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Boy, sure hope you liked fighting this guy because you'll be doing that alot. Just wait until you meet the ones that inflict scarlet rot.


The one in the haligtree was legit terrible to fight when I did a pure dex build lol


I cheesed it by sitting on a hill and spamming magic


Good ol' reliable rock sling. Nothing beats rock sling!


what about Stone of Gurranq? I really enjoyed this one as well


Stone of Gurranq is an Incantation Rock Sling is OG spellcasting


what about second spellcasting ? *Stone of Gurranq intensifies*


Rock sling in one hand, Stone of Gurranq in the other


[Poor predictable tarnished, always takes rock sling](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b0SoKWLkmLU)


I’m pretty sure that one was required for the platinum and I think I died more to it than I did to malenia


No it's not (finished my 100% yesterday). But you need to kill it to access the rotten winged sword insignia or milicents prosthesis if you do it the "honorable" way


You don’t need to progress milicent’s quest that far for the prosthesis, you can just make her mysteriously disappear in Altus(windmill village location) after beating godskin apostole


Ik that is why I did write honorable way


Ah okay I was just following the trophy guide which must have you do it that way.


That one you can at least lob arrows at from a safe distance, the one in lake of rot is the worst version for me personally


I found the most stupid workaround for that guy. Say you're in his area and then enter a co-op world or invade, when you return to your world the boss will have spawned in for some reason and it's sitting on the rot; it will get scarlet rot and die out in like 2 mins.


Or cheese with swarm of flies


What if I just have a giant club and some hope?


Bonk hard, hope harder.


Where is that one? I never saw it when I did the Lake of Rot. I assume it must be off the beaten path, but I would have thought I still would have come across it when I went looking for things along the perimeter of the lake.


When you get down to the level where thr casket to Astel is, go the opposite way. He's behind a rot waterfall.


Yep just beat him, absolutely terrible arena and fight.


My last pure dex build I used a bow to shoot him to death lol.


My favorite was the 3 that gank you outside the capital of ash


I actually like fighting UTSes in general. The one in the Haligtree is the only one I had problems with. For any of the others, you can just hug its side and most of its attacks except the flame attack wiff right past you. The one in the Haligtree only sucks because doing that means you're standing in a pool of scarlet rot.


Yeah, them the Dragons and the Magma Wyrms are such fun fights. I don't care that we got repeat bosses when they have differences and the base of their designs were all great


this one does!! it was horrible .. aoe scarlet rot ughh


Wait for the Deathblight one...


Don't for get the triple threat (optional to fight)


Is that in the game already or expected in DLC? I genuinely don't recall one of these dealing death light.


I was joking...but wouldn't be surprised if they have one in the DLC.


In the very end, and you kinda really gotta be looking for them as they're in an area you gotta back track to, but it really is worth visiting.


Just did that one yesterday. Hid in a corner and threw volcano pots while mimic distracted. Not my proudest fight but it worked.


Non-lore reason: because they wanted to use the model they didn't use in DS3 for something. Lore reason: because the age is heavily corrupted and it even affects the erdtree and its roots.




Me and my friends absolutely DISPISE Curse-Rotted Greatwood. Id never trade snakeyboy for >BEAT THE TREE IN THE NUTS<




Idk I've never taken more than 3 minutes to beat the curse-rotted Greatwood, but these tree spirits drive me insane with how much they clip through the ground, the walls, time and space considering how often I get nailed from 10+ feet away. It pulls me so far out of my immersion. CRG is an awkward fight, but it's borderline polished to perfection by comparison. Everyone's different and I'm glad to see other people get some enjoyment out of it, but I almost think the game deserved a delay to fix these bastards alone.


Like... no. Everyone have different reactions to things, but these guys have some of the most predictable attacks possible precisely BECAUSE From put them into tight spaces. The first times I fought them it was REALLY hard to understand, but I swear i could do them basically hitless after my fourth time fighting them.




