewarding.


Have you tried to GIT GUD


Parry tools destroy crucible knights.


He has lot of downtime after his attacks, get big heavy hitting weapon (there is large club down the hound evergaol, when you walk to the edge you will see spirit spring) and just roll around until he does his 2-3 swing combo and them jump attack him and go away ... During his second phase he will do the same attacks, but end them with tail swing, so you have to wait for one more attack before jump attacking him ..


I'm using Strength/Faith build with Flame Art Lordsworn Greatsword +6 with Flame slash. An Medium shield and banished knight armor without the chestplate. If you have any tips please let me know.




Come back later.


It’s just an evargoal boss so it shouldn’t be hard




Parry practice




Everyone saying it is hard. Like only if you keep doing only jump attacks. Get a simple sword and do normal attacks and the windows are clear.


Wait for NG+ and smash it. Is not worth your time


First you need to know how to parry 😜


Over level. Then return to smite them. Still need to be good.


With a weapon usually.


Roll attack it to death. Careful when healing cause it WILL hunt you down if you try to back off for a heal. On phase 2 wait for the tail after every attack since now he can cancel recoveried with a tail swipe. Just keep roll attacking. Delay your dodge on shieldbash.


If you're a noob and early in the game like I was first facing him its probably best if you level up and come back at a later stage in the game when you have the health, stamina and attack power to kill him.


I never parried crucible knights. They have a definite attack patterns with attack windows that u can punish. It just comes down to you figuring it out. But once you do that, every other crucible knight boss becomes a joke.


Get sword of night and flame


Don't heal when you're close to him. He goes for an attack


Kill it like the Tree Sentinel. There are more as you progress in the game, fellow Tarnished.


He's attacks are pretty easy to dodge. Get the timing right, wait till he finishes a combo and then go in for an attack. Don't get greedy and get some distance if you need to heal.


He handed me my ass many times until I got the hang of his attacks and also rosus' axe....mostly rosus' axe


Honestly yeah the only advice here is to git gud. Unlike twin gargoyles, this boss has a rough learning curve but nowadays I can easily first try him (it took me over 50 attempts on my first playthrough to beat him and I just rolled all of his attacks)


Hit it!


You have to parry him into next week


Parry with small shield/buckler


Use blue pew pew stick


You're supposed to parry him. If you try any other tactic, prepare for a long, drawn out fight where you slowly chip away at his health after dodging his combos.


He's one of the harder bosses.


I did die like 20 times… But then I never again died to one of them! Except that duo… You can parry most of his attacks like others suggested already. Dont give up !


they say these mfs read inputs, is it true? they were real pain in early game but now they are just some hard enemies (120lvl, double twinblade, bleeding build)


I literally just did this. I was trying to do the usual thing dodge block with a great shield then I tried parrying with the bronze shield but what actually worked was just going ham with two great swords.


Flirt with him until he asks you out. Go out with him for a few weeks. Start nagging him and making petty complaints. Convince him all of your problems you create are his fault. He will kill himself.