While I do agree they still clip through the ground during the start of their attacks more than I'd like and it still makes it hard to predict at times. Thankfully their AOE and grab are the two things I can consistently read.


It would make so much more sense too. The greatwood comes out of nowhere, and the buildup of the snake darkness goes nowhere.


*That's* what they remind me of. Their movements and design remind me of the Pus of Man enemies from DS3.


So I can max out my flask charges before even entering Leyndell. Thank you Mr. Tree Spirit, sir!


Their biggest problem is that you fight them in closed and fairly small underground arenas which makes it difficult to see anything and reading their animations really anoying. There is one you fight on an open field while being able to use a horse and that one is actualy really fun and pretty spectacular to look at


In my personal opinion, I find them much easier in the smaller spaces than the larger ones. In the larger areas they can make too much distance from you and then you have to spend stamina trying to catch up. The main problem is still the camera (as always) but you eventually get used to seeing their body movements enough to know when they will hurt you and when they won't.


I agree. A lot of their animations are pretty telling after a couple of tries. Once you have that down, they're actually not bad at all when you stay up close to them. They have quick attacks, but they're not exactly the most relentless. They have long pauses and build ups to buff or heal. I don't really find myself wanting distance with them. I don't recall fighting one on horseback, but it actually sounds kinda maddening compared to fighting them up close which is just a lot more intimidating than it is actually hard.


There's two you can fight on horse, one outside the capitol south of it in a camp guarding the giant crusher hammer, pretty sure but not 100%, and one as the minor erdtree boss in Mount gelmir. They aren't as bad, I don't even use the horse and just stick close avoiding their grabs and explosion


The one in the rot lake at the end of millicent quest gave me nightmares. But I needed the talisman so badly lol


So im gonna ignore the pack of 3 of these at leyndell


3???? Did i miss something or did i just blank this fight out of my mind??


The one in the first dungeon before you even step outside was the first boss I fought LOOL boy caught me lackin day one I won’t even lie 🤣😭


Same thing happened to me. Some people fight the Sentinel over and over until they beat him on their first day. The ulcerated tree spirit was my Sentinel. I refused to leave until I beat him, despite being ridiculously under leveled. It was exhausting, but eventually, I did it. Never had a problem with that boss ever again.


You beat him at base level?! Must've been hell lol. But at least your effort was nicely rewarded. Like 15k and a strong summon is miles better than doing tree sentinel


Those 3 in the Ashen Capital Smfh


I sniped them with frenzied burst.


I crept around them undetected for the loot. After killing the one in the rot swamp I felt 0 obligation to prove myself against them.


They give a surprisingly low amount of runes for killing too.


But they fight each other eventually leaving only 1 so I'd say fair enough.


Because, due to their similar figure and moveset (snake-like with arms, golden fire breath), they're likely to be (HEAVY SPOILERS) >!some form of descendent/offshoot of the Elden Beast.!< They likely grew from the Golden Seeds they all posses, all of which originated from the Erdtree. *"...as if life itself knew its end had come."*


The Elden beast was having sex with the erdtree?!?


Have you seen that trunk?! 10/10 wood.


Best comment by far




It's having sex with the lands between in general


I actually like fighting these. They have a very jerky moveset but it's fairly limited and not too difficult to read.


Yeah, their pretty fun when you get past the initial horror of seeing them for the first time


I remember grinding against the Fringefolk UTS on my first run. Biggest thing I learned is how to stay calm in ER boss fights. Lots of UTS attacks are easily strafed but if you panic, it will end you very quickly.


The boss itself is OK, far more annoying enemies in Elden Ring. BUT: It's the surroundings in two versions of it that make it a particular pain in the arse there: In the area before Astel and in the place where you finish MIlicent's quest.


Because it was cut from DS3 and they had completed the early animations so using the work already done is a smart decision by the directors to finish the game on time. Also they are frantic chaotic but fun to fight if you are not doing challenge runs and embrace the game for what it is


This must be why I’ve never struggled with them much - they remind me of the Pus of Man enemy and I had to learn how to git gud in the Consumed Kings Garden


Yo, real talk, fuck Pus of Man, hate those guys. Felt good coming back over-leveled and stomping their asses.


Thank god they are super weak to fire, you could just firebomb their asses


Cool to know they were scrapped from ds3! Elden ring was my first souls game so cool. I really need to play ds1-3…


The REAL reason: Because FUCK YOU that's why.


“Because fuck you” Mizayaki


Michael "Mike" Fuckyouzaki


To teach you to stop panic rolling. Moves as if it had a bee up its ass,yet has only a combo of very slow four attacks. So if you focus and see psst that chaotic mess that is his movement, it's actually an easy boss with an easier rhythm to dodge. Alternatively you can refuse to learn and it's cool,game gives you ways to ignore learning too: Grab a warhammer,two charged attacks, staggered, critical,repeat,win. Grab a Great shield and spear,block with Barricade shield,poke poke,guardcounter, critical,repeat,win. Grab the Bubble hammer and bubble his ass back to the Erdtree. Probably there are more,but I just can mention what I tested.


The shield + spear approach (which is generally the “safest” way to play Elden Souls) for tree worm is especially good if Cold infused I think. At least one of the Ulcerated Worm Logs got hurt by frostbite if I remember right.




Ain't nothin but a heartache


To give you a hug and tell you that you're doing a good job.


fromsoft loves gross shit that blurs boundaries (plant/animal, human/nature, etc)


You can down it easily if you use range


In melee too, I really don't get how anyone can struggle on these things.


Giant boss: *starts moving slower in the most telegraphed way* Me: oh neat it’s winding up for an attack… dodging in 3… 2… 1.


They move around like a trashing raccoon on enough PCP to kill an elden beast so the fight looks overwhelming. Personally I've always enjoyed them. Their telegraph's are one of the few in the game that aren't designed to absolutely roll catch you and they only have like 1 kind of annoying move when they do that explosion, but even that one's easy enough to dodge. Their fights usually just have a solid flow to them.


I think it’s a psychological thing. The serpentine movements, usually fighting them in cramped spaces, the attack where they kind of just flail their entire body, and a generally aggressive attack pattern. For me personally all of these things together makes them pretty intimidating when you’re experiencing it for the first time


Because every other souls game has a giant blob that Pattie’s your cakes


Lake of rot 😁😀☹️


If that’s the one in Stormveil castle there is an easy cheese that isn’t even really cheating if you think about it. Just getting a height advantage. I’ll let you figure it out if you’re interested the info is out there.


That the one where you wait until you're being summoned to trigger spawning it, then when you come back you're back up top where it can't hit you?


well there are more than one of them fwi 🙂


To irritate the hell out of you. And me. And many others.


Miyazaki hates you. Miyazaki hates all of us.


The only one I hate and don't try to fight is that one in the scarlet lake


True Boss: The Camera


So I can burn it with my blasphemous blade 👍


he’s there to catch meteors


Cos fuck you, that's why


The worst one is the one in the hero’s grave next to The First Step site of grace


Every time you touch yourself a night a new Ulcerated Tree Spirit is born.


I was a sword/magic build and I made the mistake of trying to range fight. Found out they’re ridiculously weak to fire though. Just grease a sword up and run stay on their ass.


To give out golden seeds


I’m sure others have mentioned this, but the trick to them is to stay as close as possible while timing your rolls to stay on their side. When they power up, have a shield take the blow if you can’t get far enough away. Their insta death grab is the worst but telegraphed pretty well since they do it when they get away from you. I died so many times until realizing that staying close was key.


Real answer: it was a cut DS3 boss that From wanted to repurpose


Leftover data from DS3, gotta get its mileage's worth 10 times over.


So Fromsoft can show off how shitty their camera is


Tree herpes.


It is protecting


To suffer


Wait, but there's more. Have you seen the rot one yet?


From should have known we’d hate this boss and they still put like 12 in the game


In a past life, you did something very bad. This boss is here to punish you. Will you be forgiven? No. Atoned? Certainly not. Only punished.


he's just so much fun they put him in 8 times


Which one?


Tbf it is a pretty average boss. Was it too difficult or too boring? Nah. Am I gonna have as much fun as when I fought Radahn? Nah. So Idrc, bro’s just there.


To destroy the patience of anyone doing Millicent's Quest




I like these. They are good boys. 


Wait till you find 3 in one area


This one isn’t bad imo but for some reason the one in the Stranded Graveyard is more annoying.


Actually this fella is very easy and fun to kill. His movement easily dodged cuz attack time is not short. U can use vykes war spear, it's strong for that fella.


I don't mind fighting these guys. Their moveset is pretty limited. The only move that annoys me is that explosion they do. Thankfully it has a fairly big tell. The only one I kind of had issues with was the scarlet rot one in the catacomb in Radahn's arena because...well scarlet rot sucks no matter the enemy.


To induce rage. Generally they're more annoying then shard bosses for me even.


I actually don't know the full lore reasons why these guys exist I just know how to fight them, aim for the sides of their belly, and stay away from their chin. Jump attacks and charged heavies help break posture




There are 3 of them in the ashen city guarding a talisman. Good luck


I think theyre a super fun boss with a super easy moveset. Just dodge whenever it looks like its gonna do something


I actually find them fun to fight after all


George RR Martin wrote this bastard on paper, Miyazaki had it designed and coded, then he said, # "We should put this shit in the first Hero's Grave the player finds."


I may have died more times to this thing in the basement area before sneaking past to find the ladder than any of the main bosses


It get easier lol. These things are actually kinda fun to fight after some practice.


The name of your horse.


Once I got the movesets down I really like fighting them .


Because its a fun boss with a nice flow to the fight.


ER is my first Souls game so I went in thinking "I need to pay close attention to the enemies, learn what their tells are, really get a feel for them!" Then I met that fucker, found out that if you lock on the camera is practically lodged in its colon and if you don't it'll ping-pong around the arena so you won't even swing in its direction, and realized you just have to roll if it so much as twitches and attack after it stops.


To teach you how to fight the final boss.


Now imagine my surprise when I got jumped by three of them in leyndell


Fitting into too small of rooms is why it exists


Idk. I don't find them hard at all. You can intuitively roll basically everything and if you hug them, you don't even have to dodge half of their attacks and can just hit them for free.


the camera ... the camera IS HORRIBLE


It's a pretty annoying boss


I can only fight these guys with shield in my offhand. I have a hard time reading their patterns and need a block ready at all times.


Imagine an amped version that inflicts deathblight is in the dlc, that grab becomes an instant kill


Godwyn is the primary culprit. Although likely not his active choosing to do such.


Because the gods are dead


After fighting the one in the first graveyard as a lvl 1, I have become a expert at fighting these guys The trick is to stick to the belly


I couldn't say but what I could say is that in the catacombs was probably one of the stupidest places to put a dragon like this but I suppose that's the point to increase the difficulty. but I didn't find it challenging as moch as I found it a nuisance to deal with given half the time the room is so small that I'm just spamming my attacks and dodging slightly til it dies.


Because it’s fun to fight! (Srsly, I love to fight those)


Had this flair for almost 2 years, my stance hasn’t changed


I've said it before and I'll say it again these guys are actually my favorite fight it has a nice rhythm and the way the camera lock looks when he's jumping and diving looks so cool to me


What’s wrong? Don’t like run backs? Fr tho this one in particular was a terrible choice of introducing this enemy. You fight others in more open areas but not before being trapped in an elevator with this one. Smh


I never had a problem fighting this, even the one one in small room i found it super easy to dodge them as they were very predictable.




Unendurable Frenzy melts these guys.


At first to test you, later, to give you variety, and smile at how much better you have gotten.


i really do hate fighting the syphilis salamander bc i *really* have to pay attention to what i'm doing. but it's a neat-looking creature and very satisfying to kill.


Once you memorise his moveset and get the spacing right you can really get into a groove with this boss. I too used to despise them, now I love running into one. (tip: coat weapons in fire, flame of the Redmanes aow is perfect against these guys for this).


Because this game wants us to die in every area in the game... XD


Because of course it does. Best I can do




Whoever made this enemy should be fired. Is huge but fast AF and twits and turns jumps all over the damn place. He has a stupid grab which is the most cringe looking attack in the game and he can explode and breathe fire and the camera beast is in full force on this fight. It's way too over tuned and is spammed all over the place


To simply annoy even if slightly


The only reason they made these pains is to mess up anyone doing Millicent’s Questline


Block, hug his left hand side and never get hit. Roll dodge the obvious dive


To challenge you.


He scared the shit out of me in that first encounter when I was exploring and I noped out until I was way over leveled


Because fuck the tarnished, that's why lol


To drink your Kool-aid and eat your soul




Because Fromsoftware never gives up over an idea. Just look at the Yeti from demon’s souls, a cut enemy from the broken archstone


It exists specifically for you to hate it just as it exists specifically for me to like it


There are so many more my guy


So that we may suffer. Because they suck.


It is the nature of man to suffer.


Ngl the move set is hella easy I just hug it and smack it from the right side


It exists solely for you to ask this very question and contemplate your own existence while it flys all over the place. 💫


So we never forget..


At the lake of rot if you run to the stairs and hit him with Arrows he can’t attack you


People in the lands between die and are eventually reborn in a sense in this cycle that involves the erdtree taking energy from their souls to provide nourishment, some kind if symbiotic relationship. After the shattering the process of death and resurrection got FUBAR, this a a cancerous growth grown of that process getting FUBAR


Because fuck you, thats why! Jokes aside, the stormveil One is especially terrible cause of the tiny space, but it does teach you that rolling into its attacks is usually.not a bad idea. The ones in Mt. Gelmir and Leyndell later in the game are much more fun cause the arenas are open to the sky and make it look more epic, and the Gelmir one at least has a bigger arena.


its a memento to bed of chaos, if you dont behave fromsoft always has the option to just drop bullshit hitboxes on you.


The trick is to try to stay close to it by the underbelly or whatever. That way, when it jumps up or tries to go for you, it likely will miss. Though, when hanging out by his gut, he can charge up and blow up.


Super satisfying once you figure them out tho


i really like him. hes cute and a great boss 🤷


Just funny init


The one in the haligtree I refuse to fight fair. Envoys longhorn ftw.


Am I the only one that likes these guys?


The one in war dead catacombs are the worst imo


Why? They're one of my favorite bosses in the game. Just look at them move! What I trully hate are the goddamn copy pasted erdtree avatars. Should have been these wiggly bois instead of those bloated bastards everywhere.


I feel like I fought the thing 4 times


For pleasure


Well, after few hundreds of fights you'll get you to him. Aside from being big, he's not that hard. Maybe rotting one, but theirs only dangerous move is an explosion. I'm able to dodge it only if I'm far enough from it. My usual tactic is to break it's poise with jump or heavy attacks.


Because FromSoft devs feed on our tears.


Because fuck you


I kinda like those guys. Summon to distract it and lob fireballs. Seems pretty vulnerable to fire.


It exists to be in a different space ever half second.


It was mentioned already. It was a cut enemy from DS3, now fully finished. I still wonder why so many people struggle with it. Im no pro either. It moves like crazy but the attacks are very telegraphed and surprisingly easy to dodge. The only annoying thing is the explosion they can do. Get some fire grease, holy defense and they go down in no time.


Just to make us suffer.